【FULL 周五电影夜】《虐心爱情故事之炼爱》Lust,Love 傻白甜嫁入豪门喜笑颜开 霸道总裁新婚之夜后性情大变 | 刘前程 金泊含 | 桃厂电影| iQIYI

[English subtitles are available] Great. In your heart, who is the bride to you? In your heart, who am I to you? I know even if you don’t tell me. You almost risked your life because of me. Whore. What did you say? Don’t you want to know

Who you are to me in my heart? A whore. That’s it. Are you satisfied with my answer? Tian Xiang, why are you treating me like this? [Tormenting Love Story] [Tormenting Love Story: Submission, Lust, Love, The First Night…] [Tormenting Love Story:Lust, Love] President. As an entrepreneur and a famous comic artist, I heard that

You had created another comic even though you were so busy. Are you talking about this one? Tian Xiang, you have drunk for the whole day. I’m sure you are tired. Let me give you a massage. How about a full body massage? Know your own position. I hope you can remember your identity.

You are not my wife. You are just… my slave. Tian Xiang, won’t you feel bad for trampling my heart? Feel bad? My heart is as hard as steel because of you. Have you heard of a heart of steel feeling bad? I don’t know what you mean. Who is it? Young Master, it’s me.

Get lost! The doctor said he might be conscious. Tian Xiang! Shut the windows. Serve Madam. It’s going to rain soon. Being late at school is a disciplinary problem. Being late at your husband’s house is a problem of your upbringing. Understand? Forget it. Sit down. I think…

The thing that you need to understand most is the information about the Medical Foundation. To become an author of children’s novels is not as simple as you think. You can never demotivate me in this. Writing novels for children, good novels, is the goal that I’ve been fighting for my whole life.

But in my opinion, The Medical Foundation is only something that can be done by splashing money. Besides, someone has already given me that impression. [Oh my, why is it a rose?] [I heard Tian Rui died because of roses.] Tian Xiang. I… Looks like the food doesn’t suit you. Take it away then.

Butler. Take away the food. Yes. Look at you! How did Wu Tian Xiang know that you are allergic to roses? But if he was trying to apologize to me, why did he take away the porridge? I’m starving. You blamed him wrongly. The nanny said the porridge was cold yesterday.

It’d bad for your stomach if you had it. So, I’m the one who’s at fault? What do you think? What’s wrong? Trying to escape? You are so lame. I’m not trying to escape. It’s just that… A Dang is so cute. What if it goes to the grassland and gets trampled by the horses?

I want to keep it safe. Tian Xiang. Don’t call him. He is so arrogant. He won’t come here even if you call him. Get on. Me? I’m not talking to you. I’m talking to her. You… Just accompany A Dang and take a walk around here. Let me tell you.

You are destined to be lonely. Don’t move. I’m not done yet. [Tian Xiang didn’t change after all.] [He still loves me.] There’s finally a result after so much hard work. I believe the new medicine will not disappoint everyone. We’ve just finished researching it. We still have to do clinical trials.

The rare herbs that we lack are waiting to be imported from abroad. It’s just a matter of time. Follow up with the Medical Foundation, too. Let’s not talk about it. Let’s relax. Here. -Here. -Cheers. Tian Xiang? Tian Xiang, where are you? I’m at the fourth floor. I’m preparing… for the candlelight dinner.

Come down after you’re ready. Don’t be nervous. Tian Xiang drew a picture of me and has prepared a candlelight dinner. This is a hint to me. He is being nice to me. Go for it. Darling. Tian Xiang, come on. Introduce your latest work of art to everyone. I think I should

Let the person who is most familiar with it to introduce it. Xue Er, don’t be shy. Tian Xiang draws so well. You should be happy for him. Tian Xiang has drawn me so well… because he loves me a lot. Although he’s not a sweet talker, he still draws a lifelike picture of me

Like how I appear to him in his heart. I love you, Tian Xiang. -Hey. -I don’t get it. What’s going on? Speak before you figure out what’s happening. Madam. Madam. Go away! It’s not easy to achieve such a huge breakthrough. Everyone’s hard work has been repaid. Yes. It’s worth it.

Why did you treat me like that? Why did you humiliate me? Are you still the Wu Tian Xiang that I love? Are you? This project is very successful. Yes. It’s all thanks to his hard work. Otherwise, we won’t make it in such a short time. Yes. We should work together again after this.

