【FULL】The Rebel EP20 | 叛逆者 |Zhu Yilong朱一龙, Tong Yao童瑶, Wang Zhiwen王志文, Wang Yang王阳, Zhu Zhu朱珠| iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [The Rebel] [Episode 20] Now is not the time to investigate the cause behind. At this point, you need to be ready to act accordingly. Not the time to investigate the cause behind, or afraid to find out the truth behind? What do you mean by the truth behind? Someone doesn’t want him back to Shanghai, and even want him dead. To Commissioner Dai. The moment Chen Mo Qun arrived in Shanghai, he was taken away by the Japanese military police. Wang Shi An. [Japanese Military Police Command] Mr Chen, please. Enter. Station Chief, any instructions from the headquarters yet? I’m still waiting for them too. I think we can’t just keep waiting, right? We have to do something to save Mayor Chen. Yes. Lin, calm down first. I think the first thing we need to do now is, I mean, is to find out Mayor Chen’s situation inside. I’ve found some connections. I… I mean, I’ve contacted some connections. But when they heard that it’s related to the Japanese military police, they backed away. [Meising Radio] Hello, sir. How may I help you? I’d like to broadcast a person searching ad. Sure. Wu. Come out. That way, please. Okay, thank you. Hello, sir. How may I help you? I’d like to broadcast a person searching ad, it’s urgent. We can do that. The ad will be broadcast ten minutes later. The fee is 50 dollars. Thank you. Please read this out. Okay, please wait a moment. Here you go, sir. Thank you. This way. Goodbye. [You’re listening to Meising Radio.] [Now we have a person searching ad.] [Zhang Li Cai from Alley 15 in He An Lane,] [During the Battle of Shanghai,] [I took refuge in Nanshi District.] [I returned to my hometown after that.] [I’ve now returned to my old house in Zhoujiazui Road.] [I couldn’t find you in He An Lane.] [If you’re listening to this, please contact me.] Yun Wei. Yes, Master? I have to run an errand today. I’ll be back soon. Okay. Be careful, Master. Okay, okay. [Zhang Li Cai from Alley 15 in He An Lane,] [During the Battle of Shanghai…] [Waiting Room] Mr Chen, please. Colonel, everything is just as you ordered. Mr Chen is well composed. He truly is a veteran agent of Military Intelligence Bureau. He’s worthy of the title. What should we do next? We have to make Chen Mo Qun work for me. What’s going on? Why do you want to see me so urgently? Chen Mo Qun came back today. But the moment he arrived, he was taken away by the Japanese Military Police. Given his rank, he’s probably being held in the command. Do we know anything about his current situation in there? It happened too fast, we couldn’t find out anything. From what I know of him, it’s true that he’s a ruthless man, but in terms of national integrity, he should be able to hold onto it. It just baffles me that how could a meticulous man like him let the Japanese track him down? You’re worried that he was ratted out by insider. The possibility does exist. Anyway, we have to prepare for the worst. If he defects, the Japanese would definitely force him to prove his allegiance by giving them information. I’ll inform every stations immediately. After all, there are too many defectors from Central Bureau and Military Intelligence. I have a situation here. When New Fourth Army’s Songhu Detachment returned to their base after attacking the Longhua Airport, they were ambushed by Military Intelligence’s Pudong Detachment. Our informant in the puppet government has confirmed that the Pudong Detachment is in contact with the puppet government. They asked for positions and salaries. They’re preparing to defect. Their captain is Chen Mo Qun’s former secretary. In the past two years, he has been marginalized by Wang Shi An. So I must let Wang Shi An be aware of the seriousness of this matter and let him investigate it. We’re facing a formidable enemy, these people are termites of our country. The guns should be arriving in the next two days. I’ll let you know the exact time and place as soon as I have it. The point is these guns mustn’t fall into the hands of traitors. We can’t let them suppress our anti-Japanese forces. How did it go with the contact between our people and Lin Nan Sheng? The one who met him was Zhu Yi Zhen. She has matured a lot after she returned from the base. He told me the person he met was a man. He didn’t mention Zhu Yi Zhen. Well, it looks like he still has feelings for Zhu Yi Zhen. Mr Chen, I am the Commander of Japanese Military Police Command, Takahashi Senbei. It’s