[English subtitles are available] Bro! Roll call, the First Commando. [The First Commando] Ma Kexin. Yes. Xiu Yuanchang. Yes. Zeng Zuoxiang. Yes. Li Chunbao. Yes. Xu Wencai. Yes. Zeng Fanzhong. Yes. Gao Shan. Gao Shan. Yes! It’s better to die after moving a step forward than to live after moving half a step backward.

[The First Commando] It’s better to die after moving a step forward than to live after moving half a step backward. Cheers! Cheers! Take cover! Hang in there! Bro! Yes! [1983, Zhengyang Railway Station] Bro. I had a nightmare again. You died four years ago. Mom also died. I became an orphan again.

I have no family in the world. [To the loveliest people, People’s Government of Ludong] I miss you. I miss you so much. I don’t want to drill holes in the dark shaft anymore. [It’s the whole family’s honor to have one member as a soldier] I enlisted as a soldier. [Zhengyang Railway Station]

[Zhengyang Railway Station] [Tank – Go!] [Tank – Go!] [Tank – Go!] What do you want? Tank or me? Move forward! Tank! You don’t love me anymore, do you? I always treat you like my sister. I don’t want to be your sister. Let’s go home. You’re not allowed to enlist.

Let’s go home. Go home with me! Hu Yang. I’m destined to be a soldier. ♫ It’s always on our mind ♫ ♫ It’s an ordinary wish ♫ ♫ Hope our dear hometowns are wonderful ♫ ♫ Long live our country ♫ ♫ The wind is blowing. The snow is falling ♫

♫ The meteors are flying ♫ ♫ My heart is calling me ♫ ♫ Run to the unsettled distant place ♫ [One member as a soldier] ♫ Even if there are always calamities ♫ ♫ We will never lose hope ♫ Sergeant. Regiment Seven Two Egg. Are we going to this regiment?

Sit on the couch, everyone. Don’t walk around. Comrade. Well, in our city, this is called zero instead of egg. Regiment 720. Let me tell you. This is called hole in the military. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, hole. Then when you call someone via radio communication,

He will not mishear you. Am I clear? How could you know everything? Are you the only person who knows how to count? – A pig is pretending that it’s an elephant. – What did you say? What did you say, bumpkin? Are you trying to pick a fight with me? Beat him! Beat him!

How dare you scold me? People are fighting here! – Stop! – Stop fighting! Do all of you want to quit the army? Sit down! Keep going. Fight. Keep fighting. Listen, if you don’t hit each other hard today, this will not be over. Whose flower is this? It’s mine.

Come on, tie it for him. Thank you, chief. Stop fighting. Go learn things. What’s your name? Sir, I’m Lin Beihai. I’m with the Railway Corps. What about you? Jiang Weixing. I’m with the COSTIND. Can you recite All over the World? Yes. Can you recite it in another way?

Help each other. Protect each other. Care about each other. All people of the revolution team should help each other. Our leaders should care every… Stop. Is this the another way? Only children would recite it in this way. Recite it while doing a handstand. Recite it while doing a handstand!

Recite it while doing a handstand! Recite it while doing a handstand! Come on, give me a hand. Recite it while doing a handstand! Recite! Recite! Help each other. Care about each other. All people of all revolution teams should help each other and care about every soldier. – Die for people. – Soldier.

– Stand up. – That’s our honor. We… We should think about people’s interest. – Recite it while doing a handstand. – Think about most people’s comfort. – I didn’t do anything wrong. I… I can no longer hold on. Why should I recite it? What did you say? I said

I was not going to recite it. Why are you so arrogant? Do you want to rebel? Recite it while doing a handstand! – Boring. – Recite it while doing a handstand! Boring? You think it’s boring, right? Then let’s have fun. If you lose, jump off the train,

Run along the track, go back to the station, go home with your girlfriend. People like you are not welcomed by the army. You want to have fun, right? OK. I’m in. I will never leave the army. Anyway, you will never win. Come on. [Lu Pingfan] Let’s get started. Chief, come on! Come on!

