【FULL】Enemy EP24 | 对手 | Guo Jingfei 郭京飞, Tan Zhuo 谭卓 | iQiyi

Issuing License Number: (Beijing) Drama Review (2021) No. 030 Hello, Teacher Ding Hello Go to the cafeteria after you bring meals I have no class in the afternoon He said to come and pick me up for a hot pot at noon Let’s go together Envy I’m dead

There will be men like Lao Huo from now on Introduce me to one real okay I am leaving good I say The new chef Is it from the north? This dish burns more salty than the other Where did you all go in the morning? Why is there no one?

Is there something hiding from me? so I tell you Not allowed to go out Carrying you The old man invited us to morning tea Don’t think it’s early Much better than this good to eat It’s not righteous Just pick a treat when I’m away Hello Welcome to call Didu special car Hello

I want to lodge a complaint with you a private car driver Last name Li The tail number is 2889 His abusive passenger Cancel orders at will You help me look it up OK, just a second Hello system display 2889 drivers did not take orders No orders

What does it mean to not take orders Just didn’t get out of the car Yes lady Will you remember the license plate number incorrectly? that Man with stubborn ears Go find you at home Ding Xiao did not happen to be there at the time You two pretend not to know each other

Pass by Talk about Talk about it I want to drink water Four hours You have to enter the service area to rest even after driving for four hours Let’s eat Give him some water first come in What to do Go in What to do What are you doing Enter Hey sister

Where are you I’m at work What’s wrong Your brother-in-law said that he ran into you that day And Xiaoting Chatted a few words Just passing by I wanted to go up and see you It’s been a long time Li Xiao always talks about you If you are fine after get off work today

Let’s have a meal together You go to school to pick up Li Xiaoman OK, I’ll pick up Xiaoman after get off work Goodbye I never killed anyone No blood on his hands Explain everything that should be explained Not sentenced to death Taking crime and meritorious service can also reduce sentence How about it

Think about it Say or not Torture Do you know the consequences Don’t you want to do it anymore Call your leader over Call your leader How about it Say or not I tell you You think you don’t speak Can you pass the level? This is just foreplay

I have a way to cure you Waiting You came here with two other spies To kidnap Huang Deming But the plan was wrong again and again Huang Deming was killed by you Such a big thing Can be lurking for more than ten years Do you know Huo Chuanlu and Liu Xiaohua?

A wife ion powder The other one will not survive this year This is all thanks to you Your previous superior called Yao Haiyong he died Money is gone You go to the bank’s Manager Wu Manager Wu won’t cooperate with you You seduce someone’s secretary

In the end, the girl committed suicide by cutting her wrists We have known these conditions a long time ago Recruit You can’t stand the rest Now it’s too late Say or not How about it Can you stand it? You gotta bear it Still early you do not say

We will let your wife say it too Your wife is going to take the kids away Orphans and widows Have you thought about them Are you a man Huo Chuanlu Yao Haiyong Liu Xiaohua Huang Deming And the dead Liu Guoxiang Secretary Chen These things Who asked you to do it

And that regardless of your family’s life and death Until now Still like a tortoise The one of you who refuses to show up what is his name what is it call I don’t know Liu Guoxiang Still installing We haven’t eaten so far Just be with you You do not know

Why did you go to her and Yao Haiyong’s old house? I say I say Besides taking the money away Left an old house I went to set it on fire Lead people out I only called one person Unless he was also caught by Guoan Otherwise no one will know about this Lin or

Come out come out Lin or Come out Since the fishmonger’s accident His subordinates lived in this community Deep in the simple If it weren’t for these food delivery He starved to death long ago I ran into people so fast Run this takeaway several times a day What is this doing

Tiantian No. 3 Building Three O Four Every Day A bunch of takeaways every day You see it is that I ran several times a day on that delivery day Never saw others Yes I don’t know what it is We have to be careful Yes No one comes out during the day

Lights up night after night The square dance queen didn’t realize he was a spy Thought he was a MLM And even turned over the garbage bag he threw Found a bunch of useless film Old people are cautious Called all the report calls Go and see the gift from the queen go

The trial is over long ago Vomiting up But it’s a pity what There is still no letter from Xinyu You said Is this drill fish asleep? Lin or come out come out Why are you doing this to me Why What am I doing wrong Why are you doing this to me

