[Falling Into Your Smile] EP30 | E-Sports Romance Drama | Xu Kai/Cheng Xiao/Zhai Xiaowen | YOUKU

[Champion] Next, we’ll be going against Team ZGDX. We look forward to defeating them again. To be honest, among all the opponents in the semi-finals. ZGDX is our only concern. ZGDX will not fall at the same place twice. We’re the winner. I never expect our team to be lucky enough to enter the semi-finals.

I think it must be Smiling’s prayers. Smiling. Let’s meet in the Grand Finals. [Falling Into Your Smile] [Episode 30] Nice. Here you go, God Ming. Here you go, Fatty. All the best! Lao Mao. K. Go. Lu Yue. Here. For Missy. Then, Brother Cheng. All the best in the Grand Finals.

[Congratulations to both of you. The organization is glad but you have not hit your KPI! Xiao Rui] What are you looking at? On the day when YQCB defeated FNC and got through to the National Grand Finals, the boss from the other team was standing at the door

With a big stack of red packets in his hands. Their teammates were given red packets as they got down from the car. The red packets were thick too. But for us… There isn’t any. Why? We got into the Grand Finals too. Why did the other team get red packets

But we’re only getting sweets and cards? We don’t even get a decent meal. I don’t think it’s fair. I think I’ve been discriminated against. Getting second in your midterms while trying to get first in the final exam and getting last in your midterms

While trying to get top spot now. Which is a rarer occurrence? Going through to the National Grand Finals is meeting our usual standard so there’s nothing to be rewarded for. Here’s a candy for you. Brother Cheng. What’s that? I have something to tell you. What is it? Lu Si Cheng, you’re heartless!

K, what did you buy again? Facial mask. MIHOO. Are you crazy? Who are you calling MIHOO? You got closer after the competition to the point where you’re giving each other cute nicknames? Shut up. This a MIHOO mask that I just bought. Staying up late for training every night makes our skin very dry.

The hydrating effect of this MIHOO mask is pretty good. I’ll get myself hydrated too. You’re eating so much. It’s delicious. MIHOO. Do you want to try? Is this good? Are you saying the name of the mask or are you calling me that? Lao Mao’s reaction is so slow.

You should keep your mouth shut too. Everyone. After our game today, we’re about to enter the Grand Finals. I would like to remind everyone, YQCB is no longer the team that fights to survive relegation. They defeated FNC and progressed to the Grand Finals with us. Coming back to what’s important. From now on

Until the Grand Finals, our entire base will go through closed training. What kind of closed training? Is the club going to pay for everything for us? The details of how the closed training will be are about the same as guarding a spy. For example, you can’t eat, shop or talk to the

Lady boss next door. You are not allowed to discuss strategies with the excuse of capturing dolls with your ex-teammate and current opponent next to you. Of course. Da Bing and Little Shallot have to be grounded too. They are not allowed to interact with the cats that belong to the Mid next door. Wait.

Are you going to draw a map on the cats too? Why don’t you just build a wall? The kind that is thick and prevents eavesdropping. Build a wall? Might as well build it at our Mid’s door. Why? If you build at Mid’s door, how would Tong Yao come out? Xiao Rui.

Regarding our Top, why don’t we consider finding a replacement? It’s all right. I can do it. Brother wouldn’t let me play Mid anyway. – Seconded. – Shut up. Shut up. Let’s go. Before we begin our closed training, I’ll treat you all to a good meal. Long Live Brother Cheng!

I’m all motivated when you talk about this. Let’s go. You silly, Let’s go. – A good meal. – Don’t call me that! – Let’s go! Hurry! – All right. Come on. Let’s drink. Isn’t that DQ.Five? What happened to them? Is their curfew over? They were demoted. When you were in the quarter-final,

They were still in relegation. No one followed. So no one talked about it. Did they lose at the relegation? They got demoted? They’ll have to play the qualifier? Next season’s OPL won’t have DQ.Five among the 12 teams anymore? He’s Civet. I know. He is the leader and Support of DQ.Five.

He’s a senior player. Take it easy, you guys. Don’t create any trouble. This year… Better not create any trouble this year. Play the National Grand Finals well. Once you’ve qualified for the World Championships, Make us, OPL proud in front of the world. Brothers. I can’t substitute you like last year.

I really like being a professional gamer. I really like playing side-by-side with my teammates. Even though I have many regrets, I’m still very happy. My career is at its end now. But I know there will be others who would continue this journey and make it even further ahead.

