【FULL】A Love For Dilemma EP04 | 小舍得 | Song Jia 宋佳, David Tong 佟大为, Rulu Jiang 蒋欣, Jean 李佳航 | iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [A Love for Dilemma] [Sponsored by Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation] [Culture & Art Salon] [Episode 4] Chao Chao, here. Come out. I’m going up. You have nowhere to run. I caught you. I’m coming! -Dad. -[Where’s Huan Huan?] Huan Huan! Huan Huan! Come here. Come, Chao Chao. Come here. Grandpa.

I miss you. Huan Huan, my little baby. I miss you too. Come to my house during the weekend to eat qingtuan and drink tea, okay? Children can’t drink tea. We are going for a road trip this weekend. Just drop by to eat something. It won’t delay your trip. It’s decided then. [Grandpa!]

I miss you. I haven’t seen you for a long time. I want to visit you. Mum, I want to visit him too. When I go there, you’ll cook me a lot of delicious food. I want to visit you, grandpa! Young Master, your fruit platter is here. Do you want to eat some walnut?

-Walnut is tasty. -Of course. With spring in full bloom, it calls for a feast. The Nan family is sincerely invited for a warm gathering on Friday at six. As usual, it’ll be a feast of qingtuan and tea. This old man speaks like a book.

He sent us an invitation to have a meal with him like he’s a king. You can’t understand if you are not cultured. He’s really like a king. He likes this kind of feeling. -Why do you spoil him then? -I’m not spoiling him. I’m doing it to make my mum happy.

For my mum to be happy, he has to be happy. I’ve already listed down the menu for tomorrow. Take a look. Besides qingtuan in the afternoon, do you want to buy them some snacks and fruits. Up to you. I really don’t understand the commodity price right now.

The price of pork has gone up so much and even the veggies are expensive now. Just buy whatever we need. We are not so poor until we can’t afford the food, right? Turn to the front. I’ve already done the account for last month. Look. You always do the account for me.

-Do you think I don’t trust you? -I know you trust me. But I feel better to note down all of my expenses. Okay. Just leave it here. I’ll look at it when I’m free. I’m not free now. Why are you looking at the blueprint?

This is designed by my first son-in-law. He asked me to check it out for him. Give him some guidance then. I’ll go and clean up now. Come, Li Li. -Have some tea. -Thank you. Lan Lan. Yan Peng, I’ll put yours here. Where was I? Yes. The Elite Class, right?

Ze Shu is different from normal tuition centre. Their Elite Class in our city is one of the best in this country. Actually, I don’t have much hope for the placement test this time. There were dozens of them taking the test. Besides, they only accept 10 students. The best of the best.

I never thought that my son would do so well in it. He got number eight. So auspicious. Enough. You really like to show off. -I’m not showing off. -Zi You is so smart. Come. Let me drink to you. I don’t know if he’s smart or not.

But I’m sure that he worked very hard. Am I right? What did I tell you? As you sow, so shall you reap. Your efforts will bring you results, understand? Zi You, you are born to be a good student. Do well in your test.

When you get into the Elite Class, I’ll give you a present. How about this? I’ll shop for the present this afternoon. Just tell me what you want. -Okay? -Okay. Hurry up and thank your grandpa. -Thank you, grandpa. -You are welcome. -For the Maths Olympiad… -This tea is very unusual.

A friend of mine who loves tea did the panning through a traditional method. -It tastes different. Didn’t you notice? -No wonder it tastes different. -Give it a taste. -I have to drink more. -Give it a taste. -I have to drink more today. Yes. You can’t drink. You can only smell it.

Maths Olympiad is the threshold of Han Lin Private School. And this Elite Class is different from other classes. All the students in that class are smart. They are all very quick-witted. If you are just a little bit less smart, you’ll fall behind. You have to work hard then, Zi You.

Yes, Zi You. Work hard. Here’s some snacks. It’s so quiet that Chao Chao is not here today. Grandpa likes Chao Chao the most, right? Remember to bring him next time. The house seems so quiet without our little darling. -Yes. -Right? My mum took him with her.

We have a trip tomorrow. He has to sleep early today. Yes. They are supposed to have a trip tomorrow. But they still brought their child here today. Children need to sleep early. He’s still young. You can’t drink this tea. You can only smell it.

