EP17: Intelligence Agency In Longxi | The Wind Blows From Longxi | 风起陇西 | iQiyi

[Intelligence Agency in Longxi] [The 24 Strategies of War, The Wind Blows from Longxi] [The Seventeenth Strategy Sowing Discord] Oh, my! It astonishes me that you’re the real Zhulong. Just when I was wondering why Liu Ying and Chen Gong were together, Guo Huai told Guo Gang about the new Zhulong. Turns out,

Chen Gong is the one. Now, I get it. Actually, they spent so much time and effort on the Qingping Plan not to steal the design of the crossbow, but to destroy Shu’s intelligence agency and infiltrate into the top level. To make it work, Guo Gang is sowing discord between them. Three years ago,

He came to our state for intelligence. I knew who he was really working for. Guo Gang had discovered Chen Gong was a Shu spy and told him about his secret trade with Feng Ying. That animal! That trade indirectly led to the tragic death of Chen Gong’s father. Guo Huai

Turned Chen Gong against Feng Ying and made him the new Zhulong. I thought now that Gao Tangbing’s gone, we could finally enjoy peace. Unexpected, here comes a new one. Xun Xu’s interrogation hasn’t made much progress when Gao Tangbing refuses to cooperate. That rat hasn’t said anything.

Without immunity, I won’t let out the key information. Immunity? No way! So what’s Chen Gong’s plan? Is he a Wei spy now? Will the Agency find out he’s become a double agent? Wait for my follow-up.