[Falling Into Your Smile] EP27 | E-Sports Romance Drama | Xu Kai/Cheng Xiao/Zhai Xiaowen | YOUKU

Brother Cheng, are you a person like this? What do you mean? Are you so strong that you’re fearless? No. There are times when I’ll be afraid, hesitate, and don’t know what to do. Brother Cheng! [ZGDX] [You can do it] [OPL] [Falling into Your Smile] [Episode 27] [Medical swab] Why are you crying? I didn’t cry. You didn’t cry? If so, why did I hear someone crying? You think your room is soundproof? If you want to lie to me next time, you should cry under your blanket.

I assure you that I won’t hear you even if you fall unconscious. I didn’t cry. I don’t want to ask you the same question twice. It’s because I was washing my face just now. Some water got onto my wound. It hurts. That’s why I cried. Your bandage looks ugly.

You can try to do it with one hand then. I’m sure it’ll look ugly as well. Are you dumb? Why didn’t you ask me to help you? I don’t need your help. I can do it myself. It’ll sting. I know it still hurts. You were crying over it just now.

But what’s wrong with you? You turned into a strong woman after I came here? I had enough of crying. What’s wrong with that? You were ignoring me for the past two days. Now, you’re caring for me? What do you think you’re doing? Are you here to laugh at me?

Have you paid for my comedy show? I came over because I was worried about you. If you want me to leave, it’s either you stop crying, or make me go deaf. Bear with it. (-Brother Cheng,) -It’ll be over in a moment. If I did something wrong, why didn’t you scold me? You could’ve given me a beating as well. You can swap me out for Lu Yue, ask me to play training matches, or even ask me to be a substitute for every match. But why didn’t you say anything to me?

I can only look at you from afar. You ignored me. You were putting me aside. I’m a human, a live human. I’m not invisible. Brother Cheng, are we going to break up with each other? You want to break up with me? Did you say you want to break up with me

Because I wasn’t a good boyfriend and I made you cry? It was you who say that. I did say that. Why are you so nervous? How could I not be nervous when you’re staring at me like that? So, are you interrogating me right now? It’s not that. I’m just curious

As to why you would think in that way. You’ve always been great. You’re Lu Si Cheng. You’re Chessman. You’re the god of AD. No one dares to scold you in the past, until my appearance. I was such a busybody and I’ve created so much trouble for you. If troublemakers do exist,

I’m surely one of them. I’m just curious as to why you would think of it in that way. I’m not trying to break up with you. It’s just that you were ignoring me for the past few days. I was just thinking that you might be angry with me

Or you think that I’m annoying. That’s why I asked you that question. If that’s really the case, at least I can dump you before you dump me. It wouldn’t be that embarrassing that way. A lot of things have happened lately. I’m in a confused state. And you were hurt as well.

I was angry about it, but I don’t know who I should be angry at. Is that why you’re angry at me? It’s not that. I’m just angry at myself. It’s not that I’m not willing to talk to you. It’s just that I don’t know what to say

To make you accept a person like me. I’m not the perfect man that you thought I would be. But now, I can’t even protect you during crucial moments. You’re overthinking it. What do you mean by the perfect man? Isn’t that the case? I’ve seen you in a messy state before.

Is that why you’re trying to break up with me? I told you already. I’m not trying to break up with you. Why are you still… No matter what happens in the future, you aren’t allowed to say that again. But I need to dump you before you dump me. That day won’t ever arrive.

Don’t even think about it. I will take care of you for the rest of your life. So, let me repeat this again. Don’t ever think about breaking up with me. [ZGDX GAMING] [Jin Yang] Hello? Hello, Sis? Why are you still asleep? Look at the link I’ve sent you. [ZGDX Gaming Official Announcement] (why Smiling was absent for the matches.) Brother Rui. Brother Rui. So… Wait. What’s wrong with your face? Maybe I ate the wrong stuff last night. Maybe it’s an allergy. Brother Rui, did you do this? Did you try to uphold justice for me? This? Brother Cheng was the one who pressured our club to make this announcement.

We didn’t say anything about it before because we wanted to calm the situation down. But now, if we don’t tell them the truth, the situation might be worse. That won’t work in our favour. And this announcement is really useful as well. We found the person who sent you the parcel.

