【FULL】Danger Zone EP08 | 逆局 | Vic Chou 周渝民 X Lee Ming Shun 李铭顺 X Zhu Xuanyang 朱轩洋 | iQiyi Original

[English subtitles are available] You think you’re doing God’s work, but your conscience keeps condemning you for your behaviour. If I had known that you’re also scum, I would have never let you defend me. I don’t care about what you think of me. But look at what you’ve become. How are you different

From those murderers? Back off! What are you doing? -Back off! -Get down! Back off! Get your hands off. -Get down! -Get down! Step aside! Hold him! Get down! Take him away! Lock him up in the solitary confinement cell! [Chapter 1 – In The Dark Night] [Episode 8]

So far, we can only determine it’s homicide. The suspect’s identity and motive are still under investigation. Mr Mu, I’d like to know, did your son have any enemies? What kind of people are locked up in the jail? What does that mean? He was a violent person, always making troubles.

He had been lorded over others in the prison using my name, pissing off a lot of people. This is the disastrous consequence he brought on himself. It shouldn’t be hard to find the killer. You just need to tell me when I can take his body back.

The police still have some doubts that need clearing up. Don’t worry. We’ll be quick. -Captain. -Yes? Don’t you think he seems too calm? Mu Xue Song is the CEO of Lu Zhen Sheng Memorial Hospital. But his son was a sex offender. Do you think the relationship between them can be good?

Don’t overthink it. Get ready for the case briefing later. There are many details that need to be clarified. Okay, let’s get started. Who will go first? Me. About Zhang Yi Fan’s case, so far, we haven’t checked her whereabouts, but we have continued investigating the surrounding. She resigned from Lu Zhen Sheng Memorial Hospital

Five months ago. [Experiences, Lu Zhen Sheng Memorial Hospital, Attending Physician] According to the former colleagues from her department, her mental health issue was the reason she resigned. This matches Su Zhong Heng’s statement. Also, the baby we rescued from the hand of Zhang Yi Fan, is a premature baby. After taking the DNA test,

We confirmed that he isn’t her child. The DNA of the baby and other victims is now being compared. We’ll get the results next week at the earliest. Captain, about the case of Donglin Detention Center, according to Liang Yan Dong’s statement, we found some material about Tian Yong Qiang. -Put on the slide. -Okay.

[Thanks.] [Case of seriously injuring home tuition student, suspect sentenced to one year in jail] [Excuse me.] Yu, pause it. Is that man Liang Yan Dong? Liang Yan Dong was Tian Yong Qiang’s defence lawyer. A sex offender defended a murderer. Interesting. Tian Yong Qiang’s wife remarried him.

She passed away of cancer three years later, leaving behind a daughter, Zhou Mei Xu. [Zhou Yue Huan, Wife, Deceased] [Zhou Mei Xu, Step Daughter, Deceased] Tian Yong Qiang raised her on his own. In 2013, Zhou Mei Xu sued her home-tuition student for sexually assaulting her. In the end,

The court ruled not to prosecute or discipline the defendant. A few months later, Tian Yong Qiang killed the home-tuition student with a hammer near his home. No wonder Liang Yan Dong knows Tian Yong Qiang so well. Tian Yong Qiang’s target victim is obvious. Sex offenders or prisoners who harmed a woman.

But this may also be Liang Yan Dong’s tactic to mislead the direction of our investigation to exonerate himself. Okay. Our prime suspect is Tian Yong Qiang for now. Next, we’ll find out if he has any accomplice. Meanwhile, we can’t completely rule out the possibility of Liang Yan Dong’s involvement in the case. Fei,

Let’s take another trip to the detention center. Come on, I’ll buy you coffee. [Interrogate me in a different way.] [Officer Ren,] [I told you,] [the killer is someone] [capable of having me killed in prison.] [Check the criminal record of prisoner 1256, Qian Zhi Yang.]

[At least you will trust me a little more after that.] Guan Ming Yang! You took too long to come. I’m getting lung cancer. Where is the stuff? Recordings of Qian Zhi Yang’s visitation conversations. Why do you need this? Liang Yan Dong didn’t ask me to do this for him.

Are you his errand boy now? Is doing me a little favour too much to ask? Why did you ask to meet at a place like this then? Are we in a movie? Infernal Affairs? Alright. What about the other one? Thanks. Those four men, Liang Yan Dong, Tian Yong Qiang, who else?

