【FULL】A Love For Dilemma EP15 | 小舍得 | Song Jia 宋佳, David Tong 佟大为, Rulu Jiang 蒋欣, Jean 李佳航 | iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [A Love for Dilemma] [Sponsored by Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation] [Culture & Art Salon] [Episode 15] Well. What does this have to do with Xia Huan Huan’s parents? Are they related? They’re not that close. They’re just busybodies. She’s so ungrateful and rude like the dog who bites a kind-hearted man.

It’s like the story of the Farmer and the Viper, and The Wolf of Zhongshan. Alright, it sounds like a zoo now. Well, I was offering my help with good intentions, Not only she didn’t thank me, but she even turned on me! How could she?

Didn’t you say it earlier? They said that behind your back. Of course they wouldn’t say those in front of you. Who doesn’t talk about others behind their backs? Who doesn’t get talked about behind their own backs? What others said behind your back is always their true words.

You just need to know that you’re doing the right thing. If I were you, I would do the same too. But I really didn’t expect Zhong Yi to treat Zi You like that. I overheard their conversation earlier. It should be roughly accurate. Even if I misheard anything, there’s still Cai Ju Ying.

He’s quite stubborn, but he’s still a bright person. How could he treat his students in that way? Never judge a book by its cover. Fortunately, Huan Huan isn’t in his class. I’ve offered my help in this matter. Gosh, I’m so furious. Alright, don’t be upset. Here, lean against this. What are you doing?

QQ Music, play. Plus the Xia style massage. Are you feeling better now? What are you doing? Stop messing around. Aren’t you going to play basketball? You should go now. I’ll fetch Huan Huan later. It’s rare to have only the two of us at home. We should take this opportunity to… Stop it.

Gosh, I don’t have the mood. What are you thinking about? I mean that I want to give you a massage. Come on. I’m going to start. Why are you so annoying? Gosh. Hurry up, massage properly. Alright, I’ll give you a proper massage. Relax your shoulders.

Your shoulders have even gotten stiff because you’re upset. Don’t be upset. It’s not worth it. That’s right. Li Li seldom loses her temper, but she always gets fired up when she encounters your wife. What’s her reaction when she got back? I went out for swimming this morning. I still haven’t seen her yet.

If she didn’t contact you, that means it’s nothing major. Will that be a misunderstanding? Supposedly, there’s no reason for Zhong Yi to treat his students harshly. Which student? Zi You? Didn’t you know about it? I don’t know. What happened, brother? Where is your mum? She went to the supermarket.

She said she will be back soon. Zi You, I want to ask you something. Did Mr. Zhong scold you today? He has only scolded you once, or he has been scolding you often? After Mr. Zhong joined Ze Shu, his temper got worse. He’ll lose his temper frequently and scold us. Well,

Did he scold you alone, or did he scold the whole class? I think that Mr. Zhong doesn’t like me anymore. He said that according to his standards, I can never make it into the Elite Class. He never scolds Mi Tao. I think that Mr. Zhong is upset with me. Because mum… Listen.

The teacher holds grudges against the parent and takes revenge on the children. Did you know about this? What a fuss. It’s not that critical. Isn’t this critical enough? It might turn into bullying in class! Mr. Zhong is a responsible teacher. Ever since Zi You joined the Elite Class, his improvement is evident.

His academics are good. The teacher was just lecturing him, it’s not a big deal. We even got hit by teachers when we were young back then. Mum, I really don’t want to join Mr. Zhong’s class anymore. Can I change to a new teacher? What are you talking about?

It wasn’t easy for you to enter the Elite Class. How can you simply change it? If the teacher is going too far, we must do something about it too. It’s not a big deal. He’s just in a bad mood and sometimes talked in anger. I’ve heard it all. It’s nothing. You heard it?

You knew about this all along? Can you tell me the truth now? Is the pigs flying? You’re usually unconcerned about Zi You’s matters. What is it? Are you trying to act like Xia Jun Shan? Even Nan Li couldn’t stand this. This matter isn’t that simple. She’s so busybody. I need to cook now.

