【FULL】Oh My Lord EP01 | 惹不起的千岁大人 | Luo Zheng 罗正,Ji Mei Han 季美含 | iQiyi

[Castellan’s Palace, Fuxian City] [Eunuch Li, Manager of House of Respectful Affairs] Lord Qiansui. [House of Respectful Affairs] Lord Qiansui. Eunuch Li, let’s begin. Please wait for a moment. [Bai Li, Eunuch Mastering the Seal, Lord Qiansui] Lord, we’re about to start. Several years ago, when Lord Wang, Wang Renhou, was still alive,

He was in charge of the annual body examination. Since he passed away and you left the imperial palace to live in your own house, you haven’t had a body examination in the House of Respectful Affairs for years. Lord Qiansui, you must have a lot of work to do. How about… we stop here?

You can stop the investigation too. So you want the secret letter? We’re thinking the same thing. Who’s there? [Oh My Lord] [Episode 1] [Fuxian City] [Half a day ago] This is Fuxian City where people admire beauty. All dwellers’ identities, statuses, and daily life have everything to do with their looks.

As a result, everyone in the city, no matter men, women, young, old, rich, or poor attaches great importance in becoming beautiful. As the saying goes, “If you’re pretty, everything will be easy.” Here, no ugly flower can survive. [Bonesetting] Sir, will I be one of the most handsome men next year after this?

Will I look prettier after applying this? Of course. You look very beautiful. [Tang Luo Restaurant] Go away. I’m good at playing the zither. You’re too ugly. I don’t care whether you’re good at it or not. Go away! [Lord Xian’s Palace] Lord Xian used to be the most handsome man in Fuxian City.

Lord Xian. Since he was upstaged by Lord Qiansui and lost the title, he has sworn to take back the title. Dirty peach rouge [Qi Zheng, Lord Xian, Late Castellan’s Younger Brother] can… You found it? [Butler at Lord Xian’s Palace] Can not be found. Go and look for it!

I can’t be angry, or I’ll get wrinkles. Is the dirty peach rouge really sold out? [Rouge Shop] Yes, go somewhere else. Therefore. Fuxian City is so big. -As long as something -Where can I find it? that can make you beautiful appears,

-it will go viral in the city -He even wants the dirty peach color. -in less than half a day. -Dirty peach rouge. Feels fresh! -And this year, the most popular thing is -Sir, do you have dirty peach rouges? -the dirty peach rouge. No, go somewhere else.

Sir, do you have the dirty peach rouge? No, no. No? No. Ladies and gentlemen, handsome boys and beautiful girls, you can’t miss this! -We got the famous dirty peach rouge. -Have a look. I promise, this rouge is the latest fashion in Fuxian City.

You can’t find it in the east city, in the west city, [Chen Youyou] [Tiao] in the south city… Tiao! Supplies are limited. Get yours now! Come and have a look! This is the dirty peach rouge! What? This is the dirty peach rouge I’ve been looking for. I want ten boxes. Money first. Pay!

I want five boxes! -Ten boxes. -Take yours. Five boxes! -Don’t push. -You’ll all get one. -Let me in. -Five boxes, right? I’m from Lord Xian’s Palace. Let me… Don’t push. You’ll all get one. Supplies are limited. Get yours now! I’m from Lord Xian’s Palace. You’ll all get one! Don’t push! Lord Xian’s Palace

Will buy all the rouges! Lord, here comes the man. It’s him? Yes. Eunuch Li killed the disaster relief agent and embezzled the fund. [Gu Tianhe, Personal Guard] This man got the evidence. Chen Pingzhi! Chen Youyou, how dare you address your father like that? Aren’t you afraid of retribution?

I’ve been with you since childhood. We don’t have enough food or clothes. We don’t even have a place to live. Is there any retribution worse than that? Of course there is. [Gorgeous Music House] You might be extremely poor and ugly. You might also marry a bastard. Stop! Shut up!

How can you curse your own daughter like that? Can’t you wish me a bright future? Besides, without my idea, can we still make so much money and settle down in Fuxian City? Right! Wait for me! I have a question. How could you be sure that they would buy our rouges?