I hope all of you are the lucky ones. Here. I’m leaving. I’ll send them off. Enjoy your drinks. Goodbye. Goodbye. What did he mean just now when he said substitute? When ZGDX was absent from the National Grand Finals, the team that substituted us in the World Championships was DQ.Five. Bill please, Mister.

Unexpectedly, after Xu Tai Lun left, they lost their Carry again. They lost the second half of the National Championship causing them to be demoted to the qualifying round when they came in last place. Their fans went from being hopeful to being utterly disappointed, just like the Boiling Frog analogy,

It was a dreadful process. A farewell dinner. Did they disband just like that? It is impossible for a team to play with its original members with the same formation after losing at the qualifiers. After all, the professional league is a realistic game. After being the team is being demoted,

Those players who played well will be bought over by other new clubs and continue to join the play the OPL with other teams. Those players who didn’t play well will have to look for new clubs on their own. The teams who got relegated, are just an empty shell to put it bluntly. Yes.

Moreover, something magical like having all five players working hard to promote the team back to OPL wouldn’t even be portrayed by novels. So, for those in DQ.Five, this team has already been disbanded the moment they’ve been relegated. Whether or not they could sit together in a game eat and chat

Like how they used to really depends on fate. So, coming back to the topic, let’s just appreciate the time we have together. Thank goodness. Our team almost had our farewell dinner. Hey. I don’t want to have a farewell dinner, but I would like to have another bowl of your Curry Beef Potato Rice.

– I want to eat too. – I want to try too. I want to eat too. I want to eat too. – I want to eat too. – I want to eat too. It must also be the one with meat at the bottom of the bowl. All right. After we’re done with YQCB

I will satisfy your cravings. Cheers, everyone. Here. Come on. Cheers. With thorns on our back and sand beneath our feet, we will never give up! Cheers. Cheers! [Update on Weibo, Disappointed] Disappointed is just like being certified of a slow death. How can it be possible to not be disappointed? But, right now

It’s also about time to finally get some peace, and get some good rest. Whether it is for us… [Send] Or our cute fans like you. Goodbye, Team DQ.Five. You’ve had your glory. Wherever you all go, we will go with you. It’s not scary to be in the qualifiers. We are with you.

God Mao, can we still see the smile you had when you lifted the trophy at the Spring Playoffs? After feeling disappointed, I don’t know what to do too. I’ve never liked a team so much before. I don’t think I’ll be watching OPL anymore. I feel exhausted. Why do I like E-sports?

Sometimes I tell myself, how nice would it be to like TAT from Korea, to like ZGDX. They always win in competitions. It would be a great joy to be their fan. I’ve said that so many times, but I’ll still go back to watch your games.

Fans are indeed disappointed when the game is lost but I will be optimistic about the next game. So foolish. But what is there to do? I feel disappointed too. Can’t escape. Can’t leave. Not attracted by its fame, not leaving at its low. Brother Cheng! [Tong Yao, Mulan, Petition for Brother Cheng’s debut]

[Lao Mao Raging Storm] Brother Cheng! [CAT Lao Mao Fans Club] Brother Cheng! Brother Cheng! Brother Cheng! ♪We will be your hero♪ ♪The people who came for you♪ ♪Treat it as if a show of respect♪ ♪Your true opponent is yourself♪ ♪There’s nothing♪ Brother Cheng. Guess what am I thinking about? What?

When I first saw you, it was the same situation. I could only look at you from afar at that time. But now, I can stand with all of you. Childish. ♪A solid attitude♪ But it’s really cute. I like it. ♪We will be your hero♪ Are all of these from our fans?

They are so delicious. Eat less. Relax, everyone. Since we’ve made it to the Grand Finals, it means we’re capable. Next, don’t be so nervous. Since we’re here in Shanghai, I’ll give everyone a day off, to enjoy ourselves. How are we going to enjoy this time?

It’s better to play Onmyoji Arena the whole day than visiting tourist cities like this. We’re already here, just have fun. That’s right. What if you get back and people ask you “What have you eaten in Shanghai?” and you say, “It’s so fun to play games in the hotel.” How awkward will that be?

Exactly. Where do you want to go later? Anywhere. Wherever you go, I’ll go too. Shopping? But I don’t have anything that I want to buy. There’s a human ATM next to you yet you’re telling me this? Do you think I’m after your money? Are you after my money? All right, Brother.

