【FULL】Lovely Swords Girl EP21 | 恋恋江湖 | Jiang Zhen Yu 姜贞羽,Yang Shi Ze 杨仕泽,Yu He 何与 | iQiyi

Lovely Swords Girl You know what? I have been in love with you for a long time. Since when? Since that time when you saved me at the cliff. Or maybe earlier. Well, My Lady has prepared me some gifts for our marriage. And one of them is for you.

She even sent me a gift? Heartbreak grass? Dried spotted beetles? And arsenic stone? If you don’t treat Yu’er well in the future, I won’t let it go. I will prepare some medicine specially for you, which could “improve” your health, making you bleed and smoke from nose and mouth.

I ensure it will be highly poisonous. You will never forget it. My Lady said that, besides the three poisons, she also prepared a marriage package. How about we just forget it? I am sure it’s nothing good. Let’s have a bath and go to sleep. Sleep. Sleep? Sleep. Well. Let’s go to sleep.

Episode 21 Parting The 13rd Prince now has the”Magic Code”. He has got great improvement in martial arts. We must beat him to it, disturb his plan and go to the Frigid Lands directly. As for the Frigid Lands, we should rely on Master Ai to help us look for it.

The Ghost Domain Sect has a lot of followers, among which there are many Huns. They can help ask for information at the borders without drawing others attention. Rest assured. I can ask Mo Yi to go there. Yes, master. But at the boundless border, even it’s very difficult to find a dead body.

According to the legends in the “Magic Code”, for the resurrection, it needs 300 boys to offer up a sacrifice during ten days. They must prepare supplies around the altar in advance. We can follow the clue to look for it and narrow the range gradually. You are so smart, brother!

In the last two years, the 13rd Prince recruited disciples widely relying on his kindness. And each disciple has strong will. I’m afraid it’s hard to subdue them. It’s easy to take them down by force, but hard to convince them. These kids are the 13rd Prince’s another life gate and also the irrefutable evidence

Which proves that he is the Shadow Lord. Yuanhan, how about you take charge of it? Okay, brother. It’s the time for the men we assigned for investigation to come back and report. The 13rd Prince expected that we would look for and save the family members. If we just ignore it,

He would become suspicious. Well, I will go back to the Gong family. And my wife will go back to the Holy Medicine Sect. Although she is now… Yushu. I can’t feel assured if she goes back alone. How about you keep her company? Okay. Yuanxia, Mu Yu’er. You go to the four sects

And tell them the case about the 13th Prince. I can finish the task alone. It’s not necessary to take Mu Yu’er with me. Mu Yu’er was once a servant of the 13th Prince and also one of the evidences. Brother, you mean I will go with the Third Young Master? Yes. Alright.

You should get ready for it as soon as possible. We will meet here in three days. Okay. Mu Yu’er. Has Your Lady really lost her memories? She is not that weak, right? She is not! My Lady even remembers clearly how she ran away from the Gong family for the first time.

I knew it couldn’t be that simple. I think Gong Yuanxiu is so stupid that he even asked his rival to take care of his wife. Isn’t he afraid that something Irreparable would happen on their way? What do you mean? I think they are good friends. You must don’t know it. The first time

When I met Yu Shengyou, a bell rang in my heart. He has an air about him, very special. When you meet some one who likes the Third Young Master in the future, you will understand it. Well. I think they three are good men. They can protect my lady. You still don’t understand it.

You don’t know what’s on their minds, they just pretend to be good friends. Pretend? That’s too bad. What a pity! The most miserable secret love is that the girl he falls in love has a lover. Who on earth does your lady like? The master? Or the little fatty? I have no idea.

Who on earth she likes more? I’m afraid she herself even doesn’t know it. Honey, let me help you change the dressing. Don’t call me that. We don’t know each other and are not relatives either. I can’t take it. Okay. I won’t call you that if you don’t allow me.

But I have to change the dressing for you. It is improper for you to do that. Then I go and ask Mu Yu’er to do it for you. Don’t ask her to do it. She will faint at the sight of blood. Can I help you? Darling. -No. -Yes. No. Yes. Why?

There is no reason! I just don’t want you to do it for me, okay? It’s not a big deal. Let me do it. You can go out and close the door. Are you alright? No. It hurts. Are you still angry with him because he pretends to be a fool?

