【FULL】The Rebel EP15 | 叛逆者 |Zhu Yilong朱一龙, Tong Yao童瑶, Wang Zhiwen王志文, Wang Yang王阳, Zhu Zhu朱珠| iQiyi

[English subtitles are available]
[The Rebel]
[Episode 15]
This money can be given to
the Social Welfare Organization
or children’s homes.
You’re right, Deputy Director Zhou.
Sure, take care.
Mr Zhu.
Zhen Zhen, keep the box.
Let’s go.
Station Chief Chen. I’ll keep it, then.
What did I say?
Take care, Miss Zhu.
Thank you.
[Tram Station]
[Stop whatever you’re doing.]
[Come back to Nanjing and
report yourself immediately.]
Director, are you firing me?
[Whether you’re getting fired or not,]
[that depends on
your investigation result.]
[How dare you.]
[You used a fake Communist to cover up]
[your mishandling]
[of Wang Zhi’s death twice.]
[You dared detain Deputy Director Zhou
for pretending to be a Communist.]
[You’re trying to get back at them
in your interest.]
Fine. I’ll head to Nanjing and
report myself at once.
[I want to do whatever I can]
[to wake up more people.]
Even if it costs my blood and life,
I want to overthrow
[this world that is full of
poverty and suffering.]
And to create a more equal,
wonderful new life.
Young Lady, your stuff is all packed.
Let’s go.
After I leave,
do you know what to do?
will wait for your return.
I’m asking you what to do.
What if I don’t come back?
Are you going to stay here
like Wang Shi An and others,
and become a minor bureaucrat?
Station Chief.
Lin Nan Sheng.
You’re different from them.
I have high expectations of you.
I brought you from Nanjing
to Shanghai.
From now on,
you might have a hard time
working in the Secret Service.
But no matter what,
you have to do whatever it takes
to gain a foothold in Shanghai.
[List of Communists To Be Executed]
[Male, 29]
[Male, 25]
[Enemy’s Advance Division]
[Female, 21]
Chen was called to go back to Nanjing.
The coast is clear for now.
Comrade Zhu Yi Zhen
will travel from Hong Kong
to the contact point in Southern Zhejiang.
[Kai Tak Airport, Hong Kong]
[Ladies and gentlemen.]
[The flight from Hong Kong to Shanghai]
[will take off soon.]
[Please check in and board
the plane immediately.]
[Ladies and gentlemen.]
[Flight from Hong Kong to Shanghai]
[will take off soon.]
[Please check in and
board immediately.]
Zhen Zhen.
When I first
brought you to Hong Kong,
you’re only this tall.
Now that you’re here with me,
I feel relieved.
I’m leaving.
What are you saying?
You’re leaving?
Where to?
Dad, don’t panic.
Listen to me.
I’m grown up already.
I have my own choice
and ambition.
I need to do more
for my late comrades.
I’m sorry.
You have to take good care of yourself.
Zhen Zhen.
Zhen Zhen.
[Shanghai, Spring 1937]
[Japanese Navy Land Forces in Shanghai
see increase in troops.]
I heard
some superiors are visiting today.
The director of Ministry of Civil Service
of the Military Affairs Commission,
Fang Yu Bin.
It seems that
there will be some appointments.
Mr Gu.
Mr Gu.
Mr Gu.
Mr Gu knows what to do.
He doesn’t talk bad about others.
That’s called wisdom.
Cut it out.
Or you might get yourself into trouble.
Director Fang, thank you
for coming to Shanghai
to show us guidance.
You’re most welcome, Deputy Chief Wang.
I was ordered by the higher authorities
to come here and read out
the appointment letter.
Every colleague from the station
is waiting for you at the meeting room.
My fellow Shanghai colleagues.
Thank you.
Today, on behalf of
Ministry of Civil Service
of the Military Affairs Commission,
I hereby present the appointment letter of
Station Chief of Shanghai Secret Service
of Reconstruction Society.
By order of Ministry of Civil Service
of the Military Affairs Commission,
Comrade Wang Shi An is to be appointed
the acting station chief of
Shanghai Secret Service
of Reconstruction Society,
with immediate effect.
Director Fang.
Thank you.
Station Chief Wang, don’t get worked up.
It doesn’t matter if you’re
just an acting station chief.
You are serving
the party and the country.
I don’t deserve such honour.
The Shanghai station is the top among all.
The high authorities
is looking out for you.
As long as
show some good achievements,
the headquarters will
recognise it for sure.
Yes. Thank you for
your guidance, Director Fang.
I will not let the high authorities down.
Lift it up.
Handle with care. Place it in the corner.
Handle with care.
Hello, Station Chief.
Hello, Station Chief.