You won’t be able to sleep at night after drinking it. Zi You, you can’t drink it too. Look at this. -Did I burn you? -What are you doing? I’ve already told you many times but you are always so clumsy. Look at you. -It’s okay. -Enough. Stop standing there. Get us the qingtuan now.

Yes. The qingtuan. I forgot. -Are you okay, Zi You? -I’m fine, grandpa. [Li Li, look.] [Your dad bought this blouse for me. Is it nice?] [Yes.] [Xia Huan Huan] What classes do Huan Huan take? She’s taking a singing class and also a master of ceremony class.

Huan Huan says that she wants to be a singer when she grows up. I can become a MC too. -Multi-talented. -Children are really simple-minded. It’s even more difficult to take the path of art. The student enrolment quota for art academies every year is very low.

Besides, after you graduate, you can only earn money while you are young. How many can really become famous? As long as she likes it, it doesn’t matter if she’s not famous. Besides, it’s very precious for her to find something that she is passionate about and works hard for it.

Are you really not going to let her take the Maths Olympiad class? We are not trying to send her to Han Lin Private School anyway. It’ll be useful for her usual studies too. You should send her to a tuition class. She can’t always be in the last place.

What? She got the last place again? During the last exam, she… -Huan Huan is quite smart. -What’s wrong? It’s okay if you can’t do well sometimes. Just study harder next time. That was too much. -Dad, we are leaving. No need to come out. -Okay. Bye. Okay now. What did you do?

Why is their child’s result any of your concern? You made them look bad. You made Uncle Nan unhappy. Why are you so afraid to upset him? He doesn’t care about upsetting you. He lectured you in front of so many people like a child. What’s the matter with that? We are a family.

Now, we are a family? When he fell after a stroke, we were the ones who nursed him back to health. At that time, he was so touched. Now that he has recovered, he only cares about his side of family now. Where was his family when he was bedridden?

Enough. No such thing as his family or my family. Uncle Nan knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. You are undeniably smart. But don’t be arrogant. Don’t be brainwashed by your mum. Stop crying, okay? Mum. I got last in my exam. Am I stupid? What nonsense is that?

You are such an excellent student. How can you be stupid, right? Look. You are the vice class monitor, right? You got first place in a singing competition. You are the teachers’ good helper and you raise the flag. Who dares call you stupid? But…

But I feel that Auntie Tian dislikes me more and more now. Will everyone dislike me because I’m a bad student? Nonsense. You just didn’t do well for one time. You are not a bad student. In your parents’ heart, you will always be the best. I won’t allow anyone

To say that you are not good. Zi You’s mum said something wrong today. She must be regretting it now. This is the first time she did it. We can forgive her, right? Besides, she usually treats you well, right? She’s asleep now? -Tian Yu Lan is so brainless. -Keep it down.

She has no sense just like her mother. I don’t care if she has sense or not. But she shouldn’t say that to Huan Huan, right? How did you she find out about Huan Huan’s result? Did the teacher announce the result? No. The teacher told me that they are keeping it a secret.

Besides, the Ministry of Education doesn’t allow for ranking now. Maybe she found out from other students. Tian Yu Lan is acting quite strange lately. It has been so peaceful and harmonious between us for so long. Why is she acting like she’s trying to find fault with us in the last two times?

Don’t tell me that she’s still angry about the toy incident. Maybe because I got into Wei Nuan. You don’t know. The mall used to be the one in power in front of brands. But the table has turned. Maybe she feels unbalanced. Because of that? We are not that close anyway, right?

We should just sit down and eat peacefully. Why does she have to be so despicable? We’ll not visit them again after this. I don’t even care about the food. Objectively speaking, dad did well this time, right? We went there to visit him, right? Just focus on him.

He’s not as fit as before. We should spend more time with him, right? Sometimes, I think that you are my dad’s child, not me. He’s my master and my leader. He had taken good care of me in the Institute of Design. After that, he became my father-in-law. This is fate. Have you seen

The Chinese blouse that she was wearing today? -What’s wrong with that blouse? -That brand is quite expensive. My dad likes it and he gave that to my mum in the past. Now, he gave it to another person. Back then, after the divorce, my dad married Cai Ju Ying in a very short time.

