【FULL】A Love For Dilemma EP34 | 小舍得 | Song Jia 宋佳, David Tong 佟大为, Rulu Jiang 蒋欣, Jean 李佳航 | iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [A Love for Dilemma] [Sponsored by Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation] [Culture & Art Salon] [Episode 34] Maybe I’m too greedy. I want everything. We can’t have it all, can we? You said yes to it just like that? You used to be very particular about science education, didn’t you?

You know very well what Zhong Yi is like. Do you have the heart to send the kid there? I’ve had a talk with him. He should be able to understand what I meant. I believe he’s not like he used to be. Do you believe what you just said? Why don’t I believe it?

Some time ago, there’s an online discussion. Have you checked it out? Put parents, oneself, spouse, and child in an order. Anyway, in our family, Li Li and the kids are definitely before me. Then between your wife and the kids, who do you put first? That depends on the situation.

I have to put Li Li before the kids these days. Dad’s right. His marriage with my mom-in-law is a scar in Li Li’s heart. Li Li has had blow after blow to her life lately. And now the scar is open again. Li Li will feel better only if the kids work hard.

That’s why I must listen to her. Are you going to sacrifice your kids for your wife’s happiness? Don’t you dote on your daughter the most? Li Li has promised me to allow the kids some free time, even if only for thirty minutes. Let them read for pleasure and have fun.

Or take a stroll in the neighborhood. Every week, they will have half of a day for pure relaxation. Have you heard about it? What is it? Ze Shu Cup’s organiser has been summoned for investigation. It’s not a lawful competition? It is. But there remain some off-topic, difficult, and weird questions.

And that’s strictly prohibited. Plus, Zi You made a scene. Whether they can organise it or not, that remains a question. You see, the kid has turned into a fighter. Both of these mothers won’t stop until they come to a dead end. Fine. Since you’ve surrendered, I have no reason to struggle with it.

Would I divorce my wife over it? How are you going to explain to your parents? I’ll keep it from them for now. I… I’m having a catch-22 situation. What kind of life is this? Yesterday, the school has had the parent’s meeting for the semester’s end.

Let’s talk about what have been discussed during the meeting. And let’s see what issue concerns the parents the most. Of course, they concern the most about the lot drawing. All parents are trying to find out if it’s reliable news. The same thing is happening in our class.

There are parents who are excited about it. But it’s a bolt from the blue for some of them. Is it more or less the same for other classes? -That’s right. -Okay. Judging from the current situation, the private lot drawing rules for primary school and junior high school admission have yet to decided.

But I can tell you clearly that the lot drawing is going to happen. To prevent primary and junior high schools from admitting only good students. And to ensure the fairness of compulsory education. Those have always been our educational reform goals. Also, considering the physical and mental development of pre-schoolers and primary schoolers,

It’s indeed not suitable for us to carry out these intense selective competitions. But there are parents who don’t understand it. After all, they’ve spent a lot of money and time on choosing the best school. They refuse to resort to a lesser alternative. These parents made their kids attend numerous tuition classes.

In fact, Ze Shu is all about advanced learning. A fourth-grader is to learn sixth grade contents. A sixth-grader is to learn grade eight ones. Everyone is trying to catching up to one another. If we don’t put a stop to this vicious cycle, it will do a child’s physical and mental development great harm.

I heard that Ze Shu has been suspended. Yes. Ze Shu has received a warning from Ministry of Education for advanced teaching and and strengthening exam-oriented education. And they’re asked to suspend all teaching activities and rectify the teaching plan. Han Lin Private High School has also been reported and criticised.

Han Lin Private High School was summoned for investigation and punished because they admitted students in secret. Our school should stick to the right education ideas, and promote and communicate them to the parents. Education is a long-term process. It’s not about getting ahead on a running track. Compared to score, a child’s healthy personality,

His cheerful character, as well as a good parent-child relationship are more important than ever. You won’t learn Math Olympiad from the god and Ze Shu anymore. From now on, you will learn it from Mr. Zhong only. That way, I’ve relieved your burden. It’s always been him, no?

Mr. Zhong is definitely not like he used to be. We’ve spent a large sum of money on it. That makes us a VIP. He will no longer be mean to you. But he must be strict and demanding. What if he refuses to teach me? That’s impossible. I’ve had an agreement with Mr. Zhong.

You need not worry about all this. Just focus on your studies. Don’t find any excuses. Mr. Zhong has made me a promise. You will become one of the top ten students in the class for the next semester. And work hard to be one of the top five. With your standard, it’s all easy-peasy.