Of course they would. Miss first made people believe that this product was scarce to trigger their curiosity. When everyone in the city is attracted to it, we started selling it. This way, we definitely can make big money. Good for you. Everyone in the city is busy

Becoming prettier, comparing to be prettier, and choosing the prettiest person. You’re the only one who wants to make money. That’s my girl! Of course. There’re all kinds of beauty in the world. There is no standard of beauty. It’s because people can’t realize that, we got the chance to make money.

Lord Qiansui is handling a case! All non-essential personnel, please stand back. Lord Qiansui is handling a case! All non-essential personnel, please stand back. You! You hit someone! You want to run away? Let go of me! Stay here! Miss, be careful. Is he the famous Lord Qiansui? [Secret] We can’t afford to offend him.

He is the eunuch mastering the seal for castellan, the second most powerful man in the city. Stop looking. Let’s go. Let’s go. Dad, money! Kid, take this money and buy something to eat. Keep it. Thank you, miss. [Lord Xian’s Palace] My face… My face! Chen Pingzhi, did you do anything behind my back?

You can’t blame me. The rouge had no smell. I was afraid that no one would like it, so I added some spices. I didn’t know that Lord Xian would have an allergy reaction. Chen Pingzhi, you… You really messed up this time! Your Highness. Your Highness. I’m Chen Pingzhi.

I’ve been in Fuxian City for less than half a year. I didn’t mean to offend you. I know you’re magnanimous. Please forgive us. -Spare us, Your Highness! -Spare us, Your Highness! Chen Pingzhi. You seem like a nice man. Why would you do such an evil thing? Your Highness, please don’t be angry.

I’ll explain. It’s not what you think it is. Did I allow you to speak? It’s time! It’s still early. How dare you ruin my face! I will cut you, you, and you! Cut your faces into pieces. -Spare us, Your Highness! -Spare us, Your Highness! It’s time to go to the Castellan’s Palace. Right.

I almost forgot. Have you arranged everything? Yes. Okay. By then, the painter will draw a picture of Bai Li when he’s undergoing his body examination. The picture will be passed around in the city. Everyone will see whether the famous Lord Qiansui deserve to be the most handsome man in the city or not.

Lock them up. I’ll punish them later. Yes, Your Highness. [Lord Xian’s Palace] Where is the box which I’m supposed to hide in? [The Ugly Painter from Lord Xian’s Palace] [House of Respectful Affairs] Who’s there? Lord Qiansui. Good afternoon. Who are you? Why are you here? It’s just a little misunderstanding.

My lord, I’ll explain. I… Do you want to tell the truth or go to hell with him? Help! An assassin! Protect Lord Qiansui! -Lord is in danger! -Lord! I’ll protect you! Assassin! Where is the assassin? Assassin? The assassin is in that room. Hurry up. Protect Lord Qiansui! Go to that room! That room.

-Hurry up. -Let’s go. You want to run? [House of Respectful Affairs] Thank goodness. Lord, you moved so quickly and stopped that assassin in time. I’m busy. Now, if you excuse me… I don’t think I should leave in such a hurry. I’ll stay here for a little while. Tell me, what did you see?

I didn’t see anything, my lord. No, I saw someone who attempted to assassinate you. Fortunately, you’re so brilliant and stopped him in time. Lord, That was amazing! this girl looks sly and furtive. We must kill her. Big misunderstanding! I fell asleep in the box and knew nothing. Then, they moved the box in.

I don’t know anything. She already knows your identity. Report! Lord, castellan wants to see you. Got it. Take her away. Copy that. Lord Qiansui, castellan wants to see her too. Me? General, go! Bite it! Castellan, what’s the situation here? The second general you gave me is going to be defeated

By my great general. [Qi Yun, Castellan of Fuxian City, Late Castellan’s Son] Uncle, are people in Fuxian City dressing like that these days? Let me see. My face is hurt. I see. You must be more careful. [Stream Pavilion] Otherwise, the most handsome man in Fuxian City next year will be Bai Li again.

I don’t care about this title that much. But speaking of this, it’s a tradition to choose the most handsome man. But, Bai Li can’t be regarded as a real man. I’m afraid… I’m afraid this will be a bad influence. But, the rules can be bent a little bit. But… It’s dead? Boring.