Qian Zhi Yang and Mu Ya Yan. Right. This is the list of the prison guards on duty when those four people were attacked. Since I’m here, at least tell me the reason you need this. We suspect that the one who helped Tian Yong Qiang commit the crime was a prison guard. Your colleague.

[Hello?] Hello, Xiao Yu. [I’ve just sent you material about those five men.] [Please investigate them for me.] Okay. [Their background information, the more details the better.] -[Okay, bye bye.] -Thanks. [Where did the large amount] [of money in your account come from?] [You’ve been wanting to open a nail parlour, right?]

[That money is more than enough to open ten parlours.] -[Qian Zhi Yang…] -[Just listen to me.] [I promise you, okay?] [I’ll quit the drugs.] [I’ll be released in a few years.] [By then, our family] [will have a comfortable life.] [You committed such a serious crime,]

[how could you possibly be released in a few years?] [I have my own ways.] [Stop asking questions.] [I mean,] [do you trust me or not?] [If I didn’t trust you,] [do you think I’d have come here?] [If I didn’t trust you,] [do you think I’d have come here?] [After killing someone,]

[he could still let people take the blame for him.] [Tell me,] [how capable is this murderer?] 5710, who did you offend this time? Great lawyer, you barely escaped from death. You’re so tenacious. Boss, do you know why 2887 was killed? I’m not interested. Your business with handymen 7222, 2887 and 1256

Doesn’t interest me at all. It’s no good to me. Great lawyer, you are trying to get out of here? This game isn’t easy to play. I’ll give you a tip for your game. During that spot check that day, you lost something, didn’t you? Which day? The day the power went out.

That morning when you went to help with the police investigation. There was a spot check that day when the power went out? Yes. [No way Tian Yong Qiang could] [commit the serial murders all by himself.] [Only a prison guard] [had the chance to steal my pen.] 5710, come with me.

Don’t waste your time. Qian Zhi Yang, Liang Yan Dong and Mu Ya Yan. I killed them all. I don’t believe that you could kill Qian Zhi Yang and Mu Ya Yan alone. Next to Mu Ya Yan’s corpse, there was a set of prisoner’s footprints. We’ve identified that it belonged to Mu Ya Yan.

There is also another pair of handyman’s plastic shoes footprints. After comparing them, we’ve identified that it’s yours. Since you’ve confirmed that it’s mine, what else is there to investigate? We found a third set of footprints. It belonged to a prison guard. Who’s your accomplice? Is there someone behind you controlling all this?

I did it all by myself. Killing those scums who hurt women… I’m strong enough to do that alone. Deputy. Come in. Deputy, did I disturb you? No. Go on. I was thinking that I have some accumulated leave. I want to spend more time with my daughter. That’s it?

You’re just here to ask for leave? Deputy, as for my shift, I’ve made arrangement. Someone will take over my shift. But if you still think there’s a problem, well, never mind then. Give it to me. -Give it to me. -Okay. Spend time with your daughter during your leave. Thank you, Sir. Fine.

How’s your hand? Spare the courteous greetings. We’re running out of time. These were the five prison guards on duty the days when Qian Zhi Yang, Mu Ya Yan, Tian Yong Qiang and you were attacked. Take a look. Too little experience, and they haven’t been here long. Hong Zhao Ren, 47 years old.

Cao Wan Nian, 45 years old. He Tian Yang, 49 years old. All three have children. Tian Yong Qiang is a rigid man. To convince him, the person must have some life experience and the same tragedy as his. Guan Ming Yang told me last time that Cao Wan Nian

Had taken a long break due to family problems. He only came back recently. [Chief Cao,] [you’re back.] [Chief Chao, you look energetic.] [How was your family?] [They’re fine, thank you.] [How’s your waist?] [Does it still hurt when you walk?] It’s not the leg. It’s the waist. What? What waist?

The footprints on the ground. I told you before this man’s right footprint is obviously deeper than the left one, he probably has a leg injury, or it’s an old injury. But I was wrong. Back injury can also cause imbalance in the force applied to both feet.

Tian Yong Qiang and Cao Wan Nian sympathised with each other. Why did he only start killing them now, with Qian Zhi Yang as his first victim? Because Cao Wan Nian realised that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t bring back to life the people he loved.