Come on! Come on! You got this! Attention! Hello, Commissar Lu. You stole my uniform for the arm wrestling competition, right? Take off it. Commissar, who is he? New Recruit Gao Liang. Say yes. Yes. Take off it. Take off it. I’ll take off it by myself. Leave me alone. On down to earth. Matter

Is a thing that exists in the world. Chief, as soon as I did a handstand, my blood flew to my brain and I’ve got a bee in my bonnet. I’m thinking about my unhappy childhood and tragic past. When I was young, people often beat me outside.

– Did he frighten you just now? – Well, separate. – Chief. – Separate. – I knew he’s fake. – Stow your backpacks overhead. Stow them overhead. Tell me. There. How did you find that? He’s arrogant. He was just bluffing. He didn’t stand straight. He’s always trying to keep his back straight.

The jacket and the pants are not a match. The hat and the Sam Browne belt don’t fit him. He saw things. He has the potential to become a scout. And there’s a problem of his speeches and thoughts. He’s irritable and stupid. He tends to play a passive role.

You want to use these to tell me your goal is not just to be a soldier. Give me two years. 24 months later, I’ll be at the military school. 72 months later, I’ll be the leader of the field force. A sneak attack? Angry crow takes flight! Be careful. Be careful.

Dragon wags the tail! He can see it. You’re amazing. Let go of me. Let go of me! Are you biting me? Get your hands off me! Let go of me! Do you want to surrender? It hurts! What’s going on? Chief. Listen. Don’t punch my face. Listen to me.

He’s like a crazy dog. My bro is injured. Well, can you be braver? You! Let go of me. Let’s have a fight. I’ll kick you and make you fall off the train. Do you dare fight with me? He’s challenging you. Would you like to fight with him? Fight with him, Gu Yiye.

I’ll let him go. Beat him. Beat him to death. Chief. I want to fight but I will not do it. If he’s an enemy, I won’t fight because he’s already captured by us. What we’re going to do next is to interrogate the captive. If he still doesn’t obey us, we’ll shoot him.

Why are you so talkative? Can you fight? If you can, ask them to let go of me. If he’s an ally, I’ll fight. He challenges me. I accept the challenge. It’s the basic respect. Right. We’d better use our remaining courage to chase the captive. Add insult to injury. Come on.

Today I’ll show you how to add insult to injury. Bro, are you okay? I’m fine. – Great! – Awesome! – Great! – Applause. Bro! Bro! What’s wrong? I’m fine. You can’t lose. If you lose, what can we do? Bro. [Zhangmu Train Station] [Zhangmu Train Station] We’ve arrived at Zhangmu Train Station.

Please get off the train. Hurry up. Take your time. Where are you going? Gao Liang. What are you doing? Don’t go away. Sergeant, I want to use the bathroom. Go. Hurry up. Don’t brush your teeth or go wash your face. You’ll be able to do that at the garrison. Everyone,

Rest for 10 minutes here after you get off the train. Don’t go away. Don’t go away, guys. Stop chatting. Ma’am, I want to use the bathroom. Ma’am. I want to use the bathroom, too. Why is there a group of women? Guys, be patient. There’s no woman in the field force. [Zhangmu Train Station]

I think they’re combat medics of the division and new recruits of the communication battalion. They took the same train with us. Hi, comrades. – Carriage 3 and Carriage 4. – Enough. Stop watching. How did you know that? Someone sneaked out of the carriage just now. Why is one of us not here?

Whose backpack is this? Ma’am… It’s Jiang Nanzheng’s backpack. Where is she? Do you know where the female soldier went? Yes. Comrade, where are you going? This comrade is getting closer to female soldiers. Can anyone stop him? [Zhangmu Train Station] What’s going on? No one is noisier than you.

A female solider has gone missing. Well, leave the team to me. Go find her with two veterans. Yes. Comrade, are you looking for a female soldier? Which female soldier? A young female soldier who runs faster than a wild rabbit. Did you see her? I’ll help you look for her.

New recruit, what’s your name? My name is Gu Yiye. Han Chunyu, go with him. Yes. Chief. Female soldiers run slowly. I’d better go alone. Go. How handsome he is! Everyone. – Sergeant. – At ease. I’ll go help him find the female soldier. – Hurry back! – I want to go with them! Yes.

I… Sergeant. Sergeant, I’m going back to my team. I’m not leaving. Stop talking. Where are you going? If there’s a missing ox, will you look for it? Buddy, I won by using my strategy, right? Well, what do you mean? If it happens again, interrogate or shoot the captive. Cut the crap.