an honour to have you here tasting tea, Mr Chen. Your tea is good, but unfortunately, I’m only used to drinking the spring tea from my hometown. Your tea may be good, Mr Takahashi, but it’s specious. Over time, it’s going to fall into mediocrity. That’s not true, Mr Chen. Although you and I are from different countries, our tea ceremony shares the same root. There’s no need to be so aloof, Mr Chen. Today, I specially invited you to taste the tea of the Empire of Japan. Perhaps you will enjoy a distinct flavour from my cup of tea. Mr Takahashi, no offence, but we’re on different paths. I hope you can understand. Mr Chen, if the intel I got is correct, the reason you were transferred away from Shanghai last time, I think you and I both know it very well. You were unappreciated, and even not valued. Mr Chen, we know your competence very well, and we hope you can see our sincerity. We just want you to be in a place where you are appreciated, so that you can contribute more for the Chinese people. Mr Chen, I’ll take my leave. Who is it? It’s the middle of the night. Mr Ji, I’m military policeman, Wu. I need to talk to you, open the door. Coming. Shut up. Please don’t kill me. I have no money. We’re from the Military Intelligence Bureau. We have something to ask you. As long as you tell us the truth, we promise we won’t kill you. Okay. I’ll tell you everything I know. The Military Police Command caught a big shot today. He’s from our bureau, do you know about this? Yes, I heard. How is he doing in there? Is he still alive? He should still be alive. Did they torture him? I’m not sure about that. During dinner, the Japanese made the kitchen cook something nice. It looked like they were entertaining some important guests. When those plates and bowls were sent back, there wasn’t much leftovers. If he was tortured, he certainly wouldn’t be able to eat so much. That’s all I know. I’m just a helper in the kitchen. If it weren’t for my family’s financial difficulties, I wouldn’t want to serve the Japanese. If another person knows about what we came to see you today, we’re going to come for you. I won’t dare to, I won’t tell a soul. This is me. When did it happen? I got it. Old Lu. Section Chief Lu! What is it, Station Chief? Any reply from Chongqing yet? No, I’ve been keeping tab. Loyal Salvation Army’s main liaison station has been busted by the Japanese. I just got a report from the secret guard around the station. Could it be Chen Mo Qun who leaked it to the Japanese? Given the timing, it is possible. Report this matter to Chongqing immediately. Yes, sir. Tell our security guards to stay alert. Notify all other stations to stay on guard. Be ready to move. Yes, sir! Mr Chen. Colonel Takahashi asked me to tell you that he hopes you will consider carefully his advice. If you like, you can come back and enjoy tea with him at any time. Our door is always open for you. You can just tell the driver where you want to go… It’s fine. [Japanese Military Police Command] Are we really going to release him like this? Colonel, Loyal Salvation Army’s liaison terminal, that’s the big fish we’ve been trying to catch. I’m sure the friend who told us about Chen Mo Qun’s travel route doesn’t want him to come back any more than we do. Therefore, he’s definitely going to take advantage of this. Yes, sir. Station Chief Wang, I think there’s something amiss about this. He has been away from Shanghai for so many years. How could he possibly know the exact address of the liaison station? Lin. Chen Mo Qun is back to take charge of Shanghai District and Loyal Salvation Army. How can you be sure that he doesn’t know? If it wasn’t him, of all the times, why did the Japanese only bomb it no long after he was arrested? If it hadn’t been because we had just moved, I’m afraid the one being bombed this time might be our Shanghai base. Station Chief Wang, Deputy Chief Gu, you two have been his colleagues and peers for so many years. Do you really believe that he will betray his country? No one wants to believe that Mayor Chen would betray his country. But given the current situation, we can only make a decision after we receive instructions from the headquarters. Deputy Chief Gu, we can’t afford to wait any longer. If we wait any longer, he’s going to be killed. I’ve investigated it. The Japanese haven’t tortured him yet, but only temporarily. This might be our last chance. What are you trying to do? Break into the military police command? Lin Nan Sheng, I’m warning you. If you’re going to do anything rash, I’ll have you