【FULL】A Love For Dilemma EP13 | 小舍得 | Song Jia 宋佳, David Tong 佟大为, Rulu Jiang 蒋欣, Jean 李佳航 | iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [A Love for Dilemma] [Sponsored by Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation] [Culture & Art Salon] [Episode 13] Good. I’ll go for a rural tourism with my old friend this weekend to eat and have fun. Sure. I’ll take care of all the expenses, okay? Of course. Actually, I think that

Even of people are divorced, they don’t have to become enemies. Just like you and my dad. I think you can try -to be his friend too. -This material is not bad. Grandpa. What do humans want in their lives? I’m sure this is their goal. Being surrounded by their children and grandchildren.

When the children laugh, it’ll be a sunny day. Here. Eat a pear. It’s too big. I can’t finish it. -Let’s split it then. -No. Don’t split it. It sounds so inauspicious. Dean Nan. You are a hardcore materialist. Why are you so afraid of this? They are here again. I was not superstitious

Until you came into my life. I’m not afraid of anything. I’m not even afraid of your mum. But I’m afraid of you. You are my weakness. Be careful. Okay! Dad. Thank you. You went to meet that Mayor again, right? Sorry for troubling you. This is in the past. Let’s forget about it.

No matter how hard it is, I’ll do anything for my children. I’ll work hard for my children. In life, we can only look forward, right? You are right. Let bygones be bygones. We have to move forward. Dad. You know this, right? I care about your health and happiness.

I really hope that you can live well and live comfortably. I know. Here they come again. Look how happy they are. It’s known that a ship sailing 36km downstream and 24km upstream will take a total of seven hours and sailing 60km downstream and 48km upstream will take a total of 13 hours.

So, how long will it take for this ship to sail for 48km downstream and 18km upstream? Who knows the answer to this question? -I know. -I know. Very good. Let me say it again. The question is asking about the boy to girl ratio for the graduates. Don’t read the question wrongly.

A lot of people didn’t notice the word “ratio”. It’s not asking about the number of people. It wants ratio. Look at the first line. Write down the formula now. Quick. Let’s continue since you are done. The total number of boys from class four, five, six… Yan Zi You!

You are sleepy? Go out if you are sleepy. I’ll teach you the formula now. Memorise it. The velocity inlet equals to the speed of the ship and the speed of the water current. -How much do we have? -We have 480. We have 480. We are doing well this month.

We’ve earned 1000 more this month compared to last month. Really? We have various types of fruits this season. So, we have more and more customers. But we still need to be frugal. Tao needs to attend many tuition classes when she’s in the sixth grade.

I heard that she’ll need them during her senior year too. Besides, after two years, we’ll bring our youngest kid here. Our expenses will be heavy. Don’t worry. I’m living frugally. By the way, my school have a parents’ meeting tomorrow. Ms. Zhang kept on stressing that all parents need to attend.

Okay. Continue with your homework. -I’ll take a leave this time. -Don’t do that. -I’ll close the stall early to attend it. -Okay. Although we don’t have to worry about Tao, I still think that it’s better to talk to her teacher at school to show that we care.

Dad. The internet is cut off again. I can load my homework. It’s cut off again? Let me check. I had already asked you to upgrade our internet to a better one. But you didn’t listen. You wouldn’t upgrade it. So stingy.

-I don’t know what to say. -You can’t blame me for the unstable line. And you asked me to be frugal. -Frugal for us. Not for her. -Fine. -Let’s go. -I’ll upgrade it next time. Let’s use the Wi-Fi at the cafe to finish up your homework.

-Let me take you there. -No. Stay here and fix the internet. Chao Chao. Why aren’t you eating properly? What are you doing? Come. I’ll feed you, okay? Mum, I’m already full. I don’t want to eat anymore. Eat more. You didn’t even eat your porridge. Come. Look at your dad admiring himself.

-My dad is handsome anyway. -That’s right. My awesome gene is not wasted at all. I’ve passed it down to Huan Huan. My sister is the prettiest. She’s a beautiful girl. -Chao Chao is a handsome boy too. -Thank you, Dad. All of you should stop buttering each other up. You are the best, Mum.