No problem. Great. Let’s keep working together. Let me go! Where are you going? Rose Building. You… Just hate me. All of you are my witnesses. I swear on our wedding photo. There won’t be any uncleared misunderstandings after we get married. I will never let anything trivial waste our time. Don’t forget it.

Don’t worry. I, Wu Tian Xiang, will never forget. You said it yourself. Happiness doesn’t belong here. I’ve recorded everything. Where’s the disc? Where’s the disc from our wedding? Where are the rules? I’m asking you where the disc is? I threw it into the rubbish bin. You threw it away?

How could you do that? Rubbish belongs to the rubbish bin. How could you? How? I have the right to do anything to my stuff. Wu Tian Xiang, return it to me! Return it to me! It’s just a disc! Is it worth it to do so much? In your heart, everything is rubbish!

Other’s care, other’s love and other’s sadness! Why do you destroy all of my happiness? Why? Let me go! Wu Tian Xiang, let me go! Without the spiritual ballast, will you jump off from there? Without the happy memories, will you give up your life? I won’t! I won’t die without the spiritual ballast!

I won’t die without any happy memories! But if you don’t love me anymore, I will die. It’s better if I die! You still love me! Tian Xiang, it’s still raining outside. Where are you going? Rose Building. It’s so late. You… Sleep tight. I’m going to work. Tian Xiang. Xue Er.

Why is the disc with you? Someone asked me to give this to you. I don’t understand you two. Why do you have a fight right after your wedding? We are not fighting. It’s just that Tian Xiang was really strange recently. Do you think it’s because you offended him last time?

How will I know? You are the person closest to Wu Tian Xiang. If you don’t know, no one else does. No. You are close to him, too. I even saw him taking you out for a ride. You still remember that? I am Wu Tian Xiang’s secretary. He was looking for me

Because of the banquet’s decoration. I’m guessing that he only wanted to provoke you and make you jealous. Just be nice to him. Tian Xiang gave me a rose to apologize to me last time. Should I give him a gift this time? Wu Tian Xiang is very busy every day with the Medical Foundation.

Just let him play some little games for him to relax. Look. This app called Demon Cat Games is not bad. There are many games in it. This game was recommended to you by the doctor, right? How did you know? When he recommended this to Tian Xiang, I was there as well.

I have no idea then. Wu Tian Xiang doesn’t lack anything right now. But, did you notice that Tian Xiang lacks something compared to other men? Do you like roses so much? You even water them yourself. I’ve spent all my efforts on these roses. If I give you a gift of the same value,

Will you forgive my recklessness that day? Help me catch all the pests then. I don’t need anything else. Catch…catch all the pests? It’s just catching pests. That’s too much. Do you know why these flowers are so beautiful? Because of you, Tian Xiang. Three years ago, someone jumped off from here.

That person fell on this flower bed. Did you know? Blood is the best fertilizer. These roses remind me of someone. It’s you! You killed him! It’s you! I heard a woman killed him. Tian Xiang. The roses pricked you. You are hurt. The wounds are deep.

The thorns of the roses pierced deep inside you. Painful, right? I feel so painful with just a prick by the rose thorns. How much pain did he suffer when he jumped off from that high place and fell on the flower bed? Once the Medical Foundation has been established,

If there’s anyone who needs to be saved, you will definitely be the first. Alright. Rest for a while. One is done and dusted. The other is just suffering. You want to make someone suffer but you always end up getting yourself hurt. What’s wrong? Your fever hasn’t gone down. I’ll get you some medicine.

I don’t want medicine. I want wine. Have you gone mad? Do you know that you are having a fever? Why are you torturing your own body? I’m afraid. I used to hide my emotions deep within. I hid all my guilt and fear. Until that day

When Tian Xiang told me about the rose flower bed. All my fears inside my heart rose up suddenly. I’m afraid. I’m afraid that Wu Tian Xiang will leave me one day. Is it worth it for someone who is arrogant and bad-tempered like Wu Tian Xiang? Have you loved anyone truly before?

Have you experienced struggles in your heart? Why haven’t I? Loving someone who will never be able to reply to me. It’s like being a widow. But no matter how hard it is, I will still stick to it stubbornly. Let me go. No. How can a girl get drunk? Let me sober you up.