Never mind. Let’s complete this small goal first. For your holiday, except for the tuition classes you attend, you will spend the rest of your time here with me. Both of you. I’ll give you tuition in the morning, and you’ll do exercises in the noon. As for you, you can come in the afternoon.

I’ll give you homework at night. And I’ll check your homework for all three subjects. Do you hear me? For classes on weekends, let’s make it a day and a half days. Let them rest for half of a day. I don’t have enough time. But I’ve promised your senior. I’m fine with that.

Fine, they get to rest for half of a day. Okay? When I get home tonight, I will send each of you a study schedule for this summer break. As for the schedule after the school opens, we will arrange it. But in principle, when you get off school and have nothing else to do,

You will come here and report yourself. Do you hear me? Can I sit in on class? That way, I can guide her at home. And I won’t do it all the time. Fine, no problem. I’ll sit in on it, too. Fine, no problem. Come in. Mi Tao is here. Hello, Mr. Zhong.

Hello, Auntie Nan. Hello, Auntie Tian. Mi Tao is in your class, too? I’ve always tutored Mi Tao by myself. And please don’t mind. A student like Mi Tao makes a natural role model, right? Indeed. Also, Mi Tao’s mom said that she’d be in charge of making lunch for them all.

So they don’t have to travel back and forth. Sure, the kids do like her mother’s cooking. We’ll pay her -for it after that. -All right. Okay, it’s decided, then. Let’s get ready for the class. -Come, have your seat. -Sure. Did you bring the handout? -I did. -Quick, take it out.

Hurry up and take it out. What are you doing, Xia Chao Chao? Xia Chao Chao, stop right there! Where are you going? Get back here! Where are you going? Didn’t we agree to start learning today? Starting from today, you can’t play anymore. Got it?

-You’re here to study well. -I don’t want to study! Why don’t you want to study? You must study! Didn’t we agree on it? I’ll let you eat pizza after that. I don’t want to study! Studying is no fun! I want to go home! I want to find Grandma! You can’t go!

Quick, get back in here! Where are you going? Leave! If you step out of this door, don’t ever come back again! And Dad and I will no longer support you! We will support your sister only! Why are you crying? I’m telling you… [Why do I ask you to write memos?]

Do you know why your performance has always been unstable? It’s because of your problematic attitude! How dare you rip off the test paper and flip the table! I’ve always been a good mother! What else do you want me to do? I have no idea how you make use of your time.

I’m telling you! Kids who don’t study well are stupid kids! Got it? And no one likes them! I don’t want a stupid kid! Mom, I want to study! Don’t abandon me! Get up. Get over here. It’s okay. Stop crying already! Here. Here, sit down. Here. You’re a good baby, aren’t you? Go ahead.

All right. Stop crying already. Why are you dawdling here? Hurry up and open the textbook. Let’s begin. The first chapter. Your foundation is not so strong. Let’s strengthen it first. The first unit, decimal. The meaning of decimals. Let’s move on to the question no. 6. Question no. 6. On the whole,

Out of all the questions on this handout, question no. 6 is your main problem. It’s indeed a difficult one. But I think you’re smart enough to notice that this question has the same internal logic as question no. 10 that I talked about yesterday. In fact, they share the same formula.

Whenever you make a mistake, keep on checking it. Check it closely. I keep reminding you all to do so. Point E on AB. Okay, tell me. Did anyone ever tell you that point E is the center? Right? You can’t assume E as the center

Just because it’s shown in the figure that it’s between AB. Has anyone of you ever thought about it? E is located here. Even though it’s Even though it’s the center on the figure… It seems to be the center. But it’s not necessarily to be… Chao Chao. Wake up. Don’t fall asleep.

Mr. Zhong, let him get some sleep. When he’s in kindergarten, he takes a nap every day. I did give you time to take a nap. Since you didn’t take a nap, you’re not allowed to do it now. Read your book. Okay, let’s continue. We need to check all the questions. It’s ABCD, right?

It’s very easy. It’s a big square. We’ll skip this. [Mathematical Thinking 1] FGCD. My kid and his dad are back to the hometown. And they have fun every day. But he’s okay with the hot weather. I checked out the photo they sent to me. His tiny face become dark in the sun.

They’re all the same. My kid has always loved playing with water. And he gets so excited when we’re at a beach. He wishes he’d soak himself in water every day. Sunscreen, and the like are no use at all. It’s summer break after all. They should just have fun.

