【FULL】A Love For Dilemma EP10 | 小舍得 | Song Jia 宋佳, David Tong 佟大为, Rulu Jiang 蒋欣, Jean 李佳航 | iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [A Love for Dilemma] [Sponsored by Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation] [Culture & Art Salon] [Episode 10] Besides, don’t you understand if the competition between them is fair or not? And regarding the Elite Class, I must say you do have your own ways. Even Mr. Zhong had to give in.

What do you mean? Zi You got into it through his own effort. No secret can remain hidden forever. I know everything now. Suit yourself. Is it that hard for you to admit that my son is better than your daughter? I have no grudges against the children. But as adults,

We must know what we should do and shouldn’t do. You’re back? I made soup for you. Come. Drink it while it’s hot. What’s wrong? Who are you angry at? Who else? It’s your favourite stepdaughter. I think I did owe her in my past life. She’s stepping on my head wherever she goes.

If it were a few years ago, they have no choice but to show respect to the mall. But now, the brands out there are doing better than malls. Once she arrived at our mall, I had no choice but to submit to her. What happened? She bullied you?

This isn’t the first day she’s bullying me. I should’ve just flipped the table. You won’t understand even if I tell you. Don’t bother me. I’m in a bad mood. [Protest regarding unfair treatment towards Yi Bai Shopping Centre] Mrs. Nan, our president is waiting for you. President, were you looking for me?

Have a seat. The terminal market stated that they were treated unfairly. You saw it yourself. Stern attitude and offensive words. They’ve sent their email to me. They even sent it to the other departments. She must be crazy. It’s because of next season’s promotion. She isn’t happy with it.

There’s a difference between our ideas. I understand. But, as the marketing director, one of your jobs is to strengthen the communication between us and them. How could you make an operations manager complain about you? I told you before, right? When you come from another company, you need to have self-awareness.

We’ve shown Yi Bai Shopping Centre plenty of support. New product display, training for their promoters, roadshows, personalized props display and so on. They’ll be implemented gradually. I’ve sent her the proposal as well. But she still insists on holding a promotion. I can’t just let her do what she wants.

Even if you have a clear and reasonable goal in mind, can’t you just reconsider the way you communicate with them? Fine. I will stop this incident. I’ll settle this for you this time. Do not repeat this again. Thank you, I’ll take note of that. I promise it won’t happen again.

Your mother said that we were supposed to eat at our house today. But your mother is something. She wants you to attend your tuition class during the afternoon. Usually, primary school students are free during Friday afternoons. Hello, Grandma Zhao. Hello. Hello, Grandma Cai. Zi You, let’s go. Your stripes look great.

Work hard, don’t be arrogant. It’s fine even if you don’t have a post. It’s better than being stripped of your position after you got it. Grandma. Some people love to keep things that other people had thrown away. They love to pick them up. And they’re not embarrassed at all.

It’s like that for their first generation, second generation, and now, even the third generation is doing the same. I’m sure it’s because of their problematic nature. -Who are you referring to? -The person who’s replying to me. I know people will fight for red packets and all,

But it’s my first time seeing someone fight for another person’s husband. -What did you say? -What are you doing? Explain yourself! -Sir, look. -Madam. Calm down. What’s wrong? -Explain yourself! -Grandma! Sir, please tell her to calm down. She’s being too much. Sorry for the trouble. Listen, this is something embarrassing.

It’s true. Just ignore her. She’s just an old and saggy third wheel. I’ll fight you until the end! Grandma, don’t do this! If you continue, I’ll call Grandpa. -No, you… -I’ll tell Grandpa about this! -You! -Grandma! What are you doing? You want to fight? Do you know the consequences of assaulting an officer?

If you want to go to prison, come on. You! Madam, just return home with your child. I know, but the traffic light is red now. -I hate you! -Come and assault me. -You’re so detestable! -Grandma, let’s go home. -Let’s go home. -It’s green now. Let’s go. -Let’s go home. -Alright.

Grandma, let’s go home. Let’s go. Let’s go! Grandma, let’s go home. Let’s go home. The food isn’t ready yet? You know I can’t afford to starve myself. When I’m hungry, my blood sugar level will be low and I’ll get dizzy. It’ll be done soon. Add some vinegar. I want black vinegar.