I will make you sober! When I first saw you, I knew you were the devil who would shackle my heart. Even if you ignore me or forget about me, I’ll still love you. My heart is already out of my control. Wu Tian Xiang, don’t abandon me. Even if you do,

I will still pester you. I won’t allow you to drink any alcohol when I’m around in the future. You still remember. You still remember. How would I forget? Tian Xiang. I heard there’s progress regarding the Medical Foundation. Keep it up. I heard that you had already have an idea for your children’s novel.

Congratulations. I wish for everyone to be healthy and happy. I wish for every child in the world to grow up happily. Apparently, the roses below Rose Building were planted by the previous owner for the person he loved. Who do you think the lilies below Lily Building were meant for?

One was expressing the love loudly while the other kept it inside the heart. I see. I thought they were planted for me. We are a married couple. But why do I feel that we are like enemies sometimes? Why aren’t you wearing a watch? A watch and a picture are different.

A picture can preserve time while a watch can only make time pass by. This is my house. Don’t I have the right to look for my own husband? You will only hurt Tian Xiang. Wu Tian Xiang got pricked by roses because he tried to save you.

This is between us as husband and wife. I am his wife. If Young Master didn’t see you as his wife from the beginning, will you divorce him? There’s no if. Tian Xiang and I truly loved each other before. I felt it. Have you ever thought that your marriage

With Young Master has always been a scheme from the start? My relationship with Tian Xiang is not like what you said. I believe that. Tian Xiang. Where did you go? It’s still raining outside. I’ve looked for you for half a day. Give him back to me. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Give him back. Please give him back to me. Give him back to me. -I don’t understand. -Give him back! Give him back. Tian Xiang. Tian Xiang! Tian Xiang! We will take care of Tian Xiang. Don’t follow us. Why? I’m his wife! Wu Tian Xiang said you are forbidden from entering this building.

You are following us here. You can’t even enter the door if you come here alone. What is the secret inside this building? Why didn’t Tian Xiang tell me? Why is everyone hiding from me? Your emotions are unstable. Go back for now. I will find out about it.

We’ve been friends for so many years. Can you stop lying to me? Go back for now. Butler! Yes. Please leave. Xiao Hui. How long have you worked here? More than two years. Do you know about the Rose Building built three years ago? The Lily Building should be built after that.

Do you know why the lilies were planted? Young Madam. I wouldn’t know if you ask me something else. But I know this. This building’s renovation was designed by Master’s secretary. You two are besties. You should know that lilies are her favorite. I see. The Lily Building is built for her. [Recipe]

Do you know when this recipe was designed? This is an old recipe. We made food according to this recipe even before you married Master. Are there any problems? I want to divorce Xue Er. What are you talking about, Wu Tian Xiang? Are you crazy? We have reached this stage of our plan

And you want to quit now? I suddenly realized… I’ve found that all my revenge on Xue Er was actually an act of revenge on myself. Really? Do you know why? Because you have fallen in love with her. What is so good about Xue Er that made both of you fall for her madly?

Where did you get this agreement? I’ve never seen you leave the house. Did you download it online? I was only fooling around with you from the start. I’m telling you. This divorce agreement has been prepared for you since the day of our wedding. Will you be so devoted

Just to fool around with a girl? Don’t say that you don’t love me. I won’t believe that. I love you, so what? A divorce is the best solution for both of us. You are so rational. How could you be so rational? How could you be so rational? You shackled me with love

And you’re abandoning me now. Are we enemies? You want me to live like a zombie. At least you are still alive. Are you saying that I should thank you instead? Thank you for sparing my life? Cut the nonsense. Will you sign it or not? No. I will never sign it no matter what.

Let me go. Let go. Let go! Don’t come here. I will kill myself otherwise. Are you really willing to give up your life? If you are going to die, why don’t you sign the agreement? I said don’t come here! Xue Er. Since I have made the decision, I will never regret it. Really?

I want to show you my resolve, too. Who allowed you to spy on us? Why are you so stubborn? I don’t know what I owe you to make you take back the vows you made. Don’t you know that it’s like killing me by doing this? I’m no longer alive! Xue Er.