[Family Member: Lin Ya Xin, Wife, Deceased] [Cao Qing, Daughter, 17 years old] So, killing these types of criminals helped them to eliminate their feelings of incompetence. Liang Yan Dong and the police are suspecting us now. But it’s okay, they can’t find any evidence. I’ve got nothing left.

My life ended a long time ago after Xu left me. But you still have a daughter. I’ve never thought that I would implicate you in the end. Go now. Take care. This isn’t vigilante justice. If we delve into it, their motive is the same as serial killers. The only difference is

Neither of them is an evil person born without a sense of guilt. Rather, it is the tragedy they have gone through and the despair over an unjust justice system that turned them into monsters like this. You’re saying that Cao Wan Nian’s family member was raped too? Hello, Yu. Ren Fei,

I found the police report from another precinct. Cao Wan Nian’s wife killed herself two months ago. [Police Report] [Caller: Cao Qing, Case: Suicide, Time: 2021-8-20, 6:44 p.m.] His daughter Cao Qing was the one who called the police. They didn’t hold an open funeral. I looked through her medical records.

[Xin An Tian Clinic] [Classification of Illness: Depression] I found that she had been seeing a psychiatrist. What was her illness? [Severe depression, it kept relapsing.] [It looks like she had been suffering from it for many years.] Any records of her being sexually abused? Okay, I got it. It’s his wife.

[Boss wants to see you.] Leaving now, Chief? Where is Cao Wan Nian? He’s on leave. Officer. Officer, what are you doing? Officer. Officer. He’s just on leave. He’s not a criminal. He has this right, no? Officer, enough! I’m working on a case! [Donglin Jail Item Confiscation List] [During that spot check that day,]

[you lost something, didn’t you?] [Which day?] [The day the power went out.] [That morning when you went to help with the police investigation.] The pen. Liang Yan Dong. Qing, go pack your stuff. Now. What are you doing? Why do I need to pack my stuff? Just go pack it.

We need to leave for a while. What about your work? I asked for leave. But I still have school. Stop asking about school! Just do as I say! I’ve applied for leave for you at school. What’s going on? You can talk to me. We will figure something out together.

We’ll leave in 20 minutes. You mustn’t bring your phone. Hello, Yu. [Hello, Ren Fei.] [The forensic report shows that] [the stain on Cao Wan Nian’s ID card] [matches the ink] [of the pen that killed Mu Ya Yan.] Okay, I got it. [I’ll notify Captain.] Thank you again. Sure. [Cao Wan Nian.]

[I’m an officer from Changrong Branch. Please cooperate with the investigation.] Cao Wan Nian. Cao Wan Nian! [Cao Qing] [Studying in Da Xin High School] [The dismemberment case of pregnant women that terrorizes the public.] [After two months of investigation,] [there is now a breakthrough on the case.] [The police has now] [identified the suspect.]

[A female named Zhang Yi Fan.] [However, when they were catching her,] [they accidentally let her escape.] [The police have released the relevant information,] [including the suspect’s appearance,] [for the public to identify her.] [And the woman named Qin, who was previously listed as a suspect…]

You’ve only been in for a short time, and so many people have died. You’re such a jinx. I want to know about 2887. 2887? Aren’t you supposed to ask the reason why 7222 wanted to kill you? About 2887’s murder, did you hear anything? 2887 had been pissing off inmates,

It’s no surprise that that happened. So you didn’t hear anything. He was just a son of a rich guy. His family is wealthy. But I never saw anyone visit him. Do you know what his family does? I heard his family owns a hospital. Who knows if it’s true or not? Hospital.

Mr Huang Guo Rong. -Yes. -Your turn. Nurse, excuse me. Hi, I am… [Front Media, Ji Si Qi] Sorry, our hospital staff is not allowed to accept interviews. I know, but can I just ask a few simple questions? Please, so that I can bring something back. What’s your impression of Doctor Zhang Yi Fan?

She is very patient with mothers and newborns. [She was in surgical department before.] [Surgical department?] [Do you know why] [she was transferred to Ob and Gyn then?] [I don’t know.] [How long has she been working here?] [About four or five months.] [Do you know why she resigned?]

