[Falling Into Your Smile] EP24 | E-Sports Romance Drama | Xu Kai/Cheng Xiao/Zhai Xiaowen | YOUKU

My parents didn’t agree to it at first. My parents are the same as well. Me too. This is common. Among us, only K has never mentioned about his parents’ view before. The parents of the other team members have the same view. They don’t agree with it. This isn’t a huge issue.

So, your parents are objecting to you being a pro gamer? My father didn’t say anything. But, my mother… E-sports? They’re just playing video games. Children like you are too addicted to gaming that you don’t study hard at all. Don’t try to find excuses like these to justify yourself. You brat! Come over here immediately! You brat! [Changde, Hunan] How dare you ignore my call! Come back! – Please don’t do this. – Come back! [ZGDX] [You can do it] [OPL] [Falling Into Your Smile] [Episode 24] Uncle, Aunty, have some tea. You guys are here because of? That brat, he’s as dumb as a pig. He runs whenever he sees me.

Call that brat here immediately! Uncle, Aunty, calm down. So, why are you two looking for K? Boss. Please don’t call me that. – We… – Xiao Rui. Just call me Xiao Rui. Boss Xiao Rui, it’s like this. Now, our country is implementing better policies. In our village, we have an empty land.

His little brother just got married. That’s why we’re considering to build a house for his brother. He can’t just stay with us forever, am I right? You’re right. Youngsters do need their own space. Few years ago, His father’s right hand was crippled due to work injury. Now, he can’t do any heavy chores.

He couldn’t find any jobs as well. We need money for everything in the house. Think about it. Where could we find the money? Yes. We do understand that it’s hard for our child to make a living outside of the village as well. How is it hard for him?

What about his little brother in the village? Now, his brother needs to use money urgently. It’s because of his new house. We just wanted to borrow some money from him. Why is he rejecting us? He didn’t pick up our call at all. He’s unwilling to borrow money to us.

We couldn’t even see him. Think about it, what gives his the right to do so? We’re his parents. What gives him the right to ignore our calls? He runs away whenever he sees me. Of course we’re upset. Speaking of which, if we do have other choices,

There’s no need for us to come here personally. You must be his leader. You can say so. Since you’re here, I have a question. The tournaments he’s been playing in, how much can he earn from them? Regarding that, there’s a contract between our club and the team members. Their wags is strictly confidential.

Logically, he should tell you the amount himself. It’s inconvenient for me to tell you. Confidential? I’m his father. His mother and I were the ones who provided him with everything. Precisely. I just want to know how much he can earn from all those tournaments? Regarding this, I’m in a tough spot. Enough.

These are all of my savings since I became a pro gamer. Besides the pocket money I gave you guys and my daily expenses, the rest of the money is in here. You guys can take everything. You can do whatever you want with it. You can build a house for him.

Or you can purchase dowries for him. If you want to gamble and have fun with it, you don’t need to make such excuses. Now, the money belongs to you two. Dad, Mum, I’m really grateful that you brought me up. But, please, don’t come to our base camp anymore. Please don’t bother me

And don’t bother my teammates again. You brat, what are you doing? K. Brother Rui, please book the flight tickets for them. You can deduct the money from next month’s wage. Look at him, he’s so unruly. Why is he doing so? If you throw it away, you’ll never get it back again.

For some things, it’s fine even if I lose them. Since young, everything I did has been a mistake. My little brother is right in everything he does. When I wanted to pursue my study, they said I wasn’t good enough. They wanted me to learn skills from my father.

I wasn’t willing to do so. I insist on pursuing my study. I was great at gaming because of that. I earned money by helping people to level up their accounts. Tong Yao, do you know this? Actually, at that moment, I don’t like gaming at all.

I just thought it was a tool for me to earn money. If it weren’t for God Ming, I would’ve never known the meaning of e-sports. After that, I fell in love with it. I understand the meaning of e-sports. But, to my parents, I’m just a money-making tool. Actually, it’s understandable.

