[Falling Into Your Smile] EP02 | E-Sports Romance Drama | Xu Kai/Cheng Xiao/Zhai Xiaowen | YOUKU

What? A girl? A girl is going to enter Team ZGDX to eat, live and compete together with my brother Cheng? Is this true? A girl really? Oh my goodness. A girl playing as a professional? Is ZGDX insane or they can’t find anyone else? How can they find a nobody

To take over God Ming’s position? And a girl?! I think ZGDX is going to lose a lot of fans for this decision. Where’s their base camp? I’m going to ambush her. [Falling Into Your Smile] [Episode 2] Hello? Yao Yao, read the comments online. They are too mean. It’s fine. This is nothing. Don’t bother with the likes of them. I’m famished. I didn’t eat anything on the way here. I just feel that it’s unfair for you. I’m sure

No one of those who criticized you can beat you in a game. Don’t argue with them. Otherwise, they’ll think that you are my fan club president. That’s not it. Ai Jia sent me a message. He said that their base camp is right next to ZGDX’s base camp. He’d like to pick me up. I’m sure he has an ulterior motive. He asked me to convince you to add him back on WeChat. Stop. I mean what I said.

No need to waste your effort. If you help him, I’ll block you too. I wouldn’t dare. But do you think my teammate will welcome me? Of course. We are all humans. They have no right to be picky about you. Sexual discrimination shouldn’t exist in this era. Do you think they’ll welcome Woo Ri Bing? [*Woo Ri in Korean means “we”] Have you heard about the story of the golden axe and the silver axe? Don’t be too greedy. Tamamo-no-Mae, a top gamer in the national server, will join Team ZGDX. This is the start of breaking free from the conventional form. Ever since North America first accepted female professional gamers into the final, ZGDX from China quickly followed suit. The E-Sports Farm shared this post as well. Who is Smiling actually?

How can she take over God Ming’s place? ZGDX spent a lot of time and effort to convince Smiling to join Team ZGDX as China’s first professional female gamer since the Onmyoji arena Pro League started. And they promised her a position in the starting line-up. K, look.

ZGDX should hire a girl to be in the starting line-up. Doomed. Smiling replied that being a professional gamer has nothing to do with gender. She doesn’t really understand why it was dominated by men in the past. And honestly, she thinks that if you really want to do it,

Even girls can be as good in games. Are you done yet? Are you the new Mid’s friend? Why are you so talkative? She’s not your enemy. Why are you so mean? Shut up. You are giving me a headache. Brother Cheng. Leader. My Carry. This girl is our new Mid.

You need to get to know her. Maybe she’ll be here tomorrow. I heard that she brought a furry beast with her. I think my food delivery is here. Please get the door for me. K, what are you doing? Using your alt account to comment. I don’t like her either.

Lu Si Cheng, why are you the one opening the door? -Thank you. -I… I am Tong Yao. I’m so hungry. Brother Cheng, not another round? It’s too boring to play with normal gamers. Can’t bear with those parasites anymore. Their death count is higher than my kill count.

You are in a bad temper today. Brother Cheng. You better endure it. Our data will be reviewed the day after tomorrow. If you don’t want your pay to be cut, you need at least 100 winning points and three level-up rounds. Brother Cheng is doomed. No need to struggle anymore.

If you drop one level, your monthly pay will be cut by 20%. Even since they’ve made this rule, Brother Cheng has never been getting his monthly pay in full. Brother Cheng, don’t be so stubborn. It costs you money. Too expensive. Relax. Brother Cheng is rich. This is not right, Brother Cheng.

This is not what I ordered. [Smiling] (I reached ZGDX and knocked.) Delete your post. No. Delete your post. No. I’ll say it one last time. Delete your post. Apologise to me first. I’ve never seen anyone talk back to Brother Cheng before. I really admire this new girl. Yes. She’s amazing. All of you are so diligent today. You’ve already concluded the meeting without me.

