【FULL】The Rebel EP36 | 叛逆者 |Zhu Yilong朱一龙, Tong Yao童瑶, Wang Zhiwen王志文, Wang Yang王阳, Zhu Zhu朱珠| iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [The Rebel] [Episode 36] They were traitors. It can’t be just chatting, can it? They’re going to be arrested, aren’t they? Some of them have gone into hiding, it’s probably to do a head count. Well, I hope action can be taken against them as soon as possible.

Once we catch them, many unsolved cases will be solved. And we can provide an answer for the death of our fallen brothers, and get more pensions for their families. That’s very thoughtful, Station Chief. Here. Thank you. What do you think? Is there any problem with the invitation? No.

I’ll send it to them now. It’s perfect. Okay. Also, about the case of Old Xiao, don’t take it too seriously. He was sent here by Chen Mo Qun when I took over Jessfield 76. What the chairman hates the most is his student who became a traitor.

And Chen Mo Qun knows this better than anyone. So, he tried to curry favour with us with some commies. Who knows if they’re really commies or not? The main thing is that other than killing a few people, Director Liao hasn’t made any progress these days. I suggest to turn over this case to

Intelligence department without delay. Well, I wouldn’t say that. Through Old Xiao’s tattoo, Director Liao has found out his hometown is Baoying County. His team is now on their way there. If we can bring his family here, we’ll be able to give him a good scare.

Being able to find out a clue like this, looks like Director Liao is really attentive. Yes, so just leave the case to him. Let’s not let this commie become a conflict between us. Yes, yes. Try it. Old Xiao’s hometown is Baoying County. Why? They’ve departed to Baoying County to make an arrest.

They want to force Old Xiao to defect by torturing his family in front of him. When did they leave? Two days ago. Wang Shi An just told me. It’s too late to inform our comrades in Baoying County to transfer Old Xiao’s family. To make matters worse, Wang Shi An has made it clear

That I should leave Old Xiao’s case alone. If I continue to interfere, it will arouse his suspicion. We’re too passive. Old Ji, we can only play along now. I have a risky strategy. I need the party’s approval and I need your help. Commander, Station Chief Wang Shi An is here.

I saw his car. Commander Chen, you’ve been to Operations Command? Yes. Station Chief Wang, you could’ve called before you came. I’ll cut to the chase. The headquarters has ordered to withdraw the appointment letter that was given to you during the resistance war. This order is not made public.

But it is made clear that whoever pulled the strings back then is responsible to collect the letter back. I’m sure you won’t make things hard for me. The central government is breaking their words? You’re being paranoid. The central government has their concern. They are in need of hands now.

An experienced leader like you, there’s no way the central government would throw you away. They wouldn’t. I won’t make things hard for you. Shi An, if the central government turns on me, given what I did before, the blood on my hands, they won’t let me live. I know that well enough. However,

No matter what happens, I won’t tell anyone about our little secret. Don’t worry. Commander Chen, you worry too much. If there is anything I can do to help you in future, I’ll do everything in my power to help. Goodbye. Keep an eye on him. If he tries to leave Shanghai,

Shoot him to death as fleeing fugitive. Station Chief, what if he decides to take chances and continue to stay at home waiting for the central government’s next decision? Yesterday, another traitor from Operations Command handed in his appointment letter. He committed suicide by that night. What Chen Mo Qun did,

No one knows better than himself. The moment he handed over appointment letter, he could no longer put his faith in the central government. It’s a matter of survival, he won’t just sit by and wait. [Shenji Tobacco and Grocery Shop] You’re home, Wen Ting. We have a new task. Go to Chengjiaqiao Town tomorrow

To find a deserted house. Make sure that no one lives around. Any specific requirements? There are many such houses like this in the countryside these days. The location needs to be inconspicuous, not too old. It should look like someone has been living there. I got it. When you have found one,

We’ll inform the superior and wait for the arrangement. [Search Notice: Brother, An Ran] What’s the matter? I’ve been to Chengjiaqiao Town before. I’m just thinking about where I can find a suitable house. Shen, I’d like to buy a soap! Coming! You must be hungry. The food will be ready soon.

I’ll call you once it’s ready. Thank you. You asked for an urgent meeting. What’s wrong? Without the appointment letter issued by Dai Li, they won’t believe anything you say. They are trying to get rid of you as a traitor. Those leaders of the Peacebuilding National Army were traitors too, but they have been

Re-integrated to suppress the Communists. They said I’m a traitor only because I have no one and no guns. But they don’t know that I have you. What do you want me to do? What is the mission I assigned you? Carry out long term deep cover, infiltrate the core.