I don’t want rice vinegar. What’s wrong? Did the smoke get into your eyes? Let me take a look. Wipe it off with some tissue papers. You… Did something happen? I’m almost 60 now. I’ve been married to you for over 10 years. I’ve served you for so many years.

Yet she called me the third wheel in front of the children! I’m a human too! I deserve some respect! You met her? What did I tell you before? I told you not to provoke her. Even if she’s coming towards you, you should’ve avoided her. Don’t go toe to toe against her.

-You won’t be able to win… -I didn’t provoke her! It’s because of the children! She’s venting her anger on me since she’s unhappy with it. What? What has it got to do with the children? Turn off the gas. Let’s stop. Stop cooking. Come, have a seat. Tell me what exactly is going on.

Feng Feng and Li Li need to cooperate with each other in work, right? Yes, I know that. Li Li has grudges against me. I know that. I never said anything. But our Lan Lan is innocent! Li Li is her superior in work. That’s fine, but our Lan Lan couldn’t stand it!

Lan Lan isn’t as smart or as qualified as Li Li. She’s just earning a small wage in order to support her family. It’s tough for her! Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Calm down. I still don’t understand what happened. Tell me the source of the incident. What exactly happened?

Lan Lan didn’t tell me as well. Lan Lan is very furious. She said Li Li is making things difficult for her! Li Li is making things difficult for Lan Lan? This… Li Li isn’t a person like that. I think this is a misunderstanding.

If you say her mother is being unreasonable, I’ll believe you. But Li Li, I don’t think she’ll make things difficult for Lan Lan on purpose. I think so too. You see, it takes two to tango. I’m sure Lan Lan is at fault as well. This… I… Later, I’ll reprimand Lan Lan.

Li Li has such a good temper. She won’t make things difficult for her on purpose. Lan Lan is considered as her younger sister. She should respect her elder sister. I… I still don’t know what’s going on. You should calm down as well. You shouldn’t reprimand Lan Lan without finding out the truth. Maybe…

Maybe it’s just a misunderstanding. No matter how we look at it, we’re considered as relatives. Taking care of each other is our responsibility. I have no expectations for her at all. I just hope that Li Li will direct her anger towards me when she’s angry. Since I’m the only one at fault here.

Who asked me to be so silly? I insist on spending the rest of my life with you. This… You… How about this? We’ll call them to have a meal with us. They can resolve their misunderstanding on the dining table, okay? Will Li Li be unhappy and think that

I’m the one who broke the news to you? Don’t worry. I know what to do. I’ll listen to you then. That’s great to hear. As long as I’m here, no one can bully you. As long as I’m alive, I won’t let anyone bully you. Do you know who you are? You’re my wife.

I know you do still have a conscience. I’ll warm up the food for you. Now, I’m having high blood pressure instead of low blood sugar level. Alright, that’s decided then. Do you guys have any other questions? -No. -You guys may continue with your work. Dad, you’re looking for me? What’s wrong?

Your blood pressure is rising again? Alright. We’ll bring the children to visit you after work. See you tonight. [Dad said he’s not feeling too well.] [His blood pressure is shooting up.] [He said he’ll feel better if he sees the children.] Tell Mum that we aren’t having dinner with her tonight.

I know. I’ll tell her after this. Alright, goodbye. Mum, what a coincidence. I was planning to call you as well. What’s the matter? Did she really say that? I’m back. -Where’s Huan Huan and Chao Chao? -At the playground with Mom.

Why haven’t you changed your clothes? I thought we were going to visit Dad? We’re not going anymore. Grandma! Why aren’t our parents back yet? Are we going to visit Grandpa or not? You will. Just wait for a little longer. Chao Chao, come over here. I saw Mum just now. She looked unhappy.

Just wait for a little longer. You guys will visit him. You’re done? -Let’s go. -Okay. -Slow down. -Okay. She’s our elder, you know? She must’ve said that by accident. How would you know? What if she said it on purpose? That’s why I don’t feel like going there now.