[Stream Pavilion] Lord Qiansui. Castellan. Castellan. Lord Xian. Castellan. Lord Xian. Bai Li, what’s going on with Eunuch Li’s case? Are you hurt? Castellan, I appreciate your concern. I’m fine. Eunuch Li engaged in embezzlement and attempted to destroy the evidence. I have killed him. Are you okay, Eunuch Bai?

Eunuch Li examined your body today, and you found the evidence today. What a coincidence. Why was she in the House of Respectful Affairs? Castellan, this woman hid in the box for no reason and acted suspiciously. Is he trying to frame me? My lord! Have you forgotten? If I hadn’t stopped Eunuch Li,

I’m afraid you would be dead as well. I risked my life to save you because I love you. Castellan! I hope you can understand. I miss my lord so much but can’t see him. To relieve the pain of missing him, I had no choice but to take the risk

And get into the box. I did all these just for a glance at my lord. Castellan, she got a silver tongue. You can’t trust her. My lord, you have to believe me. I love… Bai, I don’t think she is lying. Maybe what she said is real.

You’ve been working day and night for the castellan. No one to take care of you. How about solving the problem by getting married? What? Castellan, Eunuch Bai is in his prime. At the same time, he is the most handsome man in Fuxian City. If he marries a woman who loves him,

It will be a sweet story. Marriage? I agree. [A House in the Countryside] Wait a minute. My wedding veil. I didn’t take my wedding veil! My shoes! [Cream Workshop] Lord! Miss! [Welcome the bride. Stay out of the way] Lord! Wait! Lord Qiansui! [Love] [Welcome the bride. Stay out of the way] Slow down!

Slow down! [Cream Workshop] [Tang Luo Restaurant] Miss, your shoes! Lord Qiansui! Lord Qiansui! [Welcome the bride. Stay out of the way] [Welcome the bride. Stay out of the way] [Bai’s Mansion] Get off. My lord, could you please bring me down? A bride’s feet can’t touch the land. Don’t move.

I want to change my position. This is uncomfortable. My lord, are you not strong enough? Forget it then. You! Lord! Lord! [Clinic at the East Gate] [Welcome the bride. Stay out of the way] Cross… [Clinic at the East Gate] Close the door. Yes. Cross the fire pot before you go in. Lord.

Wishing you… [Happy Times] Happy wedding day! Together forever! Happy wedding day! Together forever! -Thank you. -Happy wedding day! Together forever! How is it, lord? I totally understand what you meant. You’d better not. You’ll be punished at the same old place. [Happy Times] Retreat! [Love] According to the rules of Fuxian City,

A married couple should sit across and eat a bowl of noodles together. After finishing the noodles, you’ll love each other forever. Eat this. It’s said that on the first day of marriage, if you get pushed around, you’ll never be able to get back on top. I won’t give in.

You traveled a long way. My lord, you must be hungry. Have this. I’m not hungry. Lord, you can’t break the rules. Otherwise, His Highness will punish me. Only after you finish the noodles and the picture, the ceremony will come to an end. The ceremony is over. To the bridal chamber!

They all say Lord Qiansui is hot-tempered. What if he… No way. I will remain chaste no matter what. This will slow me down. This is perfect. The bride! This is not an ordinary wedding. There is a way of serving eunuchs. A court lady told me there are two kinds of eunuchs.

One are those who have been in the palace for years. They may have some unknown fetish. The other are those who are always surrounded by two bodyguards. You should know that. Which one is Lord Qiansui? I don’t know. If he belongs to the former, you’ll have to bear with it.

Your body will suffer. But, he will be gentle, considerate and will take good care of you. But if he belongs to the latter, you’ll just have to focus on the daily chores and take care of him. As for other things, someone will do it for you. Anyway, you’re marrying Lord Qiansui!

As long as you serve him well, your good days are… I shall take my leave. Don’t come over! You said you love me, didn’t you? Yes. My love for you is as deep as the sea. You want to kill me? Don’t come over! If you come any closer, I will… Kill myself.

Just do it. I don’t care at all. I… I’ll do it now. Really! I… Go and sleep in the wood shed. Do I need to repeat it? No. The wood shed would be nice! My lord, I’ll take my leave!