My mum lost more than 20 pounds in a month. Her hair fell down chunks after chunks. She took antidepressant for two years. She’s still alone now. She refuses to get married again. She was the apple of her grandparents’ eye since young. Her marriage almost destroyed her. This is not fair.

Why is the perpetrator living so comfortably? She still has us. We’ll take good care of her. We won’t let her suffer anymore. Okay now. A call from dad. Dad. [Jun Shan, I’m downstairs.] [Come down for a while.] Okay. Your dad is downstairs. You should go down first. Dad.

Is Huan Huan feeling better now? Is she okay? She’s asleep already. She hasn’t eaten right? She was not in a good mood. So, she didn’t eat much. You know how proud she is. I can’t believe her. What about Li Li? Is she still angry? She won’t be able to cool down so quickly.

Talk to her then. You are an expert, right? Are you blaming me? I’m not blaming you. I’ve already given them a strict lecture. I told them that she’s just in the fifth grade. -there’s no need to mention her result. -That’s right. And they have apologised sincerely. In the end, it’s my fault.

Why did I say that? I should’ve just changed the topic. This is not your fault. By the way, here. Take it. Look at these qingtuan. I got you two for every flavour. Keep them in the fridge. Give them to her tomorrow. There are two osmanthus-flavoured one. Li Li’s favourite.

If you are worried, bring these up yourself. Do you want to cause more trouble? Later, we get into a fight again. Look at your mother-in-law. I made her a promise and I’ll keep it. -You should go back now. -Okay. Be careful.

-Go home now. Okay. I know. -Keep it in the fridge when you go back. -Keep it in the fridge. Don’t stand here. -Okay. Bye. He brought us qingtuan. Here. Take one. Look. There’s even a flag on it. I invited him to come up and he refused. He promised my mum that

He will never step into our house. I think he must have gotten here in a rush. He’s sweating buckets. I feel sorry for him. Actually, he’s really kind towards you and our children. I still can’t understand after all these years. He has explained it to me a lot of times.

He told me that he and my mum are unsuitable. He said that love is very objective. I’m too young to understand. But what about him? Why does he have to marry someone like that? She is uncultured and not elegant at all. They couldn’t even wait.

They had to get married before my college entrance examination. They couldn’t even wait for two months. Maybe he has different needs at different stages of his life. When he was young, he needed a cultured and poised woman. After that, he needs a dedicated housewife. After all, he had gotten so sick.

He almost lost his life. When you’ve experienced death, you’ll be afraid. Health comes first to him. So, it’s understandable that he found a nurse to marry him. You are right. People are selfish. There’s nothing more important than your own life. For him, what he needs the most is

If he can’t take care of himself one day, there is someone to kneel down and tie his shoelaces for him. My mum will not be able to do that. Yes. They have their own reasons. I know you feel sorry for your mum. But we won’t know everything about our parents’ marriage.

Give it a taste. This is too sweet to be eaten at night. He brought it all the way here for you. Hello, here’s your delivery. My number is 318 666. 318 666. -Okay. Thank you. -This is fast. We can deliver within an hour when it’s an urgent order. Okay. Thank you.

What is it? It’s too sweet for you, right? So, I bought some salty food for you to balance it out. When your belly feels nice, your mood will be better too. Comfort your hurting soul with delicious food. Come. Let’s go. If he passed away when he had a stroke ten years ago,

He wouldn’t be able to hear Huan Huan calls him grandpa. And all the love and hate wouldn’t matter at all. I would regret it forever. After his stroke, the more I think about it, the more afraid I am. A bystander sees through everything. I can see it clearly.

No matter how mean you are to each other, both of you still care about each other very much. So, whenever he asked me to visit him, I couldn’t refuse. And I feel ashamed in front of his wife and daughter. After all, they were the ones who took care of him.

[Feng Fan Primary School] Madam Lu. I’m here today to find out more about Huan Huan’s result in mathematics. She’s doing quite well. Although it hasn’t been long since I took over this class, I have a deep impression towards Xia Huan Huan. She’s a very good girl. She always helps out her class teacher.

And she’s quite good in it. As for her performance in class and her homework, she’s doing well too. But lately, I think she’s having problem with her mathematics. Do you plan to enrol her into Han Lin Private High School? No. This school has the nine-year system, right?

