【FULL】Danger Zone EP04 | 逆局 | Vic Chou 周渝民 X Lee Ming Shun 李铭顺 X Zhu Xuanyang 朱轩洋 | iQiyi Original

[12 years earlier] Mum! Run! No! I won’t leave you! -Mum! -Run! I’m not leaving you, Mum! Let’s go together, let’s go home. Mum. My mum is still alive! Take him away! Miss! Miss, are you okay? Guan Ming Yang, you’d better be able to write something out.

[Donglin City Police Department Changrong Branch Review Report] [Four women were killed in a row.] [Based on my experience,] [it’s up to 90 percent of chances that the killer is male.] [And those experiences you talked about,] [generally speaking, there is a 75 percent chance that] [most of the wrongful convictions]

[are caused by the wrong handling of the case] [by the frontline investigating officers.] [If you keep missing the point,] [you’d better leave the case alone.] A criminal’s words can’t be trusted. It can’t be. [Another dismemberment case has been reported.]

[Body of fifth victim of serial murder said to be found] [Our reporter is currently] [at the central square of Donglin City.] [The cleaner found a black garbage bag] [when cleaning the pool this morning.] [It contained the dismembered body parts.] [Judging from the lower abdomen of the deceased collected at the scene,]

[the deceased was suspected to be pregnant.] [The police suspect the same murderer] [is responsible for the death of these two lives] [and the four previous dismemberment cases.] -The fifth one. -[But the detailed cause of death] [will be further confirmed] -[after the autopsy.] -It’s actually a pregnant woman this time.

Her body was put in the garbage bag too. It must be the same person who did it. [It’s not him.] Call out your numbers. 0089. 5710. What did you say? Call out your numbers. It’s not the same murderer. [Chapter 1 – In the Dark Night] [Episode 4] [Autopsy Room] Captain.

-How is it? -The deceased, Zhang Han Yin’s husband is on the last flight here. Okay. According to Zhang Han Yin’s colleagues from the insurance company, their social circle is simple and uncomplicated. Okay. No enemies, no debts, no relationship trouble. Chopping up a body like that, this has gone beyond deep-seated grudge. Darn it.

Stay sharp. Shelly, how is it? Is the dismemberment pattern this time the same as before? The pattern is similar, but the tools used should be different. And no traces of anaesthetic were found in the deceased’s body. Judging from the degree of rigor mortis and livor mortis, I estimate that

The time of death is less than 24 hours ago. The body parts weren’t cut out neatly. Bruises of varying degrees are found on the front and back of the torso, as well as the arms. These bruises had already been there before she died. And fractures can be found on clavicle, ribs and sternum.

And haemorrhage due to ruptured spleen. The victim was beaten to death. That darn murderer. How many months pregnant was the deceased? Judging from the fetal development, around 22 to 24 weeks. The fetus at this period can already hear sounds. Could the fetus hear the process of the dismemberment? Yes. Let me ask you,

What is the murderer’s motive? [The murderer could be someone who had a miscarriage] [or lost a child but didn’t receive any care or attention] [and therefore developed a vengeful mindset.] The first four victims were anaesthetized before the dismemberment. Why the sudden change in the modus operandi this time?

I have seen so many cases, this is the cruellest one. Yet, I still have to cut them open here. You guys have to catch the murderer as soon as possible. Hey. Yu said he’s got the footage of the suspect. Shelly, we have to go now. What else this person did,

Please write it down in detail. Rest assured, I will definitely catch him. I’ll send you the report later, Captain. Okay. Those behind, keep up. Those behind, keep up. It’s not him. The criminal on the news isn’t the murderer of the dismemberment case. He’s a copycat killer. Copycat killer.

I thought I would only hear this term in the academy during class. The killer is fame-hungry. Once he has got what he wants, he may continue to kill. Changrong Branch may set a trap to catch the killer. Tell Ren Fei, if they get the killer cornered,

He may choose to die with his victim. By then, it will put the officer who serves as bait in mortal danger. I looked through the surveillance in accordance with the places the victim had been through by tracing her phone, and found the footage of the suspect. Check it out, guys.

This individual in black followed Zhang Han Yin to her workplace. After that, he kept wandering outside. He continued to follow her after she got off work. And check out this footage. This is the last footage of Zhang Han Yin before she was murdered. The same person. But this individual

Doesn’t look like a woman. -Hello. -Hello, Ren Fei. Liang Yan Dong wants me to tell you something. Him again. Please tell him to leave me alone, okay? [Hang on,] you’re looking for a copycat killer, instead of the real killer. [I’m telling you,] I haven’t even figured out what to write

On the review report for last time. This is all your fault. How did it go? Have you found the suspect’s last whereabouts? The captain is here. Ren Fei, please listen to me. [You guys are looking in the wrong place.] -[There’s going to be trouble.] -Cut it out. Hello? No.