His dad asked me why we should give birth. Because he found this a very wonderful world. So he wanted to invite the kid to see it too. How poetic your husband was. Why are we talking about him? Go ahead and get some rest. [QQ Music] [Growing Up With You]

♫ Growing up slowly with you ♫ ♫ And time is budding ♫ ♫ And the warmth in the hand ♫ ♫ It remains in your heart ♫ ♫ Which is full of blooming flowers ♫ ♫ Someday I will leave ♫ ♫ For a beautiful planet ♫

♫ Lift your head up and count ♫ ♫ The brightest star in the sky ♫ ♫ I will grow up slowly with you ♫ ♫ Like painting a beautiful drawing ♫ ♫ Look, the crape myrtle is blooming again ♫ ♫ And it looks so beautiful in the sunset ♫ [September]

[Feng Fan Primary School] Don’t stop. Stand at attention. Are you happy? Yes. I heard you! -Over here! -Grandma! We’ve had an exam on the first day of school. And I got first place. I’m the top in my class! Really? How can you be so outstanding? Let me give you a kiss.

Let’s go now! How can you be so great? -Mi Tao got first place, too. -Really? We got the same total score. Mi Tao, you’ve always been this brilliant. -Right? -Yes. I need to tell Dad and Mom this good news! -They need to give me a reward! -Hurry up. Well…

Quick, we’re going to cross the road. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, Mi Tao! -Bye-bye, Mi Tao! -Bye-bye, Huan Huan! All right. That’s awesome! Hubby, look! These are the test papers of the top scorer. -And they look different. -What’s so different about them? Don’t you think they looks as if they’re gold-framed?

I need to buy a frame for each one of them! Mom! I want that Princess Elsa dress that we saw on Vipshop. No problem. I’ll buy it for you now. Mom, you’re the best! I love you! My dear princess. I guarantee you will get to wear that dress on the day after tomorrow.

[Vipshop] We’ve placed the order! You kids are bullying an adult! Our Chao Chao is very good, isn’t he? Mr. Zhong praised Chao Chao and called him very clever. -Indeed. -Indeed. I want to be a smart kid, not a stupid kid. Mom, will you support me still? I will. You’re very good and smart.

How can I bring myself not to support you? Who gave birth to you? It’s Big Bad Wolf! You may check this out. It’s our latest model. And it’s been selling like hotcakes. It looks like on everyone. So does the golden one that you’re holding. You may have a look.

Hi, please give me a moment. Take your time. Just call me if you need any help. Thank you. Would you like to check out our rings? I like this one. Make do with it first. Once we’ve gotten a certificate and money for down payment, I’ll get you a big one.

Who says we’re getting a certificate? Ms. Zhang, I bet you’ve been in a good mood. Your three dear students have been doing very well. I’m indeed happy for their good performance. Judging from your tone, there’s a but about it, right? The kids want it. And their parents support it.

What else can I do? I have a but about it. But I have no time for you. I’d like to thank Huan Huan’s mom for giving me a half-of-a-day off. Actually, I do have a but about it. I’m not worried about Mi Tao’s performance. And she’s got a stable personality.

Huan Huan is full of power. But she’s not good at memorising. She might not be able to withstand persistent high pressure. You said Zi You didn’t talk much, but he’s cheerful. And now he’s becoming gloomier. You can see that he’s got a weak foundation because he’s had a false start.

All right, my angel educator. The kids are improving, right? A kid gets into a good mood if he receives a good result. When he gets good results, the parents will be happy, right? And the family will live in harmony. And the kid will become cheerful naturally. Give them some time.

Both of us are helping them with in-school and out-of-school learning. It’s a steal for their parents. That’s not necessarily true. Then I’ll make it clear to you today. Whether it’s in-school or out-of-school learning, encouraging is the most important thing to do. We must encourage them. Encourage them.

Are you ready? Here we go. One, two, three. -Wow, it’s the first prize! -Wow, it’s the first prize! [The 11th Ze Shu Cup] [Mi Tao, First Prize] It’s no surprise, right? This is the standard of our Mi Tao. Xia Huan Huan, do you see it?

You got the first place in school. But it’s nothing to be proud of. Both you and Mi Tao are ranked number one. The school tests are a bit easier. Only through this kind of competition can we identify one’s real standard. So you must understand

That there remains a very big gap between you and Mi Tao. My sister is the number one! My sister is the world number one! All right, let’s get ready for class. Mr. Zhong, I’m here. At your doorway. Mr. Zhong. I thought you’re home. I wasn’t. I have no idea what you like.

