【FULL】The Rebel EP03 | 叛逆者 |Zhu Yilong朱一龙, Tong Yao童瑶, Wang Zhiwen王志文, Wang Yang王阳, Zhu Zhu朱珠| iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [The Rebel] [Episode 3] [41 Cigarettes] [Old Chen] [sent guys from Nanjing] [to stand guard.] What do you think is the cost of food and lodging for so many people? [Fuyou Road] Station Chief, I think a car has been following us. Turn right. Yes. You’re here. Your book is here. Please wait. Take your time. Sir, your book. Thank you. Have a nice day. You activated the emergency contact mode. What happened? The mailman sent news that our comrade was nabbed in Nanjing. He has been escorted to Shanghai. Nabbed in Nanjing? Why transfer to Shanghai? The mailman also thinks this is odd. Let’s verify this quickly. What did Wang Zhi say when he left? Nothing. He said follow the organisation’s plan and go to Xinyang. What is his time of arrival? If all goes well, he is there already. [Fuyou Road] [Fuyou Road] Xu Bin, Songhu Garrison Command Reconnaissance Group deputy commander. Hello, Captain Xu. Lin Nan Sheng, new colleague from the Shanghai garrison. Are we ready? Ten minutes ago, I led a team to Fuyou Road. It splits into two. One is guarding the entries of the store. Another checks the neighbourhoods. After 10 minutes, we’ll get details about the neighbourhoods. We don’t know what’s in the store. We’re standing by. Tell the brothers watching the front door to keep a low profile. Stay in the car. Without my order, don’t get out and act at will. The backdoor must be guarded at all times. After our brothers check the neighbourhoods, inform me. Yes. From now on, all bookstore customers must be taken to the station. Yes. After I go back, I’ll ask Nanjing comrades to quickly check if our man was caught. Find out who it was quickly. I also have to contact comrades in Xinyang to confirm Wang Zhi has arrived there. I’ll notify you immediately of any news and the next plan. Okay. Be careful. Okay. [Xinyuan Bookstore] Follow the guy with the hat. Don’t alarm others. Find a concealed place and nab him. Yes. Go into the bookstore now. Look like a bookstore customer, not a scout. Confirm Mu is inside. Make sure no surprises await us. Yes. Do you like his book? Yes. Which book do you like? "Home of the Gentry" and "Father and Son". I like what you’re holding, "Hunter’s Notes". Me too. Why? I was born in the countryside. I feel deeply about the scenes written. So, I like it. Many people read in my store. If you like it, sit down and read slowly. Thank you. [Public Telephone] Hello. [It’s me.] [There’s an emergency.] Boss Ma, I found what you wanted. Too late for code words. Chen Mo Qun is conducting a secret operation. [I don’t know] [much,] [but the target is on Fuyou Road.] [Chen Mo Qun is in charge.] [It must be important.] [Is there] [a Fuyou Road liaison station?] [Are our comrades] [over there now?] Wait. You’ve called Fuyou Road Xinyuan Bookstore. I’m the store manager. I didn’t expect you. [This is] [the city party committee liaison station.] How many people over there? [Only me.] I’m near you. I can try to get you out. These are Xinyuan Bookstore’s neighbourhoods and internal floor plan. [Negative.] [It’ll expose your identity.] I’ve surveyed the neighbourhoods. Street houses have back doors. Chen Mo Qun only has some men. From the backdoor, I’ll get you out. If Chen Mo Qun is in charge, he’ll tightly watch the neighbourhoods. Maybe Xinyuan Bookstore is surrounded. [Don’t] [take the slightest risk.] No time for discussion. [This is our last contact.] Victory to the revolution! The time is 2:42. Remember. Get out from the backdoor. I’ll start in three minutes. Bye. Follow him. To the backdoor! Boss. Boss. In a minute. Coming! Chief, we’re ready. Go! Boss, you… Stop! Where is our guard? [Xinyuan Bookstore] Get down! [Xinyuan Bookstore] Come with me. Chief, are you alright? You guys, follow me inside. Yes. Who asked you to come? We came after the explosion. We have guys in front! Search everywhere. Yes. [Xinyuan Bookstore] Anything? No. Killed with one stab. Chief, just now in there, Mu received a call, but I couldn’t hear what was said. In hindsight, it must be to tell him to run. The caller must be the murderer. He wanted to rescue Mu from the back. But Mu found out that we were many, and used this way to warn his accomplice. The car that followed us might be driven by the informant. At the station, besides you, me, and Old Huang, no one knew Wang Zhi was held at Ta Tung Hotel. Old Huang and I took the guns from the station and sent them to the hotel, then Old Huang went back to the station. If someone wanted to know the place, he could. Mailman. Captain Xu, we made too much noise. Police will be here soon. Get two men to clean up. You and the rest go back. Yes. Back to the station. Yes. [State 01635 Shanghai] [State 01635 Shanghai] Chief, after Old Huang left the hotel, he sent Mr Gu home on a sick leave. Then, he drove back alone. Should I call Mr Gu to confirm? Get in. Let’s visit him at home. Yes. [State 01771 Shanghai] [Chang He Apartment] Stay and keep an eye on things. [State 01771 Shanghai] When did the guest at 203 come back? For a while already. Thank you. You’re welcome. Who is it? Coming. Old Chen, what brings you here? Someone from the station said that you’re sick. So, I drop by. I’m okay. Just a little discomfort. I slept and feel much better