I’m okay with the interrogation but why are you hitting my leg? On the battlefield, people like you are called tongue. Other organs are all useless. Remember, bullet is the most reliable thing. All right. Let go of me. You’re lucky today. Let’s go. This female soldier is unlike others.

There were so many people on the train. Only she came here to wash her face. It’s not right. We were on the train for two days and two nights. It’s normal for a girl to wash her face. Sniff at yourself. Do you smell bad? There’s no river nearby

For her to do facial clean up. Stop! Comrade, I might die. Don’t call me comrade. You peeped at me, jerk! Does it hurt? Why didn’t you move? You didn’t even try to avoid it. You’re like a stone. Kill this jerk! Comrade. Don’t be afraid. I’m here to save you.

I knew this young man is a jerk. I’m here. He won’t do anything. Don’t worry. What’s your name? My… My name is Gao Liang. What about you? My name is Jiang Nanzheng. Jiang Nanzheng. What about you? His name is Po Tanke. My name is Gu Yiye. Cannon! Cannon! It’s not a cannon.

It’s a 59-Type 1 Medium Tank. You’re knowledgeable. He’s not. He’s just a new recruit. Listen. It’s a cannon. Cannon! Let me tell you again. It’s not a cannon. It’s a tank. Armored warfare is the most powerful warfare in the plain. We can see our enemies, and vice versa.

One shot can end the battle. It’s a confrontation between powerhouses and a duel between contemporary knights. The reason why I joined the army is that… Clean up tanks for the army, right? No. I want to lead my own armored division to the battlefield. All right. Comrade, take a picture of him.

He’s going to be a division commander. Hurry up. Let’s take a picture together to mark the day when we became comrades-in-arms in the rumblings of tank. Don’t move. Stand straight. What are you looking at? Stand straight! Stand straight! Where did you go? What’s going on? What happened?

The gunfire is striking. 85-mm divisional cannon. According to this density, I think the ammunition is going bad soon. It’s better to use them than to waste them. It’s an exercise. You’re full of hot air. You found that it’s going bad? Do you know what’s the zodiac sign of the cannon operator? Interesting.

Calm down. When will it stop? Ma’am! If you flee again, I’ll punish you. To a real soldier, gunfire is an order and a battle. I knew it because of my father’s notes. To new recruits like Gao Liang, Gu Yiye and me, gunfire is the beginning of our brand new military career.

It’s grand and fresh. It surprises me that I like the smell of the gunpowder. I feel like it opened a secret door of my heart. Deputy Commander Xiao. [South-83 Confrontation Exercise] All divisions of Army B have already arrived at the scheduled place. Now everything goes according to the plan.

Meng Zhongchi’s Division is the fastest team. Based on the military district’s requirement, they arrived there 46 minutes earlier. Great. This time I was really worried about Zheng Yuan’s Division 234. After all, he only had 30 minutes. Is this rule too strict? What’s wrong? Do we have to tell him in advance?

Isn’t that a warning? [Map of Army A] Besiege Division 234 fast and deploy a new division to guard it. I wonder what that idiot will do. [Army A, Division 234, Division Office] [War Room] Attention! Hand salute! Down! How’s it going? Division commander.

The amount of enemy troops is twice as large as that of our troops. They launched a strike on our defense area in two directions. And they’ve got a new division as reinforcements. Enemies are three times as powerful as us. If we retreat, they’ll stop and defeat us. [Combat Map of Nanjiang]

If we guard here, all of us will be exhausted. Veterans retired and new recruits enlisted. When it’s almost impossible to have an exercise, they launched a strike. Yes, we were informed only 30 minutes before it started. The military district is so mean. They’re trying to make fool of us. Nice try.

What is the military for? The military is for war. If the military doesn’t fight a war, both of the money of our country and our people will be wasted. Division commander, it’s just an exercise. You don’t have to be so serious. There’s no exercise for Division 234.

As long as I hear the cannon booming, I think there’s a real bloody battle. How to confront them? Active defense. Replace defense by attack. Order Regiment 720 to pretend to be the main force of our division and attract Army B. I’ll lead the main force of our division to No. 6 Highway.

