【FULL】The Rebel EP01 | 叛逆者 |Zhu Yilong朱一龙, Tong Yao童瑶, Wang Zhiwen王志文, Wang Yang王阳, Zhu Zhu朱珠| iQiyi

[English subtitles are available] [The Rebel] [Episode 1] [1936, Summer, Shanghai] [Secret Service of Nationalist Party’s Reconstruction Society, Shanghai] [Station Chief, he confessed everything.] The man we need to arrest is a liaison of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee named Wang Zhi. This man has a lot of Intel on the underground party in Shanghai.

He’s hiding in No. 39, Bansongyuan Road. What else did he say? That commie couldn’t handle it. He died. He might know the address of the Communist Party in Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee. They went too far on him. Do not disclose his information to anyone else. Let’s go. Yes. Hello. Who is it?

It’s me, Mu. What’s going on? We have an emergency. The liaison station in West Shanghai has been busted by the enemy. Our liaison has betrayed us during the interrogation. The enemy could show up any minute. You’ve got to move immediately. But… No but. We don’t have much time. Destroy the documents now.

Hurry up. We must get you out of town before dawn. Where am I going? Your first stop is Xinyang. Xinyang? Don’t worry, our comrade will meet you there. It’s all arranged. Time’s running out. Pack up your stuff now. Yes. Station Chief, he got away. Station Chief. We’re too late.

It’s likely that he escaped by jumping out the window. His bed is still warm. And he got away again. How many times has this happened? This must be a designed… A designed escape route. Yes. [Special Training Program of Nationalist Party’s Reconstruction Society, Nanjing] Hold on. Report! How may I help you? Sir,

I’m here to replace the newspapers. Go on. Yes, sir. [Nanjing News, Jinling Times] [Shanghai News] Why did you change their positions? Sir. The Young Companion and Shanghai News have a larger circulation, but I found that there are more people in our area read Jinling Times and Nanjing News.

That’s why I put these two papers on the top row, make it easy for everyone to take it. When you’re done, bring me a newspaper. Yes, sir. Sir, here’s your newspaper. [Shanghai News] Didn’t you just say that more people read Jinling Times and Nanjing News? Why did you give me Shanghai News? Sir,

I assume that you are from Shanghai. Thank you. I’m good here. You may leave. Yes, sir. Mr Bai. Station Chief, here’s the information for all the candidates who gained first place in each assessment. Thank you. First place? No, no. These assessments are too simple. These assessments are

The most basic qualities of an agent. You said it yourself, these are just basic qualities. So they are nowhere close to being a real agent. Did you reveal to anyone the purpose of my visit? It’s completely confidential. Is that young man from just now included here? You mean Lin?

His name is Lin Nan Sheng, he joined the special training program right after his graduation from Normal University. He said he wanted to serve the country by joining military. He has no military experience. The result of his intelligence studies is better than his military studies. The result of his intelligence studies

Is better than his military studies. Station Chief Chen, where are you going to? Xiaolingwei. Xiaolingwei is over 10 kilometres from here. Why are they carrying out a surprise assessment without telling us anything first? No idea. Who is that in the car? He made such a big entrance. Looks like he’s big shot.

Stop chattering, this is an assessment. Keep up! Keep up! Keep up! Stop watching, fix the car. Faster! Faster! What are you doing? How are you doing? How are you holding up? I got this. This is an assessment, don’t mind me. Keep running. Go. Report! Report! Good job. A lot faster than before.

No, I’m still too slow. I’m warning you, don’t you dare turn around and wait for me next time. Fall in! Come on. Come on, we should get into line. Come on. Fall in! Let’s get into line. Let’s go. Attention! The assessment will now begin. Why has it only just begun?

What about that assessment just now? Yes. What did you see on the way here? Sir, I saw a GMC military truck, its number plate is 2038. Anything else? Sir, there are 15 soldiers around the car. One of the soldiers is wounded in the left hand and is wearing a bandage. Is there more?

Their collar badges are pink. There should be 15 gendarmes. You. What did you see? Sir, there are indeed 15 soldiers, but not all of them are gendarmes. One of the soldiers has a red collar badge. He is an infantry. You are right. That man is an infantry indeed.

You guys were running just now, despite being constrained by viewing distance and observation time, you are still able to notice all that, that’s not bad. One more thing, you. How did you know I’m from Shanghai? The brand of internal vehicle used by Nanjing Secret Service is Buick,

But your car is a different brand. So I speculated that you’re from Shanghai. You were running so fast just now, yet you could still observe so closely. Nan Sheng. Report! Enter. I’m trainee, Lin Nan Sheng. I have been ordered to report to Station Chief Chen. Will you come with me to Shanghai?

I am willing to serve you, sir. I pledge my allegiance to the party and the country. But why me? You have no confidence in yourself? No. It’s just that my overall performance isn’t the best among my mates. Zuo Qiu Ming was the first to arrive at the destination today.