I have to divorce you. No matter what happens, I have to divorce you. I’m not divorcing. I’m not divorcing. I’m not divorcing! I’m not divorcing. Tian Xiang, get up! I want you to tell me you won’t divorce me! Tian Xiang, are you alright? You’re burning up. Somebody! Somebody! Come here!

Tian Xiang! Tian Xiang! Why did this happen? Once he passed out, your plan and the Medical Foundation will be screwed. The plan can’t be interrupted. Wu Tian Xiang has to recover immediately. Arrange his treatment in the United States. Why did you betray me? I trusted you! How did you find out?

The one Wu Tian Xiang married is me but you are the one who has the keys to the whole manor. Your favorite Fragrant Lilies are planted at the bottom of the Lily Building that I’m staying at. Even the recipe in my bridal chamber, eight out of ten dishes are your favorite.

My husband is sick and you sent him away without saying a word. How can I not know? I admit it. I’m pretending to be your best friend while destroying your relationship with Wu Tian Xiang and lead you down the road to divorce. Tell me. When did you start loving Wu Tian Xiang?

I’ve never loved Wu Tian Xiang. Can you sign it now? Tell me the secret of the Rose Building. Otherwise, I won’t sign it. You really don’t know what’s good for you. Do you know why Wu Tian Xiang wanted a divorce with you? Because he loves you. He is afraid that

You will suffer and commit suicide once you find out about the building’s secret. But, I’m not as kind-hearted as him. You should reap what you sow. Follow me! Come! Faster! Do you recognize him? Wu… Wu Tian Rui? Senior Tian Rui… Senior Tian Rui is not dead.

He is in a vegetative state because of you. We have treated him for three whole years. He might survive but he might be brain dead as well. Does “we” mean both Wu Tian Xiang and you? Yes. Senior and Wu Tian Xiang… Senior is Wu Tian Xiang’s only elder brother. Senior Tian Rui.

I’m sorry, Senior. I’m allergic to rose thorns. Xue Er. I will cultivate a type of thornless rose for you. I will impress you with my efforts. You are too nice. Just tell him directly if you don’t like him. There is no thornless rose in this world. He will give up.

[You’ve received a WeChat message] [Senior Wu Tian Rui] Xue Er, it’s my birthday today. Can you come to my house? I have a surprise for you. If you don’t come here, I will jump off the building to prove my sincerity. Senior. Don’t do anything stupid. Senior. Don’t do anything stupid.

I will be there before 6 p.m.. Let’s talk, alright? When did your relationship with Tian Xiang start? Was it on the day of the wedding? No wonder he has been so strange after the wedding. He loves me but he was forced to do something to hurt me. Wu Tian Xiang loves you?

I think you are too narcissistic. Do you still remember when you first met Wu Tian Xiang? On the side of the road, a car went towards you at a high speed. Wu Tian Xiang saved you. You fell in love with him at first sight. I was the driver of the car.

Everything was planned by me and Tian Xiang. Impossible. That’s impossible! Your marriage was a fake. Everything was a trap planned by me and Wu Tian Xiang. Your wedding ceremony was a fake. The friends and relatives were fake. They were just extras. No. Our marriage is real. Our marriage certificate is also real.

That’s right. That pointless marriage certificate is real. But, Wu Tian Xiang wants to divorce you now. As long as you sign the agreement, that marriage certificate will just be another piece of paper. This bridal chamber that you love the most was designed and decorated by me as well. That is why I know

Everything in this place. No wonder I have lived on the high ground yet I’ve always felt that I’m living in hell. I finally understand. You like Wu Tian Rui, right? Yes. He’s the meaning of my life. You’ve forgotten about me long ago. Why does it have to be such a coincidence?

Oh, no. Senior asked me to be there at 6 p.m.. Otherwise, he might commit suicide. I’m going to be late. I can’t be late. Mister. Wake up. Wake up, mister. Wake up! Wake up! [If he hadn’t had to avoid me,] [he would have been involved in a crash.]

[I have to send him to the hospital.] Why isn’t Senior picking up his phone? Pick up the phone. [Operation Room] Senior. Don’t do anything stupid. Senior, pick up the phone. Senior, pick up the phone. Tian Xiang. Do you know why I hang it in the bridal chamber? You don’t have to tell me.