There’s a change of plan. You may think I’m protecting myself, but the truth is I’m also protecting you. You want me to report on Zhu Yi Zhen? No. Her role isn’t enough for me to negotiate with the central government. But Zhu Yi Zhen is the only one I’m in direct contact with.

The discipline of the underground party is very strict. I couldn’t go deeper. Other than reporting Zhu Yi Zhen, I don’t see any other way. Use your brain to figure out a way. From now on, find out the core members and core intelligence of the Communist Party. You must act quickly.

We’re running out of time. Yes, sir. I’ll take this. This? I’ll take this. Yes. Two packs. All right. Would you like anything else? No. Goodbye. My friend, this cigarette is nice. It’s good. It’s really good. Try it. You’re back. What are the patrolmen doing here?

They just passed by to buy two packs of cigarettes. Did it go well at Chengjiaqiao Town? Yes, it did. I found a house. Let me get changed first. We’ll talk upstairs. Okay. Wen Ting! Wen Ting! Did you see my watch? The watch from my brother? I put it away for you.

I’ll get it for you. This one, right? Yes. What has gotten into you today? Did something happen on the way? Did something bad happen? No. Nothing happened on my way. Today is my brother’s death anniversary. My father died when I was little. And my family was poor. All this time,

It was my brother who provided me financial support, so that I could finish school. He is the closest person to me in my life. You have a lot of things in your room. For an important thing like this, you should keep it carefully. You’re right. It’s such a valuable thing,

It should be kept carefully indeed. Put it away for me. I’ll go get changed. You guys may not know, but this building is the place where Deputy Chief Lin assassinated Uemura Netto. Deputy Chief Lin went into the lion’s den back then. He has done a great service… This way, please.

To our Shanghai division. Station Chief. Old Liao, we’ve been waiting for you. Hurry, come join us. I just got back. Director Liao, come, come. Allow me to introduce. These are the directors of various departments who have just been transferred from Chongqing. You’re an old timer of Shanghai division.

Please take good care of them. You flatter me. I’m just doing my duty to serve the party-state. Well said. Come, have a seat. Come on, sit down. How was your trip? The trip there went well, but on the way back, we encountered the New Fourth Army and were almost exposed.

I’m glad you made it back safely. You’ve had a hard day. Although it was hard work, still, it’s a good thing that I took the trip. Xiao isn’t Old Xiao’s real family name. His real name is Weng Xian Rong. I brought his wife back. We’ve taken Weng Xian Rong back from the hospital.

He has been well fed in the hospital. I heard that he even gained weight. This is a major breakthrough. Top your glass with wine. Old Liao, you’ve had a long journey. Let’s enjoy our dinner in peace and work later. Deputy Chief Lin, I’m afraid you’re wrong. Although the Japanese have left,

These are still precarious times, the Communists are still here. Only when all the commies are eliminated can we live in peace. After the dinner, I’ve decided to interrogate him immediately tonight. Director Liao, why did you bring up the Communists? It’s ruining our mood. Old Liao. Today is a memorable day

For our Shanghai division, and this is also a welcoming home dinner for you. Whatever work you have, do it tomorrow. Come, let’s have a toast. As you wish, Station Chief. Here. Deputy Chief Lin, Station Chief proposed a toast, you have to drink up. After my injury, I quit drinking.

I’ll toast with tea instead. From now on, Deputy Chief Lin has my permission to drink tea. Thank you, Station Chief. In a few days, our families are coming back. You all can finally reunite with your family. After all these years, everyone in Shanghai division can finally eat a meal without worries. Come on.

Come on, come on. Let’s clink our glasses. Here. Hello. [Is this the front desk?] [I’d like to order breakfast for tomorrow.] Sorry, this isn’t the front desk, but I can convey your message to them. The guest has arrived. Deliver the breakfast tomorrow. The address is Chengjiaqiao town, east of the town.

There is a peach tree next to it. What took you so long? There was an inspection on my way back. Everything’s fine. Tomorrow at dawn, you’ll leave for Chengjiaqiao Town to set up this cover mission. So urgent? Yes. This is the most important cover mission since the establishment

Of the underground party in Shanghai. We can’t afford any mistake. Rest assured. This is such an important mission, I won’t fail. One more thing, two comrades from the labour movement group will meet you there tomorrow. You’ll be responsible for the overall arrangement and finishing work. Noted. Let’s talk about the details upstairs.