I have no mood to see them enjoying themselves. But, Aunty Cai is Aunty Cai, Dad is Dad. I guess Dad doesn’t know about this. If not, he wouldn’t have agreed to it. Why not? They’re deeply in love, you know? I think we still need to go.

We can ask Dad to be our judge during crucial moments. Think about it. Why isn’t Grandpa here to greet us today? -Sister, let’s compete. -Alright. You may be furious, but this has nothing to do with Dad. His blood pressure has been rising lately.

You shouldn’t just say everything on your mind out of spite. Don’t worry, I know what to do. And, if you want to speak with Dad, don’t speak with him in front of our children. Don’t let our children notice your dispute. I’m not that silly. I do still have a certain amount of EQ.

Coming! Hello, Grandma Cai. Please enter. -Li Li, Huan Huan’s father. -Aunty Cai. Come, Li Li. These are your slippers. Wear them. Grandpa, we’re here! Huan Huan, Chao Chao, wash your hands first. Coming. I went to bring out some snacks when I heard that you guys were here.

-Dad. -Chao Chao, it’s your favourite mango. -Yeah. -Your grandpa does treat you guys well. Dad, is your body okay? I’m doing pretty good. They’re healthy. Enjoy them. -Eat up. -Be happy. -Huan Huan, what do you want to eat. -I want to eat that. -Is it delicious? -Yeah. -It’s sweet. -Li Li,

Follow me to the study room. I have something to tell you. He knew about it? I guess he’s trying to give you some advice. Be nice, okay? Take it yourself. Here. Let’s go and look at the fishes. -Let’s go. -Alright. How’s the progress with your work? It’s okay, I guess.

You just arrived at a new company. You’re starting everything from zero. I’m sure it isn’t as easy as it used to be. Yeah. -I need some time. -Yeah. That’s why you must be good at handling your interpersonal relationships. What’s the old saying again? Make more friends and less enemies.

You must be kind to people. Especially to your relatives, am I right? If you do a good job, you’ll acquire a great assistant. It’ll boost your strength. If you do a bad job, it’ll be a lose-lose situation. It’s not worth it. Seems like someone complained to you.

You’re putting it in such a bad way. It’s not a complaint. I’m just trying to remind you. You’re the marketing director, right? You should be at least that good in handling your relationships. If you do a bad job at it, it’ll affect your reputation as well.

That’s why I want to remind you of this. No matter if it’s a personal or public affair, you should set up a boundary. Is that how you think of me? So, in your heart, I’m someone reckless who doesn’t know her boundaries? Chao Chao, don’t touch them. Look at you.

Why are you furious at me? I… You’re my biological daughter. As your father, I know you the best. I… I’m just saying that our family is a special case. If you two had a conflict outside, you two should come back and talk it out with each other.

It’ll be fine once you resolve the misunderstanding, am I right? You’re thinking that I’m being mean to her because I’m unhappy with her. What else is there for me to say? -I… -You’re old and easily convinced. You can’t just assume something after you hear from one party. My conscience is clear.

I’m being fair to her. We can confront each other in public. She’s the one being mean over here. Both the mother and daughter aren’t good people at all. -You… -Grandpa, Grandma. Aunty, Uncle, I’m here. Zi You, you’re here? Mum. Huan Huan, Chao Chao. Zi You.

-We were stuck in a jam. -You’re always stucked in a jam. Where’s Uncle Nan? Chao Chao, you like Brother Zi You, huh? He’s speaking with Nan Li. Don’t pull a long face when you go outside. If not, it’ll be difficult for me. Why do you have to do this? It’s my fault.

I can’t sleep well lately. I can’t eat well either. That’s why I’m a bit muddle-headed. It’s my fault. Just take care of your own body. Forget about everything else. Why are you worried when you don’t even know what happened? It’s my fault. Please don’t pull a long face. Zi You, you’re here?

-I’m coming. -Uncle Nan. I’m here to see Zi You. You’re here? Li Li, have some fruits. Why are you eating them by yourself? What about your brother? -Thank you, Grandpa. -You’re welcome. They’re the same. Grandpa, I’m not thanking you because of that. I’m talking about the Elite Class.