arrested right now. [Dingfeng Bamboo Ware] Welcome… Station Chief Chen? It’s been so long. What brings you here? Let’s talk inside. Okay. Station Chief, why did you suddenly return to Shanghai? Chongqing sent me back here, but for security reasons, they didn’t tell me the exact address of our station. They just said someone would pick me up. But when I got off the ship yesterday, there was an incident. What incident? I’ll explain to you back at the station. Bring me there now. In such critical times, for safety’s sake, I’m going to inform the station to send a car here to pick you up. Never mind. Go to Hengyuan Hotel in Route Tenant de la Tour. Room 204. Remember, only ask Lin Nan Sheng to come. Okay. One more thing. I need a gun. You said so yourself, it’s critical times. Copy that. Colonel, Mr Chen booked a room in a hotel in the French Concession. Our men are keeping an eye on him. Well done, you mustn’t spook him. Yes, sir. He said something happened when he got off the ship yesterday, but he couldn’t explain it to me. Don’t worry. When I came, I was very careful. I’m sure that I wasn’t being followed. What was he like when you met him? Same as before. Slicked-back, wearing a suit. Just that he seemed really tense, He didn’t look injured at all? No. And he has specifically asked for Captain Lin to go and pick him up alone. I didn’t dare to ask him any more questions. We got it. Old Gao, you may go back. Yes, sir. Station Chief, I’m going to pick him up right now. I am familiar with Hengyuan Hotel. Why would the Japanese release him? Those who were brought into the military police command, they were either defected or died loyally. How did Chen Mo Qun come back alive? About these questions, we’re going to get our answers once I get him back, aren’t we? And isn’t the priority for us right now to ensure his safety? Why are you being so impulsive whenever it’s related to Chen Mo Qun? If something goes wrong, it isn’t just the safety of you and me are risked, you’ll risk the safety of the whole station. Can you take responsibility for that? As of the moment, no specific orders have been given from the higher authority. But I think no matter what kind of order the higher authority will give, we should bring Old Chen back first. I’ll bring a few men to go with Captain Lin. Deputy Chief Gu, Mayor Chen specifically asked for me to go alone. And it’s in the French Concession. It isn’t necessary to bring so many men. The French Concession isn’t absolutely safe either. Old Gu, go with him. I hope nothing happens. When you arrive, bring him back directly. Yes, sir. Remember, after meeting Chen Mo Qun, don’t delay it. There is no guarantee that this isn’t a trap set up by the Japanese. You must bring him back immediately. Yes, sir! It’s me. Go with Lin Nan Sheng. [When you arrive, wait for my call.] Wait for my order. If there is any problem, kill him. Copy that. Send an urgent telegram to Chongqing. I dictate. Chen Mo Qun has been released by the Japanese Military Police Command. It’s confirmed that he is completely unharmed. They spared his life, probably because he had ratted out main liaison station of Loyal Salvation Army. Request a quick reply from Chongqing for instructions on next action. Urgent. [Hengyuan Hotel] Hotel staff said Room 204 is on the second floor on the left. He went in on noon and hasn’t been out since. Noted. If any something comes up, you mustn’t be impulsive. If something really comes up, it will prove that he was betrayed by his own people. That’s worse than dying in the hands of the enemy. Deputy Chief Gu, I’ll bring the men with me. You stay here and wait for us. [Hengyuan Hotel] Keep an eye on the back door and the street. I’m going in by myself. You guys wait here. Station Chief. I asked you to come alone. I was afraid that something would happen on the way, so I brought a few men to protect you. What’s the situation right now? Wang Shi An has reported your matter to Chongqing. He’s waiting for reply from the headquarters. Station Chief, how did the Japanese find out about your return? I want to know the reason more than you do. My travel route back was a top secret. Japan’s special agent had been following me the moment I boarded the ship in Hong Kong. The Japanese arrested me before I even got off the ship. I… I have been betrayed by someone. I was the one who was going to pick you up. I saw it all on the pier. Station Chief, what exactly happened when you were in there? Are you suspecting me? No. I never suspect you. But last night, the Loyal Salvation