This is… a picture of my brother. This is Senior Tian Rui when he was a baby? I hate you but I’m somehow attracted by you. So I hang it here… Tian Xiang. so it can always remind me. Tian Xiang. I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t know Senior would commit suicide.

I was late because something happened. Please believe me, alright? Who can prove that? [I met you.] [Tian Xiang. You are the witness.] [But how can I tell you?] [You love your brother so much.] [If you find out] [I was late because I was saving you]

[and you were the one who indirectly harmed your brother,] [you will definitely lose it.] Sign it… and you will be free. [Divorce Agreement] I won’t sign it no matter what! Tian Xiang! How’s the new medicine? We will only find out in 24 hours. Don’t be anxious. This time…

Where’s Tian Xiang? Why isn’t he here? Master said we should send all his meals to Rose Building from now on. Leave it to me. I’ll send it to him. Master also said if the meal is sent by you, he will ask us to prepare his meal again. Where is Wu Tian Xiang?

Tian Xiang is busy with the Medical Foundation. He won’t see you before you sign the agreement. I’m only here to send you food that invigorates you. I don’t need it. I’m already very angry. Take it away. That is your own body. Why do all of you treat yourself badly?

You are Senior Tian Rui’s attending physician, right? Can you tell me Senior Tian Rui’s recent situation? For the past three years, every doctor in the Rose Building has made numerous attempts. We got disappointed again and again until we almost lost hope in the end.

But on the day of your wedding with Tian Xiang, there were signs of mood swings from Wu Tian Rui. I think he can still feel it. He is still alive. Don’t dream of being together with Wu Tian Xiang ever again. If you were him, would you be with

A woman who harmed your own brother? Senior’s picture is still hanging on your bedroom wall, right? What are you trying to say? I’m just trying to remind you. Wu Tian Xiang hasn’t remove the picture because he is constantly reminding himself to never forgive you. [Divorce Agreement] [Petitioner] [Husband: Wu Tian Xiang][Wife:]

Tian Xiang. I signed it. Come here and pick it up. You loved your brother so much. How could I bear to tell you the truth? [Divorce Agreement] [Petitioner][Husband: Wu Tian Xiang][Wife: Shangguan Xue Er] [Divorce Agreement] Doctor. Where is the long-haired girl who saved me?

The girl was by your side without eating and drinking. She is very kind. Your watch is broken. She went to repair it. I didn’t do it on purpose. I didn’t know Senior will commit suicide. I was late because something happened. Please believe me, alright? Xue Er! Doctor! Doctor! The story is so heartbreaking.

What will Wu Tian Xiang and Xue Er do if Wu Tian Rui wakes up? I’ve drawn what comes after that. This is what happens after that. You have to repay your life to Senior after all. Die! Stop it! Wu Tian Xiang? Wu Tian Xiang!

I want you to see Xue Er die with your own eyes and can’t do anything. My brother woke up. What? Senior woke up? No. Do you think I will believe you? You still betray your brother in the end. Darn you. My brother indeed woke up. Don’t harm Xue Er.

I don’t want my brother to hate you. Don’t do anything stupid! No! Tian Rui. Tian Rui. I committed suicide for my own reasons. It’s not Xue Er’s fault. I had depression. Depression? Weren’t you majored in psychology? Why would you have depression? A healer can never heal himself.

I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to be worried. Xue Er’s existence made me happy again and my depression was under control temporarily. After that, I misunderstood that Xue Er didn’t meet me because she rejected me. The suppressed depression unleashed and made me attempt suicide.

It was all my fault all along. You can’t blame Xue Er. Do you still love Xue Er? Xue Er committed suicide for Tian Xiang. How can I separate them when they have such a blazing love? Besides, When I opened my eyes that were closed for three years, my depression

Seemed to fade all of a sudden. I’ve moved on. Tian Xiang. Xue Er. I sincerely bless you. I’m so happy. Three good things happen today. The Medical Foundation has been established. Xue Er has finished her novel as well. I sincerely bless you two. Xue Er. Although there are no guests and no parents

In this ceremony you still have our sincere blessings. I wish for your happiness. Thank you for forgiving me. My bride. [The excitement continues] [“Tormenting Love Story” Premier series movies] [Submission, Lust, Love, The First Night…]