Why not give him a chance to explain? I don’t want to hear it. He is afraid… I’m tired. Give it to me. I can do it myself. What about her wound? It’s said that pain can be relieved. She feels the pain brought by the flesh wound.

Let alone she was hurt so deeply by you. But you did nothing wrong. Yeah. Except keeping her company, what else have I done right? Do you really think she is a fool? No. As for her now, love is just frozen. She never forgets it.

Then why haven’t you exposed her or asked her about it? Before, she didn’t expose me or ask me. You pretended to be a fool? It’s really not a good way. I know it. But I can’t imagine how painful it would be if I drive her out of my heart.

Shengyou once asked me that when one day the one I loved leaves me suddenly, which result do I prefer to see, she lost her memories or she just died? Neither of them. You have to choose one. Well. Maybe lose memories. What if she completely forgets you

And falls in love with the other guy? I will keep her company and lose my memories. Then we’ll get started again together. From beginning to end, it’s only one me who fall in love with her twice. I never expect that you gave the same answer with me. If she met you

Before she knew me, perhaps, I would have no chance. You said love had no particular orders, didn’t you? You, such a proud guy, could even pretend as a fool again. Thus it can be seen that she means a lot in your heart. It is not just the same with you,

But much more than that. I didn’t expect that even she is a fool, she still wants you to keep her company. Yushu. Thank you. Maybe we could be good friends if we met each other earlier. I knew it. You will never forget my lovely face. I choose Yuanxiu. If you feel regretful…

I will receive the punishment by God. They are just two fools. I guess there must be one fool among them. I told you to stay home and wait for me. What are you doing here? Is it beautiful? So beautiful. Pain goes away. Pain goes way. Pain goes way. Awesome!

For every moment and every second we stayed with each other, we had so much fun together, we played tricks on Yuanhan and Yuanxia together, we made your father and mother laugh together, and we have so many love tokens. You have forgotten all those things, little fool?

I really want to take your brain out of your head. I want to take your heart out to have a look at it. I want to know if you have forgotten everything and if they have gone with your memories. Give him back. Give Yuanxiu back to me! Miss Yu. Fine.

I love to be called this way! Do you think it’s the result and answer that I want? Have you ever thought about that I just tried to test you with the divorce letter? Why did you do that? I can let you go just like you let me go before. As for love,

Both of us don’t deserve it now. Yu Shengyou. Is he crying? My brother was once a rigorous and calm man. He was so perfect that my parents never worry about him. Before he went mad, I’ve never seen him crying. He even couldn’t cry at free will.

Just leave him alone and let him cry it out. Yu’er, why are you crying? Miss, big brother is… What happened to him? He… Tell me what happened to him? He was crying alone. He looks pitiful. You scared me. I thought something happened to him.

Miss, how about you have fun with him in the future? He is crying alone. It’s so pitiful. Yuanhan. Big brother is crying. I saw that. He cries because of that woman. I think so. Why could she make big brother feel so sad? Maybe she also feels sad deep in her heart.

It’s she who tangled together with Master Ai first. Maybe she just wanted to know how important she is in the heart of the man she cares. What on earth does she want? Big brother did marry her and then divorce her. But now he has got her back and

Invited her to the Gong family. What on earth does she want? Maybe she herself doesn’t know what to do. Yuanhan. Do you sympathize with her? Are you on her side? No. It’s just that I can better understand the feelings between she and big brother. Do you fall in love, Yuanhan?

When you fall in love, you even don’t know what the time, in what place or in which way she is on your mind. Well, since when did big brother keep that woman on mind? He has kept her in mind. It means nothing to know the time. But I want to help him.

I don’t want him to feel sad. Sometimes, when you cover your ears, your heart beats can be heard more clearly. We can’t help him out. Perhaps, this feeling is a kind of happiness for him. Yushu. Please take good care of my wife. I’m leaving. I will. Why are you smiling? Are you happy?

Although Yuanxiu is a lovely man, but he was not reliable when he was a fool. Now he behaves normally, you can feel at ease and safe. If you marry me in the future, then that will be the best choice for you. If you lose your head for the moment and marry him,

It will be nothing bad. Thinking about it, I feel so happy. I am not a ball. You can’t throw me to each other like this. That day when I knew he married you, I did feel jealous. I felt jealous about his noble identity. I felt jealous that he married you.