She’s the person who wrote about How Succubus Tong Came to Be. And our fans have found that she was going to send you razor blades on her smurf account. My goodness. All of our fans are attacking her. Her Weibo account will be on the top search soon. You can use this.

You’ll feel better. You should eat with care in the future. And please be careful when showing off your relationship. Lu Si Cheng! Are you a dummy? You came down in your pyjamas again. [Digging out her post about defaming Smiling] (The person who wrote that essay about her,)

[Justice Hammer] (you sent threats and razor blades to her.) [Basic information] (What grudges do you have against Smiling?) [Contract info. Email.] (What’s your motive for reprimanding Smiling?) [Mo Mo the Demon King] (You even sent her razor blades?) [Mo Mo the Demon King] (Are you repressed in reality?) [Chessman fans group] [Where are you from?] (You send threats and razor blades to her.) [Following, ZGDX_Chessman] (You’ll step on dog poop when you go out.) [How to wrap a gift box] (You’ll find no toilet paper when you poop.) [Fans of ZGDX Smiling Searching for the Normal Blogger] [Just as you expected, my depression is back. You guys are forcing me to my grave] Hello, everyone. I’m the “evil” Mo Mo The Demon King you’re talking about. I was the one who posted How Succubus Tong Came to Be. I’m just a normal person.

I’m just a normal Ninth Grade student. I was once a loyal fan of ZGDX Chessman. I suffer from depression as well. This is the medical certificate I got from First People’s Hospital this March. Since then, I’ve been taking my medicine. Initially, my condition was getting better. But your actions

Have disrupted my life severely. Ever since the time you guys were searching for me, I haven’t slept for two days straight. I’m exhausted. I’m disappointed. And I’m scared. Just let me end this. Farewell. [GH test center, depression score] (I took a closer look at) [Conclusion: Severely depressed] (that she took the test in our medical center.) Ever since the time you guys were searching for me, I haven’t slept for two days straight. Since it has come to this, this isn’t only about the e-sports scene anymore. It’s an issue the entire society is concerned about. So, we must tread with caution. We need to come up with the best solution.

We mustn’t create more trouble for our team and club. Before we come up with the best solution, in order to avoid inciting the public, Tong Yao shouldn’t participate in Team ZGDX’s recent activities. How about this? We should let Tong Yao make a public apology so that we can stop the hate.

Although Tong Yao is not related to the incident directly, she is the reason for this mess. She’s the reason for this mess? Firstly, this incident happened not because of Tong Yao. It happened because this girl sent some razor blades to Tong Yao. Secondly, in that video, I have doubts

About this girl’s medical certificate. I have doubts about her actions in the video as well. When everything is still unclear, it’s impossible for us to let Tong Yao make a public apology. The problem is everyone is siding with that girl right now. There’s no way for you to find out the truth.

Are you sure about that? We can just make a police report and find out the truth. Is this how you protect the members of your club? You’re letting us take the blame whenever something happens. Is that the case? Lu Si Cheng is right. Actually, some of our fans called the cops

After she posted the video. They said they didn’t receive any reports regarding a Ninth Grade student committing suicide. So, regarding the validity of this incident, I will wait and see for now. This incident isn’t as simple as it seems. Lu Si Cheng, although the Lu family is the biggest shareholder of our club,

The club doesn’t belong to you alone. You can do whatever you want with it during normal times. But now, I need to act for the benefit of our club. We won’t be able to win against the public. Now, the most important thing is to bow down and apologize

In order to calm the public. Don’t you think the team members will be disappointed? Enough. Say no more. This is the club’s decision. Lu Si Cheng, where are you going? The higher-ups might be willing to let our team members down, but I’m not willing to. I’m their leader.

Since you guys don’t want to be responsible for it, I’ll be responsible for it. Hello? I need you to do me a favour. Next, we’ll face our old rival, Team YQCB. Through our analysis and the chart, everyone can see that their team are almost as strong as our team.

We’re slightly better than them at attacking and farming. [Top, Jungler, Mid, ADC, Support] But they’re slightly better than us at vision and controlling resources. When both teams are at the same level, we need to prepare ourselves for a long match. Hierophant is the hardest person to deal with on Team YQCB.