Brother Rui, I’m here to report to work. You are here. Let me introduce her to all of you. This is Tong Yao. She became the top gamer in the national server at 19. At 21, she became the Lord of Kyoto in the South Korea server, solo. She’s the genius Mid young lady

Who surpasses 99% of men. Stop giving us a speech. I’m overwhelmed, Brother Rui. No matter what, from today onwards, Tong Yao will officially take over God Ming’s position to be our new contracted Mid. [*Mid: the player attacks minions along the mid lane] Welcome. Although you might already know them,

Let me introduce them to you briefly. This is our Top, Lao Mao. [*Top: the player attacks minions along the top lane] He’s the muscleman in the game who can scare off his opponents with his might. Welcome. But he’s a bit slow in personality. Please don’t mind him. Slow? What do you mean?

I’m sorry. I’ve been training too much. It’s okay. This is our “Support”. [*Support: A primary supporting role] You can call him Fatty. He’s the nanny of this team. A kind and harmless fatty nerd. You can say I’m a nerd but now fat. I’m just meaty. Hello, Missy.

Don’t find me if you are in trouble. We can do a duo queue when you are not. No problem. That is K. He’s our Jungle. He may look cool but he’s sophomoric. With him in the game, God Ming can march on without any obstruction facing the opponent Mid.

That’s because he is God Ming. I wouldn’t be so sure if it’s someone else. Next, I don’t think I need to introduce him to you. AD. [*The player that gives normal attacks. Core role of the team] I heard that you locked her out just now. I thought that she was a delivery girl.

Will a delivery girl wear like this and hold a cat? Yes. That’s why I closed the door. What do you want to say? I didn’t say anything. Your expression told me you have something to say. By the way, let me introduce it to you. This is my cat, Da Bing. (*Lit.: Big Biscuit) So? So, may I call you Brother Cheng? Your cat is called Da Bing. What does it have to do with calling me Brother Cheng? Those are two separate questions.

Keep a close eye on your furry beast. I did ask Brother Rui. He said that no one here is allergic to cats so I brought it here. No true. Who? My sons. [Si] [Si] [Cheng] [Si] [Cheng] [Si Cheng] Brother Cheng, this is not an allergy. This is just the food chain.

You can’t control a cat’s nature. What if her cat eats my sons? Buy more fish then. Can’t you afford it? If you keep your marks up and don’t get fined, you’ll have not just sons but grandchildren. Don’t worry, Brother Cheng. I’ll keep a close eye on Da Bing.

I’ll make sure that you have a lot of grandchildren. Enough. If we continue, Brother Cheng is going to spit out fire. Missy, let’s go. Let me show you to your room. -Okay. -Let’s go. I’ll leave her to you. Okay. What are you laughing at? The grandchildren joke that you said just now.

Isn’t it funny? Missy, take a look. What do you think? I decorated it meticulously for you. When Xiao Rui decorated this room, it looked too manly. What do you think about my version? I purposely ordered these girls-only decorations for you online. Missy. Look at these. I had searched through hundreds of shops to find this kind of bedclothes with both pink trimming and lace. -Isn’t this pretty? -(Lace? Pink?) And this one. Check this out. So flowy. And this one. The limited edition of flamingo for girls. So beautiful. Missy. What do you think? Are they nice? Yes. I knew it. You are the first female professional gamer and you joined our team. What an honour. So, we will look after you and give you extra care. Okay.

I think it’s tired too. Go ahead and unpack. Rest earlier. I’ll leave you be. By the way, I’ve put a team handbook on your bedside table. [ZGDX Team Handbook] It’s all right if you don’t read it. Tomorrow, Xiao Rui will guide you through our daily routine of practice. Bye. Bye. Missy.

Welcome to ZGDX. All the best. Bye. [I’ve reached the base camp. Don’t worry about me, Mom, Dad.] [A Happy Family] [Mom renamed the group chat: An Unhappy Family] [Dad: requesting a video call] Dad. This place is awesome. Look. My teammates decorated this room for me. Although… But he has really put in much effort. The door looks quite secure. But that window doesn’t seem that way. Enough, Dad. How can the window not be secure? Do you want me to seal up the window?