You answer me What am I doing wrong Tell him yourself What a chicken accident Other people are also having trouble one by one My people are almost finished by the Xiazhou State Security Bureau I can only try one by one Hey Are you listening to me Lose my teeth Plant dentures

One twenty thousand four I will give you the invoice Just that number Packaged and paid in one go Or forget it Who are you going to shoot this time? what Hello please register So please come in It’s okay, you can tell Did your dad call you When i was in school

He usually doesn’t bother me I thought he would tell you what do you want to say Is it hard to speak? You usually go home for dinner Still at school I i mean Look at today’s dinner Can you deal with a meal in the school cafeteria I thought

You want me to eat out with you Is there anything else? Yes yes yes I am tonight Want to go home for a night Quarreled with my husband now Very noisy Originally Just give you a call But I think, see you Can’t you stay in a hotel? Go back to the ex-husband’s house

Now my husband feels scared Where should you remarry Hey Hello I am Ding Meixi Hello teacher ding Hello Are you free now available You said Is such that Abao, didn’t he make up lessons at my place before? I cleaned up the house today Found that he had something left there

Then he called his father and no one answered I’m here to call you Why is he always like this? I just don’t answer the phone during physiotherapy Sorry, teacher Ding Hey You need now Shall I pick one up in the past? OK Then I will go back to school now

Is it convenient for you to go now convenient so See you at school in a while Goodbye goodbye What is your name Ding Dan Find it thanks Teacher Ding Chen Xing’s mother Just hit the door I’ll bring it in for you Trouble you Look at this express now

Say not to violently load and unload Even if you buy a computer He dared to throw you away You are talking about this Yes Not just teaching Also in charge of enrollment and employment If i were you I also quit this job Fifteen thousand people took the college entrance examination in Xiazhou

Two thousand more this year There are five thousand two hundred people enrolled in higher vocational colleges There are nineteen test sites in the city More than 500 examination rooms This adds up to more than 20,000 people You said how many people can get into college in the end Successfully graduated

Find a good job Did Teacher Ding work unsatisfactorily? Let’s not talk about the unsatisfactory Three hundred and sixty lines Like you Just like me Ok Can jump to Tsinghua and Peking University The worst come here No worries about the source of students But the problem of employment

Both the school and the parents know Who cares about this? My part-time job No wages No bonus Just mix in an office where you can drink water Just say it here I forgot to pour you a glass of water Teacher Ding You have a pair of shoes and a bag

Up to my salary for several months This is not satisfied Don’t be too greedy Come thanks This bag You have to recite like this One real and one fake When going out to support the scene Take that fake You have to meet a knowledgeable person Take that out again

Let’s talk about this year Who hasn’t seen a LV that was wounded to death with plastic strips? Teacher Ding today Very talkative Yes Just this dictionary Find anyone Can be delivered to Chen Xing’s father It’s not working anymore Also wrap a tape and send a courier You specifically called me over today

Is there any trouble trouble Like a book Can’t be burned out or torn You want to solve it You have to open it you are right There are many similarities between the two of us Encounter difficulties I can’t even find a helper by my side Of course there are some differences

I can solve these troubles by myself You can’t solve it You said that Xiazhou is so big I don’t even have anyone to talk about Coincidentally, I am free today I divorced Li Tang, right? Everyone thinks it’s my problem I also think it’s your problem child

This has a lot to do with children We can’t make it through Spouse Teach and educate people What’s the problem How does Li Xiaoman think of me? What does Chen Xing think of you? Doesn’t he think you are the biggest sinner in the family?

Anyway, I don’t know how to talk to the child Get along Not to be friends I can’t treat my girlfriends This can’t speak well Whenever you scold her sternly I’ll fall back for you right away What you say is privacy All sensitive Can’t touch her things Apart from washing her clothes and cooking

I’m at home It’s one more name on the account book than the nanny You want to get her to sleep at night I can’t touch it even if I reach out In school too Are all there with ears Are you okay, I hope something will happen to you I really am

Too much pressure I don’t know what to do I don’t know why I think of you most of the time I love hypotheses If you are not mother You are a daughter What do you think of your mother If you ask you to rate her Can you pass fifty-nine Or sixty one

Have no idea It depends on the mood If I were Chen Xing I’ll give Duan Yingjiu seventy points The full score is 10,000 points You are a teacher you should know If it’s a ten-eighth point away There is still hope for hard work If it’s really bad Forget it, just give up