We need to communicate more with the previous generation. It’s the same for my parents as well. Didn’t you see them before? Tong Yao, our families are different. How are they different? Your parents are great. They love you. But for me… So now, besides e-sports, I have nothing else. You still have us.

Tong Yao, I’m sorry. Sorry for picking on you before. Sorry for being mean when your parents came to our base camp. It’s all in the past. Why do you still remember it? I’ve forgotten about it long ago. K, let’s go. Let’s return to our base camp.

Why did you call me here so early in the morning? Sister, I was too rash. What’s wrong? Come, I’ll show you. Look at this. [YQCB Gaming Equity Interest Transfer Agreement] What is this? The equity interest transfer agreement for YQCB Gaming. [Transferee: Chen Jin Yang] The transferee is Chen Jin Yang?

Did you really buy the entire Team YQCB? Of course. You think this is a counterfeit? Boss, I bought the RIO you wanted. Which flavour do you want? Peach flavour. Did she really buy your entire team? Of course. Now, she’s our boss cum manager. This… Does this even make sense? Of course it does.

I’ve thought about it. Although I don’t have any talent in gaming, and I don’t know anything about this industry, that won’t stop me. It’s not too late to start from zero. And, I do think that the e-sports scene can be developed. My father also thinks that this is a great potential investment.

My wife is the smartest. But of course. Let me go back and digest this information. Don’t leave first. I have something to discuss with you. What is it? You told me about K’s parents visiting your base camp last time. After that, I realised

That many of the pro gamers’ parents are just like them. They think e-sports is all about playing video games. They think pro gamers can earn money without any effort. That’s what Ai Jia thought as well. Don’t mention me. Although I do like playing video games in the past,

Ever since I entered the e-sports scene, I think it’s extremely difficult. Of course that’s the case. There’s no free lunch in the world. Playing video games and earn money without any effort? No way. The pressure and difficulties that pro gamers face are unseen to the public. That’s why most of their parents

Don’t understand the situation their children are in. Sister, you’ve grown a lot. But of course. Do you think I’m a boss who only knows how to impose unspoken rules on them? And, ever since I bought the team, I have one thought on my mind. I know I must do something for the team.

Thus, I came up with a grand plan. You… Don’t tell me you’re going to buy Team ZGDX as well? Are you going to conquer the entire e-sports scene? I’m not as rich as Brother Cheng. I’m planning to hold a carnival for pro gamers like you and Ai Jia. Carnival?

What’s the point of it? We need to attend the carnival held by our neighbours? Because that school is our alma mater. That’s why I need to go there. This… I don’t think that’s a good idea. Our schedule is packed lately. Carnival? Brother Cheng

Didn’t even agree to the last event I told him to attend. I’m sure he won’t… Alright. Fine. Carnival? Missy, does the canteen in your school serve great food? You glutton. A university carnival? Are there any performances? You fool. This is a stage where we can show the charm of e-sports.

Look at you two, acting like country bumpkins. You stay up late every night for the training. Look at the dark eye circles and your dry skin. You guys have no charm at all. Tong Yao, I think your skin condition isn’t doing too well lately. I’m using MIHOO’s moisturising mask.

It contains plenty of moisture. Do you want to have a try? Here you go. Try it before you sleep. Alright, I’ll try it later. I believe you can face everyone in a perfect state with this. [E-Sports Carnival] [Shengang University] Today, it’s our honour

To welcome two of the most famous teams from the e-sports scene. Current team members of Team ZGDX and Team YQCB. [E-sports lessons] are here with us right now. Now, let’s give a big hand to the manager of Team YQCB, Senior Chen Jin Yang, our hunk, Ai Jia, and our senior, Tong Yao.

Alright, please take your seat. Alright, now, it’s time for our Q&A session. If you have questions for them, you may raise your hand. Alright, please speak up. Hello, Senior. I have a question for Senior Tong Yao. Did you fall in love with gaming because of the games or your ex-boyfriend?

He was the one who brought me into the gaming scene indeed. But, being a pro gamer is my own dream. So, in a relationship, if one of them loves gaming while the other does not, does that mean they’re destined to break up with each other? Let me answer your question.