Yes. Your mum is the best. This parents’ meeting is a chance for the parents to shine. We can’t embarrass Huan Huan. But first, she has to make you proud. Don’t worry. She’ll do well in this exam. She’ll make a beautiful comeback. -I’ll get going now. -Bye, Dad! Wait for my good news!

For the Math test this time, there are 22 students who got A, seven students who got B and two students got C in our class. This is the overall result for our class this semester. Besides, there are some students who are not performing well in class. They are not paying attention,

Not responsive and rarely answer any questions. I hope that when you go back, supervise them well and remind them. During this midterm exam, there are three students who are doing very well. They are Zhao Lin, Yan Zi You and Chang Hao Ran. I hope that these students can continue to maintain their results.

And I hope that students who are not doing that well can work harder in their studies to catch up with the others. She got an A for all three main subjects. This result is not bad if it was the result of other students. -But… -Good day. Good day.

But Mi Tao has always been an excellent student. So, not getting A+ means that she has regressed. Ms. Zhang. If she doesn’t listen to you and doesn’t study well, you can just hit her and scold her. We don’t mind. What are you talking about? We won’t physically punish our students.

Besides, Mi Tao is really working hard. This time, she is not doing well in her Chinese and English. In English, we don’t have oral tests during normal tests. But we do that during the mid-term exam. That’s why her oral test has dragged down her English result.

Besides, for our Chinese test this time, five schools are taking the same exam. We don’t only test about the knowledge in the textbooks. So, it requires the student to do a lot of readings. And look at this essay’s title. The title is, “A Happy Summer Camp”.

But Mi Tao’s essay is too off the track. Ms. Zhang. Before coming here, she has never even been to a city before. I think she doesn’t know what a summer camp is. Yes. I understand. Actually, when it comes to art, the more you read, the further you can travel.

It requires the students to widen their horizons and have more experience. So, don’t be too anxious. You can go to the other class to talk with her Chinese Language teacher. Don’t be too anxious. After all, Mi Tao is really an excellent student. -Okay. Thank you, Ms. Zhang. -Bye.

-Hello, Mi Tao’s dad. -Hello, Huan Huan’s dad. -Ms. Zhang. -Huan Huan’s dad. Not bad. Huan Huan has obviously improved. Yes. She has improved. But it’s too little. She’s still too far behind from the group. Don’t worry too much. As her teachers, we will monitor her progress and rhythm well.

Besides, she’s already improving right now. I think you should trust her. Don’t be so impatient. I’ll trust her. Thank you for your comfort. It’s not just comfort. Actually, I always think that in this class, only you and Huan Huan’s mother have a healthy and rational view on education.

Of course the Math Olympiad matters if you want to enter Han Lin. What else? That’s way fairer than choosing the students based on their parents’ wealth and power. -Yes. -You are right. There are too many fake things nowadays. Only our children’s results depend totally on their own capabilities.

On the surface, they say that their results will not be revealed. But if they want to choose the elite students, they have their ways. Public exam, exam in secret, interviews, school exam and other exams where they can get their results. Whether or not they’ll ask you to go for the exam or when,

It all depends on their interest on your child’s intellect. Zi You’s mum, do you have any connections and experience to share with us? We are all in the dark. I’m fumbling my way through as well. If you have any important information, let’s share and discuss them together.

We are all parents. The struggles of parents. Yes. Of course. -I have to leave now. -Okay. Go ahead. It’s you again today? I really envy Nan Li. She can just stay out of this. So good for her to have a husband like you to take care of your kids.

Unlike that young master in my family. No. We should envy you instead. Zi You is really an awesome kid. What good will it do? There are so many awesome kids in this city. This year, Han Lin will only pick one student among 100 students. It’s so competitive now.

It’s better to just go to Feng Fan Junior High School. It’s so easy. If I had a daughter, I would let her study in Feng Fan too. -Daughter doesn’t need to study that hard. -What has it got to do with daughter? We are not just simply raising her.

We’ve been encouraging her to study hard too. But the level is different. If you really want to get into Han Lin, you can’t just do well in Math. English, Chinese, Reading, Writing, Classical Chinese, Science, and Thinking Ability. You have to master them all.