now. Did I make you worry? Just visiting. Come in. Okay. Take a seat. Drinks? No thanks. You’re sick. Don’t bother. Sit down. Then I won’t be polite to you. What’s wrong with your forehead? This? Should I tell you? Forget it. Originally today I had an operation to arrest a Communist. It started well, but the guy detonated a grenade when we were about to get him, and blew things up. Are our brothers okay? So far so good. We didn’t lose many. But it was a bit odd. The Communists will die for their so-called faith. They’re desperadoes, aren’t they? Dying for faith isn’t abnormal. What was weird was before he detonated the grenade, he received a call, probably to tell him to evacuate. That means that when we deployed, they already knew. That’s possible. But I worry it was an inside job. Oh. In 1934, our information was leaked. Do you remember? -Three… -Yes, I do. But that was a possibility of information leak. There was no substantive evidence that it was an inside job. But if it was like what you assessed, then it is terrible. Okay. You look okay. Take a rest. That’s okay. I’ll go back. Okay. Old Chen, take a rest. Our work is for the party and country, but our body is our own. I won’t keep you. Take care. Good bye, Old Chen. Bye. Chief. Why are you at the backdoor? Chief, I found a suspicious vehicle. I suspect the driver entered the apartment from the back. Ask the Transportation Bureau to check the plate. Also, tow the car away. Yes. When I sent him back, he was in discomfort. I drove his car back and parked in the backyard. What else did he tell you? He said Deputy Chief Wang and he had a sip of wine in the office. Did he ask you about the hotel? No. Come in. Chief, the Transportation Bureau sent this. You may leave. Yes. The license plate was fake. We can’t find the owner. It seems that the driver was cautious. The mailman is beside us. We’re infinitely closing in on the truth but can’t find any conclusive evidence. If Mu is the mailman’s direct contact but Mu is dead now, so the mailman and the Communists have lost contact. In that case, the mailman will do his best to get in touch with his new contact quickly. The Communists will do the same. You mean Mu’s death may present an opportunity. Yes. Lin, you reacted quickly at the bookstore’s entry. Thank you for saving me. Chief. Chief, I failed to control the situation. It’s my fault. For years, I dealt with the Communists. Wang Zhi is an isolated case for rehabilitated men. Never underestimate the Communists. They are more stubborn and horrible than you think. [Wait for the mailman to contact.] [You will take over as the mailman’s contact from now on.] [Wait for the mailman to contact.] [The Shanghai News] [Manager Li Mu Qing.] [The Shanghai News] [For bamboo shoots purchase] [in the countryside,] [I have no contact.] Classified ad? Correct. Can you make sure it’s in tomorrow’s newspaper? No problem. Thanks. [Ta Tung Hotel] In future, park at the backdoor. Everyone uses the backdoor. Yes. Chief Chen. Any movement? Nothing. Where’s Wang Zhi? He was tired after dinner. He is asleep now. Chief! Movements on the opposite building. Chief, I’ve confirmed. The coast is clear. It’s good to be cautious. He is dead. What else can I do? If you want, you can still help. Mu is the mailman’s only contact. When he died, there are no more clues. You’re a key Communist contact in Shanghai. You’re familiar with the Communist’s practise. If the mailman’s only contact is compromised, the Communists will never let the mailman become a kite with a broken string. The mailman’s identity is top secret. I don’t know his situation. If I were you, I’ll tell everything I know. I didn’t conceal anything. I believe the Communists will link Mu’s death to your disappearance soon. They’ll come after you. So, in front of you, there is only one path. Continue working with us. But if I find out you are useless, my cooperation with you will end. What do you mean? You promised my safety and my family and I will be sent overseas. Provided you help me. I have revealed my upper limit to you. I didn’t cause his death. I don’t care who caused it. To me, there is no substantial progress. I want to dig out your source of information. Cafe Le Cancoll. The cafe on Xiafei Road. I know only this much. How much information are you still hiding? I already told you the exact information. I found this place by accident. By chance, I passed by this cafe called Le Cancoll and saw Mu sitting inside. I know Mu rarely drinks coffee. Moreover, at that time, he was very cautious. So, I guess the cafe is a rendezvous point. I’m sure Mu didn’t know that I saw him. Newspapers! [Cafe Le Cancoll] Newspapers! Rice cakes! Chief. How is the rendezvous point? [Cafe Le Cancoll] I think it is ideal. How so? It is at an intersection. All window seats have good views. You can easily spot anyone tailing you. Operation Squad Captain Hu Dao Yi Captain Hu. Hello. Lin Nan Sheng, a special forces cadet I brought back. Captain Hu, for your next task, you will take a few men to monitor the cafe opposite. Take photo for the record of anyone who visits there. Lin will work with you. Yes. Also, this operation is highly classified. Don’t mention it to anyone. Yes. All participants must be screened. [Cafe Le Cancoll] The cafe has many customers every day. Deployment here is like finding a needle in a haystack. What do you mean?