What is your problem? Why do you want to spend money on me? When you like someone, you want to spend money on her. If I have RMB10, I’ll spend RMB9.5 and keep the change to buy bread because she might be hungry. Sour. It’s sour.

I’ve been your Support for the past two to three years. I gave so many kills to you. I’m not asking for much. Just pay for the new DW watch in my cart. Look at this. This design. Simple and elegant, just like my style, right? Not at all. That’s all you can do?

[Mao’s mother] Are you all eating? If you’re not, I’m going to finish it. Eat. Don’t overdo it. Fatty, you eat a lot. Hello, Jin Yang. We were just discussing whether to have a one-day trip here in Shanghai. What is it? Isn’t your birthday today? What do you plan to do?

This is the first time we could meet even if we’re not in Shenzhen. I think it’s worth celebrating. What should I give you this year? Bags? Shoes? Necklace? Jewellery? Wedding dress? Forget it. It’s better to have your man buy you jewellery and a wedding dress. I’m not being salty,

But he’s richer than I am. As long as you say you want a birthday celebration, he could even buy you the Oriental Pearl, and change its name to “Happy Birthday to My Wife Tower”. Don’t you dare tell him it’s my birthday today. If he really bought me something big,

I wouldn’t be able to repay him even if I’m sold in pieces. You’re not worth as much in pieces though, Miss. I want to have a boyfriend too who could buy me an expensive gift that I can’t even afford to pay back even if I sold myself. What’s wrong with you today?

Why are you going on and on about my birthday? It’s all because of your dearest mother. She gave me a call just now and told me it’s your first time spending your birthday alone, and I should accompany you. Is she your mother or mine? Why won’t she tell me herself?

She’s embarrassed to tell you herself. What? Yang Yang. Aunt is telling you. I know young people like you all about being romantic for birthday celebrations, especially now that Tong Yao has a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is quite decent. Handsome looking and well-mannered too. So it’s not really a problem.

Aunt would really like your help to remind Tong Yao. Girls have to be extra careful when it comes to safety precautions. Let me interpret it for you. As your mother, I’m still young and I don’t want a grandchild yet. All right. I’m hanging up. What happened? You are blushing.

My mother said you looked handsome. Oh my. No way. Fatty ate all of these by himself? He didn’t even save me a crab roe soup dumpling. Just these much is not even enough for Fatty. That’s right. But, these Shanghai crab roe soup dumplings are pretty delicious. Are you all right? I’m fine.

Did you have a bad stomach? I’ll take a look. Are you all right? Brother Cheng. I’m not all right. [Lanshan University Hospital] It’s taking so long. Doctor, is he all right? It’s nothing serious. Acute gastroenteritis, and a slight fever now too. But don’t worry, he is young and his body is doing fine.

With some drips, he can be discharged tomorrow. Thank you. That’s great. Fatty. How are you? I’m feeling much better. All of you. You did this on purpose. Every time there is an important competition, all of you will have some tricks, or feel uncomfortable. Do you want me to die soon? For tomorrow’s game,

I’ll play it even if I’m lying down. Luckily, you still have your conscience. I’m hungry. I want some biscuits. Say that again? I’ve vomited everything. If this continues, I’ll be starving before I get better. You can only have a disabled player, Tong Yao to play Support for you.

I’ll see if you’d like that. Can I just have some biscuits, please? Eating biscuits isn’t a crime. Can someone buy me a packet of biscuits? Missy. Buy me a packet of biscuits, will you? Quick. If I don’t recover and get discharged, you’ll have to be Brother Cheng’s Support.

Think about how bad you played when you were a Support. What are you trying to say? Why don’t we just get Fatty a packet of biscuits? He’s starving. I pity him. What are you doing? I didn’t bring my wallet, and my phone is out of battery.

I can’t be using my card to buy a packet of biscuits. Wait here. I’ll be back soon. How dare you laugh about it. Don’t be upset with me. When you’re upset, I feel pain again. Excuse me, how much is this? Hello. One moment, please. [Name: Tong Yao, Birthday: 23rd October 1998]

[Stroke Center, Department of Emergency, Chest Pain Center] What do you plan on doing for your birthday? Do you want to hang out? No. I’m still at the hospital. What birthday celebration is there. Happy birthday. I’m quite happy. [Dearest daughter, happy birthday] Kisses, Mother. Make a wish. Happy birthday to you.

Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday! How do you know? When I took your wallet just now, I wanted to take a look at your ugly identification card. You… Thankfully I ran really fast,

Or the stores would be close by then. Happy birthday, Mulan of the E-sports! Are you both done being sweet? The few of us are actually a little hungry. Can we eat the cake? Actually, I wasn’t planning on celebrating my birthday. The league is near, it’s not any different to celebrate it.

Even if the game is near a birthday celebration is a must. Yes. Quick. Make a wish. Yes. Come on. Make a wish. Smiley necklace. A necklace this year and a diamond ring next year that comes with a marriage certificate. Is it pretty? It is. You look good in everything. That’s romantic. Wait.

This is my ward. Shouldn’t you pay more attention to me? No way. The star of the night is meant to be Double C. Oh right. I’ve prepared a gift for everyone today. Usually, I am your butler who takes care of all of you at all times. I can’t help you in the game,

But I can manage everything else. So, to make sure that everything goes smoothly moving forward, to chase away all of the bad luck, I ordered this for all of you. This. An amulet that covers all your needs, joys and sorrows. Here. Take one each. It will help all of you to shine

In the Grand Finals. Here. Thank you. Not bad. What’s with the expression? Think about it yourself. Along the journey of this Championship, there were injuries and illnesses. If you believe in this, then it works, if you don’t, just have it with you as an amulet or some souvenir.

There’s no harm carrying this around, right? Oh right. This is not because the club has no faith in you. I’ve already taken an oath to bring back the trophy of the Championship, and get into the World Championship. Otherwise, I will… Resign? I don’t think he would.

Even if it means being a bus driver, he would want to follow us. Right? You… But I’ll say something from the bottom of my heart. No matter what happens in the end, I will always support everyone. No matter what happens, sell me off. I will bear the consequences. All right. Give me one.

I want to make a wish too. The key opinion leaders did say this thing works. Does it really work? Whatever wishes that you have, I will make them come true. Brother Cheng, I have a wish too. I have a wish too. Does it work? Hey, Double C.

I don’t think it’s good for both of you to act like that. Although I’m trying to make everyone feel at ease, both of you don’t have to be like that. Our main goal now is to win the National Championship. – Yes. – Both of you have a long way to go.

Please be a little more sincere. Seriously. I don’t want to be a bus driver. My dream is to defeat YQCB, get the World Championship title and going international. Yes. Is that all? To celebrate this let’s have some meat, shall we? – Good idea. – You’re still eating?

Fatty, why don’t you be more reliable? What’s coming next is not just the National Championship, it’s also a battle between light and shadow. You have to train well after being discharged. If you train well, I’ll treat you to some Crab Noodles. If you don’t, don’t even think about tea. Sure.

One of you here is the good guy, and the other is the bad guy. That’s working well. We mean well. God Ming. What did you wish for? What else could it be? It would definitely be defeating YQCB. One more. ZGDX will not disappear from the game.

Brother, why are you bringing up an old story? God Ming. Do you believe in that too? As humans, sometimes we really do need a bit of luck. All of you have proved yourself as the top professional gamers in the world. The rest is just as Xiao Rui says,

We need a little bit of luck. As long as we stay together, all of our wishes will come true. – Yes. – Yes. Come on. Come on! Come on. ZGDX. All the best! All the best! All the best! This person likes to hide here. When the time comes,

We have to play with caution. Moreover, I trained these few Shikigamis from watching Tong Yao’s videos. Hierophant is back. Why did Hierophant have that many dolls today? Does that represent how anxious he is? That’s a lot. Is he giving them out to the fans during the Grand Finals? Hierophant. We studied

All of ZGDX’s games in the Nationals. We concluded the habit of their Double C. Do you want to take a look? Hierophant? – What happened to him? – What happened? He didn’t feel right as soon as he came back. Yes. He seems moody. Did he encounter anything?

– How would I know? – I don’t know. Liang Sheng. My palms are sweating. My heartbeat is fast. What’s happening to me? Nervousness. Nervousness? It’s normal. Have some cola to settle down. I’ve never been nervous before any games. Think about this. This would be the National Grand Finals soon. Moreover,

It’s a battle between you and Lu Si Cheng. I think you should be feeling a little nervous. I’m already 26 years old this year. So? So, before I came to China, I did not consider it as an actual battlefield. I only wanted my career as a gamer to be more comfortable

Towards the end. What about that then? I don’t know. Maybe I never thought that it would be this difficult. You all made me… How should I say this? All of you broadened my horizon. Sometimes, an eye-opener… He’s complimenting us. Some strategies were just used to beat Lu Si Cheng,

But all of you would still… All of you would still… Absolute trust. Yes. That’s it. That’s for sure. You were playing well all the while. That’s right, brother. That’s why you all made me feel that we had an opportunity to move on to the next level. We may just be a relegation team

But on our journey to the National Grand Finals, there’s nothing impossible. Yes. For our dream. Brother. I want to go with you to the World Championships. In that case, let’s get the National Championship! – Here! – Okay! YQCB! Worthless weaklings! What’s wrong with all of you? Do it nicely. Again. Three, two, one.