He is at the first place in the overall ranking. I don’t really care about the rankings. Your ability to observe, analyse and judge, these are the things I value most. Let me ask you a question. After graduating from Normal University, why did you apply to join special training program?

When I was studying in Normal University, I was convinced that education, in the long run, it is enough to change the mindset of a generation, it is also a way to save the country, but at the moment, our country is facing foreign invasion. And joining the army is the most direct way

To serve the country. And I hope that I can find a path that’s more suitable for me. Trainees like you have taken oath before entering the special training program. Do you know the meaning of oath-taking? I do. Once I join, I have to be loyal for life. Once you take oath,

You’re not allowed to leave the party for any reason for the rest of your life, otherwise, you’ll be imposed the most severe punishment. I understand. One more thing. Your gun should never be pointed at one of your own. Unless he betrays his party and his country, he betrays his leader.

And the most effective way we deal with traitors and defectors is to give him one fatal shot. Sir, I’ll keep that in mind. I can’t hear you! Sir, I’ll keep that in mind! On behalf of the Secret Service of Reconstruction Society in Shanghai District, I welcome you. Sir,

I, trainee, Lin Nan Sheng, am ready to go. Sorry, sir. Please give me a minute. First Place, I heard you’ve been transferred to Shanghai. Congratulations. Actually, you’re better than me. But you’re a more suitable candidate than me. Hey, what’s the matter? I’m just wondering when we would see each other again.

A brief parting today is for a better meeting tomorrow, right? We’ll definitely meet again. I didn’t have much time, this is for you. As long as we’re on the same path, we’ll meet again eventually. Attention! Salute! Go now. I’ll see you off. Sorry, sir. Sorry to keep you waiting. Get in the car.

Yes, sir. Off you go. Yes, sir. [Train Station, Nanjing] I’m here. I’ve been waiting for you. Have you told him? What is it? I know a good place that we can go. [Exit] Thank you for your hard work, Section Chief Cao. Follow the man in front.

He’s been looking fishy all along the way. Yes, sir. Faster. Turn left up there, turn left. Cigarettes, cigarettes. Cigarettes on sale. Newspaper, newspaper on sale! Cigarettes, cigarettes. Cigarettes on sale. Newspaper, newspaper on sale! Newspaper, newspaper on sale! Mr Chen, it’s been a while. How’s business? We’re doing all right.

Fix him up with two suits. Okay. This way, please. Staff. Your waist, waist. Do you like the design? I do. My father had a similar suit, it was grey. But when he was alive, he was reluctant to wear it. In our line of work, you can’t be too standout,

But you can’t dress shabbily either. In a place like Shanghai, without a decent outfit, you won’t even be able to get in the front door of many places. I understand. [Yuan Xin Chang Tailor] Goodbye. The honours and results in the special training program, those are all in the past now.

This is the real battleground. Do your best. Your father will be pleased up there. Yes, sir. Station Chief. He’s a trainee I brought back from the special training program in Nanjing, Lin Nan Sheng. Allow me to introduce. Deputy Station Chief, Wang Shi An. Hello, Deputy Chief Wang. He looks smart indeed.

I’ve been waiting for your return. I have an important information to report. It’s fine, go ahead. The commie who escaped, the liaison of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Wang Zhi. He was caught by the inspection team of garrison command in Nanjing. Has his identity been confirmed? Yes. Good. Do whatever it takes

To bring the man back to me. Yes, sir. Also, the escort process must be kept confidential. Hand him over to me directly when he arrives at Shanghai. No one is to be told. Roger that, I’ll contact them now. Let’s go. Yes, sir. Station Chief Chen. Station Chief. Station Chief. Station Chief. Station Chief.

Station Chief, you’re back. In here, you take orders only from me. You don’t have to answer to anyone but me for the tasks you are entrusted to. And no one has the right to question you. When someone asks you about this, it proves that he wants to find out something

He is not entitled to know. Yes, sir. Enter. Station Chief, here’s his ID. 1911, as you requested. I got it, get on with your work. Yes, sir. [No. 9230] [National Government of the Republic of China] Station Chief, what is my exact mission in Shanghai? Hello, Mr Gu. Look how dirty your car is.

You went on another long trip? I went out for a field work. Old Huang, what cigarette are you smoking? I smoke 41 Cigarette. Want one? No, no. My friend has given me two packs of Camel. American smoke is too strong for me. I can’t handle it, I’ll give it to you.

This is a luxury… Let me, let me. Thank you, Mr Gu. [Nanjing News] You’re welcome. I’ll leave you alone. In 1934, there was a major leakage of information from our station. I have always suspected that the Communist Party had planted a mole inside us, but I haven’t been able to find any clues.