His class at Ze Shu is going to end soon. I have to pick up Zi You. I’ll discuss with you later. I have the experience. Huan Huan, this is your favourite buttered prawns dish. Eat more. Peel the prawns yourself. -Eat some fish. -Eat. But the level is different.

If you really want to get into Han Lin, you can’t just do well in Math. English, Chinese, Reading, Writing, Classical Chinese, Science, and Thinking Ability. You have to master them all. Don’t be so anxious. Or else, she’ll feel pressured. That’s why I didn’t lecture her.

Didn’t you see her hanging her head down the whole night? She didn’t even eat much. She knows it. She knows that it’s her fault for not getting good grades after going to Ze Shu. She can’t keep up at all in her class now. You can’t be impatient, right?

She has improved after going to Ze Shu, right? It’ll take time for her to go back on track, right? The thing is, she doesn’t have time to do it slowly now. If she can’t keep up, she’ll always fall behind. It’s the reality. We have to push her. When will this end then?

We both know what kind of a child Huan Huan is. She’s competitive. She’s upset when her results are not good. Besides, you didn’t hear what Tian Yu Lan said today. It was like Huan Huan can only get into Feng Fan. Why does she sound so mean?

This is not the first time. You can just ignore her, right? Wait. Are you saying that she has to take tuition class for Chinese, English, Logic, et cetera? I haven’t made up my mind. But I think it’s necessary. No. We agreed that it’ll be just this once. There’s a limit to everything.

It’s okay for her to take Math tuition class to help her out. She still has some free time. But it’s different if you want to send her to every tuition class. That’s taking it too far. Besides, she won’t be able to take it.

You saw it too. Huan Huan is deeply affected by her results. So, if that’s the case, I think that the most important thing now is not to improve her results. We have to teach her how to deal with failure. -In the future, her life… -This is weird logic.

-How is it weird? -She didn’t do well in school and you want to blame her for being too sensitive with her results? -She’s still so young. -Now, you know that she’s young? Sending her to tuition centre like others is the simplest and crude solution.

I want to ask. Do you think those parents are considered responsible? Moreover, we’ve already talked about it. We want results and happiness too. You are changing so much that I don’t know you now. It’s different now. You didn’t go to the parents’ meeting today. If you did, you would have understood.

Are you saying that we should send Chao Chao to a tuition centre too? We have to think about it now. We don’t ask for more. Just learn it again… Don’t talk about asking for more or less. You’ll waste their time sitting in tuition class. Can you stop lying to yourself?

You are acting that everything is fine now. Every time we visit her grandpa, can you really ignore it when they say that their child is better than yours? Tell me. I won’t agree. -You are insane. -I’m not. We are just discussing some things. So, we got into a small fight. -It’s fine. -Yes.

I want some warm water. I’ll help you with it. Go back to your room first. Come. Let me carry you. I’ll read you a story book, okay? Okay now. Let’s go. Good boy. Chao Chao is so good. We were quite fierce tonight. You scared me. You scared me.

You are a director with many people working for you. You are fierce and decisive in your job. How could I scare you? Enough. I don’t care. You have to compensate me. Compensation for emotional damages. I give you my salary every month. How can I pay you? You can consider paying with your body.

Give me a sweet smile and I’ll forgive you. Cheese. It was my fault. I was too impatient. But I was too deeply in shock when I was at the school just now. I know. Huan Huan is your baby. You wouldn’t do it to her if it wasn’t because you were in shock.

I was wrong too. I shouldn’t have fought with you. But the world is already so stressful. As parents, shouldn’t we stand in front of them and protect them with a clear mind? You are right. I lost control today. I can’t just listen to others. And I can’t be impatient.

I need to think about what I should do. Yes. I want Huan Huan to be good in her studies too. It’s shown in Chao Chao’s storybook. What should the penguin do when it’s anxious? Count to ten first before it makes a decision. I have to stay calm. Stay calm.

Sleep now. Count to ten first. Goodnight. Goodnight. [It’ll take us 10 minutes from A to B] [and it’ll take us 15 minutes from B to D.] [Here’s the question.] [How long will it take from A to D?] [Please think carefully use the formula I taught you.]