I’m here to compete. I’m not doing anything secretive here. Look at you. I’m just worried about you and your safety. I haven’t even finished my sentence. And you are already talking back. Your personality is exactly the same as your mum’s. Dad. Mum is still angry at me? She has been angry for the whole day. She didn’t even cook for me. Just some leftovers. Moreover, why will it become leftovers? Answer me. It’s because your beloved daughter left without a note! Enough. She has already left. What are you still talking about it? Why can’t I talk about it? I am her mum. Why can’t I say anything? You are the one to be blamed.

Why did you agree to let her leave? She left her job at the bank. I already got her an internship there. I already asked them for this favor. When they ask me, what is your daughter doing? She is playing games. She’s a university graduate. Why is she playing games instead? Yes.

Why are you talking about this during this phone call from our daughter? She’s still young and adventurous. It’s normal that she wants to have fun. If she really wants to try it out, let her give it a try. Maybe she’ll be back in a few months’ time. Am I right, Yao Yao?

-Dad. -Moreover, we don’t really need -her two to three months of salary. -Mum. Have you gone mad? It’s so hard to find a proper job now. You know that too. Moreover, Yao Yao… Yao Yao, you are a fresh graduate. Do you know that? Her first job is very important to her.

But you are playing games. Is that a proper job? Does it offer insurance and housing fund? Yes. They offer me those. See? They are included. They are included in her job. -I’m not like you. -Mum. Well. I don’t know how to educate my child, okay? Come on. Where are you going?

Where are you going with your phone? I want to chat with Yao Yao. What’s there to talk about? I have important things to tell her. It’s because she has you as her dad. What’s so important? You are always contradicting me. You are always opposing me.

Yao Yao has been spoiled by you since young! Da Bing. Our official training will start tomorrow. Are you looking forward to it? [Team ZGDX] (Wake up at 8.30am?) Good morning. No breakfast? Who are you? Miss. Who are you? I just reached here yesterday. Miss, let me tell you. I’m not being a busybody. But you better pack your things and leave. This team has a rule. They can’t bring their girlfriends here. Someone brought his girlfriend here last time.

And his salary was cut in half. Girlfriend? No. Ma’am. You’ve got it wrong. I’m not someone’s girlfriend. I’m the new professional gamer of the team. Team member? A girl? Yes. Ma’am, are you preparing breakfast? These are ingredients for lunch. Lunch? We’re supposed to get up at 8.30am, aren’t we? 8.30am?

These boys work very hard. They trained until late last night. You’ll be lucky to see them up before 12.30pm. “Morning” doesn’t exist in e-sports players’ dictionary. I suggest you get more rest. They’ll only play with you in the afternoon. Ma’am. Are you the only one taking care of the entire base camp?

I’m only in charge of cooking and house cleaning. They usually hire professionals online to clean the electric appliances here. Even girls play e-sports nowadays. [Praised when you win, mocked when you lose.] Morning. Morning. Nice Superman boxers. What’s for breakfast? The usual. Morning. Morning! Morning. Morning. Morning, Brother Cheng. Morning. -Oh my goodness. -Why did he run away? This is so exciting. What do you think? This is so exciting. Where are they? Over here, guys.

God Ming, you’re back! What did the doctor say? Nothing much. Hello, Tong Yao. Hello, God Ming. Is your hand better? Much better. All right. Let’s get back to business. God Ming may have retired but he won’t be leaving us. From today on, he is officially Team ZGDX’s coach. I knew

God Ming couldn’t bear to leave us! You’re back. I never left. God Ming. I still miss the days when you played Mid. Our Mid is Tong Yao now. I’ll definitely work hard! The National Championship is coming. I’ll be supervising everyone’s training with God Ming.

We’ll make sure you work hard and get plenty of rest. From tomorrow onward, no one is allowed to sleep in. Sleep early and wake up early. You mean wake up early to watch The Untamed? I… I didn’t know we aren’t allowed to watch dramas here. There is no such rule.