Mum said I would’ve never gotten in the Elite Class if it weren’t for you. What are you saying? You said so yourself. Dad heard it as well on that night. Grandpa, why can’t I enter the Contest Prep Class then? It’s because there’s only one slot left. So,

You gave that slot to Zi You? They said Zi You is in a hurry to get into that class. They said it’s fine for Huan Huan not to enter the class. Why is it fine for Huan Huan not to enter the class?

It’s because of that she lost her position as the Vice Monitor and she was insulted by someone. Li Li, calm down. Dinner is ready. -Let’s go and have dinner. -What dinner? Let’s go home. -Wait, Li Li. Calm down. -Let’s go. Dad has something to say. Let him finish his words first.

Tell me then. I’m all ears. I’ll give you another chance. Who will you give this slot to? Tell me. You’re something. You’re my dear father and their dear grandfather indeed. Xia Jun Shan, let’s go. -Let’s go. -Jun Shan, let me explain it to you. It’s…

Dad, she can’t drive. I’m worried about her as well. Wear your shoes. Wear them yourself! Hurry, let’s return and have dinner. Let’s go! Uncle Nan, don’t be angry. It’ll hurt your body. What does she think she’s doing? Stupid daughter of mine. How could she blame it on the children?

Nan Li has an explosive temper indeed. Mum, you told me before that Grandpa loves me the most. But now, Grandpa loves Yan Zi You. He doesn’t love me anymore. Don’t think of it in that way. Grandpa does love you the most. Why are you saying that? It’s because I’m too lousy.

Yan Zi You got into the Elite Class. But I can’t even enter the Contest Prep Class. Huan Huan, that isn’t the case. We just need more time. Mum, what’s the use of stars in the sky? The sky is still dark. Huan Huan, I’m sorry. I’ve let you down.

We don’t need to always rely on Grandpa. Your father and I will do our best to think of something. Mum, please don’t cry. I don’t want to enter the Contest Prep Class anymore. Mum, please stop crying. It’s fine. Everything will be alright. ♫ You grew a plant of worries ♫

♫ within my spring ♫ ♫ Accompanying me as I grow up in the windy summer ♫ ♫ In my memories ♫ ♫ you’re the price for love ♫ ♫ Telling me that love is a struggle that you couldn’t let go of ♫ ♫ Waiting, expecting ♫

♫ As we part ways from one another ♫ It hurts so much! ♫ In my heart, you’re always my bay ♫ Poor thing. It’s natural for you to feel pain when you’re giving birth. You’re our noble mother. ♫ I’m willing to find answers in your heart ♫ I bought you some sesame biscuits.

♫ In your eyes, I look as good as always ♫ ♫ I’m willing to be brave ♫ ♫ and leave you for your sake ♫ Come. Let me shake your crib. ♫ Running into the umbrella you’re holding for me ♫ I just finished feeding her. I don’t think she’s hungry.

Why is she crying? What’s the matter? -Dad. -I heard her cry outside. ♫ I’m willing to wipe away ♫ She didn’t poop, and she isn’t hungry. ♫ all my guilt in silence ♫ Why is she crying? You need to carry her. ♫ Holding you as I remember the old days ♫

♫ I’m willing to stop time for you ♫ ♫ So that you won’t have regrets ♫ ♫ because of love ♫ Alright now. Enough already. This is a difficult spot for Dad to be in. Usually, he’s trying his best not to show favouritism at all.

Can’t he identify which one of us is more important? Maybe Dad has his own bitter reasons for this. Think about it. Aunty Cai is beside him every day. Maybe he’s the first to know about the news. That’s why he couldn’t reject her.

If there’s a will, there’s a way. No one will be able to stop him if he rejects it. Alright. You’re right. But you did especially well today. You didn’t let yourself loose. I was worried that you might go to the kitchen and pick up the cleaver. Liar. I need to ask him later.

I want him to give Huan Huan an explanation. There’s nothing for him to explain. Zi You has entered the Elite Class already. Even if you try to pursue this matter, it won’t change anything. I just can’t swallow this down. I know. How about this? You should hack me instead of him.