[I really don’t know much about that. Sorry.] [Zhang Yi Fan, Lu Zhen Sheng Memorial Hospital] [Patient died of transplant rejection after surgery] [Hot-blooded lawyer negotiates with hospital] [Surgeon surnamed Zhang performed surgery for the man surnamed Chen] [resulting in heart failure.] [Lawyer Liang Yan Dong,]

[volunteers to represent Chen’s wife, Wu Yu Xin, in the lawsuit] You guys stay here to protect Qin Jia Xin. If anything happens, I’ll send backup immediately. -Copy that. -Captain Tan. Take him to the car first. Isn’t this the former famous Northwest Super Cop? I heard that he’s waiting to retire in Changrong Branch.

What is this? Bringing your people to investigate a case in my Xiya District? Are you getting so old that you’ve lost your mind? We are working on Changrong’s case. It’s just that our witness is admitted to this hospital. You’re not talking about the dismemberment case that you can’t solve, are you?

If Changrong is incompetent, we, Xiya, are more than willing to take over the case. Captain Liao, our Changrong branch sees merits as something unimportant. -Oh. -We regard our case as true love. Once we start dating, no one can come between us. And you don’t look like a paramour. Are you implying that

Our precinct is trying to snatch your case? Can you shut up? Xiao Ming, we’re in a hospital. Sorry, we still have work to do. We have to go now. Good luck in solving the case soon. Yeah. Even Captain Tan has come here personally. Maybe

The killer of the dismemberment case will show up soon. Stay here and keep an eye on the place. I’ll gain some understanding about the dismemberment case. Yes, Captain. Is his bowel movement normal? He has pooped twice so far. All normal. You’ll need to feed him some milk later. Okay. Let’s have milk.

Mr Su. Go in first. What do you want? I’d like to let you know that I have transferred all the other patients inside. I’ll ask my men to protect you. It’s safer this way. We don’t need so many people in there. Or are you here to monitor us?

The killer is still on the loose. We are worried that you and Mrs Su could be in danger. Can I go in now? We won’t disturb you. Keep watching. [Donglin City Da Xin Private High School] Where are you going? I’m going to buy some food for Cao Qing. Be careful.

-I have to go now. -Bye bye. Sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled at you yesterday. When are you going to talk to me then? Give me some time. After I take care of everything, I will… Where are you going? I’m hungry. Qing, I’ll tell you when you get back. Don’t take too long. Hi.

Why are you here? I don’t know. My dad said we had to come here. -Come on. -But I don’t know what I want to eat. I’ll pick for you. Hello. -[Hello, Senior.] -What do you want? [I found Cao Wan Nian’s daughter.] [At Section 1, Ding Yi Road.] [Around Gui Du Hotel.]

Keep following. I’ll be right over. Okay, don’t lose her. I got it. Cao Qing? Hello. I need an ambulance. Yes, at Section 1, Ding Yi Road. Around Gui Du Hotel. I need an ambulance. Now! Hello, Senior. Something happened. Cao Wan Nian jumped from a building. We’ll talk after you calm down.

Take your time. Here. [Neither of them is] [an evil person born without a sense of guilt.] -Rather, it is the tragedy they have gone through] [and their despair over an unjust justice system] [that turned them] [into monsters like this.] [Indictment by Donglin District Court Prosecutor’s Office] [Defendant: Liang Yan Dong] Mr Su,

Have you found Wu Yu Xin? Her friends, relatives, her landlord, I’ve asked everyone I could find. It’s like that she just vanished. Just disappeared suddenly. Let me ask you, other than Wu Yu Xin, do you have other witnesses? No. Mr Liang, let me put it this way. If you were a judge,

With evidence like this, would you acquit yourself? Take a look at it carefully. Your trial is near. I’ll stress it with you one last time. This is our last chance. If you plead guilty now, I’m confident that I can reduce your sentence. Think it over. [Sir, the dog in the cage]

[won’t bark anymore.] Liang Yan Dong, he should have been a good lawyer that helps the poor and the weak, but unfortunately, he strayed off the path. It’s your turn to do something for me. I envy them, I’m jealous of them all. I didn’t want to have children, anyway.

Officer, that person in the back doesn’t seem to be our doctor. -Zhang Yi Fan! -Doctor Su! Zhang Yi Fan, don’t do anything stupid! I just want my baby back! Wake up! It’s not your baby! Mr Su! -Shut up! -Calm down!