I believe that in this world, there will never be two people who are exactly the same, especially between couples. Just like Ai Jia and I, one of us is a pro gamer who has a chance to win the National Championship, while the other only knows how to buy skins instead of buying items

And going to the lane. I don’t like gaming at all. Just like most girls, I don’t understand why they find it fun to stay in front of the computer for several hours, doing the same thing. Of course, Ai Jia doesn’t understand my interest as well.

He doesn’t understand why I have 200 pairs of shoes while I only have two legs. He doesn’t understand why I have 500 lipsticks while I only have 1 lip, and most of them are almost the same. But, he’ll praise me as well. Even if he’s facing the computer over 10 hours per day,

He still notices that I changed my hairstyle and the outfit I’m wearing. His attention for me will never be taken away by video games. So, it’s the same for me. Although I don’t know anything about gaming, I know that e-sports is a type of sportsmanship. He isn’t wasting all his time

Hiding in the game to pretend that he’s strong. He’s just using another method to prove his capability in the world. Just like now, Ai Jia’s taste has improved significantly. As for me, I’ve found the direction of my future career. Great! Alright, any other questions? Please speak up.

I have a question for Senior Tong Yao. How did you manage to reach the rank of Lord of Kyoto while maintaining your grades and graduate with a First Class degree? I think it’s because of proper time management. It depends on your identity and your priority. If you’re a student, you need

To finish your assignments and manage your time properly. You shouldn’t use anything as your excuse. So, when I was still a student, I tried my best to study because I don’t want people who don’t understand e-sports to say that gaming will sap my spirit away. Of course, by now, I’m sure

Everyone does understand the e-sports scene to some degree. So, according to statistics, last year, there were over tens of millions of views for the National Championship. Actually, the number of views have exceeded the views of traditional sports by a huge margin. Now, we know that many universities, for example, Communication University of China,

Has established a faculty for e-sports so that they can nurture future e-sports talent fit for the field. That’s right. That’s why I’m very grateful to my sister, Chen Jin Yang, for holding this carnival. We hope that people can know more about e-sports through interacting with pro gamers. We will work hard

To change the stereotype people have towards pro gamers. We will make our nation proud and show the world the strength of our nation. You, please speak up. Hello, Senior Ai Jia. I’m a fan of yours. I’ve heard a lot about you ever since I entered university. I know

That people around you don’t understand e-sports at all. Some of them are even refusing to acknowledge e-sports. How did you manage to persevere until now? When you’re alone against the world, have you ever thought of giving up? I… I’ve never thought of giving up. But, I did hurt my family because of

My passion for gaming. This is my personal experience. I was like a little brat. I wasn’t listening to anyone. I was wilful and arrogant. I gave up on my study. And I left my house. Didn’t you want to leave? Leave then! You’ve a grown-up, right? You can fend for yourself now!

You’ll never listen to what I say! Gaming is the only thing you know! Playing games all day long! How many times have I told you the same thing? Have you ever listened to me? Tell me, will you be able to be successful just by playing games alone?

What can you contribute to the society? This is my passion. I will never give up on it. Mum, can’t you try to understand me for once? You want me to understand you? Why should I try to understand you? I’m a teacher. I’ve raised so many great students out there.

But, why can’t I raise you well? This is the last time I’m asking you this. Do you still want to play video games? I do. Fine. Scram! Once you leave this house, never come back! So, ever since I became a pro gamer, I told myself that I won’t return home

Before I make a name for myself. I want everyone to know that not everything is wrong if you go against the rules. I can be responsible for my own choices. I know. In reality, many people don’t understand our occupation at all.