If you don’t tell me the truth, I’ll get the CCTV footage from Ze Shu. It isn’t easy to get Ze Shu’s CCTV footage. I’ll ask for my parents’ help then. This couldn’t possibly be harder than getting into the Elite Class. Can you stop acting like a kid?

So, you do know that it’s hard to get into the Elite Class. I’m his father. At least I should know what happened to my son in Ze Shu. Now you know that you’re his dad? Actually, it’s not that major. Nan Li is just trying to make things worse.

She wants us to stick our heads out. [Are you a Stone Lion? Will you only budge when you’re kicked at?] [You can’t even remember after I’ve countlessly repeated this.] [What’s in your brain? Cement? Wood?] [Even a piece of wood can understand.] [Am I going to waste my time on you everyday?]

[Are you dumb?] [Why are you here? Haven’t you got a brain?] [I have to waste my time on you everyday. Check your calculations!] [45 minutes for nine students.] [Do you still want to join this class?] [If you don’t, leave as soon as possible.]

I’ve put in so much effort so as to get him into the Elite Class. How could that teacher say such things to his student? Stone Lion? He needs to be kicked at? Cement in his brain? How could he say such things to a student? You’ve heard all these too? What’s this?

[Unit 3 Mock Test] Why are you showing me this? Look. No pain, no gain. The rest are not important. Our child’s academics is the only priority here. It can be seen and touched. How is this unimportant? Your son has been scolded by others. He was humiliated in public. You call this unimportant?

It’s not that serious. How is this a humiliation in public? Haven’t you got scolded when you’re young too? This isn’t serious? Isn’t this humiliation? I realise that your mind is all about getting good academics, famous school and being successful now. You’ve never thought about whether our son can take this or not.

Compared to our son’s future, this mere adversity can be brushed off. Tian Yu Lan. I always know that you’re mad, but I never expect you to be this mad. You never bothered about our son’s academics too, can you not knock us back with your so-called solicitude now? She failed twice?

This is just a classroom test. Huan Huan. Have you thought about the reason? I can’t understand what Mr. Chen was teaching about. You can’t understand? Why can’t you understand? Tell us in detail. The Math Olympiad is too difficult. I’ve tried my best to focus. I really did. But I can’t understand anything.

Huan Huan, don’t worry. I’ll talk to Mr. Chen tomorrow. We’ll find out about the problem. Finish your homework first. Take a look at other things. Okay. This doesn’t seem right. We tried so hard to get her into the tuition centre so as to reduce her stress. But isn’t the situation worse now?

That’s right. Have you talked to Mr. Chen previously? How’s he like? I’ve only greeted him when I was picking up Huan Huan. I don’t really know him. Well, Ze Shu allows parents to sit in on classes. Later, I’ll register to sit in on two classes. This is the most direct way.

Then I’ll fetch Chao Chao over. My mum is having a backache recently, we shouldn’t bother her with Chao Chao. I’ll accompany Huan Huan. We’re all stressed, she must be feeling even more upset. Go on. Comfort her. Come back earlier. Twelve times three equals to 36 hours.

So, when car A arrived at point B, it returned in moderate speed. We can calculate the time taken. 36 minus 4 hours of the drive equals 32 hours. Can you see the inverse proportion between the time taken and the speed? That is 4 divided by 32, equals to 0.125 times.

The return speed of car A is 0.125 times its original speed. Do you understand now? Good. Now, let’s have a ten minutes break. You can drink your water. Huan Huan, drink some water. Have some fruits then. I’ll leave it here. You can eat whenever you want. Good day, madam. Hello.

I’m not sure if I’m slow, but why do I think that Mr. Chen is teaching too quickly? I can’t understand some of the points. Is this your first time here? Well, that’s normal then. Mr. Chen’s style is crude and straightforward. He always teaches the problem-solving tactics directly. And he only says it once.

