【FULL】The Rebel EP43 | 叛逆者 |Zhu Yilong朱一龙, Tong Yao童瑶, Wang Zhiwen王志文, Wang Yang王阳, Zhu Zhu朱珠| iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [The Rebel] [Episode 43] Sir, what do you want to buy? Where is the lady boss? Who are you? Where is Zhu Yi Zhen? It’s urgent. Who exactly are you? Stay still. Zhu Yi Zhen. Old Ji is dead. He asked me to complete the mission on his behalf.

Save your judgement. Use your radio and verify my identity first. And then send a telegram for me. Time is running out. Behind there. Close the store. Listen here. Verify my identity at once. Within twenty minutes, you will definitely receive a reply. You can let him hold a gun to my head.

If there’s anything wrong with me, you can shoot me dead at once. Stay here and keep an eye on him. Okay. Sit down. Bring him upstairs. Go ahead. Recipient. Intelligence department of East China Bureau. Content. Meet at Yanggu County. 1205. Plot against the Chu. 7061. I’ll write for you.

Alright, we will wait for the reply. Don’t be nervous. Get me a glass of water. [The informant is Lin Nan Sheng, an underground codenamed Mailman.] [The receiver of this telegram is asked to protect him at all cost.] He’s one of us. Put the gun down. Get downstairs and keep a watch.

He’s my guard. I noticed he’s been acting weird lately. I suspect there’s something wrong with him. Time is running out. Let’s finish our work first. And we will ask the labour movement group to replace him. I guess that’s what we can do. Here’s the Battle of Hsupeng’s plan devised on October 29

By the Ministry of Defence of the Nationalist Party. Old Ji ordered me to locate you and get it to the East China Field Army through East China Bureau. Yes. Get me a blade. Whose watch is this? It’s his. The Evidence Collection Unit colleagues took these photos of the evidence.

Chen Mo Qun had one that looked the same. Same time. Both of them stop at 4:12. And without a second hand. Chen Mo Qun was wearing this watch during his escape. Apparently, it’s their token of identification. He’s Chen Mo Qun’s man. Did he join the operation of covering for Old Xiao?

The one in Chengjiaqiao Town. He did. That’s it. You’re right. He’s the one I’ve been looking for. It’s not Peng Dai Sen that I’m looking for. It’s him. Old Ji was sold out by someone. Wang Shi An said he has a mole. He beat us to it.

Lin Nan Sheng was nowhere to be seen. Where did he go? He went to find Director Wei of the military transportation department to talk about moving to Taiwan. Wang Shi An speaking. [The goods have arrived. Come and get them now.] Your location? Sichuan Road, Duolun Road. Shenji Rouge Store. Catch him.

And I’ll take you to Commissioner Mao. It’s a deal. Someone is coming for goods? That’s my fellow townsman. I bumped into him on the street two days ago. And he asked me to get him some goods. He’s never been to the store. So, I gave him the address.

Is this Duolun Road Police Station? I’m Wang Shi An from the State Secrecy Bureau. I need a deployment from you to arrest a Communist. Wang Shi An owns a watch that looks like this. What a coincidence. This watch was a gift from a big brother. Chen Mo Qun

Was killed by Wang Shi An. That’s how this watch fell into Wang Shi An’s hands. No matter what Wang Shi An promised you, he will not keep his word for sure. Just like how he deceived Chen Mo Qun. Have you ever thought about that? Comrade. I don’t understand what you’re saying.

I think you’re too nervous. Well, I’ll get you a glass of water. You reported Old Ji to them. Lin Nan Sheng. Your catchers are on the way here. None of you will get away today. I dare you to fire the gun. If you do, the neighbours will call the police.

[Due to a great mistake on my part,] [I didn’t manage to figure out] [Meng An Nan’s identity as an agent of the Nationalist Party,] [which led to the death of Comrade Ji Zhong Yuan.] [The party has suffered a great loss.] [In that case,] [I would like the organisation to punish me.]

[That’s all for now.] Are you hurt? I’m okay. It’s an old injury. The telegram has been sent to the hometown. And they’ve received it. But the police are here. The front and back doors are blocked by them. You three go that way. The police are here for deployment in advance.

Before Wang Shi An’s arrival, they won’t barge into here. Captain. There was a fierce fight in there. Our men are guarding the windows and the doors. Break the door down! Station Chief, we broke into it. That mole is dead. We didn’t find Zhu Yi Zhen. She must be nearby still.

We have to catch her. Zhu Yi Zhen! Run! Lin Nan Sheng! They’re all Communists! Get them! Get in the car. Okay. Old Ji told me that our evacuation routes are all numbered five. The organisation got it arranged long ago. This is our first mission together. I never thought

It’d be such an important one. Drive faster! Speed up! My gun is out of bullets. There’s one on the back seat. Go straight and block his way! Get down! Get down the car! Go now. I’ll cover for you. I received an order from the superior. It’s to protect you with my life.

Go ahead, I’ll cover for you. [Xietang Town] Brother Chang Fu. Why are you not eating again? You haven’t recovered yet. You must eat and take your medicine on time. Have a seat. Slowly. I’m alright. Take a seat. Okay. Brother Chang Fu. Have you figured out anything? I asked the boatmen about it.

None claimed to have seen your wife. It’s been raining lately. And the water level has risen a lot. They said she might… Brother Chang Fu. Why have you never asked who I am? Mr Zuo. You appear to be a capable man. We’re caught in a war. Life is not easy. Outside our town,

Army trucks and tanks pass by every day. Don’t worry, just stay here for recuperation. The living should live a good life for the dead. Have your medicine. Thank you, Brother Chang Fu. Alright, drink it. [1949, Spring] Brother Chang Fu. Brother Chang Fu. Did you buy Mr Zuo medicine? I just came back.