Then go to the command office of Army B. Destroy its command center and supplement center. How experienced you are! [Combat Map of Nanjiang] The key of the whole battle is Hongshikou. It’s vital to No. 6 Highway. Defending it is easy but attacking it is hard. If Army B occupies it before us

And deploy a battalion there and we dispatch a powerful regiment, we’ll still have to spend at least three days and three nights on conquering it. Among all the regiments of our division, the distance between Hongshikou and Regiment 720 is the shortest. Division commander, you know that regiment joined us recently and these years,

It has been focusing on the agriculture. Cut the crap! [Combat Map of Nanjiang] Give the order to battle now. Order Regiment 720 to depart now. Arrive at Hongshikou before 14:00. Build fortifications. Help and cover the main force of our division. Make them pass No. 6 Highway. Yes!

Pick Commander Chen Dashan of Regiment 720 up. Staff Officer Wang, there are still over 70 kilometers left. Well, Staff Officer Wang, listen. It’s really hard for us this time. During these years, our regiment farmed over 10,000 mu of land for Bayi Farm of the military district. Over 10,000 mu! Statistics show that.

Think about my cadres and soldiers. They’re very good at farming. We didn’t have time to exercise. Today I spent three hours gathering troops. There’s still a battalion which hasn’t caught up with the main force of our division yet. Chen Dashan. Division commander! I don’t care which force your Regiment 720

Used to belong to. Now your title includes Division 234. Now you belong to People’s Liberation Army. You’re the colonel of Regiment 720 of Division 234 of Army A. Remember, Division 234 is an ace. You can never be a coward. Yes, division commander. I want to report an unforeseen problem to you.

At Zhangmu Train Station, several hundred new recruits are trapped. Please advise. Order them to stay there. Let them hear the cannon booming and smell the gunfire. It’s also the first lesson of their military career. Yes. Public line. Please tell us the security code of your unit. Thunderbolt. Thunderbolt? Hi, chief. Sir,

Song Jianshe, Chief of Military Affairs Unit of Regiment 720 is picking new recruits up at Zhangmu Train Station. Please advise. Song Jianshe. Yes. Is there any enemy? Chief, at 14:38, there were 5 shots from 85-mm divisional cannons. They came from the southeast and the distance is about 4 kilometers. Others are normal.

Did the train that carried new recruits leave? Not yet, sir. According to the original plan, it’ll depart tomorrow for Huixi with a batch of machines for making steel which was from August Port. How many trains will pass the railway between Hongshikou and Zhangmu within 48 hours? Zero.

I used to work at the railway’s military representative office. Huixi Steelworks has exclusive use of this railway. The military representative office borrows a train from steelworks to transport new recruits every time. Watch the train. Prevent it from leaving Zhangmu Train Station unless I give orders. Yes. I have a question.

What does “lightning thunderbolt” mean? If it’s about the typhoon and the thunderstorm, I think it means a kind of weather. If it’s only about the thunderbolt, I think it’s a password or the number of a radio station. Have you ever seen a war film? Yangtze River, Yangtze River, I’m Yellow River. Like this.

Which unit does the thunderbolt belong to? Tell me. What did you get? There’s a situation! Get ready to fight! New recruits, stay there and hide! Lu Pingfan! Why are you running? There’s a situation! Get ready to fight! You’re surrounded! Don’t move! Don’t move! Who are you? It’s a local office.

You can’t break it. Get out. We’re with Army B. We’re ordered to occupy Zhangmu Train Station. Hands up! OK. Let’s go. Please follow the exercise rules. Enough. Stop it. You’re surrounded. Stay there. You’re not allowed to go away. Repeat. – You’re surrounded. – Is it an exercise? – You’re surrounded. – Stay there.

You’re not allowed to go away. You’re surrounded. Stay there. You’re not allowed to go away. We’re captured by people who’re in military uniforms. Why is it so weird? This is the first day we put on military uniforms. We were captured by them. It’s embarrassing. Fight against them. Sergeant, give orders. Give orders, sergeant.

Give orders, sergeant. I don’t know what happened. How could I give orders? They’re fighting! What are you doing? Go back! Sergeant. Commissar Lu knelt down after being hit by someone. He knelt down. New recruits, don’t be captives even if we have to die! Our country and people need us now. Run!