A few days ago, when we were arresting the liaison of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, Wang Zhi, he was alerted in advance and he escaped. [File Registration Form] He got away, but I found some clues. The people who have access to the core information in our station are the heads of sections

And departments, the chiefs of operations, the team leaders who are directly involved in the arrests, as well as these people. They are not of high rank, but they participated in the interrogations and knew the prisoners’ statements. As for these, they are the telephone operators and drivers in the station. They have the chance

To access to information as well. Anyway, I took all sorts of precautions to minimize the range of people who could have access to our information, especially this latest operation to arrest Wang Zhi. I took my men to his house as soon as possible, but the information still leaked.

Within a short time and small range, the ways to leak the information should be very limited. Is it possible that the information was leaked through the phone in the station? You are right. On that night, there was indeed a call made from our conference room. But it was to an Italian foreign firm.

Only foreigners work there. And they don’t work at night. It’s probably hooked up to an extension, it’s a total dead end. It seems that whoever leaked it was very cunning. The situation has made it even difficult for us to investigate. And the relationships behind are intertwined. If we are not careful enough,

We could easily spook him and fail. We can only investigate it in secret. Now you know what your mission is. I got it. Enter. You’re back, Station Chief. I just arrived. Please sign. Okay. You should’ve signed it before you left. Hello, sir. Hello. Done. All right. He just got transferred here?

I picked him myself. Starting today, he officially works at our station. Allow me to introduce. This is the director of our record office in Shanghai, Gu Shen Yan, Mr Gu. Mr Gu. You look nice, young man. Yes. Come work for me in record office. We are short of people there. He’s here to

Serve a great purpose. A great purpose? Yes. And what purpose is that? Our station has some trouble lately. What’s wrong? Several of our operations to capture the commie have failed. I think there is a spy of the Communist Party in our station. That’s why I transferred him here to…

Don’t tell me anything more. It will bring me trouble if I know more. What are you thinking about? If you are going to investigate, start from me. The earlier we can get this over with, the sooner I can be at peace. No way. He’s my classmate from Huangpu.

He also served as Minister He’s chief bodyguard. You can skip him. You are a superior now. You have to treat everyone equally. You could be a superior too. You didn’t take the credit when you had a chance, you’d rather work in the record office. Who can you blame but yourself?

Everyone has different aspirations. I’d better go. All right, all right. Hold on, hold on. Here you go. His profile, take it for filing. Which section does this young man belong to? There is no need to assign him to any section, he’s under my direct command. Copy that. Hello, Mr Gu. Hello.

Hello, Mr Gu. Hello. You think there’s something wrong with Mr Gu? Those photos you showed me just now, Mr Gu wasn’t in it. Good memory. You’ve made an acquaintance with Mr Gu now. Should I suspect him? It can’t be considered an acquaintance. I’ve seen him. But what you see is not always real.

He’s my comrade in arms. What if I believed him to be loyal? If one is absolutely loyal, one should not be afraid of being suspected. He is just a head of record office. Most of the information he deal with are outdated information. But through other ways, he can… Sorry, Station Chief.

Did I say too much? No. You’ve got a good point. Keep this in mind. You can never trust anyone completely. [File Registration Form, Gu Shen Yan] [Lin Nan Sheng] [1st place in the Academy of Intelligence Sciences in 1936] [The trainee has never been penalized in any way.] Hello.

I’d like to order a A New Account of the Tales of the World. Do you have the one published by Saoye Publishing House? The book you mentioned has been picked up by another gentleman. If you can wait, we can order another one for you. Station Chief. Station Chief. Station Chief.

Let me open your eyes. That’s the interrogation room. Interrogation room. These rooms are temporary holding cells. We are dealing with commies. Have you ever met a commie? No. They are all in there. They look like they are no different from ordinary people, don’t they? Don’t worry. The more you deal with them,

The easier you can spot them. And of course, some of them are really good at hiding themselves. And that’s a different story. Even if you see him every day, you might still not be able to tell. Station Chief. Still not confessing, are you? What’s this case? We don’t arrest you without reason.

Case No. 0037. The one at the liaison station. Yes. The prisoner insisted he was just passing through, but we determine that he is a liaison of the underground party. Has he confessed? Not yet. We’ve been interrogating him for two days. Are you going to come clean? Let’s check it out.

Are you going to come clean? Station Chief. Station Chief. You have to go through this sooner or later. Open your eyes. Lin Nan Sheng, this is an order. You’re seeing this for the first time in your life, aren’t you? There is a first time for everything. These agents weren’t born

Knowing how to do this either. You just got to get used to it. Station Chief, he’s just a child. But he’s an enemy first. What… What if he really… He really doesn’t know anything? Maybe he knows everything, he just chose not to say it. That’s why we went to such lengths

To interrogate him. Mark my words, unlike the enemy on the battlefield, the enemy we are facing now is trickier. They could be old people, woman or child, or even your friend or family. The next time you come in, you’ll get hands-on with the interrogation. Go out and get some fresh air.

Being sensitive is a good thing. It helps you to spot the truth. As for being soft-hearted, once you see more of this, once you bathe more in their bloods, it will harden your heart. Yes, sir.