I’ll leave you to it. Okay. Thank you. It’s nothing. [Chunhui Primary School] Ready. Sing it. ♫ Outside the long pavilion ♫ ♫ Along the ancient route ♫ ♫ Fragrant green grass joins the sky ♫ ♫ The evening wind caressing willow trees, the heart-piercing sound of the flute ♫

♫ Sunset over mountains beyond mountains ♫ Sing it. ♫ At the brink of the sky ♫ ♫ At the corners of the earth ♫ ♫ My familiar friends wander in loneliness and far from home ♫ ♫ One more ladle of wine to conclude the little happiness that remains ♫

♫ Don’t have any sad dreams tonight ♫ Come along! Mr Zuo. Slow down, watch your step. Brother Chang Fu. I got you this medicine from the town. Thank you. Also, I couldn’t find the fountain pen you wanted. I got you a similar one. But it’s old.

If it really doesn’t work, I’ll go find another one. No need. This is good enough. Thank you. Mr Zuo! Mr Zuo! Quick, come with me. What’s the matter? Hurry up, come with me. Where are we going? Let’s welcome the People’s Liberation Army! Let’s welcome the People’s Liberation Army! Thank you, People’s Liberation Army!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! [Early June.] [Hangzhou, Jiaxing,] [as well as towns and villages] [in North Zhejiang] [were liberated.] [The people gleefully welcomed the arrival of People’s Liberation Army.] [As of now, the People’s Liberation Army from all places,] [who are not afraid of hardships,] [keep fighting.] [The Nationalist Party Army]

[in Shanghai and its surrounding areas] [are in a encirclement.] [The Nationalist Party Army keeps retreating.] [More Nationalist Party soldiers] [have surrendered to the People’s Liberation Army.] [There are Nationalist Party troops] [who are determined to quit and overthrow the reactionary ruling.] [The morale among the trapped Nationalist Party troops is low.]

[They are not on the same page.] [If they refuse to surrender,] [what awaits them] [is going to be a heavy blow from the People’s Liberation Army.] Commander-in-chief. Commander-in-chief. -Commander-in-chief. -Commander-in-chief. Old Cheng. Comrade Lin Nan Sheng. Come. Take a seat. Our attack on Shanghai will begin soon. Here’s an order from the superior.

The East China Bureau orders you to stay here and wait for the liberation of Shanghai. Old Cheng. Comrade Zhu Yi Zhen who was on the mission with me. Any news on her? Until now, she has yet to contact the organisation. Our comrades went all the way to the riverside

And shot Wang Shi An dead. When they got into the water to save you, both of you couldn’t be found. But comrades of the East China Bureau have been searching for her. There must be a secret stronghold for her in Shanghai. It’s not a problem for her to stay there for six months.

This notebook keeps a record of my detailed analysis of her possible hideouts. And I’ve marked them all on this map. Old Cheng. Send a telegram to the East China Bureau. Ask our comrades to carry out a thorough search when they get into Shanghai. Don’t worry, I’ll see to it at once. Don’t worry.

[The People’s Liberation Army] [attacked against the city of Shanghai] [from the west, south, and various directions.] [As of the 25th,] [we’ve liberated] [all places located at the south of Suzhou River.] [At the same time, our army is urging] [the Nationalist Party troops in the north of Suzhou River] [to drop the weapons]

[and surrender to the People’s Liberation Army] [and the people.] -Commander-in-chief. -Commander-in-chief. Alright. I’ve summarised the situation. Don’t worry. I’ll report it to the superior immediately. No problem. Sure. Here, have a seat. Any news on Comrade Zhu Yi Zhen? Here, take a seat. What? Is she not found yet? Here’s the thing.

After the liberation of Shanghai, the first batch of comrades who entered it has been searching for her everywhere in the city. For now, they haven’t located Comrade Zhu Yi Zhen. But the fellow comrades are still looking for her. If there’s any news, I’ll let you know at once.

Maybe she’s not in Shanghai at all. Maybe, just like me, she was saved by someone. It’s just that she can’t contact the organisation for the time being. Of course, there are many possibilities. We’re absolutely not giving up. We’re definitely not giving up on searching our comrade. Old Cheng. I believe

She is still alive. I asked you here, as per the organisation’s decision. They want you to report yourself at the East China Bureau at once. [Comrade Lin Nan Sheng. Comrade Zhu Yi Zhen. Shanghai is now liberated.] [Get ready after receiving this telegram. We will come and get you to Shanghai.]

Head home and prepare for it. They will come and fetch you tomorrow morning. Commander-in-chief. Commander-in-chief. [81] [To Yi Zhen. I hope you like it.] Lin Nan Sheng. Comrade. You look really good in this military uniform. ♫ Outside the long pavilion ♫ ♫ Along the ancient route ♫

♫ Fragrant green grass joins the sky ♫ ♫ The evening wind caressing willow trees, the heart-piercing sound of the flute ♫ ♫ Sunset over mountains beyond mountains ♫ ♫ At the brink of the sky ♫ ♫ At the corners of the earth ♫

♫ My familiar friends wander in loneliness and far from home ♫ ♫ One more ladle of wine to conclude the little happiness that remains ♫ ♫ Don’t have any sad dreams tonight ♫ [The End]