You can do anything you want during your break. Right, K? What a joke. K! I’ll go talk to him. Don’t mind him. God Ming has always been this team’s Mid and stayed here the longest. So we’re all quite upset to see him retire. Especially K.

He was recruited to the team by God Ming. And God Ming is the only person he obeys. So ever since God Ming retired, it’s as if he was during his period, moody and mad. All right. Get to training, everyone. Missy, come with me. Okay. -Come on. -Perfect. You… Here.

It’s your first day here. How do you feel? Not bad. Fatty’s Superman boxers and Brother Cheng’s bathrobes were quite a shock, though. I didn’t expect them to be so open when I wasn’t around. You better go through our team manual. Inside are the detailed rules and regulations of our team.

And the club requires every member of the team to host 45 hours of live streaming each month. You’ll have to fulfill that KPI too. This is your contract. Please have a look. Oh, right. Which platform did you use to stream on? You didn’t sign a contract with them, did you? Star Entertainment.

But I didn’t sign a contract with them. Oh, right. I never showed my face before in my previous live streams. So I’d like to ask if I could wear a mask during the live stream sessions? A mask? Why? I feel more secure with a mask on. You must be kidding.

Fine. So you wear a mask during your live streams. And you’ll wear a mask during the photo shoots for the tournament photos too? People will be wondering if you’re here to play games or to cosplay. People are bound to see your face sooner or later. What’s there to hide? Besides, this is work.

You need to be brave and face your fans. Alright. Alright. [Date of signature] Done. This copy is for you. Let’s head downstairs. Okay. Let’s go. I’m telling you, there’s a bright future ahead for our team. You may not know. In addition to our impressive tournament results,

Our team has always been quite popular as well. Look. Our equipment and facilities are all first-class. That’s about enough. Xiao Rui. Arrange someone to take her to the supermarket later. Oh, you’re right. It’s her first day here. She does need to buy some daily necessities.

I would forget all about it if you didn’t remind me. I should arrange for that. Brother Cheng, why don’t you bring her to the supermarket? I remember what I said earlier was… You should arrange for someone. Right. And I’m assigning you to do it. I’m busy. Busy losing scores?

You’re at the Elite rank. That’s why I have to get busy. [Unsuccessful] It’ll be time for the end-of-the-month assessment. Two days for you to rise from the Elite rank to the Lord of Kyoto. Brother Cheng, do you think it can be done with magic? [Breakthrough Competition] [No spectators allowed] Come on.

-Bye. Come back soon. -Bye, Brother Rui. Come on. Let’s play a round of duo queue. Wait for me, Brother Cheng. May I call you Brother Cheng? You can even call me Dad. So mean. You already called me that, didn’t you, Shorty? Hurry up. Hang on. Shorty? We just met.

I advise you to be kinder. Why do you have to be so hostile? Because I never thought my future teammate would be a minor. I’m 22! I already graduated from university. Your height tells me you’re lying. Delete your Weibo post. I won’t. You were the one who locked me out first.

And you even called me shorty. I’m pinning the post to the top of my Weibo page. Tong Yao. Ai Jia? [Ai Jia. Role: Mid. Steady when playing] [Sweet and cut boyfriend] [Liang Sheng, Role: Support. Leader of YQCB] [[The boy next door!] Tong Yao. You didn’t even tell me you had arrived.

Your ex-girlfriend ordered me not to contact you. You guys know each other? We’re from the same university. He graduated three years before me. His mother was my lecturer. His ex-girlfriend is my bestie and… Did I ask you that many questions? Brother Cheng. This must be…

The lady who posted on Weibo saying she was locked out yesterday. Miss Smiling, right? Smiling is the only girl among professional gamers in e-sports. Brother Cheng. You should put your stoic face away. Oh, right. I’m Liang Sheng. I’m the team leader of YQCB. Our team is right next door.