Feng Fan High School is quite good too. Yes. I was transferred here from Feng Fan High School. Actually, you don’t have to worry too much. Huan Huan is not taking any tuition class for it. So, it’s normal for her to have this result. Madam Lu.

Does the majority of the students go to the tuition centre? Keep quiet and go back to your place. I want to ask. How many of you are taking tuition class outside of the school? If you are doing that, please stand up. So many of them? -I’m back. -You are back.

Huan Huan, your dad is back. Mi Tao’s mum, please wait. I would like to ask you something. -Take a seat first. -Okay. Is Mi Tao taking any tuition class? No. We can’t afford it. So, she’s born smart. Is she very diligent? Yes, she is.

We don’t have to worry about her studies at all. So, it still depends on the child, right? My home town is quite serious about a child’s education. The children here are dismissed around four. But in our home town, since her first grade, she has been going to school at dawn

And is dismissed around six to seven. Sometimes, it’s later than that. There are more than 80 students in her class. Their teachers teach them from morning until night. None of the students take extra tuition class. That’s why they say that our home town is a college-student production factory. We have no choice.

Our family is poor. If she doesn’t study hard, she can’t have a better life. I won’t bother you anymore. Eat first. I’ll go back now. Okay. Go home now. Be careful. -Be careful. Bye. -Okay. I’ve heard about Mi Tao’s home town. They are famous for producing many top students.

Now, everyone thinks that the city has the best education. The city is focused on quality education and reducing the burden of students. They are very strict with the rules. But it’s different in other states. So, if you want to have a good result,

School is not enough. You have to take a tuition class. We don’t have a school like Mi Tao’s school. So, we have to make good use of her time when she’s not at school. Wait. Are you saying that you want to send Huan Huan to a tuition centre?

Do you know how many students in her class who are not in a tuition centre? -How many? -Only four. Including Huan Huan. This is exactly like that disturbing saying. You should not be afraid of top students. You should be afraid of their holiday. -They attend more classes during the holiday. -Yes.

How about this. Let’s check out that tuition centres during this weekend. Let’s figure them out first. Okay. Let’s check them out. Okay now. Wash your hands and let’s eat. [Teachers from top schools, one-to-one, improve your results quickly.] [Six Seasons Study Hall] You know that A is a prime number.

A to the power of one is a prime number too. Find the square of A. What’s the value of A to the power of seven play 1,995? You know that A is a prime number. Is A an even number or odd number? You know that the square of an odd number

Is the square of A. Is the square of A an odd number? Slow down. Don’t fall down. Why do I feel that the class just now was teaching something from the secondary school? We learnt it in the eighth grade and the way to solve it is different now. It’s not as straightforward.

I couldn’t even understand the class just now let alone a child. Look at you. We were top students. Looks like we have to relearn everything now. Besides, there is too much homework for them. How can they finish it? Hello, parents. Here. Drink some water. Wait. From our test just now,

Your daughter is really smart. She has high IQ and she’s very logical. She’s really talented. But she’s in the fifth grade now. Based on the result of her test, she’s a little behind. She just got 79 marks. She’s like our fourth grade students… All the students in that class are smart.

They are all very quick-witted. If you are just a little bit less smart, you’ll fall behind. Actually, there’s a technique to learning mathematics and it’ll be very helpful. Has she been in any other tuition centre before? -No. -Okay. Actually, if a child is not that talented,

We won’t suggest you to push her too hard. But your daughter is really smart. So, I hope that you can give her your support and push her a little bit. -Here… -I want to ask. How do you arrange the course? It’s like this. If you take a one-year course, it’ll be 15,800.

It includes 50 classes, 10 classes during winter and summer and 15 classes during spring and autumn. Please take a look here. Do you prefer night classes or weekend classes? How long is it per class? It’s around two and a half hours. -That’s too long. -So long.

Don’t worry. We’ll let them rest for a short while during the class. That’s too much. This is like a class for university students. -Can young children focus for so long? -That’s right? Actually, all children are like this including students from Ze Shu. Although it’s hard, as the saying goes,

-no pain, no gain. -[No pain, no gain.] Thank you, we’ll think about it. Is it because of the price? If you take a two-year course, you’ll have a discount of 200. It’s very worth it. I can request from my manager to give you two vouchers to attend the class. They are worth 600.