Station Chief.
Hello, Station Chief.
Hello, Station Chief.
The general affairs section
got you
all these new furniture.
The tea set is the one you’ve been using.
And I’ve made you tea.
Secretary Zhang.
Though you only started working here
not long ago,
you know what to say and do.
Good job.
I am flattered.
I’m grateful because I get to learn from
and serve you.
From now on…
Station Chief, were you looking for me?
Old Gu.
Have a seat.
Take a seat first.
This is really nice.
It looks brand new.
Well, I didn’t think of
moving into this room.
But Section Chief Sun from
the general affairs section
got me all these
new furniture,
along with those flowers.
Why did he even bother himself?
After all, I’m just
an acting station chief.
What are you saying?
You are the station chief.
I learned from the superiors
that Old Chen at
the headquarters is given
a fake position titled
Deputy Chief of Military Department.
That means
he can no longer return to Shanghai.
Therefore, just do your best
as the station chief.
It’s a position that asks for a lot.
You see,
our station
is full of Old Chen’s ex-teammates.
Don’t be fooled by them
just because they call me Station Chief.
What do they talk about me behind my back?
It’s not hard to guess.
Why would you care about that?
No matter what they say,
you are the station chief.
It’s a heavy position, Old Gu.
Let’s get down to business.
I asked you here
because I wanted to show you a document.
Take a look at this.
The one in the picture
is Eisuke Ikeda.
He’s spotted around Shanghai,
[Eisuke Ikeda, 40]
and has been keeping in touch
with Takahashi Senbei from
the Nakajima Trading Company.
Any order from the headquarters
on how to deal with Eisuke Ikeda?
Confirm his identity first.
After figuring out the real motive
behind his visit to Shanghai,
they will decide what to do about him.
My instinct tells me
that he’s not a simple man.
Station Chief.
This is your first mission.
And the Nanjing Headquarters
is supervising the case.
You must nail it.
I’m not doing this alone.
We will do it together.
I’ve recommended you
to the high authorities
for the position of Deputy Station Chief.
Me as the deputy station chief?
Take a seat first.
I’ve never thought about that.
Hear me out.
You’re aware about
the situation in our station.
Back then,
I was in charge of the operation squad.
But in fact,
the squad
had always been under Old Chen’s control.
Now that he’s gone,
those like Hu Dao Yi
are actually very unhappy
with me.
If they were to take charge of
the operation squad,
I wouldn’t feel relieved.
I’d like to appoint you
the deputy station chief
and let you handle the operation squad.
I appreciate your goodwill.
Yet, we’ve known each other for years.
You do know me.
I’m not interested
to become a high official.
I’m fine being the head of record office.
I feel comfortable and at peace.
And above all, it’s safe.
Old Gu. Truth be told,
I’m trying to gain a stronger foothold
in the station.
I’m aware how capable you are.
When Old Chen was still around,
you’re keeping a low profile.
And now he’s gone.
I will never be jealous of
someone as capable as you.
No, you see…
you gave me advice
on doing business with the Zhu family.
In this station,
I trust you the most.
We’re brothers.
You have to give me some time
to think about it.
No problem.
As for Lin Nan Sheng,
I’d like to have him rejoin
the special training program.
Let’s do a redistribution instead.
He used to work for Old Chen.
I don’t think I can handle him.
I wasn’t aware that it’s part of
the special training program.
If we were to send him away,
no one would ever recruit him again.
I don’t care.
The headquarters’ Special Training
would have to see to that.
I’ll deal with
the special training program.
As for the job offer,
I’m looking forward to your response.
I’ll give it a thought.
Give me your answer soonest.
Wang Shi An has been appointed
as the acting station chief.
And he recommended me for
the post of deputy station chief.
What do you think?
A deputy station chief is
in charge of the operation squad.
He is able to receive
core information directly.
It’s because Wang Shi An
has just been appointed
that he’s eager to win me over,
so as to consolidate his position.
So I’m thinking,
if I accept this post,
it should do
us good.
It’s a double-edged sword.
If you become the deputy station chief,
you will be
kept under watch.
You’ll have to be more cautious.
Particularly of Wang Shi An.
He’s definitely not easy.
You must keep your guard up.
He’s been sceptical about
Chen Mo Qun catching Mailman.
Now that he’s been appointed,
I don’t think he’ll ever
bring that up again.
He thinks an investigation into Mailman
is bad for internal solidarity.
Ever since Chen Mo Qun is off to Nanjing,
I’ve felt
way less stressful.
Thus, judging from the current situation,
I should be in a safe state.
Since you’ve made up your mind,
I’ll report the situation
to the superior.
He’s waiting for my answer.