They think being a pro gamer is just a way for us to kill time and play video games. They think it’s the same as if you’re playing in a cybercafe. I guess everyone only saw the gifts they received during their live streams, their crazy fans,

And the tens of millions of bonuses they had received. But, I want to ask you this. Are all of these actually true? Just like every type of sport out there, e-sports is a contest of all top pro gamers in the world. The pressure and training they endure

Are just as harsh as the other sports. It isn’t easy at all. One of my senior said this before. He said our world is just as cruel as the world of other sports. Because there are too many failures. People who have talent might not be able to perform well. Those who perform well

Might not be remembered. Even if they’re remembered, they might not procure great results. So, the pro gamers who had made a name for themselves have put in more effort than anyone else. Their limit is determined by the amount of effort they put in. Just like everyone here.

You have to do mock exam questions, memorise the vocabulary, and prepare yourself for the exam. If you fail in your career, will you regret your decision? Although e-sports is related to gaming, it isn’t a game during the process where you try to prove yourself. I’ve tried my best.

I won’t regret it even if I fail in my career. Youth isn’t an excuse for you to cover up for your mistake. But, we only have one youth. If you decided to go for it, you should never turn back. Alright, everyone. The finals will start soon. It will be held in Shanghai.

This is a glorious occasion for our university. Please remember to cheer for our seniors. Let’s cheer for our nation’s e-sports scene. We can do it! [Self-disciplined, independent, strong] Where’s Jin Yang? She’s busy. Let’s leave first. Why are you in a hurry? Aunty, you’re too courteous. Hello, Ms. Lin. You said you didn’t know

What to do after your graduation. But, you became such a great woman within one year. You were even invited to give a speech here. Not at all. It’s all because of Jin Yang and Ai Jia. Ai Jia. Mum. I didn’t expect you to come here.

Jin Yang was the one who called me here. I had a long chat with her. We talked about you, e-sports, and your career. I also thought that I wouldn’t be here today. But Jin Yang persuaded me to come. Actually, even until now, I still don’t understand the e-sports

And gaming club you guys are referring to. But, I do know something. I know that my son has grown up. He can make the correct decision for his life. I believe that he’s still growing. I know he’ll be successful. I have a lesson to attend. I’ll leave now. Aunty. Mum.

It’s been a long time since I’ve returned to the school. Why don’t you let me accompany you? Sure. Come on. Let’s go. You guys can go. I’ll wait here. If you’re free tomorrow, can you come and visit your father? Remember to bring Jin Yang with you. Let’s have a meal as a family.

We’ll see about that. Are you that busy? I need to earn money, am I right? [Wu Zi Han, Shangdong Provincial Cultural Communication Ambassador] [Yuan Shi Ren, Secretary of China Medical Association] This is shocking! This is huge! – What’s wrong? – Hurry. Are the carries of Team ZGDX a couple now? I knew something was wrong. As a girl, I knew her eyes wouldn’t lie to me. Let me take a look. Look at this.

He mentioned Tong Yao for the first time during the MVP interview. Lu Si Cheng praised her for being strong. She’s strong. With his gentle eyes, and his calming smile. Fatty stepped on Tong Yao’s shoes before. You guys should never miss out on the GIF when he carried her on their way back.

Look at this. Look. They were caught by their fans when they went for their first movie together. Tong Yao was looking at Lu Si Cheng with affection. Fans are posting evidence of their relationship. This is awesome. What are you guys looking at? Did the carnival make it to the top search? No.

Let me show you the pictures. It’s exciting, right? My goodness. This… Why did this make it to the top search instead of the carnival? When did the carries of our team become a couple? No one told me about it. Tong Yao, what’s going on?

Why do your teammates get to know about this fact much later than the fans? When did you guys do all of these together? You may be able to hide your actions, but you cannot lie to others with your eyes. You can’t lie to us. What eyes? The netizens are as good as Sherlock.

[Come down] – Come down. – So, it’s either they’re a couple, or Brother Cheng is having a crush on Tong Yao. Tong Yao, we don’t dare to ask Brother Cheng. You better tell us. Some of them are making a silly bet over your relationship. Look at this. What is this?

Look at the watery eyes. My goodness. This must have been edited before. I’m going to puke. I need to send it to my mother. Summer is coming. It’s time for your eldest son to yearn for companionship. He did great at hiding his emotions all these years.