You must note it down. Is he always like this? Actually, he’s not the only one, almost every teacher in Ze Shu teaches this way. They will start doing an extensive amount of exercises soon. Actually, they are starting this now. How can this be?

Won’t the students only know the hows but not the whys? But their improvement is evident. You’re right too. Especially in the first two weeks, they will improve greatly. Yes. Of course. When they first started, their results will slightly improve for the moment.

As the tuition centre has to let the parents taste the benefits. The parents need to see the results. So, they will help the children to mug up on their studies as if they are doped up. After the influence faded, they won’t be able to catch up. Mr. Chen is here. It’s okay. Hello.

Nice to meet you, Mr. Chen. Are you Xia Huan Huan’s parent? Yes. Have a seat. Thank you. How may I help you? Mr. Chen, well. I would like to discuss about my daughter’s situation with you. Huan Huan told us that

She can’t understand many points in class and it’s hard for her to catch up. Hence, I would like to talk to you about this. It’s normal that a student couldn’t catch up. As our Contest Prep Class’s teaching progress is relatively quick. Okay. But after I’ve sat in on the class,

I think that it isn’t good to explain the question once to rush the progress and give the answers directly. The students will not think… This needs basics. Well, you said that your child can’t understand, but the others can understand after I’ve explained it once. You need to reflect on yourself.

But since this is an extracurricular tuition class, shouldn’t you take into account each student’s specialty? How can I do that? Everyone’s time is precious. I can’t possibly drag the progress of the whole class due to your child. Don’t you agree? Okay, if you really think that it’s too tough,

I suggest that you register for the Improvement Class. Well, girls are normally weak in the science subjects. They’ll normally experience a descend when they’re in high school. What does this have to do with gender? We all know that the normal learning methods for children are constant repetition and consolidation.

If you only explain once and ask them to do an extensive amount of exercises, isn’t this spoon-feeding? I’m the teacher here. You can’t simply say that it’s spoon-feeding. But… Well, you’re the teacher. Listen, the way we teach is all the same. Your daughter isn’t clever enough and has a slow response.

It’s not my problem. Mr. Chen. You’re the teacher. My daughter respects you. It isn’t appropriate for you to say such words in front of her. Listen, some kids are gifted but some are not. You should accept the fact. If this is your teaching principle, why are you here, misleading the children?

You should go and feed the pigs instead. What did you say? I’m saying that you’re misleading the children, and you should go and feed the pigs. How dare you! Why can’t I criticise you? Move aside, Huan Huan. Today, I will… Dad. Stop fighting. Why are they fighting? Look. Why are they fighting? Look.

Dad! Your daughter isn’t worthy to attend Ze Shu. Dad! Dad, please stop fighting. Dad! Dad, please stop fighting. Dad. Mr. Xia. Well, can you allow him to leave for lesson preparation? Come in my office and have a cup of tea, we’ll talk it through, what do you think? I’m not going anywhere.

I’ll sit here and wait for the police. Mr. Chen. We’re all working in the education field. we’re considered as intellectuals too. Why did you fight like a young lad? Don’t put the blame on the young lads. Nowadays, young lads are civilised. They won’t even drive through a red light.

It’s my first time seeing someone who came to grips after an exchange of hot words. Excuse me. Are you hurt? I’m alright. You’re scared, right? Who started the fight? He said that I’m misleading the students and I should go and feed the pigs. Isn’t it obvious enough that you’re misleading the students?

No qualified teacher will maliciously belittle their own student. Not to mention right in front of them. Mr. Chen. My daughter told me everything on the phone. You might not understand our feelings as a parent as you’re unmarried. My husband rarely loses his temper. But even someone with the best temper

Would not tolerate others to belittle their children. This is the way it should be. it’s the nature of parents. Yes. This is our fault. We did wrong too. Anyway, it’s not right to fight. Yes. So, we should resolve this matter peacefully, right? Mr. Chen, as a parent,

I still want to express my confusion. You should be a graduate of a professional Normal University. You should know about the basic child psychology and care for them. Unless you didn’t have a teacher certification at all. That’s impossible! Ze Shu is a certified organisation. We recruit every teacher from rightful channels.