Deputy Chief Lin. Deputy Chief Lin. Director Liao is conducting an interrogation later. Hurry up and get ready, bring Old Xiao over. Yes, sir. Move. Deputy Chief Lin. Go and grab some breakfast while you still have time. I’ll have a chat with him first. Deputy Chief Lin, any communication with the suspect

Must be recorded. Is that fine with you? Does it matter? Rules are rules. Everyone must follow the rules. Deputy Chief Lin, it’s set up. Okay, off you go. Make it quick. Yes, sir. Do you still insist that you’re just a businessman? I’m just a businessman. I brought you here earlier

Because I want to remind you that we will take some special approach to make you talk. [When I was clam digging in my hometown, there were many crabs and snails.] Of course. Those tortures used on you are completely different from the special approach we will take. Sir,

[But my hometown is inland, there are only rivers. And there aren’t a lot of fish.] I’ve told you everything. If you don’t believe me, you can investigate me. I’ll give you some time, [Comrade 301, Fisherman sent his greetings] but you have to think it through. Our time is precious. If you still

Refuse to talk by then, I’ll make sure you regret it. Sir, who are you people? It’s okay, don’t be afraid. Here, let’s sit down and talk. What is your husband Weng Xian Rong’s job? I don’t know. He seldom comes home these two years.

He won’t talk about what he did out there even when he was home. Sir, where is my husband? Didn’t you say you’d bring me to him? Your husband is sitting behind this glass watching you. Deputy Chief Lin. Station Chief. I heard that you and Director Liao are conducting the interrogation together.

I’m here to watch the show. You’re just in time. We just started. Sit down. Here. Carry on. [If you tell me] [what his job is,] I’ll let you see him right away. I really don’t know. I never ask him what he’s doing out there. What’s with the harpoon tattoo on his wrist?

When my husband was a child, his family could not afford food. As they were starving to death, they sent him to join a local gang, hence the tattoo. [And they finally got food to survive.] [But this] [was many years ago.] [Then why did he say] [his hometown was Gaoyou?]

[Why didn’t he say Baoying?] I don’t know. Our parents died a long time ago. Our children are staying elsewhere too. I’m the only one at home most of the time. I don’t know much about his work out there. Tie her up. What are you guys doing? What are you guys doing?

[What are you guys doing?] No! [No!] [Sir,] [I really don’t know anything.] Why did you take her here? She’s just a silly woman. She knows nothing! Sir, I’m begging you. I’m begging you, please let her go. Please let her go. Old Xiao, no, Weng, [your wife is going to be hurt soon.]

[And you still won’t talk.] [You’re not a man.] No. Sir, I don’t know anything. Tell me, if I put this on your body, will it hurt? No. Talk. What does your man do? I don’t know! I don’t know! I’ll ask you one last time. Are you a commie? I… I… [Talk!]

[I don’t know!] I’m just a businessman. Station Chief, I’ve had enough. No more games. What are you doing? Back off. Drag him there. Move. I’m going to kill you! I’m going to kill you! [I’ll give you one last chance.] Tell me, is your husband a commie? Weng Xian Rong, are you a commie?

Tell them now. I didn’t aim well just now, I missed. I’m going to aim closer this time. I’ll talk! I’ll talk! I’ll tell you everything. Peng Dai Sen is here. Give me a hand. Here. What took you so long? I’ve working all night at the epidemic prevention station.

You guys have arrived for some time? Yes, we’re almost done setting up. Rest first. Do you that the advance troop and the integrated puppet army are attacking New Fourth Army? The Nationalists have no intention to negotiate for peace. Do you two know who are we covering this time?

Judging by the complexity of this setup, he must be someone of high rank. We’ve never carried out such complicated cover before. Yes, gather the stuff and leave as soon as possible. I joined New Fourth Army in 1943. I’m not a leader. I’m just a common liaison. Weng Xian Rong,

You’re still making up lies to fool us? I’m telling you the truth. It’s true that I’m the division commander of the 3rd Division of the 2nd Army that recruits defected Peacebuilding National Army soldiers. I’m just a front man. Our real leader doesn’t show himself easily. What’s the name of your leader?

Section Chief Han Xi Gui. He’s in the base. I know him. [Are you asking me to arrest him] [in the area of Communist Party?] That show you put on just now, it was really scary. You frightened me for a bit back there. Well, the commie left me no choice.