I guess he couldn’t bear it this year. Why are you guys making a ruckus in the middle of the night? I can’t sleep because of you guys. People in the E-Sports Farm are saying that you have a crush on Tong Yao. They’re saying that we’re a couple. Not at all.

The netizen who posted this said she could see that you have a crush on Tong Yao from your eyes. When Tong Yao was competing, you were taking a peek at her. Yeah, I have a crush on her. You guys are too free. It’s just a joke.

No one said that you two are a couple. Lao Mao is hopeless. [fhdjwhdb2333] [OPL 2020] From all around the world… Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, good evening. This is the live stage of 2020 OPL National Championship. I’m Belly-Band. I’m your commentator, Little Ball. Today, Team CK will face Team Red Arrow on our live stage. It’s another exciting match.

We can expect great things from God Yang today. ♪In this battle, you’re the reason♪ ♪Only you can save me♪ ♪The sands of time♪ Look, it’s Brother Cheng and Tong Yao. Don’t tell me this is the second season of The Legend of White Snake? ♪That spark♪ This… ♪The air is silence for a moment♪

I forgot what I wanted to say after your singing. But, these people are good at creating issues. This is so awkward. Why do you feel awkward? Didn’t you say you don’t read the posts on E-Sports Farm? I just… It’s just… I mean I won’t read the posts after I’m done commentating.

Just like how pro gamers will uninstall the game once they lose the match. They want to avoid scorn. You’re right. But, if there is huge news, I will read it once in a while. Since, as a commentator, I mustn’t be too outdated, am I right? Seems like I’ve underestimated you.

At the same time… It’s awkward when we’re sitting over here. How do we compete together in the future? Just bear with it. The match will begin soon. No one will talk about us once it begins. Seems like you’re a veteran of the E-Sports Farm. Isn’t that Lu Si Cheng?

Team ZGDX is here to spectate our match as well? God Yang, I still remember what you did during the Spring Playoffs. God Yang, I need to give you a reminder. You need to hold it in today. Is the cameraman trying to stir up the issue again? [Hold it in, we can win]

Smiling’s relationship with Chessman is quite the hot topic lately. That’s right. When you look at them, they do match each other. Wait. Let me calculate this. Something huge will happen today. You’ll receive a beating from the fans when you leave. What? The cameraman must be trying to create trouble. What is the director up to? But today is a special day. Two of them came together. I wonder what they will do? Why are you guys so excited? Kiss? Are you dumb? You’re so dumb. Kiss her! What’s going on?

You guys didn’t tell the club beforehand. Mum, look! [Reaching the top] Did he just cheat on me? God Yang. – God Yang. – Jian Yang. Alright, calm down. Calm down. [Lovely family. What’s going on?] (Everyone was shocked.) My sister, you’re amazing. If I were you, I will tell this to my grandchildren. Back then, your grandfather and I kissed each other in public. Were you attacked? I guess my parents will rush to the base camp with their bloodlust. What did they say? What else can they say? My mother was dumbfounded.

She asked me if I were here to be a pro gamer or to act in an idol drama. And my university room-mate for four years, she said she’s going to sever her ties with me. Who told you to be in a relationship with the male deity

When you’re here to be a pro gamer? You didn’t tell anyone about it. Of course they’ll sever their ties with you. How could you laugh at me? What should I do? What should you do? Just wait for your turn to become a rich man’s wife. Or,

Wait for Mrs. Lu to give you five million yuan so that you’ll leave her son. I didn’t want to announce it. I knew I would be targeted. What should I do if I perform badly in tournaments? What if someone else defeats me?

What if the fans of Lu Si Cheng try to commit suicide? Just focus on your relationship. Forget about the others. It’s fine as long as Brother Cheng loves you. I love you as well. Look at my love for you. I was deeply influenced by them. I’m suspecting that pro gamers will be affected

When they’re in a relationship with each other. You guys didn’t fall in love with each other by today. When you guys were in a relationship, it didn’t affect your performance. You guys still did great, right? What? You want to let someone else steal your perfect boyfriend? Scram.