Come and have a meal with us any time. Okay. Don’t try to corrupt us with food. It’s enough that we have one fatty. Oh, right. Let’s have a game before the National Championship. Sure. No problem. Once our newcomer is here, I’ll arrange it with Xiao Rui.

So you guys got a new member as well. What position? AD. Look out for the official announcement. It’ll be big news as well. Who? I don’t know. Miss Tong Yao, put in some good words for me with your bestie, won’t you? At least have her remove me from her blacklist.

Or at least tell me why she broke up with me. All I can tell you is that… your ex-girlfriend turned down three offers abroad and came back. But all you cared about was the number of fish balls you got during your live streams. Get in, Shorty. What? Too used to Uber that you don’t know how to open your own doors now? No, no. I’ll do it myself. Brother Cheng, I just need to buy a pair of slippers and some daily necessities. We can go to any supermarket nearby. Where else? To a furniture store? Really? Miss me?

Do you want me to hold you down by a water dispenser so you can watch me take home one trophy after another? Dream on. [Parking lot] [Mezzanine parking lot, Tesco express, Suning, kidswant, Up Coffee] [CINESKY, Xiyan Restaurant, Good Feeling Fitness, Tom’s World] Xiao Rui said you went to

The Spring Playoffs final held a few days ago. Right. You stayed in the same hotel as we did. Yes. 46th floor. Yes. No. You were that stubborn Shorty I saw that day. It wasn’t me. You stubbornly refuse to admit you’re short and stubbornly refuse to admit it was you.

No, I mean… Brother Cheng, hear me out. It wasn’t that I couldn’t reach. I was holding too many things in my hands. They were heavy. That’s why I… Stubborn. I’m starting to hate you. Do you think I’ll be afraid? How scary. Be quick. Which pair looks better, Brother Cheng? The blue one.

I thought I said the blue pair. A straight man’s aesthetics are used to exclude the options. Take Fatty, for example. What else do you need? Get them all at once. Don’t play acrobatics. You were practically clinging onto the shelves. You can’t blame me for that.

It was the only pair of pink slippers left. I tried hard to get it down. -But you… -So you were the one who hid the water in the supermarket that day. What… What do you mean? How did you know? So you were the water thief. Say again?

Did it have your name on it? I saw it first and I hid it first. You call that hiding? Why not? Hiding something in a supermarket. Are you three years old? I was worried that someone would buy it before me. During those days, I thought

I was being sieged by a group of dwarfs. Turns out it’s the same person. What do you mean, “sieged by a group of dwarfs”? Mind your words, Leader! So what if you have long legs and walk fast? A beauty camera? What is that for? For the live streams. Xiao Rui talked to you

About the KPI for the live streams? Didn’t you bargain with him? Give him the excuse that girls need beauty sleep. Have him reduce your time by 10 hours each month. 45 hours and 35 hours. What’s the difference? You’ll find out when you have to make up for the time

At the end of the month. What do you mean? It’s like when you left all your homework for the summer holidays to the last minute in kindergarten. Who are you calling a kindergartener? Can you speak properly? A kind reminder from your senior. It’s him, right? -Is that Brother Cheng? -Brother Cheng!

What are you running for? Your fans are taking pictures. So what if they are? I didn’t do my make-up properly today. How am I supposed to meet them? And I’ve never posted a picture of myself online. Do you think your fans would be nice enough to use a beauty camera filter for me?

They’re coming. Cover me. Make sure they don’t see me. I can cover you vertically, not horizontally. Brother Cheng, I’m so happy to run into you here! Could you sign this for me, please? Brother Cheng, is God Ming’s hand all right? The announcements said he has been undergoing treatment. Is that true?

Brother Cheng, you’re so tall in person. You are even taller than you seem to be in the tournaments. Brother Cheng. -Is she your girlfriend? -(She saw me.) -(What should I do?) -No. Where would I find a girlfriend who looks like a child? She’s one of the team’s staff accompanying me to buy some stuff. Missy, you look very cute! Childish actually. Missy, please help us take a picture with Brother Cheng. Please!