If I say yes to it,
an appointment order should be announced
within a week.
How is Lin Nan Sheng doing?
I asked Wang Shi An
to let him rejoin
the special training program.
Though he did something
to resolve the crisis
surrounding Zhu Yi Zhen,
I think
that’s only because
he has feelings for her.
After all, he was hired by
Chen Mo Qun to look into
Mailman’s incident.
It’s safer for you
if Lin Nan Sheng leaves Shanghai.
Come in.
Captain Hu.
Who’s that in the picture?
Another new mission?
A Japanese.
He’s the owner of
a fishery trading company.
He’s probably a Japanese spy.
They haven’t told me
about the mission details.
Captain Hu.
Mr Gu
has been appointed
the deputy station chief today, right?
So I’m thinking…
Do you have any idea?
Actually, I’ve been meaning
to join the operation squad.
Could you
help me with it?
The entire squad
is now under Deputy Chief Gu’s control.
And you’re with him all the time.
Why would you even need my help?
Get to work.
Those on the backgrounds of these photos.
Enlarge them all.
There are many of them.
I’ll get going.
Hello, Deputy Chief Gu.
Hello, Deputy Chief Gu.
Obey orders! Be loyal!
Deputy Chief Gu.
Ever since it’s been announced
that you’re taking over our squad,
each one of us has been very excited.
I asked the squadron captains
who are off-duty to gather here.
I would like you to have a word with them.
Drop the formalities.
Just keep doing things
the old way.
Yes. Don’t worry.
From now on, our squad
will follow your instructions,
Deputy Chief Gu.
Have you taken care of the photos?
That took me a night.
And they’re drying now.
I’ll send them to you later.
Hurry up.
Take care, Deputy Chief Gu.
Deputy Chief Gu.
I’ve done
packing them up.
And the new office
has been cleaned.
You can move into it anytime.
Don’t bother yourself.
The general affairs section will
send someone for these things.
Deputy Chief Gu. I…
Go ahead.
I heard that the operation squad
is investigating the Japanese spy.
I’m aware you’re
in charge of the operation squad.
So I…
I’d like to apply for joining it.
I studied Japanese language in university.
If it’s about investigating
the Japanese spy,
I can do more than others.
Also, I find
myself more suitable for
working on the front line.
I understand your intention.
But the station has made the decision
to let you rejoin
the special training program in Nanjing.
It’s for a redistribution.
Deputy Chief Gu. I…
There’s nothing to worry about.
It’s just a normal personnel transfer.
You don’t have to come to work anymore.
The transfer letter
will be delivered here soon.
I’ll let you know when it’s here.
Deputy Chief Gu.
I hope the station could…
You are a soldier.
You must obey the order.
Pack your stuff up.
And leave.
Deputy Chief Gu.
I hope the station
could give it another thought.
If I rejoin…
Don’t you understand
what I’m saying?
Pack up and go home.
Captain Hu.
Have a look at the information.
As for the exact situation,
Deputy Chief Gu
will explain it to you.
Eisuke Ikeda travelled from
Beiping to Shanghai.
And he identifies himself
as a fishery businessman.
And he’s always kept in touch
[Takahashi Senbei]
with Takahashi Senbei
from the Nakajima Trading Company.
On the surface,
Nakajima Trading Company appears to be
a firm that does import
and export between China and Japan.
But in fact,
it’s a secret service
that’s based in Shanghai.
Its person-in-charge is Takahashi Senbei.
And he’s a spy
planted in Shanghai.
I know Takahashi Senbei.
He’s meticulous.
We’ve been looking for
the evidence of his espionage.
Eisuke is very close to him.
I’m sure
they’re up to something
more than fishery business.
You shall not waste time.
Figure out the true identity of
Eisuke Ikeda,
as well as the real motive
behind his visit to Shanghai.
Got it.
The target in this investigation
carries a sensitive identity.
In order to prevent them from
stirring up trouble,
you must tail and
investigate him in secret.
Don’t let him find out.
We need to be cautious.
Station Chief Wang,
Deputy Station Chief Gu, don’t worry.
I will
my experienced men
to execute this mission myself.
Oh, right. Captain Hu.
I’ve talked to Director Liao Tong
from the Training Service.
The operation squad
will bring in new blood.
They will join
the mission.
Take it as a training for those newbies.
[American Movie, Mr. Deeds Goes To Town]
[Mr. Deeds Goes To Town
has just been released.]
[Mr. Deeds Goes To Town]
Hu Xiu Fen and others have watched it.
And they said it’s a very nice movie.
Let’s go and watch it too.
There’s one screening this afternoon,
at 3:30 p.m.
Let’s watch the 3.30 p.m. time slot then.