He has always been radical with his plays. Brother Cheng, you need to be alert. You must pick Komatsu during the Ban/Pick Phase. Shikigamis like these can carry the early and late games. Even if we were to face a long battle, we could restrain Hierophant with it. Hello? Please speak. Let’s continue. Did you manage to contact Brother Cheng? No. Tong Yao called him as well. He didn’t answer her call. He’s been acting like this since yesterday. Could it be that Smiling’s incident affected him? That won’t be the case. I’ve been teammates for him for many years. He isn’t someone

Who will let his personal matters affect the tournament. If he left the base camp, that means there’s something he needs to do. Both Tong Yao and I have told him about our training today. I believe that he’ll return here when we need him. But our training will start soon.

What if he doesn’t return in time? How about this? I’ll replace him for a second. I’ll pick Komatsu. But God Ming, your hand… Say no more. The training will start soon. Don’t put on a troubled face. Let’s go. I’ll play one match on behalf of Brother Cheng. So, will Brother Cheng… Brother Cheng

Will definitely come back for tomorrow’s match. Stop making any wild guesses. Come. We’re starting soon. Stop asking. Sorry. Sorry for the wait. We were waiting for you. Have a seat. Brother Cheng, your hand… Don’t worry. I’m fine. Alright. Let’s begin. Come on. It’s the Ban/Pick phase. Brother Cheng, pick Komatsu. Fatty, pick Kusa.

Lao Mao, pick Ibaraki Doji. K, pick Yasha. Lao Mao, K, go to the back. Tong Yao, pressure the lane. Fatty, follow me. Alright. Lao Mao, K, after them. Fatty, follow me. Tong Yao, go and heal up. Brother Cheng, be careful. [Killed] [Assisting] What? What happened? It’s fine. Let’s continue.

We can’t win this fight. Let’s farm for now. We’ll fight after we have our items. Brother Cheng, you woke up so early today. What are you doing? What am I doing? I should be the one to ask you that question. I’m sure you pulled an all-nighter last night.

Did you play ranked matches until dawn? The doctor said you shouldn’t strain yourself. Do you want to be crippled? I’m fine. What about you? Does your hand still hurt? I’m fine now. Look. I’m almost fully healed. You shouldn’t train too much. I wasn’t doing too well with Komatsu last night.

I just wanted to play with that longer so that I can understand how it works. Help me finish the match. I’ll go and wash up. [Team ZGDX VS Team YQCB] (Team ZGDX VS Team YQCB?) Tickets for sale! A battle between light and shadow! Take a look! Stop fighting for it! A battle between light and shadow! Stop fighting for it! We have plenty of tickets! -Give me one! -Mine! -Stop fighting for it! -Give me two! Stop fighting for it! I want one!

I need to watch it as well. Guys, I’ve bought some coffee with my own money. Come, perk yourself up. Coffee? Where are Brother Cheng and God Ming? My brother just told God Ming to follow him out. He said they have something to discuss. I think they’re in the corridor.

Don’t they want to drink some coffee? I’ll bring the coffee to them. There’s no reason for it. I don’t want to use a late-game Shikigami. Youko can suppress Hierophant during the early game. If we don’t let him farm, we might be able to end the match early. But why?

Why are you trying to end the match early? I remembered I told you guys that this would be a long battle. -It’ll last for a long time. -What’s wrong? Explain yourself. There’s no explanation. Hierophant is mine. Team ZGDX, please prepare yourself. The match will begin in a moment.

Brother Rui told me to send some coffee to you guys. Let’s go. Let’s go. YQCB! [OPL] Ladies and gentlemen, are you guys ready? YQCB! The light and shadow duo will finally face off against each other on the battlefield today. Please present us with the battle of the century. Ladies and gentlemen,

Please wave the glow stick in your hand and cheer for them with all of your strength as we welcome them to the stage! First, let’s welcome Team YQCB. Let’s welcome Ai Jia, Liang Sheng, XBang, Rong Rong, and Hierophant! Hierophant! Ever since Hierophant joined OPL, we have been expecting this day to come.