I’m pulling the security cam footage of the stores and shophouses nearby, but it’s probably a long shot. Then this trail is dead. This is Zhang Han Yin’s phone. See if you can get any leads from it. Yes, sir. This murderer killed five people. We must find a way to catch him.

We are still not sure if the murderer is the same person. Captain, you think the one who killed Zhang Han Yin could be a different person? The body this time bears visible trauma. Besides, no traces of anaesthetic were found in the body. And as for the disposal site, the body was

Deliberately dumped in a place where lots of people pass through. The modus operandi is different. The first four victims have one thing in common, their families didn’t know they were pregnant. But Zhang Han Yin’s husband knew she was pregnant. So I want you to check again about the pregnant thing. Also,

The victim’s classmates, colleagues and friends, I want you to talk to every single one of them. Find out if anyone knows the victim wanted to have an abortion, or which clinic she went to. Go now. You are having drug withdrawal reaction. The most severe reaction should have emerged

During the first few days after you came in. You’ve been here for a month. Why can you still use drugs? Heroin or amphetamine? Don’t go too far, you might get addicted. I talked to the families of all the victims again. Other than Zhang Han Yin, none of the other victims’

Relatives or friends knew they were pregnant. According to Chen Fang Yun’s friend, she had showed signs of pregnancy in January and February this year. But at that time, Chen Fang Yun firmly denied it. If it was January and February, then the fetus should have been

Seven or eight months old when she was killed. This is odd. There is only a short interval from the first case to the fifth case. How come the murderer’s modus operandi has changed so much? That’s right. Hey. You’ve been working on it all day. And this is all you got? Captain,

I found something. In the afternoon, I tried so many decryption methods. I haven’t encountered such challenging system in a long time. In the end, I finally cracked the App by attacking it intensively with a powerful DDoS. This App is very special. It may seem like a photography App, but when you click here,

It will take you to a mysterious chatroom. [Level: Beast, Nickname: widows] Luckily, Zhang Han Yin’s account password was easy to crack. This is a secret dating club. Zhang Han Yin used her 3D ultrasound picture as her profile picture, and her user name [Level: Beast, Nickname: widows] is Widows. A widow. Yes.

After I logged in with Zhang Han Yin’s account password, I found out that this is a chat room with paid membership. The account levels rank from low to high, namely, Angel, Beast and Satan. The higher the rank, the higher the monthly fee. Their assessment mechanism is the same as credit insurance.

But the most special part about it is that they need to upload videos of them committing crimes. Committing crimes? Yes. Most of the videos are related to sex. Some are about having sex in public on the train. Some are orgies. Some are incest.

But because Zhang Han Yin’s account level is not high enough, I can’t access to the more menacing content. So what video did Zhang Han Yin upload? She uploaded a video of herself having suffocating sex. And it was while she was pregnant. So her account level is Medium Beast. Just Medium Beast?

Isn’t she married? Did she have frequent exchanges with any of the accounts? She communicated quite frequently with an account called Mothman. Most of the content of their conversations was about achieving sexual orgasm through abuse and humiliation. Here is Zhang Han Yin’s reply. [You can abduct me while I’m walking on the street, anytime.]

[It’s more thrilling this way.] Yu, I think this Mothman is very suspicious. Have you looked into him? He’s using an offshore IP address. Do you have a way to bait him out? Yu, I have faith in you. You have to figure something out. Our next step is to confirm whether Mothman

Is the man in black in the footage. [It’s more thrilling this way.] Hey. Can I ask you something? What do you want to know? 1256. Why are you interested in him? Aren’t you people of the same kind? What does that mean? You were convicted of sexual assault and homicide too, right?

You’d think the family members of those who committed such crimes don’t usually come to visit, but his ex-wife and daughter come once every two or three days. I asked him how he ended up here. He said he hooked up with a woman

In a nightclub in Donglin, they checked in to a motel room. He got a little carried away and killed the woman. Did you ask him why? I did. But he didn’t tell me. But there are no secrets in jail. Some people say he’s into kinky sex, he likes to do it from behind.

He especially likes the back of women. I heard that the woman’s back was badly wounded. [Last time we saw each other,] [she had already earned enough money for the surgery,] [so she had stopped taking private appointments.] [And her back] [seemed to be injured.] [What kind of injury?] [I have no idea.]

[She seemed to be afraid of something.] [But when I asked her,] [she refused to say anything.] [Fang Ke Qian.] Attention, Factory No. 2 will start work in ten minutes. Eat faster. Why? I’ve just started. Don’t think that the police are protecting you just because they talked to you.

The police talked to you too? Those officers are in charge of the dismemberment case, does it have anything to do with you? How do you know so much? I have a habit of studying everyone’s reasons. Even bad people have their reasons. You’re no exception. 5710, I advise you to mind your own business.