I’m a watermelon. Hack me into pieces. I’ve let Huan Huan down. I’ll coax her after I’m done with you. It must’ve been tough. Brother, I’ve waited for you for half an hour already. Are you coming or not? Please reply me. Brother. Have some water. I brought my own water. Thanks.

Do you need anything? Are you using this court? Brother, I’m a regular here. This court is mine. I know. It’s just that you’ve been here by yourself for some time already. If you don’t want to use the court, can you let us use it for a while? Look, my girlfriend is here.

Fine, you can use it then. [Your parents wanted to have a meal to celebrate Zi You’s success.] In order to celebrate Zi You in becoming the vice class monitor, I’ve brought a bottle of great wine. It’s fine even if you drink a lot of it. I’m sure you won’t suffer a hangover.

Yan Peng, it’s rare for Dad to be in such a great mood. Let’s drink with him and call someone to fetch us later. Regarding Zi You’s education, our Tian Lan Feng has made the most contributions. My sacrifices are worth it as long as I can see the results.

Come, let’s have a toast to celebrate Zi You’s success. Cheers. -Come. -Come on. Cheers. How is it? It’s not spicy and it has a hint of sweetness. What do you think? Dad, the wine you brought is great indeed. Yeah. -Let’s drink. -Okay. Lan Lan, you should eat more as well.

You’ve suffered a lot for Zi You’s sake. Yeah. She would’ve given Zi You her heart if she could do so. I’m not lying. She did a great job in taking care of Zi You. My wife’s contribution is a major part of Zi You’s success as well. Zi You did work hard as well.

Ever since he entered the Elite Class, he has been the top three students in class and the top ten in his grade. Is that so? My grandson, you’re amazing. That’s why everyone wanted to enter the Elite Class. Although my mother is just a normal housewife, she’s useful when she needs to be.

Zi You, we bought two shop lots recently. I thought you have two of them already? Why are you buying another two? That area is lively and the rent is high. It won’t be a waste of our money. Besides, we will never have enough properties. Our villa, the house, and the shop lots,

All of them will belong to our Zi You in the future. If I live with Zi You, I won’t need to worry anymore. If you were as motivated as Zi You, your mother and I wouldn’t still need to work at this age. All my old partners

Left their factories to their children and went to travel around the world. Dad, everyone has their own dreams. I’m not cut out for business. You should groom Zi You and let him take over as soon as possible. After that, I’ll travel around the world with you guys.

Your friends can only travel around by themselves. But your son is here to drive, carry your luggage, and so on. Just let them be envious of you two. Why do I have a son like this? Dad, you’re not modest at all. Come, let’s drink. -Alright. -Even if your parents are wealthy,

It’s better for you to be wealthy yourself. At least our Zi You will enter Project 985 or 211. He has hopes of entering the Ivy League schools. That’s just part of my expectations for him. I know he has infinite potential. Yes, you’re right. Grandson, listen to your mother. Study hard, okay?

This is the first time our family has a top student. If you become successful, I will have no regrets in life. Let’s ask the waiter to take a photo for us. Sure. -Let’s take a family photo. -Waiter. Come. Show them your stripes. The vice class monitor. One, two, three.

Why are you yawning all of a sudden? -He’s tired. -Take another one. Chao Chao, what did your grandpa feed you when you reach his house? Dried mango. That’s all? He didn’t feed you any meat? The adults were fighting. Your mother fought with your grandfather? Yes. Why did they argue?

Brother Zi You is in the Elite Class. But Sister isn’t. How did Zi You manage to enter the class then? Brother Zi You thanked Grandpa because of it. After that? After that… After that, my sister cried. Mum cried as well. Li Li? Yeah. I just picked Chao Chao up. What’s going on?

What does he mean by that? He actually helped her son to get into the Elite Class instead of Huan Huan? My son must’ve told you that. I didn’t want to tell you in the first place. I didn’t want you to be angry as well. Wait, what exactly is going on?