I noticed that you have good personal hygiene. It’s so rare to find a man as particular as you. So I brought you two sets of skincare products. One for men, and one for women. Here. You shouldn’t have done so. I should. Ms. Zhang and you

Have put in a lot of effort into teaching our Zi You. We’re really grateful to you. Actually, I came to find out about how Zi You’s studies is going these days. I heard that Zi Tao got the first prize for Ze Shu Cup. That’s right. How extraordinary she is.

Every kid is different in terms of talent. Indeed. Mi Tao is a genius kid. And I agree with it. But you see, even Huan Huan got the first place. You promised to make him one of the top ten scorers for the exam. And he happened to get the tenth place.

In terms of talent, how is he different from Huan Huan? When it comes to learning, talent is the first criterion. Didn’t I make it clear to you before you joined the class? Zi You isn’t that talented. And he’s got a problematic foundation. The second criterion is to work hard.

He did work hard before this. But lately… I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He is less motivated. I have untangled questions and explained them all to him. But he didn’t absorb it at all. There’s nothing I can do about it. Mr. Zhong. I don’t think you should worry about it. After all,

He’s improved. It’s better than the last semester, right? And since I’ve accepted the money, I will definitely teach your kid well. It’s going to be money well spent. Don’t you worry, okay? Indeed. We trust you unconditionally, Mr. Zhong. Anything else? No. I’m sorry to bother you. I’m sorry to bother you.

Mr. Zhong, take this. Just accept it. You must be tired, right? Do you want to take a break and eat something? Zi You. Why aren’t you motivated? You’re already in sixth grade. And you’re going to graduate. If you don’t get motivated now, when are you going to do so? I’m not being demotivated.

I do focus in class. Then why do you improve so slowly? Look at Mi Tao and Huan Huan. I’m not them! If they can do it, so can you. They’re girls. And they’ve improved a lot. As a boy, don’t you feel ashamed? Not at all. There are many who are weaker than me.

Zi You. Ever since kindergarten, we’ve sacrifice a lot of playtime for learning. We’ve worked so hard for so many years. It’s the final year. Just hang in there. After junior high school, there’s key high school. After that, there’s key university. When will it end? Then what do you want to do?

Isn’t studying the main duty of a student? I have to get the first place because others get it. They get to have fun. Why can’t I? All you know is have fun! You… Now isn’t the time to think about having fun. Why can’t you learn from those good kids?

Why can’t you learn from Aunt? You’ve gone too far, Yan Zi You! I’ve been way too kind to you! I’ve been too good to you! Let me tell you, if you keep acting like this, you won’t get to have fun at all! And I will throw away all this nonsense stuff!

I’m talking to you! Do you hear me? Face up to your problems! Give it to me! Let go! Don’t you want it? You can have it! Be good, okay? I’ll get you something to eat. Beautiful! How’s Huan Huan doing lately? She’s doing good. It’s obvious that she’s become more dedicated.

Huan Huan is indeed stronger than I imagined. I have to hand it to you. There’s no better stimulant than having a role model right there in front of her. It’s been a while since your last visit. I even dreamed of both of them. What to do? We’re running out of time.

Huan Huan is already a sixth-grader. And Chao Chao is going to attend primary school. How’s Huan Huan’s lesson with Mr. Zhong going? It’s going well. When the school started, she got first place for the exam. Have some tea. Since she got the first place, does she have to maintain her performance

And get first place in exams? Indeed. It’s easy to score 79 to 80 marks. It’s not difficult to score 80 to 90 marks. As for 90 to 95 marks and 99 to 100 marks… The higher you go, the harder it gets. And it comes with more difficulties. You should understand that, right?

But there’s no other way to do it. What can I do? There’s no way turning back. If you don’t keep climbing, you will fall. We caught it! Good! I’ll give you a big one! That’s a big one. Careful. Eat slowly. Have you read Huan Huan’s weekly journal? -Not yet. This week’s? -Yes.

[We are a family of four.] [Class 61] [Weekly Journal Sharing] There’s my handsome dad, my beautiful mom, my adorable brother, and I. [We live together in love.] [We used to be a happy family.] [We used to drive to the park for fun during weekends.] [We set up a tent, [hung a hammock,]

[and had barbecue.] [Sometimes we would go somewhere further.] [And we would stay in a hotel for a night.] [We’ve been to many interesting places] [and made wonderful memories.] [We used to head out for a stroll] [Class 61] [Weekly Journal Sharing] every day after dinner.

We would take a walk and talk to each other. It’s all laughters. Pedestrians would look at us with envy and say: “Look, what a happy family.” She writes so well. She’s improved so much. You see, her essay writing skills have improved. But now, Mom is not satisfied with my studies and my brother’s.