You wouldn’t hurt a woman, and you’re not the kind of man who needs to abuse someone to get sexual pleasure. You are a murderer who raped a woman. Who are you to judge me? Tell me then, how did the wound on the back of the woman you killed look like?

You don’t believe that I killed her? You don’t? Who are you taking the blame for? Tell me. If you don’t shut up, I’m going to kill you! [Mum, get up!] [Let’s go home, let’s go home to Dad.] [Mum, get up!] [Mum, let’s go home.] [Let’s go home to Dad.]

[Let’s go home to Dad.] Ren Fei, Yu found something. Come here. Account settings are changed. IP address is changed too. The people inside won’t find out this isn’t Zhang Hanyin’s account for now. What should we do next? We should change our account to interact with Mothman. Then… What name should we use?

I think we should cater to his sadistic taste. This way, we’ll attract his attention immediately. Venus in Furs. That’s the book of Austrian author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. The term Masochism is derived from his last name. This book is about the masochistic Severin being infatuated with Wanda. He volunteers to be her slave

And let her punish him. Wanda treats Severin brutally. So we should name our account Venus in Furs. Hey, hold on. Type in “Seeking for Wanda”. -Seeking for Wanda? -Yes. Wanda is sadism. So Mothman is the sadist. Yes. Join some book clubs when you’re free, stop spending time on computer all day long.

You’re annoying. [Seeking for Wanda, you have a new message] He replied. [Mothman] Interview? Captain. Ask him when. [When?] [Now, turn on your webcam.] Now? [Mothman calling] Wanda. Are you Wanda? What kind do you like? I don’t like the traditional one. [Hello, Ren Fei.] [Liang Yan Dong wants me to tell you something.]

[Are you going to set up a trap next to bait out the murderer?] [If they get the killer cornered,] [he may choose to die with his victim.] [By then,] [it will put the officer who serves as bait] [in mortal danger.] Do you like pregnant women? [How many months?] Six.

[You look so cute when you’re nervous.] This is my first time. I want to be dominated. [First time?] [Do you want me to dominate you?] Yes. Only suffocation gives me pleasure. [Show me.] He hung up. He sent us an address. Captain, this is a market in the old town. [Xin’an Market] Yes.

Captain, looks like I’m going to contribute this time. Ying Yi, look at these. Each size is different. See which one suits you. I’ll take this. This should be right. Okay. Listen, keep wearing it after you try it on. Don’t take it off. Why?

You have to get used to posing as a pregnant lady. What if you get blown? The first day I was catching criminals, you were still washing the toilet, okay? Who are you to doubt me? Be careful. Don’t forget that you almost got killed. Got killed? What do you mean? I got shot

During an operation before. If it hadn’t been for Xiao Ming, I wouldn’t have survived. Will… Will you be safe in this undercover operation? What else can we do? If we want to catch the criminal, we have to take certain risks. So we must do our best to minimize the risk.

And when it comes to operations like this, the captain definitely wants all hands on deck. I’ll be fine. I have faith in you guys. It’s too small. Yes, too small. What about this one? Okay, this works. Hello. No, I didn’t say anything. I really didn’t say anything. You can’t break your promise.

Didn’t we have a deal? After I spend a few years here, you’ll find a way to get me out. You can’t break your word. Hello? You’ve used it for too long. Get out of here. Everyone, crouch down. I know your case. Other than being sexually assaulted, the victim was physically abused.

There is a hierarchy for offenders. The highest level of murderer is a sadist who takes pleasure in torture. A person with a normal relationship, with children and a sense of guilt can’t be the murderer in this case. Did you take the blame voluntarily or were you forced to do it?

Are you taking the blame for the person who gives you drugs? How much did he pay you? Stop. Qian Zhi Yang. Stop. Do you think by staying here, your wife and daughter can live without worries out there? Shut up. Since the case is still on trial, tell the truth.

-Shut up. -Get out of this place. Shut up. Did they tell you that the maximum sentence -for homicide is… -Shut up! Calm down, calm down. I killed her! I killed her! Kill him! Calm down! Think about what I told you. Calm down! I killed her! Calm down. I killed her! I killed her!

-What are you doing? -Get down! -Get down! -Get down! Stay down! -All of you, get down! -Get down! Get down! Get down! -Get down! -Get down! What’s going on? Do you need help? Take 1256 to the medical room. Yes, sir. Spare me. Please. Spare me, I’m begging you. Make way.