[What are you thinking? I taught you so well but you know nothing!] [Why are you here?] [How long will it take? Calculate it. From A to D.] -[Stupid!] -[You are so dumb!] [No wonder you can’t become the deputy class monitor!] [Go home, dummy!] [We don’t play with dummy!] [Why are you here?]

You are awake. Good morning, dad. Tell me. Are you happy at school lately? Not at all. I’m not a class committee anymore. I don’t lead the exercise, raise the placard, give the command, hand out the homework or write on the blackboard anymore. It’s quite boring at school. Huan Huan.

What about we take more tuition classes at Ze Shu just like other students, okay? You’ve made up your mind after a night? Let Huan Huan decide. She can fall behind and don’t catch up or she can have less time to play. I’ll let you choose. I don’t want to fall behind.

Think about it carefully. If you take Chinese, English and Math class, your weekend will be full and you’ll have no time to play. In my opinion, we should listen to him. When it comes to doting on children, -Xia Jun Shan is the worse. -That’s right. He dotes on him.

That’s why he doesn’t want her to fall behind. Yes. That’s right. Moreover, we can’t lose to that mistress’s grandchild. Why are you… Yan Zi You’s weekend has been full of classes since the second grade. You and Yan Zi You are schoolmates. You have to be friendly to each other. I know.

We can give it a try for the first half of this semester. When her result is stable, we’ll think about taking fewer classes. We’ll just lose some money. You are already saying this. If I stop you, I’ll look like a stepmother. You are not my stepmother. You are my real mother.

The warm and sunny boy who always sides his mum. -He sides me. -You are so smart. Mum. Give him this. -Here’s some warm water. -Thank you. Mi Tao did well in the mid-term exam again. She didn’t. The teacher said that she has regressed.

It’s normal for their results to be unstable. They are children. Zi You is not stable as well. This time, she’s not doing well for her Chinese and foreign language. Chinese and foreign language? She needs to read more and experience more to do well. Yes.

Me and her dad can’t help her with her studies. By the way, I saw Zi You taking some online courses. -Are they expensive? -Those are live online classes. They are not really expensive. -Come. I have it on my phone. -Okay. -Do you mean this live online class? -Yes.

Their lecturers are graduates from Tsinghua University and Peking University. So, I enrolled Zi You into their classes. Mi Tao can do the same too. And it’s not expensive. In their Chinese transition class from primary school to high school, they offer an intensive essay class. I think it’ll be useful to Mi Tao.

This is called. Let me write it down. I can screenshot and send it to you. Okay. Scissors-paper-stone. I won. -Good day. -Come, Mi Tao. Take this. This is the Discourse Club from the Children’s Palace. I’ve signed it up for you. Go back and fill in the form. And, starting from next month,

We have an English master class at every Tuesday. You can join us. This is free. But I think that it’ll be helpful to you. Are you interested in it? Besides, Tao has no experience and she has a narrow horizon. Those are quite important.

She’ll need to expand her horizon when it comes to cultural class in upper grade. She can’t just memorise the textbooks. Yes. We can save up more to send her to a tuition centre. As for working hard, Tao is really diligent. But as for experience and exposure, they are very vague.

We really don’t know what to do. You can buy more classical books for her to read. And let her participate in more activities. For example, join the student club. Bring her go travelling when you are free. Let her join more summer camps and winter camps.

There are even some foreign student exchange programmes too. Actually, if you can’t bring her out to explore, there are some training centres -that provide intensive classes for it. -Really? Does Ze Shu provide this kind of classes? Yes. You can go and find more about it.

-Okay, I got it. Thank you. -You are welcome. No need to buy those reading materials. Zi You has many of them. I’ll give you some later. -I don’t think it’s a good idea. -It’s okay. -Thank you. -You are welcome. You can use your e-student ID card to borrow books for free

In the library in our city, including the Children’s Library. When you are free, ask your parents to bring you there. An author once said that reading is the key that opens doors. I just need to use my student ID? Yes. That’s right. When you come back tomorrow, give this form back to me.