We have all the licence. You can’t simply say such things. Is that so? Personally, I think that a straw will show which way the wind blows. This matter itself reflects on deeper issues. Manager Cui. Indeed, Ze Shu is the leading enteprise in this field.

But if you only depend on the grades to attract parents, treat the children by spoon-feeding, introducing to the law of the jungle and dismiss their mental health, it simply will not do. What are children? Children aren’t some products from line production. They are humans.

Each of them is the sweetheart of their family and parents. Yes, she’s right. My husband is honest and he states his opinion openly. Other parents keep quiet but that doesn’t mean that they are okay with this. You should know about this too, right? Mr. Chen. I’m sorry. Stand up.

I’m sorry, I acted impetuously. Me too. I would like to apologise to you. I’m truly sorry. I can forget about the fight earlier, but I think that you owe my daughter an explanation. Huan Huan, I didn’t mean those words. What I’ve said is wrong. I’m sorry. It’s okay, Mr. Chen.

I’m not angry with you anymore. Good girl. Mr. Xia Jun Shan. I’m married to you for over a decade, but I’ve never seen you flush with anyone. You’re really way to go today. You even had a fight today. Well. Anything is acceptable between adults. But he can’t say such things to a child.

How could I tolerate that? Xia Huan Huan. Listen, don’t you act like your dad on this issue. No matter what, it’s wrong to fight. But I love dad even more now. Oh, my sweet darling. I’ll protect you forever. You are so gross. I can’t stand this anymore. You’re jealous of your daughter?

How could you? Look, Mr. Xia is quite good-looking on camera. Although his hair was messy, he looks good in a pitiful way. He’s so manly. I really can’t stand die-hard fans like you. What would you know? By the way, is the mentioned tuition centre referring to Ze Shu?

I heard that his daughter is attending Ze Shu’s tuition classes. Yes, it’s Ze Shu. It’s one of the trending searches now. Ze Shu bullies their student. Mr. Xia is really outstanding. Of course he is. That’s his precious daughter. The apple of his eye. Boss, let me help you. Alright, thank you. What’s wrong?

Is there rice on my face? Boss, you’re so mighty. Well, this is a fact, but why the sudden confession? This… [TikTok Trending Topic] It has so many views? [He looks educated and urbane, but he turns out to be someone like this.] [Someone who harms the children.] [How can he be a teacher?]

[How can we trust our children to them?] [Previously, there’s a teacher, Mr. Zhong, who always humiliate the students too.] [The parents have been filing numerous complaints about him.] This Mr. Zhong has quite some dark secrets. [Mr. Zhong violated the rules by having tuition classes outside.] [He was dismissed by Feng Fan Primary School.]

[In this modern era, how dare they still treat the children like that?] [That’s too over.] Chang Hao Ran. Please slow down. Run slower. Hello. Yes, Mrs. Wang. I didn’t see it. Why? Alright. Are you changing your persona? Don’t you want to be an elegant lady? How are you doing? Me?

How are you doing? Are you tired? Did you read my message? Yes. But I’m not in the school today. I have no idea about this too. Why are you so calm? What is there to worry about? Manager Cui is the one who should be worried. Besides, Mr. Chen is really good.

He even infuriated my senior, who’s a modest gentleman. That’s really a wonder. What are you talking about? I’m talking about the comments. Beneath the post, many people commented that the Elite Class teacher has been scolding his students. That isn’t you, right? Exaggeration. Exaggeration. Everything on the Internet is exaggerated.

I was just criticising Yan Zi You for a while. Even Yan Zi You’s mother, who is really fussy, said nothing about it. The rest are just passersby, watching the fun. Zi You’s mother said nothing? She said nothing. It’s nothing. Don’t you worry. Have a guess on what I’m cooking for dinner tonight?