And she’s signed up so many tuition classes for us. [When I do well in an exam,] [Mom will be very glad.] [If I don’t,] [the sky would instantly become heavily clouded,] [And that’d come with thunder and lightning.] Every time I pick up an extra-curricular book and Brother a toy, Mom will ask us:

“Are you done with the Math questions?” “Should we improve your vocabulary?” “Should we improve your vocabulary?” Mom doesn’t want us to idle our time away. When she gets mad, her eyes stand at attention in her eye sockets. I will say no more. You’re sensible enough to understand it.

I just want to give you a piece of advice. Too much of a good thing can be bad. Well, she’s happy that she got first place. Huan Huan, come here. Are you happy that you got the first place? I am! Look. Go ahead and have fun. She’s okay, Dad. Well, you’re overthinking.

You are. [I just want to give you a piece of advice.] [Too much of a good thing can be bad.] [I have to get the first place because others get it.] [They get to have fun. Why can’t I?] [Why can’t you learn from Aunt?] I thought you’re too busy for a stroll.

You did the same, didn’t you? Do you always threaten him with the things he likes? And scare him by saying that you’re throwing them away? I do more than scaring. Last time, I threw away some of his periostracum cicadae and a snail. Why did you even do that?

Zi You is a kid who doesn’t talk much. He’s actually delicate and sensitive. Instead of being threatened by you, he decided to destroy it himself. He seemed to be very particular about growing the slime molds. Temperature, humidity, and the likes. He’s been growing them for so long.

And he was able to bring himself to destroy them. [Don’t you want it?] You can have it! Our kids are having a hard time. Anyway, I would never threaten her with the things she likes. We need to stand in their shoes. If it were you, would you let someone threaten you?

You know what I’m like. When I get angry, I say mean things. If only you saw the way he looked at me. [It’s like a pair of knife.] [He saw me as an enemy.] I feel very disappointed. [One day,] [I had a dream.]

[I dreamed that our family was as carefree as it was.] [In the dream, I was so happy that I laughed out loud.] [When I woke up, I wondered] [if Dad and Mom still loved us.] [Are only kids that do well in their studies] [loved by their parents?]

I don’t have an answer for that. But I will love Dad and Mom forever. [I really wish our family could be as happy as it used to be.] Actually, there are times I will doubt if I do what I do for the kid’s sake. I’m afraid he will fall behind.

But I’m afraid I will tire him out. You’re just saying. If you wanted to go soft on him, you’d have done it long ago. Why would you retreat now? No. Well, I am the one who loves him the most. How did I end up becoming his enemy?

I’m the bad one in the family. Because you’re his mother. Ten months of pregnancy. One day of labour. You can’t gamble with his whole life. Even though he hates you, you will never let go. How easy it is to comfort others. Of course, I’m aware

That the road more often traveled isn’t necessarily the right one. But it’s more likely to be the right one. I seriously don’t know how much longer I can hang on. Me neither. We can only harden our hearts, and soldier on no matter what. All right, fellow students. During your practice,

I noticed that some of you are still doing it the wrong way. Mi Tao, come to the front and demonstrate it for us. Come. Zhang Hu. Huan Huan. Pay attention to it. Here, go. Here’s the thing. You must pay attention to the rhythm when jumping rope. Zi You, join us. Forget about it.

My mom doesn’t allow me to play it. Ignore her. How annoying she is that she always controls you. Just play it if you want. Goal! Wow, goal! Give me five! Okay, that will do. Did Mi Tao do it well? Yes! We will carry out a training session later within your own group.

Do you hear me? Yes! Okay, let’s get on with it. Huan Huan, let’s do it together. Man Man, let’s play together. Don’t throw your rope on others. Pay attention to what I said. Rhythm. Four, five, six, seven. Two, three, four. Wang Xian. You will have another member for your group. Mi Tao.

You’re training with them . Zi You! Yan Zi You, what are you doing? Get back here and jump rope! Hurry up! Go through the wall… Let me have a look at your Elsa. It looks so nice. You can exchange your Olaf for it. Mi Tao is here. It’s okay. But it’s not enough.

Mr. Zhong said that Mi Tao always got it right. That it’s easy-peasy for her. Mr. Zhong slow things down for you and Zi You. You guys are holding her back. She’s always been good at Maths. She’s doing well for other subjects, too.

When she first joined the English class, she wasn’t doing well at all. And now she’s the top in the class, isn’t she? Don’t be proud of some small achievement, okay? If I were you and I didn’t do as good as her, I would feel too shy to be her friend. Huan Huan.

We won’t talk to her later. Okay. Let’s go. Let’s get back into classroom.