Brother, I’m asking you a question. Why didn’t you join me just now? You didn’t answer my call nor my messages. What’s wrong with you? Tell me. Fine, I’ll admit it. I admit that I’m selfish for helping Zi You to get into the Elite Class. I’ll apologize for that, okay?

But I really don’t know that Huan Huan failed to enter the class. This is just a coincidence. Please don’t ignore me. How about a fight then? If we can fight, we shouldn’t argue like women. It’s better than keeping quiet. Children can argue on their own, our wives can argue on their own,

Even our parents can argue on their own. But, what has it got to do with us? We mustn’t let them affect our relationship. Forget about it. I don’t need to be angry at you over this. It’s pointless. Don’t mind me. I know Huan Huan is sad. And you feel uncomfortable as well.

This is normal for you. If you’re angry, just vent out your anger. If there’s really one slot left, I’m sure the slot in the Elite Class is more valuable than the slot in the Contest Prep Class. It’s logical for him to help Zi You register for the class.

We’ve been a family for so many years. We watched as our children grow up. We’re happy when our children are improving. But, you see… Brother, you know me. I’m fine as long as I’m able to survive. I don’t have any high expectations for my son. I’m different from Tian Yu Lan.

But when Zi You became the vice class monitor, I saw my parents’ reaction. My father was so touched that he was shedding tears. Honestly speaking, I do understand them. They aren’t young anymore. As children, we just want them to feel relieved. I can understand that. I was reflecting on my actions as well.

I felt like I became too narrow-minded. As if I can’t bear to see Zi You doing good in class. Not at all. It isn’t that serious. It’s… Maybe you’re just a little agitated. I remember that you weren’t like this in the past. Didn’t you say you don’t care about the school, the grades,

And the position of your child in school? Yeah. If Huan Huan doesn’t care, I won’t care as well. But now, Huan Huan is unhappy. That’s why I’m unhappy, you understand? I understand. I understand. Nan Jian Long. Why are you here? You know well enough why I’m here. If I don’t come,

My baby granddaughter will be bullied until no end. Even though that woman with the surname Cai had bewitched you, you should still be able to identify who’s your real daughter and who’s your stepdaughter, right? I have the right to help anyone I please. I don’t need you to lecture me.

Even if you don’t need me to lecture you, listen, Nan Jian Long, I’ll tell everyone about this. People will insult you until the end of time! First, you found yourself a third wheel. You bullied me together with her. And you did all those ridiculous things just so you can make her happy.

What exactly are you plotting? Did that third wheel make you insane by sleeping beside you every day? You’re sacrificing your own daughter in order to help them out. You must be senile! Look at how you’re behaving. Do you think you look like a cultured woman?

It depends on who I’m facing! Do you think you deserve it? Must you shout in broad daylight? I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Unlike you. You’ve committed so many shameful deeds. How dare you still go out in broad daylight? Listen, Nan Jian Long, if I were you,

I won’t be able to face my ancestors when I die. I’ll just stick my name into the Cai family’s graves. You’re unreasonable. You’re too much! That’s just the tip of the iceberg! Don’t run away! Everyone, look at that shameless man. He abandoned his wife when he was young.

Now, he doesn’t want to say anything. Seems like he has regained his vitality! How could someone be so biased? There’s no cure for him. How could a grandfather like him exist? You’re back? You’re back? Why are you lying on the bed after returning home? You didn’t change into your slippers.

You’re having a fever. 39.5°C? This is bad. We need to go to the hospital. I’ll call Lan Lan and ask her to pick you up. -Come, let’s go to the hospital. -Don’t call her. -Why? -I don’t need them to pick us up. We can go to the hospital by ourselves. If so, I…

-I’ll call Li Li then. -No. I don’t want to see her. I don’t wish to see anyone right now. Even if I were to die, I don’t want to see them, understood? Fine. If you don’t want to see them, I’ll accompany you to the hospital then. Hurry.

What’s going on? Why are you having a fever out of a sudden? I’ve lived to this age. I don’t need to think about anything. I don’t owe them anything. I owe them nothing. Alright. Do they think I owe them? You don’t owe them anything. Let’s go to the hospital. You…

You’re really something. Come. -Can you walk? -Yes. Come. Be careful.