Mao Xue Wang. You’re right. You should cook the rice now. Or else, we’ll have no rice to eat. I want it softer. Zi You, can you please hurry up? You’re going to be late. What’s wrong with you? -You make me anxious every day. -Aunt. Have you had your breakfast yet? No.

Please take this. Thank you, Aunt. Thank you. I was going to take him to somewhere near Ze Shu for breakfast. I’m not a busybody. But since I see it, I can’t just keep my eyes shut. The post on the Internet is viral. You saw it too, right? Why is the public infuriated?

Because that’s the most normal reaction as a parent. Have a good class. Hello, this is Ze Shu. Yes. Yes, I’m the person in charge. Yes. [Treat the children by spoon-feeding, introducing to the law of the jungle] [and dismiss their mental health, it simply will not do.]

I look really fat on camera. It enlarged my face. No one cares about that. They are all appealed by your impassioned speech. I really didn’t expect this to have such a big influence. The dissemination of information on social media is really mind-blowing.

Looks like Ze Shu has irritated quite a number of people as well. But the topic of discussion seems to be deviated. What is it? Zhong Yi and Auntie Cai, and you too. The one with you present. That video was posted online too. Besides, its views are getting higher than mine.

Zhong Yi’s resume and his dismissal by Feng Fan were made known to all. He was flesh searched? There’s no secret in this world of data. Everyone is running naked. But it was about me and Mr. Chen, why did it diverge to Zhong Yi? The characteristic is the same.

It’s still about the teacher saying rude things to the student. This morning, I met Tian Yu Lan and Zi You on their way to Ze Shu. Zi You is really polite. He will always greet me when we meet. The more obedient the child is, the more you shouldn’t force him.

He used to be a decent child, now he’s forced into a timid child. She’s his mother, how can she bear it? Yes, I’ve met him for a few times at Ze Shu too. He has gotten quieter and he seldom smiles now. I want to discuss it with you too.

At this point, if we continue to join Mr. Chen’s class, it’ll be really awkward. Besides, Ze Shu’s teaching method isn’t suitable for Huan Huan. Should we leave? But… Did you forget how much effort that we’ve put in to get her in? Yes. But why did we do that in the first place?

We send Huan Huan to tuition centre as we’re afraid that she might be unable to catch up in her class. That was to prevent her from feeling devastated. But in the end, not only Ze Shu fails to motivate her positively, it causes her to feel defeated instead.

Why should we still do this then? You should think about it. Well, since this isn’t urgent too. I’ll consider this again as well. What’s wrong? Nothing. Your legs are numb, right? You’re so annoying. Come on, it’s better to end it quickly. You’re dead. Stop it. You’re so done. Why aren’t you asleep yet?

I’ll sleep first. Yan Peng, what’s the matter with you? Are you giving me the silent treatment now? Your son is acting just like you. He has been acting cold to me. I’ve worked so hard every day, am I indebted to the two of you? Did you see the post on the Internet?

I don’t want to say it, but Ze Shu is really problematic. So what? So what? You sound like you’re quite proud and happy with this. Ze Shu did bully their students. Zi You was being bullied. It proves that you’re right and I’m wrong. What then?

Curricular classes aren’t enough to get into Han Lin. He still needs to attend tuition classes. Among the training institutions, Ze Shu is the best. If Ze Shu is kicked out, can you find a better tuition centre and a better class than the Elite Class? Han Lin again. Why must it be Han Lin?

Just to get into Han Lin, look what you’ve done to Zi You. When are you going to stop? You said a lot, but it all boils down to this. That’s what I hate most about you. I’m wrong about everything. Provide me a solution then. You don’t have one.

Aside from accusing me, you did nothing. You live off your dad. Zi You isn’t that lucky. He doesn’t have a dad to live off. He can only depend on himself. [According to informed sources, Mr. Zhong may get fired.] Mum. Can I bring my shark and little plane?