Sir, what would you like to buy?
Sir, what would you like to have?
It’s on me.
What’s the most expensive cake here?
You have to ask my friend.
It’s on my friend.
He’s very generous.
Tell me. Which is the most pricey one?
The most pricey one?
The one above there.
The one above?
Just get him the below one.
Wait. I’ll have two of those.
I’m not eating.
Oh, come on. They’re all mine.
That hurts!
Go after him.
If he ever makes an emergency break,
we’ll turn around
or speed up to take over him.
Seriously, you haven’t changed a bit.
I still remember
when we’re in
the special training program,
you always got yourself cakes.
And you’d sneak out
and eat them at midnight.
There’s this one time
when the official caught you red handed.
He punished you by making you
run on the drill ground until the dawn.
I was really hungry then.
I wasn’t like you.
There were times when I could
your stomach growl.
But you refused to eat
and just put on it.
You said it’s against the rules
to eat at midnight.
Look at how skinny you are now.
I didn’t want to be punished
for eating some cakes.
I was made to run on the drill ground
until the dawn.
I got hungry when I was back to the room.
I had the cake for nothing.
Well, what happened to you?
Why did you
suddenly come to Shanghai?
And you didn’t
tell me you’re here.
I came back to
attend to something
with a relative, who is a high official
from Ministry of Transportation.
Ministry of Transportation?
I’ve resigned.
After graduation,
I worked for some time.
And I found out
that I wasn’t suitable for it.
So, I just left the army.
I don’t believe it.
You will never leave the army.
The cake tastes good.
Here, try it.
Don’t worry.
I’ll stay out of your business.
Not bad.
I’ve always worried about
the situation in Shanghai.
The Japanese
have been stirring up trouble.
They carried out manoeuvres
in Yangshupu District
using their armoured vehicles
and then a rehearsal
of urban street fighting
in North Sichuan Road.
The newspaper says
thousands were involved in it.
Almost everyone in
the Japanese Navy Land Forces
in Shanghai took part in it.
A war will break out anytime.
They’ve been trying to provoke us
and making excuses to start one.
We shall wait and see.
If this continues,
we’re very likely to go to war.
We have no idea
where it will start.
They’ve been provoking us
in Beiping too.
Northeast China has been occupied.
North China is the next.
They want to
nibble away at the whole China.
But no matter what,
I’m ready to die for the country.
When you’re transferred
to Shanghai,
everyone envied you.
In our batch,
none of us got transferred to
How’s it?
Are things going well at work?
Not bad.
I heard that Station Chief Chen
has been transferred back to Nanjing.
You’re his chosen one.
Will you be affected
by what happened?
I don’t think so.
Finish this too.
I knew you’d saved it for me.
When we’re in
the special training program,
no matter what difficulties we faced,
always the last one standing.
I’m never wrong about you.
I believe you can do it.
You’re sure you don’t want to eat it?
Suit yourself.
[We don’t have much time.]
[This is for you.]
As long as we’re on the same path,
we will meet each other again.
[When we’re in
the special training program,]
no matter what difficulties we faced,
always the last one standing.
I’m never wrong about you.
I believe you can do it.
Please connect me
to the safe care registry.
Is this safe care registry?
I’m Gu Shen Yan.
Please prepare me a copy of
information about
Japanese secret services in China.
Not only those in Shanghai.
I meant the whole China.
That’s right.
The more comprehensive, the better.
Get it done soonest.
Thank you.
Come in.
Deputy Chief Gu.
What is it?
Deputy Chief Gu.
I’d like you to give it a second thought.
I really want to stay.
Let’s drop the subject.
The order has to be executed.
But this is Shanghai.
It’s where
the Japanese Navy Land Forces are.
This is the front line.
And I want to be on it.
Believe in yourself.
As long as you do your best,
you will succeed
wherever you go.
I’m not leaving Shanghai.
I want to fight until I die here.
Young man, don’t be reckless.
You have to cherish your life.
Follow the high authorities’ order.
Here’s the transfer order.
Just take it
and report yourself in Nanjing.
Station Chief Chen
is not coming back, is he?
Should you be asking this question?
Station Chief Chen got me
transferred to Shanghai
to help him find out the mole.
I know.
He arranged for me to work for you.
I’m sure you felt uncomfortable.
What are you trying to say?
Deputy Chief Gu.
Did you ask to send me away?
How dare you!
Lin Nan Sheng.
I order you
to hand over your gun.
Go to Nanjing and report yourself
latest by tomorrow.
[Transfer Order]
Crispy duck!
Watch out for the rickshaw!
Do you want to buy some cigarettes?
Crispy duck!
Watch out for the rickshaw!
Do you want to buy some cigarettes?