And it has finally come! So, will the light emerge victorious today? Or will the shadow strike back? Let’s expect great things from them! I know Smiling is returning to the battlefield today. There’s no need for you to be so excited. This is too much. Even if Smiling is returning to the battlefield today,

Aren’t you excited about the confrontation between Lu Si Cheng and Hierophant? Listen… What’s wrong? Brother Cheng, you… Of course I’m excited about that. Actually, honestly speaking… Don’t worry. I’m fine. Besides being excited about that, the bot lane will be an exciting sight. Yes. In this era when ADs are powerless to do anything

In order to make a comeback, there are two teams in the OPL field which can win matches purely with their ADs. Next, let’s see who’ll win the match. Let’s welcome Lao Mao, K, Fatty, Chessman, and Smiling. Now, both teams are ready. Next, both teams will take their positions respectively.

Please present us with an amazing performance. The hype is real. Everyone is very excited today. It’s as if we’re at the finals. Our fans over here are so passionate! Hierophant! Hierophant! Look at the amount of fans that Hierophant has. He’s the equal of Brother Cheng indeed. Come. We’ll begin soon.

Please wear your headphones. Alright, we can see that it’s the Ban/Pick Phase now. Let’s take a look at who Smiling will ban. Ban Tesso. Who will she ban? Just now, I asked Hierophant what he was going to play today. He said he was going to play Tesso.

Will he even tell you about it? Can you believe in him? He’s lying to you. Although Hierophant has been practicing with that Shikigami lately, But… Listen to me. Ban Tesso. Ban Tesso. Tesso? Our missy actually banned Tesso? -Did Team ZGDX… -What’s going on? -receive any intel? -Hierophant eyes are hard to figure out.

To put it simply, it’s five words. “You are lying to us”. What’s going on? Judging by their expressions, seems like they did practice some strategies using Tesso. Brother Cheng, I suspect that Hierophant will come and kill you afterwards. There’s no deceit in war. Leave Chin for him. Ban Higanbana.

Higanbana is too strong in this patch. I’ll pick Susabi later. I’m afraid Tong Yao might counter me. Alright. Indeed. Team ZGDX did ban Susabi and Ubume. As for Team YQCB, they’ve banned Mannendake, K’s signature hero. They’ve banned Smiling’s Tamamo-no-Mae as well. So, will Smiling pick Ootengu again?

Lao Mao, pick Ootengu for Tong Yao. Okay. [Ootengu] Indeed. Team ZGDX did pick Ootengu. [Yamausagi] Team YQCB has picked Chin and Yamausagi. [Yasha] After that, Team ZGDX has picked Yasha for their Jungler [Ibaraki Doji] and Ibaraki Doji for their Top. Team YQCB has picked [Menreiki] Menreiki and Yoto Hime.

[Yoto Hime] Only Chessman hasn’t picked his Shikigami. -Brother Cheng. -Logically, against Team YQCB’s line-up, [Picking] I guess he’ll pick Komatsu. That’s right. Relatively, Komatsu is a more solid choice for them. [Youko] What? Youko? Chessman has picked Youko again! My goodness! That was unexpected. I hope Chessman

Can perform just as well as last time. They have to end the match early when they have the advantage. It’s starting. [Battle begins] Go! Go! Hello, ladies and gentlemen. This is Week Five of OPL China. This is our last match day as well. Today, we’ll get to enjoy a BO3 series

Between Team ZGDX and Team YQCB. So, will the veteran Team ZGDX, defeat Team YQCB? Or will the black horse, Team YQCB, defeat Team ZGDX? Let’s wait and see! Lao Mao, come to the top jungle. Alright. Brother Cheng, the creep wave is too close to the tower. It’s dangerous.

K, come and gank the bot lane. Let’s retreat. I think Yoto Hime is coming. Fatty, provide me with some vision. Chessman is very near to the tower. He isn’t willing to leave even after clearing the wave. He picked Youko because he wanted to focus on the early game.

He wants to stop my Chin from farming. They want to fight with us? That’s okay. XBang, you should come and gank them. Ai Jia, just defend the mid lane. Be careful. Their Jungler will be here as well. K is at the bot lane right now. Will he be able to kill Hierophant?

My goodness. Hierophant is staying under the tower. XBang’s Yoto Hime is staying at the bot lane as well. We have no advantage at all. Retreat. They have more HP than us. We’ll gank the bot lane once our Mid has items. They are at disadvantage both on bot lane and mid lane.