Do you see this? Remember to ask your parents to sign. Okay. Thank you, Ms. Zhang. You are welcome. Go now. Mi Tao, wait. Mi Tao. From now on, when you walk, stand up straight and lift your head. Actually, you can’t get used to it when you just transferred here.

But recently, you are doing much better now. I also believe that soon, you’ll become the best student in the whole class and even in the whole school. So, if you run into any problems with your life or your studies, you can come to me. Or you can go to Mr. Zhong, okay? Okay.

Sir. Sir. How about we go inside so that I can tell you more about it? Sir. Sir. This way please. It’s okay. I’m just looking around. Thank you. -Thank you. -You can take this back. -It’s okay. Thank you. -A total of 41888. -The number is quite auspicious. -Yes. Like they said,

Education is the best investment in life. -Mi Tao’s mum. Why are you here? -Hello, Mr. Zhong. I’ve brought some local specialties from my home town for you. Can I come in? -Please come in. -Okay. I’m fine. Let me put on the shoe covers. -It’s okay. My house… -It’s fine.

-It’ll take just a moment. -You… -What are these? -These are some food that I’ve brought for you from my home town. These are longans. These are citron daylilies and these are dates. Although they don’t worth a lot, these are our local specialties. Safe to be eaten. -You… -These are peanuts. Roasted peanuts.

-Yes. -This is too much. Tao said that you can eat spicy food. The small red chillies in our home town are the best. Just stir-fry them. -It’s true. -I don’t know what to do with these. -My house… -Mr. Zhong. You’ve been taking care of Tao very well.

I don’t know how to thank you. -I hope that you won’t mind. -Of course not. You are too generous with these. -I’ve disturbed you from eating. -I just finished. These are too much. What are you doing? -It’s okay. I can clean them myself. -It’s okay. -I can clean them myself. -It’s okay.

That’s the toilet. -Well… -That’s the kitchen. -Okay. It’s okay. -I didn’t mean that. Mi Tao’s mother. Just put them there. I’ll wash them. It’s okay, Mr. Zhong. It’s easy. I feel really embarrassed for you to do this. It’s okay. Look. Tao really likes Math. -Yes. -But in her previous school, she felt bored.

Because she already knew what the teacher was teaching. -So, she was bored. -Of course. After she transferred here and got into your class, especially the Elite Class, she feels that everything is different now. She finds out that Math can be so interesting. Besides, the harder it is, the more she likes it.

Actually, Tao really admires you. Although she’s quite quiet in class, after she goes home, if we talk about you, she’ll talk non-stop about you. She is really smart. I’m new to being a teacher. Just a few years. I taught around 100 students. But it’s rare to see someone as smart as him.

Besides, she is diligent, right? I think that when any teacher sees this kind of student… What are you doing? Mopping the floor. Don’t. Put it down. Let go. Don’t mop the floor. Why are you here? Let’s come in and talk. Come. Leave them. It’s okay. I don’t have any other drinks.

-Thank you. -This will have to do. If you have anything, just tell me about it. Don’t be a stranger. I’ll help you if I can. Me and her dad are uncultured. We didn’t want to ruin our child’s future because we are uneducated. Tao is not doing well for her mid-term exam this time.

No. She… It’s not about Math, right? No. It’s about Chinese, foreign language, extracurricular activities and exposure. Yes. I didn’t pay much attention to those before this. Yes. Other children have other tuition classes for each subject. And they have all sorts of summer camps. Mi Tao is quite inexperienced compared to the other children.

Mr. Zhong, you know about our situation. We can’t afford to bring her to go travel or send her to winter camp and summer camp. Even if we want to, we can’t. -Her parents are useless. -Don’t say that. Wait. I think Ze Shu is providing this kind of classes too.

There is. I had asked her dad to check it out. But it’s quite expensive. How about this. Don’t panic. I… I remember that us teachers can get a discount there. I didn’t pay attention because I have no kids. I’ll ask our manager about it. But don’t be too hopeful.

Because I can’t promise you anything. I can just ask about it for you. -I’m really thankful to you. -Don’t. Tao is really lucky. It’s nothing. Thank you. Mi Tao has quite a good foundation. Take a seat. She’s quite good. I’ve taken a look at her foundation. She’s quite good.