Make another assumption Suppose you are not worried about the mother-daughter relationship What else for example Make you sleepless in those nights Something that scares you Your anxiety Is it because of something else? Have a pet, right? If kittens and puppies are too naughty Too noisy Mother will yell at them and bite them

Do you think they will hold grudges? Will not This person can’t be worse than a beast, right? So filial piety Like fat sea Give it more time It won’t make you angry you are a teacher You know, right Even a doctor can’t see a doctor for his own child That’s medicine and injection

Not quarreling You are not afraid of this Ding Meixi What are you afraid of Occupational disease My tone Is it scaring you no Maybe you don’t believe it I want to help you This sentence is true thank you It’s so late real I have to go quickly I’m so embarrassed today

Let’s eat together someday Should i ask you Wait when you have time Walking goodbye See me if you have trouble next time Everything is fine gone I want to call the police My ex-husband is missing Why are you here so early Early? For your favorite Why is it my favorite? On the phone

Isn’t it all clear? I have nothing to ask You don’t ask Then I’ll ask Do you want to go back Where to go back Heart to heart Don’t give the money Husband and wife are making trouble in the city The hat is green after getting married Everyone is watching a joke

Catching up with the people around you got caught I can’t sleep even after taking medicine Worried all day Almost died here If i were you Don’t want to do it But some things can only be said today do not worry There is a hand holding you on it Can’t fall you Your hand?

Boss’s hand Better than my hands these years The arbitrage you made for him The private matter of money laundering Like a glove Can’t take it off with blood and idiots If i were him Dare not move you But I can’t do the Lord today The boss can’t be the master

The nose of the Communist Party is so good no way Things related to these foundations Everyone has to go to school But think from another angle You suffer a bit It’s better than Ding Meixi’s suffering Wait two days for your face to disappear Do one more thing

I know you are scolding me in your heart Casual How to enjoy I can understand Li Tang except you I don’t have anyone to believe in anymore Where’s Ding Meixi Can you trust her Tell her You can come to me if you can’t find it in the future No need to find 110

Is there anything else? I have heard of The boss is about to retire This building this building Right here How many rooms do you live in? one one How does that man live? He lives outside I slept with my mom go There is no elevator There used to be an elevator

Here here here mom came back sister Xiaotian, be careful of the nails on the soles of your feet Change the lock cylinder Haven’t several households in this community been stolen? Prepared I’m afraid of someone stealing the situation in our home I’m afraid your earphones will be stolen in I go to the toilet

I bought some fruit What do you still spend here By the way He hasn’t got off work yet No hardworking people Working overtime every day like me I will also come to the Board of Education tomorrow It’s evening to finish class Someday he comes back to invite you to dinner early

You just recognize people Drink water, I’ll cook first good Sister, you and my brother-in-law I mean Li Tang What’s your situation Who said it You follow me no Got it in the cup I I just ask casually You haven’t contacted me for so long Why did you suddenly remember to call me?

Does your sister miss you anymore? Why not Hurry up and rest there for a while The meal will be ready soon good Please slow down Several The two of us Please come in Drink bar What can I eat if my teeth are gone? You haven’t had enough these days You said

Let’s run all the way here People are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts Home can’t go back What picture What do you want to say I can’t see you when I want to see you Give me dreams every day when I don’t want to see you

I died before I finished my fart Where do I go to guess your riddles How can i guess What do you want to say tell me Don’t let me guess i guess i’m tired Took a trip to the suburbs No cell phone signal I’m fine Do not worry Still remember ten years ago

When we came to Xiazhou Who rented the house next door? They live in shanghai now Still called Li Chunqiu and Yao Lan That string of numbers Is our first time in Xiazhou They want to come here to do something Need your cooperation Hey Hello, Master Li?

If you charter a car in downtown Xiazhou, two days How much is it for the two of us Where are you Come on You hold down the swab Press for three to five minutes without rubbing Okay, thank you gone Naran Hey old man I’m afraid Hey Catch up

Nanqie Xizhuan Chess and Candle Hall Xiazhou Huohua Station” Please come in You think you won’t open the door Can’t i get in I have an emergency password Duan Yingjiu, what are you doing Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Do not go to the medical examination Find someone to replace The one I found last year was okay Anyhow the same age Find Zhu Hui this year

Your body index Can it be the same as a little girl in her early twenties I almost figured it out Make you interrupted and messed up again I still rely on me if the case can’t be solved Don’t look at this what New clues The two spies have arrived in Xiazhou

Either a couple or a husband and wife The purpose is this