-It’s okay. Thank you. -I’ll get Huan Huan. Get Chao Chao. This is the last day of our promotion. Do you want to reconsider? Thank you. ♫ Two tigers ♫ ♫ Running fast ♫ Hi, boy. What’s your name? How old are you? Do you want to eat candy? Oh my God, Mummy.

Is he listening to me? But you should still say thank you. No, thank you. -I’m sorry. -It’s okay. Chao Chao, come. Come to mummy. I can’t take it anymore. -Are you foreigners? -No. I usually speak English to her so that she can speak well. Her English is really good. Is she three?

She’ll be three in five days. I hired a one-to-one foreign teacher when she was eight months old. A pure British with London accent. Eight months? She still couldn’t speak at that age, right? Yes. I want to let her learn Chinese and English at the same time.

That way, she can speak in English as fluently as she can speak in Chinese. What took you so long? -I’m here. -Excuse me. If you’ve made up your mind, call us at any time. Actually, she’s going to be in the sixth grade next semester. It’s considered late to learn the Maths Olympiad now.

If you don’t make up your mind soon, it’ll be too late for her to catch up. No need to persuade me anymore. Thank you. Finally, I’m out. How is it? I’ll sign up for a two-year course for you. Save me, Dad. Don’t worry. Your dad can’t bear to let you come here.

I’m really shocked. The children now are so pitiful. Are the parents insane? They are just primary school students. Don’t be afraid, Huan Huan. We can do well in our studies even if we don’t attend tuition class. From today onwards, I’ll help you with your studies. -You? -Okay.

Just you wait. Give me some time. I’ll make sure that Huan Huan can score well in her next exam. Okay. I have high hope in you. -I have high hope in you too. I have high hope in you too. -Let’s go. -Let’s go. Let’s go. -Run. -Wait. Brother. Run.

I admit my mistake, okay? Don’t hold a grudge against me. -Run. -Brother, I made a mistake. You are my brother, okay? Calm down. Don’t take this to heart. Come. Take a seat. Rest. Take a rest. Why are you like this? Please be understanding. How about this? I’ll buy Huan Huan a drink later.

No. I’ll buy you a drink as an apology to Huan Huan. Here. No need to apologise. I want to ask you something. Is Zi You taking a Maths Olympiad class? Yes. Can you copy his learning materials for me? Of course. No problem. You are not mad anymore, right? You don’t know.

Tian Yu Lan has a fierce temper. I couldn’t even say anything. She even took it out on me. I’m a victim too. Her temper and personality have really changed a lot. When we were still in a relationship, she was so beautiful and lovely. She was fun and sentimental. During summer,

She would wear a little summer dress. And when she pressed her lips together and smile, she looked like a lily. But she changed after we got Zi You. She got worse when Zi You got into primary school. She’s getting crazier. I’m no longer her sweetheart.

You are married for more than a decade. Sweetheart? -So shameless. -I want to ask a question. Be honest with me. Well… Are you crazy? Why are you asking this? What’s wrong with asking this question at this age? Just be together when you feel like it. No need to force it.

You are so fortunate. Nan Li is educated, beautiful and she’s good in everything including her career and family. Most importantly, she is fun and sentimental. Do you know how is it in my family? Tian Yu Lan doesn’t even look at me. She’s always pulling a long face.

I’ve been taking so many cold showers until I’m injured now. Take more cold showers. Let me tell you. You can only take three cold showers in a week. That’s the maximum that you can take. Let’s talk about something serious. Li Li and I have the same mindset regarding our children’s education.

They have to study well but marks are not everything. We can’t pressure them too much. They are still primary school students. They have to grow up in an all-rounded way. I told her the same thing but she wouldn’t listen. How about this? Help me brainwash her.

Tell Nan Li and ask her to persuade her. With their relationship, are you sure that they won’t get into a fight? You are right. -I forgot. -What were you thinking. It’s so annoying every day. Why does she have to be transferred to Wei Nuan? That’s why. Stop poking the bear.

She’s your leader now. Will it do you any good to offend her? She works for the brand while I work for the mall. She’s not my leader. But we often eat together. Zi You grows up together with Huan Huan since young. Now, you are working in the same place.