But after experiencing so much, I realized that he is a respectful competitor. He could be my life and death brother. If I have no… Just forget it. Well. Do you think it’s me who destroyed your brotherhood? You should tell me earlier. I won’t put my foot in. If you agree,

We can be together. Sorry to disturb you. Wish you two an eternal love and become the invincible and No. 1 fairy lovers in the world. Darling, wait for me! You should stay with Rourou. Why do you stick to me? What can I do if I stay with him?

Do you want me to be bullied? It’s you who always bully my sister-in-law, right? How could she bully you? When your sister-in-law feels unhappy, Rourou will feel sad. You really know that. So you just stick to me? What’s wrong? I know that I am not welcomed. Every one of you dislikes me.

And even you think I am annoying. You can go. I won’t stick to you. My legs are fine. I can walk by myself. Why do you get mad suddenly? Alright. I’m just saying. What’s more, you also did it wrong. What have I done wrong? Of course, you are wrong.

If you don’t always eliminate the impure from the pure, if you don’t have an open mind, if you don’t behave as men, I will never talk with you so freely and so impolitely. I will never feel so relaxed to be with you. You are really good at flattering.

This is my first time to hear that. Don’t lie to me. You go your way and I go mine! We will go to look for the lost children. And your unique skills can save people from danger. I want to ask the next master of the Parrot Sect to go with me.

How about that? Since you are so good at flattering, I agree to go with you. Let’s go. Grandaunt. People all say that the second young master of the Gong family wears a poke face and is cold-hearted. I never expect that you have a warm side. Those who said that words must haven’t seen

How I comforted Wang. That sounds weird. You take me as a turtle? Someone is beating me! Someone is beating me! Someone is beating me! You are smiling all the way. Can you just stop it? At the thought of being stay with you for 24 hours a day, I just can’t help smiling. Please!

Could you please don’t say this kind of honey words out every time? Okay. I won’t say it. I will keep it in my mind. You can’t keep it in your mind. But I can’t control my mind. Then don’t smile like that when you think about that. Like what? What do you mean?

Mind Transfer! Yu’er, I want to ask you a question. Third Young Master. Go ahead. Just tell me about the Holy Medicine Sect. Tell me about the private therapy and that folk prescription that woman taught you. Just tell me about that. And then I will take it as a joke and tell the others.

Alright. My Lady once prepared the Green Tea Mix, which is especially for curing early amnesia. She often made it for me. And the white lotus. It can cure enuresis in children. It can even cure enuresis? She is really capable. She is awesome! Why should we have to do this kind of thing?

Without martial arts, he was good for nothing. Why should we have to bury him alive? He has been injured by the bone rotting needle and there is no cure. It’s worse than death. Burying alive is a good thing for him. Who is it? Take them away and question them carefully. As you wish.

He is still alive He is an evildoer and has done all kinds of evil. We should kill him. No. We should keep him alive. He must be useful. Drink this bowl of herb water. I won’t poison you. If I want to kill you, why did I save you?

You were almost buried alive last night. He is your life saver. What the hell are you doing?! Do you think I don’t know what you are planning? I keep loyal to my master. You want to incite me? Stop daydreaming. If you are a man, just kill me. Are you out of your mind?

The 13rd Prince wanted to kill you. Get out! Get out! No matter who I am, no matter how worthless I am, I don’t need your compassion. I can’t live without hope. The last hope for resurrection that I am longing for is going to be ended. Just kill me as you wish.

Then I can meet my wife and my kid earlier. Leave me alone! I don’t need you! You don’t know what is good for you at the end of your life. Let him go. I am Li Mubin, a private adviser of the 6th Prince.

The 6th Prince privately took men to the Shouyue Mountain Villa to investigate the case about the 13rd Prince. He asked me to wait you here. He knew it’s the 13rd Prince who did it. Does he have any conclusive evidences? About the death of the 1st Prince,

The 6th Prince thought he was set up by the 13rd Prince. So they are now incompatible. Well. I heard something about that. Please tell me the details. The 13rd Prince looks like that he is indifferent to fame and wealth. He doesn’t care about the political affairs. But he recruited believers in brotherhood secretly.

The 6th Prince worried that he would be used by the 13rd Prince one day. If the 6th Prince worried that the 13rd Prince would usurp the throne, maybe he doesn’t have to worry about that. With the 6th Prince’s help, he will have more chance to win. Senior. No. Master Yu.

Why do you come back? How can you be so calm? Have brother and his wife been taken away? Have they left any clues? Brother and his wife? They have been saved by your friend, haven’t they? My friend? What happened? You. Hurry! Tell me every detail.