Seems like this will be a tough match for Team ZGDX. And on the mid lane, Ai Jia’s Menreiki is doing a solid job. Smiling couldn’t do anything about him. It’s obvious that Ai Jia is playing in a solid way. He’s planning to stall our Mid. What do you mean by solid?

He’s as sly as a fox. I can’t back you guys up. It’s fine. We’ve backed off. The bot lane should farm first. Rong Rong’s Aobozu is also hard to deal with. Ai Jia is sticking with me like he’s glued to me. He’s sticking with me just like how he sticks with Jin Yang.

There’s no chance for me to act. My skills are ready. Go and gank them. Fatty’s Kusa still has his stun ready. Everyone, be careful. -Alright. -It’s only the start of the match. You guys don’t even have levels. You guys shouldn’t fight with them. Brother Cheng! We can fight them.

The light and shadow are battling against each other in the bot lane! Retreat. [Killed] He’s dead! Will Hierophant be able to escape? He escaped from him! Fatty, stun Hierophant. Alright. Team YQCB could almost have got two kills. Brother Cheng, you’re doing great. Nice. Our leader is the best. That’s great.

Hierophant is at a disadvantage here. Brother Cheng earned 260 gold from that. I think you guys should keep a low profile. Don’t be too arrogant. What a pity. Youko and Kusa are almost dead as well. I won’t let my Support die in vain. [Dominating] What? Hierophant didn’t return to the base!

He actually did a tower dive [Seal, Double Kill] and killed both Youko and Kusa! -Nice. -Hierophant is great. With Hierophant’s double kill, the current score turned from 1:0 to 2:2. There’s no gold difference between them now. Seems this match is unpredictable. He actually did a tower dive.

He doesn’t need to resort to that. I guess Hierophant can’t stand it when he sees Brother Cheng with a sliver of his HP left. Isn’t Hierophant too brave for his own good? If it were me, I would’ve returned to the base. That’s how you are. Chessman is still pressuring the bot lane.

Let’s retreat. I think XBang is coming. Let’s go. -My goodness. -Indeed! XBang is attacking them! But Fatty has blocked him! They’re retreating! Will they be able to escape? Will they escape? -That was too close. -That’s scary. XBang is so devious. Brother Cheng, you should return to the base.

My heart is going to jump out if you keep pressuring them like this. I guess Brother Cheng will return to the base now. The creep wave is here. Chessman will surely go for the creep wave. He’ll attack the tower when I’m not around. XBang, don’t leave. Stay there and wait for him.

The creep wave is here. Let’s leave after we clear it. No way, XBang is still here. Hierophant will return to the lane after he heals himself. There’s a fight happening at the bot lane! XBang is still here! Both Hierophant and Liang Sheng have plenty of HP left. Brother Cheng, be careful!

XBang is at the bot lane. K, come to the top lane. Let’s push the top tower. Don’t be greedy. We can’t make it in time. I don’t care. I’m going. It’s lucky that they were quick. Yeah. Let’s look at the top lane. K is approaching the top lane.

Lao Mao is fighting his opponent. He’s almost dead. K has reached the top lane. Will he be able to save Lao Mao? [Stand out conspicuously] Lao Mao is killed! K is chasing after Rong Rong. [Ended] He tower dived! It’s a pity that he couldn’t get away. I told you to come earlier.

You insisted on staying at the bot lane so that you could gank Hierophant. If I don’t pressure the bot lane, can you replace our AD? This is a bad fight for them. Honestly speaking, it isn’t looking too well for Team ZGDX. We’re at the 11th minute right now.

Their gold difference is around 1,300 gold. -Team YQCB is in the lead for now. -Yes. Did you see it? Team ZGDX’s top and bot lane are having a difficult time. Look at Hierophant. He’s stalling Chessman at the bot lane. -He has no chance to attack him. -Yes.

He can’t get rid of him and he can’t leave his lane. Now, for the entire Team ZGDX, only Smiling is farming normally against Ai Jia. Yes. Now, we can only hope that she can make a comeback with her skills. Come, let’s take it down. Hurry. Brother Cheng, they’re taking the Kraken.

Give it to them. Push the mid tower. I’ll give it a try. [Killed Kraken] Be careful. Liang Sheng’s Yamausagi is giving them a speed boost. [Picked up the Flag of Kraken] Hierophant is behind him. No, Hierophant is clearing the creep wave at a rapid speed. I can’t destroy the tower. I’ll retreat.