Besides, Yan Peng and Xia Jun Shan are quite close too. Why do you have to offend her all the time? What are you trying to do? She’s petty. She still holds a grudge towards me. I’m sorry. A dispute between adults has nothing to do with… -Mum, the garlics look nice. -What?

You are Huan Huan’s aunt, right? It’s too late. It was just a slip of the tongue. I didn’t think. It is dad’s fault for being so biased. You are wrong. Your living cost and school fees during university time are paid by Uncle Nan. He never paid you late or paid you less.

And he gave you the dowry like his real daughter when you got married. He didn’t do you wrong. He didn’t even give Nan Li anything. Is it because he didn’t give it or is it because Nan Li didn’t want it? Enough. I know.

I know he treats me well. I treat him well too. No need to remind me all the time. This is not the one. Geography, biology. These are not the ones. Insectology. No. Not these. It should be here. Maths Olympiad Student Edition. I think this is the one. What are you looking for? Nothing.

Here you go. These are Zi You’s study materials from his advanced to competition class. I gave you the original materials for the advanced class and I’ve copied the materials from the competition class for you. I’ve also sorted out the notes from his classes. -They’ll be helpful to you. -Thank you. You are welcome.

Actually, I’m sorry for what I did. It was just a slip of the tongue. I didn’t mean to hurt your child on purpose that day. Tell Huan Huan that I apologise to her. It’s okay. It’s in the past. Besides, she has forgotten about it. But a dad like you is too rare nowadays.

You are going to tutor her yourself. You are responsible and patient. If Yan Peng is half as good as you, I’ll thank God. I’m not as good as you said I am. But to be honest, with Huan Huan’s result right now, even if you don’t want to send her to a tuition centre,

You should at least sign up an online course for her. -Online course? -Yes. This one. You can listen to top teachers giving out live lectures at home. If you have any questions, you can ask the teacher online. After the class, the class teacher will give them one-to-one guidance.

Zi You has been taking online classes. It’s quite effective. This looks quite nice. -Thank you for the suggestion. -You are welcome. If you have questions, ask me. I’m experienced in this. -Thank you. -I’ll leave now. Bye. -Apologise to Huan Huan for me. -Okay. I’ve gone through them.

She has sorted it out nicely for us. There’s even a content page. She even recommended me an app that Zi You is using. She’s really sincere. Why is she doing this? She’s taking the initiative to mend this relationship. Are you going to strike her down? Objectively speaking, she’s very competitive.

But she’s not bad. She’s quite friendly too. That’s why I’m moved by her action. It’ll be easy if she and her mum are both evil people. We can just cut ties with them. -Most importantly, you are magnanimous. -Of course. Show me. So many of them? Well… Isn’t Ze Shu a tuition centre?

They even published their own learning materials? I heard that there’s a pyramid system in this tuition centre too. Ze Shu is the Elite Class when it comes to Maths Olympiad. It’s the top of the pyramid. Look. I think this is Zi You’s handwriting. This is Tian Yu Lan’s handwriting. Tian Yu Lan’s notes

Are more comprehensive than Zi You’s notes. There are even annotations. She must have put in a lot of effort to write these down. I really have to agree that she really put a lot of effort into it. She’s quite impressive as a mother. Compared to her, I’m not even a decent mother.

I feel bad about myself too. All the best! Huan Huan, here you go. Look. This is an ants’ nest. I made it myself. Look. This is the queen. It’s the biggest ant. It has already produced eggs. After a few days, you’ll have baby ants. Really? How do I take care of them?

You just need to give them food and water regularly. Look at this one. It’s quite lonely today. Because its best friend is not with it. Its best friend is called Huan Huan. I forgot to tell you. This ant is called Zi You. What are you talking about. I just made it up.

Well. Can you stop being angry at my mum? Actually, I’m not just angry at her. I’m mad at myself too. Why is my result always so bad? And you are always at the top five. Can’t you do worse? What’s the point of being good in my studies? When I grow up,

I want to be a biologist. But, my mum said that my dream is unrealistic and impossible. My parents told me to be myself. I believe that you can do it. Let’s go. Where? Let’s play the tug-o-war with them. Let’s go. My legs are numb. Let me give you a hand.