YQCB! Seek hegemony! – All the best! – All the best! All the best! – All the best! – All the best! Here. Have you thought about your wishes? World peace. What a cliche. I hope we win the championship. That’s all? Not only a National Champion, but it also has to be World Champion.

That’s all? Do you really plan on not telling me? Wishes won’t come true if you reveal them. I don’t believe that. I am the only one who can possibly control my destiny. Our future belongs to you and me. Here. What about you? If you really ask me what I wished for, I wish

That I could be by your side for the rest of my life. [Mercedes-Benz Arena] ♪You’ll be asking for more♪ ♪We love to shine brightly♪ ♪Young faces are desperate♪ ♪You know we won’t give up♪ ♪But in the face of adversity♪ ♪We choose to shine brightly♪ ♪The future looks inexplicable♪

♪You know we won’t give up♪ ♪With our battle on the stars♪ [OPL Onmyoji Arena Pro League] ♪Standing in the wind with burning determination♪ All of ZGDX members are in position. Once you’re okay, we could start anytime. I’ll take charge here. Sure. Sure. Over. ♪Gotta get up gotta stand up♪

♪Don’t be afraid to take a chance♪ ♪Better wake up you know what’s up♪ I feel really nervous. What is there to be nervous about? You looked into the mirror a thousand times before you left today. How are you still nervous? Don’t bully me. I’ve never been to a big scene.

Get used to it. You are the one to conquer the world’s stage with me. Let’s invite the players from both teams on stage. ♪We love to shine brightly♪ Let’s go! ♪Desperate♪ ♪You know we won’t give up♪ Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the live Onmyoji Arena Pro League 2020 National Grand Finals.

Today, we are going to have the battle of the strongest. The encounter between light and shadow. Between ZGDX and YQCB, both teams that have a love-hate relationship, Who will be the winner of this league? Let’s look forward to it! ZGDX is a star-studded team,

A team with thorns on their back and sand beneath the feet, a team that had a rough time at their peak finally coming back in the game. A team that climbs. YQCB is a dark horse that was in relegation. With Hierophant joining the team, YQCB, who had their potential unleashed

Has been advancing triumphantly to the National Grand Finals to battle for the highest title of OPL! All right. Ladies and gentlemen, let us countdown to welcome them. Here we go. Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five! Four! Three! Two! One! At this very moment, I announce, the final event of 2020, the final battle

Begins right now. [Onmyoji arena Pro League] ♪Reasonings and expectations♪ ♪Don’t seem to be my inner monologue♪ ♪Should I be myself or run away♪ ♪Am I supposed to just go with the flow?♪ ♪You walk across the sea of stars♪ ♪Those corners of my heart open unexpectedly♪ ♪I guess there really is someone♪

♪Who can understand my helplessness♪ ♪I slowly walk out of my loneliness♪ ♪I start to believe♪ ♪In the chemistry between us♪ ♪That fate can be changed♪ ♪Because of our determined efforts♪ ♪It won’t go to waste♪ ♪The wins and losses under our fingertips♪ ♪The sea of crowds cheering for us tomorrow♪

♪Your gaze makes me fall deeper in love♪ ♪Welcome sunshine♪ ♪Let’s welcome the sunshine together♪ ♪Do you still remember♪ ♪When we watched the shooting stars pass by together♪ ♪Countless times have we heard♪ ♪The wishes we made that night♪ ♪We promised♪ ♪We wouldn’t leave any regrets in our youth♪ ♪If I have a dream♪

♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪If I have a dream♪ ♪I’ll chase after the light♪ ♪The moment we look forward to it♪ ♪We’ll light up the night♪ ♪The sillier our stubbornness to persist♪ ♪The more determined we are to climb back to glory♪ ♪Remember our moment at the top♪

♪We’ll welcome the sunshine together♪