A masked man from the Shadow Sect attacked them. They couldn’t compete with other people. Master Dai and the others were caught by them. I was gathering medicinal herbs in the mountains, so I escaped from the disaster. Then I followed them for a dozen of miles. I saw… Sorry to frighten you.

You must have suffered a lot. Help them untie. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Master. Didn’t they join you? Were those martial artists fat? Did you see anything special on their clothes or did you see any sect marks? None of them was fat. About the marks. I can’t remember. Master.

They won’t have any accidents, will they? They shouldn’t. Maybe it’s just that we haven’t received any messages about them. You can go now. The people who saved your brother and the others may be from the four sects. I’m just afraid that they may encounter the people from the Shadow Sect.

Gong Yuanxia and Mu Yu’er went to the Oriental Sect, and they will send us some information. I haven’t seen you smile for a long time. Have you? Darling, you know what? When you first came to the Ghost Domain Sect, you always shouted at me and beat me. But I still felt happy

Because you were afraid of nothing at that time. You behaved like a fiend in human shape. You worried about nothing. But recently I see you often wear a worried frown and heave signs. I’m worried about you. Anyway, I am one of the blood brothers. I should care about the overall situation.

I’m afraid it’s not only about the danger, but also the choice you have to make. It looks that we are together, but it seems that you stay in your own world. I feel like this all day long. It’s normal for you to miss him. I didn’t miss…

You don’t forget neither the brotherhood nor the Holy Medicine Sect. You just want to stay away from him temporarily. I don’t know what I should say or what I can do. But I really want to have the happy and light-hearted you back. Darling. There is a monster. Monster? Where is it?

Kid, come to me. Where is the monster? Monster. -Beat him. -Okay. Beat him to death. Beat the monster. Beat him to death. Beat the monster. Beat you to death. Monster, I will beat you to death. I will beat you to death. How dare you come out and do harm to people?

Beat him to death. Go to hell. Beat him. Beat him to death. Go to hell. You monster! Go to hell. You still want to come out and do harm to us? Beat him. Stop. Gui Yanxie. Go with me. You go away. I don’t need your pity.

I won’t go with you no matter how hard you try to persuade me. I know nothing about the Shadow Lord. I am now just a useless man. I don’t need your compassion. You just leave me alone. Go with me. Get lost. He is so unreasonable.

If you don’t leave him alone, I will not talk with you in the future. Go. Let’s go. Go. I keep loyal to you. Why do you treat me like this? I was the first right-hand man of you. When the Right Ambassador came back, I was demoted as the second right-hand man.

I became good for nothing. Now I even lost the last hope for survival. Go with me. Get up. -Leave me alone. -Let’s go. Leave me alone. Yu Shengyou is the only one of the Holy Medicine Sect who survived. I heard that the devil killed every one of the Holy Medicine Sect.

Their master just passed away. Is that true? The Holy Medicine Sect still has five disciples guard there. They are all missing. People on the Foggy Mountain are in panic. The Holy Medicine Sect has so many famous doctors these years, who have saved countless people’s lives. If it is destroyed like this,

It would be a pity. Just forget it. Take your time. They don’t know what happened, so you don’t have to care about it. We will receive news. It must be good news. You… Why do you… I’m okay. It’s too cold. I just want to warm up.

When I was little, I asked my dad, “You could be cured if you are ill, but what to do if you are hurt in heart”. My dad told me that you had to treat yourself if you were hurt in heart. Everyone has his own way to treat himself.

You can sing, drink, play card and play football. You can talk to others and have a long trip. And the worst way is to escape and hide the pain in your heart. Darling, we treat it in the same way. I also like eating and drinking. Nothing is more terrible than feeling disappointed.

Darling, I didn’t understand you before. People who can even eat and drink with a big mouth when he gets hurt and feels pain must be stronger than the others. You are a silly boy. You only know how to play fool. Is it so hard for you to face me with your true heart?

So that’s why you pretended to be mad and leave him? You wanted to test him this way? I hate myself. I hate myself. I hate myself who still miss him. I hate myself… Why don’t you understand me? I thought we trusted each other. Alright. Since you said you would wait for me,

Why did you pretend as if nothing had happened? Now, I even have no strength to be angry with you. People will know, understand the others and treat them well in their own ways. They thought they had understood the others and treated them well. But there is still a far distance between them.