Army’s main liaison station in Shanghai was… It was bombed. Enter. Station Chief, we got a reply from Chongqing. Okay. Is this Hengyuan Hotel? Sir, a call for you. Roger that. Does the headquarters know about the bombing of the main liaison station? We’ve reported it to the headquarters. You know what kind of person I am. So, you don’t know anything about the main liaison station, right? I don’t know! If I really collude with the Japanese, why would I want to contact the bureau again? Come back to be a mole? That’s what I came here to hear. Let’s go back now, clear things up with them. I won’t be able to clear it up. Nothing I say will work. The main liaison station was bombed. I won’t be able to clear it up. Station Chief… I’m afraid there’s no place for me in the bureau now. Station Chief, where can you go if you don’t go back? Station Chief, as long as you haven’t defected, everything can still be explained. I don’t believe that after so many years working for the bureau, they won’t give you a chance to explain. Going back with you is simple, but you’re just a major ranked captain of an operation squad, what can you guarantee me? Since someone wants to harm me, he’ll try everything to stop me from clearing things up. Who is it? Captain Lin, we have an emergency. What’s going on? Why did they create such a big scene? You guys retreat first. Don’t give the police station a chance to come after us. Yes, sir. Who gave you the order to kill me? My order was only to take you back. What was that about then? I swear I really don’t know. Station Chief, you have no other option now. If you don’t go back with me, you’re admitting to things you didn’t do. If you run, there’ll really be no way back. Stop following me, or I’ll shoot you. Station Chief. Make way, make way. Didn’t I tell you to bring him back directly? Who gave you the permission to talk to him alone? You’ve got a lot of nerve. Captain Lin, did he ask about our current location? No. He said the bombing of the Loyal Salvation Army’s main liaison station had nothing to do with him. Preposterous. He also said that his arrest this time must be because he had been betrayed by one of us. Do you really believe him? Why not? Station Chief Wang, why would someone shoot at him without following orders? Because I ordered him too, of course. Chongqing headquarters has issued an execution order against Traitor Chen. Do you want to disobey military orders? An execution order has been issued? What kind of people could get out of the military police command unscathed? You don’t use your head to think about this. But do you think the higher authority won’t suspect him? Station Chief, when was this execution order issued? Here, Lin Nan Sheng, take a look. Read it out. Read it out loud. Go on, quick! Read it out loud for me! Go on! Read it out loud! Traitor Chen Mo Qun has betrayed the party-state. He must be executed. Shanghai section shall carry out the execution. Once Traitor Chen is found, execute him at once, prior approval is not needed. Before the matter is clearly investigated, it is irresponsible to make such a decision. Lin Nan Sheng. It’s not enough for you to doubt our men in Shanghai section. Are you going to criticize Chongqing headquarters as well now? You let him got away, right? How do you want us to explain to the headquarters now? Can you afford to take this responsibility? Somebody! Station Chief. Take away Lin Nan Sheng’s gun. Put him into the confinement cell. Dismiss him from his captain post! Station Chief, the important thing now is to figure out how to solve the problem. Deputy Chief Gu. I’m a station chief. I should have the power to make this decision, don’t you think? Of course, of course. Station Chief Wang. If Chen Mo Qun really has defected, I will carry out the execution order without hesitation. But if his arrest this time was because he had been betrayed by his own people, I’ll definitely find out the truth. Take him away. One who betrays his comrade is more despicable than a traitor. Take him away. Captain Lin. Sir, where do you really want to go? Sir… I’ve passed on the orders as you instructed. The secret guards on the surrounding streets have expanded their surveillance scale. In our firm, the number of guards, weapons and ammunition have been doubled. Is there anything else you need? What about me? You… Starting today, assign two more bodyguards for me. Whenever I step out of the door of Hua Hsing Cie, they will stay by my side all the time. Understood? Understood. I’ll get it arranged right away.