Thanks, Brother Cheng! My turn. Take a picture of us too. Thanks, Brother Cheng! Thanks, Brother Cheng. -Thank you, Miss. -You’re welcome. -Bye, Brother Cheng. -Bye. He’s so handsome! I can’t believe I see him in person! Bye. Let’s go. He’s so handsome! What’s with your expression? Brother Cheng,

Do you think I’ll have so many fans in the future? Would they like me so much too? Would they be eager to take a picture with me as well? That’s provided if you manage to advance to the finals. If our results go down after you join the team,

There’ll be hundreds and thousands of times more people who hate you. Every day, they’ll ask if you have been choked on your water. Or why the wind hasn’t blown you away yet. They’ll be so eager to hang your head on their wall. Just like what they did to K? Does that bother you?

Do you want to hear the truth? If it bothers you, make sure you perform well in the competition. In the world of e-sports, only the strong are deemed worthy. You’ve just joined us. They’ll definitely doubt your skills. But if you can prove that you can replace God Ming with your skills,

No one will dare say otherwise. But Brother Cheng, no one has ever doubted you, why? Because I’m strong. To be weak is unforgivable in the world of e-sports. Let’s go. [Vehicle exit] K, head to the mid lane. Over here. This way. That corner. What the heck were you doing? You guys are back.

I guess Brother Cheng is getting along quite well with our new teammate. Sure. Just like taking a daughter in kindergarten to buy snacks at the supermarket for a spring trip. Tong Yao. You’ll be sitting here from now on. But… This was your seat. I shouldn’t… Don’t worry. All Mids sit here. Look.

This is the latest gaming chair I got for you according to Fatty’s instructions. These are the most professional gear. You can adjust it accordingly. Give it a try. I guarantee you won’t feel tired sitting in it all day. Do your best, Missy! What’s the point of just encouraging her?

The team’s warm-up training competition is in a few days. Whether she gets to stay or not depends on her performance in the first game. Don’t be nervous, Tong Yao. Brother Cheng has always been… strict. What’s that? Pink decorations especially for girls. Remove it. It hurts my eyes.

It’s on you if I drop a rank. I handpicked this out for her. She likes it. I won’t remove it. You like this? Well, the lace does block some of the views. Missy. Don’t bow to the oppressor. Speak out for yourself! Well, not all girls like pink stuff.

It’s just that I’m not quite into pink. You just bought a pair of pink slippers, didn’t you? Brother Cheng, mind your words. This is what we call the scary aesthetics of a straight man. Be quiet. What’s wrong? Don’t join the fuss.

Missy, care for a round of duo queue? [*Duo queue: to form a team of two in a game] ♪Reasonings and expectations♪ ♪Don’t seem to be my inner monologue♪ ♪Should I be myself or run away♪ ♪Am I supposed to just go with the flow?♪ ♪You walk across the sea of stars♪

♪Those corners of my heart open unexpectedly♪ ♪I guess there really is someone♪ ♪Who can understand my helplessness♪ ♪I slowly walk out of my loneliness♪ ♪I start to believe♪ ♪In the chemistry between us♪ ♪That fate can be changed♪ ♪Because of our determined efforts♪ ♪It won’t go to waste♪

♪The wins and losses under our fingertips♪ ♪The sea of crowds cheering for us tomorrow♪ ♪Your gaze makes me fall deeper in love♪ ♪Welcome sunshine♪ ♪Let’s welcome the sunshine together♪ ♪Do you still remember♪ ♪When we watched the shooting stars pass by together♪ ♪Countless times have we heard♪ ♪The wishes we made that night♪

♪We promised♪ ♪We wouldn’t leave any regrets in our youth♪ ♪If I have a dream♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪If I have a dream♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪The moment we look forward to it♪ ♪We’ll light up the night♪ ♪The sillier our stubbornness to persist♪

♪The more determined we are to climb back to glory♪ ♪Remember our moment at the top♪ ♪We’ll welcome the sunshine together♪