[Team ZGDX’s carries kiss each other in public, announcing their relationship] Attack it. Shut up. Focus on your match. [AutoFull] You’re so noisy. You must’ve been bewitched lately. Wake up! You’re so annoying. [Mrs. Lu] Hello? I was playing just now. I didn’t see it. I told you it wasn’t the case.

You made the wrong guess on your own. Why are you blaming it on me? That lady? Yeah. That lady is Tong Yao. Yes. I know she looks young, but she’s over 18 years old. I’m not committing a crime. What do you mean by that sound? I just kissed her. What?

You’re coming to Shenzhen? Why are you coming to Shenzhen? Don’t scare her. What? You want to know what her family is doing? Can you stop acting like a nosey woman? If you continue this, I’ll hang up on you. Brother, that’s Mum, right? Dad saw it as well.

He said you didn’t pick up his call. Scram. My brother has been on the phone for some time. I’m sure he’s thirsty. I’m thirsty too. Get both of us some honey water. Just you wish. I’m your future brother-in-law. If you don’t please me now, I’ll make life difficult for you in the future.

Brother Rui, what are you doing? I’m searching for a house for Tong Yao. I want her to move out as soon as possible. If she moves out, I guess my brother will move out as well. I’ll change her door to a security door then.

It’s useless even if you install 100 doors for her. She’ll still open the door for my brother. Will she do so? Understood. What’s wrong? My mother insists on coming to Shenzhen. Mrs. Lu? [Cheque, recipient, Tong Yao, five million yuan, leave my son] Here’s five million yuan. Leave my son. Here’s five million yuan.

Leave my son. Calm down. Later, as the team manager, I’ll admit our mistake first. After that, we should team up. I’m sure it’s no problem. They’re coming. Mr. Li. Ms. Wang. You guys can continue with your meeting. I was the one who courted her. I was the one who wanted to announce our relationship.

I’ll shoulder all of the responsibilities. So, I just finished my meeting with the PR department. We came up with an emergency solution for this incident. As they’re going to compete soon, we’ll ensure that their performance won’t be affected by their personal problem. Boss, please don’t worry. Hello, Mr. Li, Ms. Wang.

You guys should explain yourself. [Why is the admin pretending to be dead?] The netizens are scolding me on Weibo. [Is she preparing for her coffin?] Take a look. [Is she preparing for her funeral?] There are all kinds of insults. I can’t stand it anymore. You should hurry and make an official announcement then.

What are you waiting for? Ms. Wang, how about this? Do you think we can use this solution? Sure. You may do so. You guys should leave for now. – Alright. – Alright. Come, Mr. Li. You two, wait a moment. ♪Reasonings and expectations♪ ♪Don’t seem to be my inner monologue♪

♪Should I be myself or run away♪ ♪Am I supposed to just go with the flow?♪ ♪You walk across the sea of stars♪ ♪Those corners of my heart open unexpectedly♪ ♪I guess there really is someone♪ ♪Who can understand my helplessness♪ ♪I slowly walk out of my loneliness♪ ♪I start to believe♪

♪In the chemistry between us♪ ♪That fate can be changed♪ ♪Because of our determined efforts♪ ♪It won’t go to waste♪ ♪The wins and losses under our fingertips♪ ♪The sea of crowds cheering for us tomorrow♪ ♪Your gaze makes me fall deeper in love♪ ♪Welcome sunshine♪ ♪Let’s welcome the sunshine together♪ ♪Do you still remember♪

♪When we watched the shooting stars pass by together♪ ♪Countless times have we heard♪ ♪The wishes we made that night♪ ♪We promised♪ ♪We wouldn’t leave any regrets in our youth♪ ♪If I have a dream♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪If I have a dream♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪

♪The moment we look forward to it♪ ♪We’ll light up the night♪ ♪The sillier our stubbornness to persist♪ ♪The more determined we are to climb back to glory♪ ♪Remember our moment at the top♪ ♪We’ll welcome the sunshine together♪