Go separate ways! Save the armed forces! [Combat Map of Nanjiang] Get out! Get out! Come in. – Get out! – Get out! Why don’t you come in? Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! You’re surrounded. Stop running. Just go with us. No way! I will never surrender! You’re challenging us.

Then we’ll take it seriously. Stay away from me! Behave yourself. Stop watching. Run! Stop! They’re bullying our female soldiers. They’re taunting us. Fight against them! They’re your friends, too. Go! Go! Go! – Go! – Let’s go! [Exit] Isn’t this an exercise? Why do you hit me so hard? What are you doing?

Let her go! I can’t save you! – Catch that new recruit. – Stop him! Don’t move! Stop! Behave yourself! Don’t move! Squat down. Don’t move! Stand up! He’s injured! Let me go! You’re wrong. The stone is injured. Go! – Go. – Don’t move! Behave yourself. Bro, I was never so brave before.

I’m satisfied with myself. This is the first time I didn’t run away. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m in the military uniform or there’s a group of different comrades-in-arms. But I know I like this. There’s no need to separate cadres from soldiers. But female soldiers should be held alone. Those new recruits

Will fight against us if they see female soldiers. She is the most troublesome woman. Hold her alone. Yes! Wait! Where are you taking her to? Sorry, I can’t tell you. Please follow the exercise rules. Go. Where are they going? Get up, everyone. Go. – Hurry up. – Go.

It’s good to be held together. Tell me. Are we dead soldiers or captives? I think it’s actually good to be dead. I choose to be a dead soldier. This is my first day in the military. I don’t want to be a captive. It’s a little unlucky. You know what?

You were captured because you’re stupid but I’m different. I came back to save female soldiers. But you failed to save them. Shut up. Why are you so talkative? Beihai. Wake everyone up. Let’s have a meeting. Sergeant. I have something to tell you. Mancang. Mancang. Take me here. Comrades, please move. Downward.

All right. Let’s get started. Hongliu, watch the door. According to what happened during the day, it’s just that… It’s mainly because I got important intelligence at the duty room. About the intelligence… Lower your voice. Do you want the sentry to come in? Gu, keep going. OK. Comrades,

We fell into the eye of the exercise of Regiment 720 and Division 234 by accident. The division office called Zhangmu Train Station. They ordered chief of Military Affairs Unit of Regiment 720 to take care of the new recruits and control the train we took. That train is special.

It’s not in the civil train timetable. The enemy staff officer tends to overlook it. Then why does Division 234 want this train? The division wants to use this train to transport a powerful army and affect the exercise. Beihai, you’re with the Railway Corps. You’re knowledgeable about railway. Tell us. OK. Let me see.

If we’re here, then the route should be about Zhangmu, Hongshikou, South Town and free economic zones. You’re right. Therefore, Hongshikou is the most likely place. If people of Division 234 want to reinforce themselves here, it’ll take them a long time to go to Hongshikou unless they go along this railway.

So I believe Division 234 will take this train and use it to transport a powerful army secretly. But the scariest thing about our enemies is that they expected Division 234 would do that so they conquered the railway station in advance. But they didn’t blow up the train.

Instead, they set up an artillery position on the ridge which is close to the railway and ordered two tank battalions to ambush in the southern woods. Therefore, they can’t wait to defeat the main force of Division 234 at Zhangmu Train Station. Colonel! What are you doing? Colonel! Lights were off while driving

But the Third Battalion still didn’t catch up with us. Didn’t they still catch up with us? The division commander will cut my head and treat it as a football. Don’t worry! It’s a stroke of luck this time. I believe they’ll show up in front of all people of our division.

Show up for what? What do you mean? Qin Hanyong, listen. You’re no longer the commander of Night Tiger Company of Regiment 700. You’re the staff officer for Regiment 720’s exercises. Whom are you laughing at? Me? – No, colonel. – Enough. Stop talking! I know what you mean. Your Regiment 700 is very powerful.

And you were a member of the main force of their division. What do you think of Regiment 720? We’re very weak. We’re like your step mother, right? If you don’t want to be here, just go back! Go back! Take off the uniform! No! Colonel! I’ll raise my voice and report to you again

Based on my comprehension. Tell me! The division’s latest order is that we should arrive at Zhangmu Train Station as soon as possible. All the main forces of our division are going there. Therefore, the Third Battalion which is always the last one will become the pioneer of the whole division

Because the distance between them and Zhangmu Train Station is the shortest. It’s the first time, colonel. Hurry up. Contact the Third Battalion. I couldn’t reach out to the Third Battalion. You have to send someone to go there. What should we do? Are you going there? I’ve exercised with Night Tiger Company here.