Stall him and destroy the tower. It isn’t that hard. I’ll assault them from the back. You guys should be careful. Ai Jia’s ultimate is on cooldown. Lao Mao, go and tank the damage. I’ll kill him. They’re fighting! Retreat! [Killed] Ai Jia was slain! Three seconds until my ultimate is ready!

Their Jungler hasn’t appeared yet. Aim your ultimate at me. My skills are ready. XBang is here! He wants to attack the carries. But he was stunned by Fatty. He was slain by Smiling. Retreat. This is bad for Team YQCB. They can’t defend the tower anymore. We’ll take it down. Don’t let them retreat.

Lao Mao, go beyond the tower. Yes, let’s go. Lao Mao is chasing after them! Liang Sheng was slain! Now, only Hierophant is left. It’s a teamwipe! Team YQCB is at a major disadvantage now. Both their team and the first tower on the bot line are gone. XBang’s positioning was bad just now.

It’s a five for nil! But I think this won’t happen again. Team YQCB will learn their lesson and protect their AD. As for Team ZGDX, it won’t be that easy for them to kill off their AD again. Yes, I hope Team ZGDX will take advantage of this situation as well.

We’ve finally pushed the mid tower of Ai Jia. Leader, hurry and push. Where are you going? Is Chessman retreating? -Why is he retreating -Brother Cheng. when they have the advantage? We can’t take down the Orochi right now. What exactly is on Chessman’s mind? I think they’ve retreated. That won’t be the case.

If Chessman doesn’t want the tower, I’m sure he’s taking Orochi. Go to the Orochi Pit if you’ve respawned. What? Brother Cheng, isn’t it too dangerous to take down the Orochi right now? If they don’t push right now, they won’t have enough time to take down the Orochi. They’ve respawned. Let’s retreat.

Brother Cheng, let’s retreat. We can’t take it down. Brother Cheng, let’s retreat. We can’t take it down. Brother Cheng, they’re here! We can fight. Tong Yao, use your ultimate to initiate. I’ll stall Hierophant. The entire Team YQCB is respawned. -Will Team ZGDX still choose to stay? -Let’s fight them. [Dominating] Brother Cheng!

Brother Cheng actually missed his skill. This is such a historic moment. Brother Cheng, I can’t tank all of the damage! What should we do? -Let’s fight them together. -My ultimate is ready. Go. Go. I’m dead. What a pity. It was so close for Chessman. If he lands his ultimate on Hierophant,

It’s hard to say what will happen. It’s obvious that it was Chessman’s mistake. Yes. How could you let a Mid initiate the team fight? Think about it. A Mid isn’t tanky enough to last through the fight. Where’s their tank? How can they fight like this? Precisely. [Destroyed] Yes! -Nice. -Nice.

Let’s congratulate Team YQCB for winning the match. Congratulations, Team YQCB. Lao Mao. Brother Cheng, your hand… I’m fine. Let’s go. ♪Reasonings and expectations♪ ♪Don’t seem to be my inner monologue♪ ♪Should I be myself or run away♪ ♪Am I supposed to just go with the flow?♪ ♪You walk across the sea of stars♪

♪Those corners of my heart open unexpectedly♪ ♪I guess there really is someone♪ ♪Who can understand my helplessness♪ ♪I slowly walk out of my loneliness♪ ♪I start to believe♪ ♪In the chemistry between us♪ ♪That fate can be changed♪ ♪Because of our determined efforts♪ ♪It won’t go to waste♪

♪The wins and losses under our fingertips♪ ♪The sea of crowds cheering for us tomorrow♪ ♪Your gaze makes me fall deeper in love♪ ♪Welcome sunshine♪ ♪Let’s welcome the sunshine together♪ ♪Do you still remember♪ ♪When we watched the shooting stars pass by together♪ ♪Countless times have we heard♪ ♪The wishes we made that night♪

♪We promised♪ ♪We wouldn’t leave any regrets in our youth♪ ♪If I have a dream♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪If I have a dream♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪The moment we look forward to it♪ ♪We’ll light up the night♪ ♪The sillier our stubbornness to persist♪

♪The more determined we are to climb back to glory♪ ♪Remember our moment at the top♪ ♪We’ll welcome the sunshine together♪