You can bring the little plane, but not the shark, alright? That’s too huge. Just the little plane, okay? Good boy. I’ll fetch the sun hat. Bring the jackets that I’ve just bought for them. They can change into it when we take pictures. -Alright. -Mum! Yes? I really want to bring this.

What is it? This. It’s inconvenient to bring this out. But I still want to bring this. Do you really want to bring this? Okay then. Yay! Look, are the clothes pretty? Do you like it? It looks fine. This is so beautiful. And it’s Disney. Yes. Pack it up. Okay. Alright. Let’s go.

Departing to our destination, Forest Park. -Go, go, go! -Go, go, go! Go, go, go. Let’s go picnic. Fasten your seat belts. Is this your original appeal? Isn’t Mr. Zhong his junior? Nan Li. You offered your help on my son’s matter as you couldn’t stand the injustice. I’m really grateful.

But this has gone too far. Why? What’s the matter with Zhong Yi? Mr. Zhong is going to get dismissed. Why is that so? It’s viral in our Elite Class group chat. It’s from an insider of Ze Shu. The matter between you and Mr. Chen is viral on the Internet.

Even authorities from the Ministry of Education called Ze Shu for that. And they stressed on the case of Mr. Zhong bullying students. Ze Shu can’t handle it anymore. They can only dismiss Mr. Zhong as a sincere apology to you. But we need no apology. We’ve made up with Mr. Chen.

But this matter has gone viral. Even if you’re letting this go, there are public opinions and authorities. Ze Shu wants to keep their business, hence they have to dismiss both Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhong. Zhong Yi isn’t answering. Call Ms. Zhang. They should be together.

Now, we must contact him as soon as possible. His attitude is the key. As long as he apologises, maybe the Elite Class can be saved. If he’s someone like that, he wouldn’t have left Feng Fan back then. Huan Huan, Chao Chao. Seems like we can’t go to the park today.

I’ll send you to your Grandma. I’m really sorry. It’s okay. Ms. Zhang, over here. I’m really sorry. There was a traffic jam. Never mind. We ask you out suddenly too. What do you want to drink? Why isn’t Mr. Zhong here too? He told me that he’s arriving soon.

He takes a longer time as he’s taking the bus. Mrs. Yan. I saw the news on the Internet too. Why did they say that Zhong Yi is bullying Zi You? What really happened? It’s all in the past now. He’s a teacher and he’s being strict with his student. I can understand that.

Don’t believe in those nonsense on the Internet. Actually, I’m meeting you to discuss this. We really didn’t expect that Mr. Chen’s issue will affect Mr. Zhong. So, we want to discuss on how we can minimise the damage. Yes, that’s right. Thank you so much. Although Zhong Yi’s actions are sometimes extreme,

He has his dreams. When we were in the university, we both aspired to be a good teacher. Hence, he has a quick temper and once he’s impatient, he’ll use the wrong way. Over here. Have your seat. What do you want to drink?

Mr. Zhong, we heard about the news and we are worried about you. So, we figure that maybe we can think of a solution together. News? Previously, we had a conflict with Mr. Chen. Actually, this event had passed, but I didn’t expect that it’ll affect you.

I feel really apologetic, hence I think that we can… It didn’t affect me. How did it affect me? I… We heard that Ze Shu is unable to withstand the pressure of public opinion and they are going to dismiss you. Where did you hear that from? Ze Shu is going to dismiss me?

I’m the one involved, yet I heard nothing. Instead, you know about it first. Isn’t this a groundless accusation? Well. It would be best if it didn’t affect you. We’re just too worried and lose our judgment. Thank you. By the way, during his conflict with Mr. Chen, he didn’t mention you. Yes.

There are videos on the Internet, you should be able to watch it. Including myself. I’m just pointing at the issue, not the person. What do you want to drink? We’ll leave first. I still have classes. I’m sorry, senior. I’ll get going too. Goodbye. See you later. Maybe he’s really not affected.

I’m not sure about that, but it’s obvious that he didn’t appreciate our help at all. I’m afraid that your junior isn’t the junior you know anymore.