If Weng Xian Rong still wouldn’t confess, were you really going to shoot his wife? Possibly. Not hurting the family, that’s the boundary. That depends on what the crime is. Am I right, Station Chief? Weng Xian Rong, listen carefully. If you don’t give us any useful information, you and your wife

Are never getting out of here. I’m full. Don’t be afraid. We have a policy for reformed individuals. As long as you let me and my wife go, I will reform. As long as you can provide useful information, come to work for us and you will get a promotion.

I have the location of liaison station. Where is it located? I haven’t been there for a long time. I’m not sure if it’s still there. I’m asking you where is it located? Director, the house isn’t locked. There’s no movement inside. Don’t alert them, break in with force. Yes, sir. Sir, you’re back.

Did you get the ship ticket? The Nanyang route has just been reopened. There are far too few passages. I can’t get a ticket at all. By the way, sir, a mister with the surname Kuang called you a few times just now. Mr Kuang? This was the most important cover operation

Of the Communists in East China these days. What are the exact purposes of the cover? I don’t have access to that information. But I’m certain that this operation is targeted at Military Intelligence Bureau. Because those men who were killed during the explosion were wearing plain clothes.

Only the officers from the bureau would carry out operation wearing plain clothes these days. Is this information enough for you to negotiate with the central government? It’s enough, more than enough. But if I give this information to the bureau, once the Communists find out, they’ll investigate the source of the leak.

You were directly involved in this cover operation, your identity may be exposed. You must keep your identity hidden. We may be able to obtain more important information in future. Don’t worry about it. I have a solution. It will be done by noon tomorrow. Be careful. These are the document fragments

And radio parts that the forensics team recovered from the scene. When we were about to break in, the Communists set off the grenade. Two of our brothers died. Fortunately, I was behind them, or I would have been dead too. Judging from the evidence recovered, this station of the Communists must have existed

For some time. So what Old Xiao said might be true. Hello, Wang Shi An speaking. Deputy Commissioner Zhou. All right, I got it. I’ll be right over. Deputy Chief Lin, come with me to Wang Mansion. Deputy Commissioner Zhou asks for us. He’s in Shanghai? Why didn’t he inform us in advance?

Why did he come? He sounded quite anxious. Let’s go there right now. Station Chief, we can’t let Old Xiao off easily. Just go home and rest. Old Xiao has reformed. What more do you want? You barged in without inattentively. Who else can you blame but yourself? I… It’s okay. Go home and rest.

Director Liao, please. Allow me to introduce. Commander Xia of Military Police 23rd Regiment. I called you two here for the announcement of an appointment. The traitor purging in Shanghai will begin soon. Station Chief Wang, Deputy Chief Lin. The headquarters has appointed you two as the chairman and member of

The Shanghai Committee of Traitor Purging. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Tonight, Commander Xia’s troops will station in Shanghai. Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the traitors will be arrested directly at the roundtable meeting. My wife made it. It’s your favourite dishes. Duck soup? How is it? I’ll start first. Eat up. Here, the rice, come on.

Have some rice. Do you like the taste? It’s good. Eat up. Okay. Let’s eat together. Let me tell you, my wife hardly ever made it for me. You have to eat more. It’s so good. A few days ago, I went to look for some information in the Press Office. Today, I heard that

Director Song has gone missing. The incident of the Press Office being betrayed back then was a registered unsolved case. I’m afraid that Wang Shi An has been keeping an eye on it. If this matter is revealed, he’ll be dead meat. So, we’ll see what happens after the roundtable meeting.

Would you like some soup? You first, you first. You first. Station Chief, what more can we do tonight? I’m now the chairman of the traitor purging committee now. At such a sensitive time, we must not have any contact with Chen Mo Qun. No phone calls either. So are you.

But after the arrest tomorrow, it’ll be harder to control him. At the moment, we’ll just have to play it by ear. Comrade Shen, what are you doing here? Peng, the No. 1 station of your labour movement group, the Zhongming Rice Store where you work at, has been destroyed by the enemy.

The superior has ordered me to transfer you back to the base immediately. What about Comrade Old Xu? Comrade Old Xu has been caught. Is there any way to get him back? Don’t worry, the party will arrange for it. Just gather the stuff now. You can’t leave any evidence that can prove your identity.

What’s the evacuation method and the contact code word? We’ll talk about it on the road. Here. Put this on. Let’s walk out openly. Thank you. [Mr Chen Mo Qun, Mid-Autumn Festival Roundtable Meeting]