The terrain is familiar to me. Then go! Qin! Be careful. Beware of scouts of Army B. Colonel. Don’t worry. They can’t make it. You imitated me. Comrades, Now only us can save Division 234. You’re a veteran now. How could you know so many things? My family is with the infantry college.

I knew Division 234 would come here so I prepared in advance. I checked some related materials. Did you study the jungle warfare? Of course. It’s the main combat task of Army A. Is Gu Heng who’s an instructor your father? Chief. We’re having a meeting. We’re talking about something serious.

Don’t be curious about his father. Think of a combat plan as soon as possible. What Gu Yiye said is almost the same as what I thought. There’s only one solution. We have to try to get out, report what happened here to our division and prevent them from

Falling into the trap at Zhangmu Train Station. Leader, anything you say. We’ll follow you. Cadres cannot participate in it. It’s the principle. Comrades, let me introduce myself to you first. I’m the chief of Military Affairs Unit of Regiment 720 of Division 234 that he mentioned just now. I’m here to popularize general knowledge.

It’s also a rule of the battlefield. It’s not that we cadres pass the buck. It’s just that there’s a rule. If we participate in it, it’ll be considered as a cheat or a trick. Even if we win, it’s not fair. In the future, we’ll be punished on the real battlefield.

So there’s such a rule. Am I clear? But… But as new recruits, you can save the day. Strictly speaking, you’re not new recruits. If you succeed to flee, Army B will not report it to the Exercise Command. But it’s a bit risky to do that. If you succeed, you’ll be praised and rewarded.

If you fail, you’ll be kicked out. Think about it. I want to stress that the reason why Commissar Lu and me said those things is that we wanted to tell you the truth you didn’t know. But they’re not suggestions or commands. To go or not to go, it’s up to you. OK?

We don’t know anything. I got it. You mean cadres and leaders are not responsible for anything. I talked for a long time. Why didn’t you get it? We can’t participate in it. I’m in. I have a headache. Gu Yiye, I’d like to remind you. You said you would never leave the army, right?

If something goes wrong this time, just sleep in front of the military gate. I’m not here to be a coward. If we cheat, the fruits will be meaningless. But I have to tell you something. The biggest problem might be about scouts of Army B instead of

The pursuers that you meet on the way. Their division commander Mr. Meng loves sending scouts to do his dirty work. All people in the military know that. OK. Let’s get ready to go. Wait! As a wounded soldier… – Lower your voice. – Are you stupid? Don’t hit my head. It hurts. Yiye,

Please do me a favor. Yiye. Tell me now. Yiye, when you go out to send letters, can you rescue female soldiers? Let me finish. To be precise, rescue the female soldier who has been held alone. Well, I can’t set my mind at rest. I’m worried about her. Are you kidding me?

I’m going to send letters. I don’t have time to rescue female soldiers. Will rescuing a female soldier stop you… Wounded comrade, listen. Don’t worry. Army B is also with People’s Liberation Army. It’s an exercise. Don’t worry. Female soldiers will not get hurt. Besides, it has nothing to do with you.

I’m afraid that she’ll be bullied. Chief, those young female soldiers are our comrades-in-arms. They’re like our family. If you see enemies capture your family members, won’t you feel bad? Thinking of that, my heart is broken. Our division commander can only rely on us now. And those female soldiers can only rely on us.

I would rather be beaten to death than allow enemies to capture our female soldiers. To us, they’re the beautiful scenery, the honor and the hope. This tall guy is a bit stupid. Yiye, we must rescue female soldiers. Let’s keep up the good traditions of our army. A show of hands.

Let people make a decision. OK? Cadres don’t need to participate in it. Just look at us. I’ll go first. I agree. – Count me in. – I agree. I’ll go, too. I agree, too. We heard everything you said. – We all agree. – Yes. OK. Dude, please rescue female soldiers.

Comrades, protect female soldiers! Rescue our comrades-in-arms! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!