Everyone, stay still at your place. -Get back! -Get down! 5710, someone wants to see you. I’ve brought him here. You owe me one. Aren’t you going to sit down? Changrong doesn’t agree to my request? I have some questions for you. If you don’t agree to my request,

I have the right to refuse to cooperate. Do you still insist that the murderer of the dismemberment cases is a woman? 1256. What 1256? Go find out 1256, Qian Zhi Yang’s criminal record. At least it’ll make you trust me more. What does that mean? I’m guessing that he and I

Are taking the blame for the same person. He is not as shameless as you. He turned himself in. They killed someone and have people to take the blame for them. Tell me, how capable is this murderer? If I were to wait until you police put aside your prejudices, I’m telling you,

Qian Zhi Yang and I will die in prison first. Regarding the fifth victim, her sexual relationship was not normal. We are catching the suspect she met online. All the evidence indicates that he’s the prime suspect. I already asked Ming Yang to warn you. This is a copycat killer. In 19th century,

Jack the Ripper opened up the criminal type of serial murder. After that, England had a copycat ripper. He chose to kill the victims in the same way, he chose his victims in the same way, and killed with the same modus operandi. But in the end,

He was caught by the police when he was dismembering a body in the bathtub of his apartment. The murder of those pregnant women is premeditated crime. And he definitely doesn’t want to be caught. The modus operandi can evolve, but the signature will never change. Therefore, leaving the lower abdomen behind was not

Because of negligence, nor because of a change of signature, but because it is not him at all. These two are completely different murderers. This copycat killer would usually have some harmless anti-social behaviour. He lives alone, has a few friends only. He placed the body in a busy area,

Simply because he wants to be seen. He seeks recognition, to prove that he is capable of doing something great. He is a person who is dissatisfied with the current situation and eager to perform. He is seeking for attention. He is likely to have a narcissistic personality as well. If this kind of person

Learns that the police have gone to great lengths to find him, what will he do? Make a bigger scene. That’s why I asked Ming Yang to warn you. You have to pay attention to the person who’s going to meet him. I got it. Everyone, are you in position? Sugarcane in position.

Old Dog in position. Smoking Gun in position. Okay, listen up, we have to be careful. We can’t have any accident. We have to catch him. Okay, starts the operation. [Go straight, cross the road, walk along the building] Sheep has passed through. Sheep has passed through.

Captain, Sheep is getting closer to the target location. Okay. [Answer the phone.] Captain, Sheep put down her phone and [pick up a phone that was probably left by the suspect.] Captain, should Sheep answer the phone? Yes. [Keep walking straight.] Sheep has started moving. Do we need to follow her? Listen, everyone,

The target location has been changed. It may exceed predicted range. So make sure Sheep doesn’t leave your sight. Old Dog copy. -Don’t lose her. -Copy that. [Stop.] [Enter the building.] [Go upstairs.] [Keep going.] [Turn right.] [Walk slowly.] [Keep walking.] [Turn right.] Why did Sheep stop moving? Is anyone following her?

Sheep has stopped moving. Find her! Old Dog is on it! -Sugarcane is on it! -Smoking Gun is on it! Excuse me, let me through. Excuse me, let me through. -Excuse me. -Police on a case. Hey, what are you guys doing? Move faster! Get out of the way!

Find Sheep! Sheep is in Block B! Block B. Hurry, find her! Captain, we didn’t see her. Hurry up and find her then! Ren Fei, you go that way. We’ll go that way. -Copy that. -Hurry! Captain, there’s no problem with the equipment. Listen, [we’ve lost your location.] Sheep should still be nearby.

Find her now, hurry up! Ying Yi! Qiao, drive to find signal. Copy that. [Sheep.] [Do you copy me?] Sheep, do you copy me? Sheep! [Keep walking straight.] [The room on your right.] Are you sure this is the place? [Enter.] I’m coming in now. [Yu, do we have any signal?] No.

Qiao, keep circling around. I don’t care, keep circling around. Keep circling around. [Keep going upstairs.] Old Dog, Smoking Gun, Sugarcane, I’m heading to the third floor of the market. Are you guys keeping up? Old Dog, Smoking Gun, Sugarcane, do you copy me? Old Dog, Smoking Gun, Sugarcane. Darn it. Ying Yi! Ying Yi!

Ying Yi! Ying Yi! Come, move. Those behind, keep up. Those behind, keep up. Walk faster. Who yawned just now? Did you not get enough sleep? Keep up. What are you doing? Someone is hanging there. Get down! -All of you, get down! -Get down! Get down! -Get down! 5710, get down!

I said, get down! Didn’t you hear me? Get down! -Ying Yi! -Ying Yi! Our leading lady today is a police officer. I’m here. Find Sheep! -You think you’re so awesome? -It’s because -of your oversight. -What the hell are you talking about? Go ahead and fight! Let the world know that police

Are accomplices to serial killer. I didn’t kill Qian Zhi Yang. There are surveillance cameras all around. More copycat killers will emerge, you won’t be able to catch them all. How do I know if I can believe what someone tells me?