Before this, Mr. Zhong boasted about her to me. At first, I didn’t believe it. But she’s really good. I’ve gone through it carefully just now. What she lacks right now is more readings for her Chinese and more practical trainings for her English. She doesn’t need to take any other classes.

No need to spend the extra money, right? Manager Cui, what’s the cost for her Chinese and foreign language class then? Don’t worry. Mr. Zhong has discussed it with me. Every teacher here can receive a discount. He said that Mi Tao is his best student. So, he gave the only spot to your daughter.

Our internal discount is around 30%. -Don’t let anyone know about this. -We won’t. It’s 18,000 for English and 12,000 for Chinese. After discount, it’s 21,000. So, will she be having a class every day? No. We have 80 classes in a year. Every class is 45 minutes. Two classes in a week.

[It’s 21,000 for a year. Forty classes around one and a half hour.] [Around 500 per class. And it’s not the Elite Class.] [Even with this discount,] [it’s around 400 for one and a half hour.] See. I’m sure that Tao’s talent in Math is inherited from you, right? Manager Cui, can you

-let us think about it? -Yes. Can you let us think about it? How’s your homework? Take a rest. We’ll be eating dinner soon. Give me two. Boss. How much for a pound of grapes? Eight eighty. Even if you work for eight hours without stopping, you can’t even earn 300. My business is unstable.

One of her class will cost us a day of working. You can’t say that. It’s really effective for other students. The people in the city are all doing this for their children. Back then, we came here because we thought that the system here is good and everything is free.

We thought that the food here is cheap. But suddenly, we have so many expenses. This is a bottomless pit. Boss. Just now, you promised that it’ll be ripe and sweet. What is it? Is it not ripe? It’s not ripe and it’s not sweet.

-Exchange with her. -Do you want a refund or another fruit? -Exchange it for another fruit. -Okay. I just cut this. Do you mind? -Give it to me. -Here you go. Thank you. This is quite sweet. Come. Give it a taste. It’s sweet, right? It’s bitter. Bitter? Impossible. Taste it again.

-Sweet or bitter. -Enough or else I’ll be too full to eat. It’s sweet right? I don’t need to attend the class. I can study harder. I’m sure that I’ll catch up. Tao. We were just talking about it. But we’ve promised you to support you. So, we’ll do our best.

If other children can attend, you can too. It’s worthy for us to spend on you. Do you hear that? Don’t worry. Come. Let’s see if this is sweet or not. Stop it. Time to eat. Stop eating the watermelon. Let’s go. In our home town,

We just send her to school and hand her to the teacher. Then, she’ll learn from her teachers. She’s a good student as long as she can do well in her exam. And she’ll be the one working hard for her own future. Some children would be playing around the field today

And got their university acceptance letter on the next day. Suddenly, they became a university student. That’s why they said it’s like a carp leaping into the dragon’s gate. Look at this big city. The children are released from school when the sun is still up. And they don’t have much homework.

If you want to have good results, you can’t just know the knowledge from textbooks. You need to be comprehensive. And the exams test on things beyond the textbooks. How can they be comprehensive? I was not good in my studies when I was young. But my classmates who did well

Were not like the children now where their parents are always worried about them. No matter what, since young, her teachers have always said that Tao is smart and diligent. So, we can’t hold her back. That’s it for today. You are dismissed. Headmaster He. I heard that

Mi Tao’s parents signed up for two more classes for her at Ze Shu. But, she’s quite good in her studies, right? She’s doesn’t have enough exposure compared to other children. But all of her teachers think that it’s just a matter of time. She will be able to catch up.

Besides, classes in Ze Shu are not cheap, right? Yes. Especially for Mi Tao’s family. It’s a heavy burden. We can only be understanding. Especially for parents like Mi Tao who put in a lot of effort to give her child a better environment. They won’t want her to fall behind.

Moreover, a lot of commercial training institutions are adding fuel to flame to make money from parents’ worries. These worries have dragged down too many parents into a trap. But I feel that there’s no need for Mi Tao to do this. How about this. Ask Mi Tao’s parents to come here.

I’ll talk to them. Great. They’ll listen to you if you talk to them.